Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 687: A boy in the mountains

Despite his young age, Potato is already a veteran.

He huddled behind a rock, reloaded the magazine, pulled the bolt, listened carefully, held his breath, and searched for all the moving animals in his field of vision with the corner of his eyes.

Under extreme tension, the human brain will secrete a substance called endorphin, which has a calming and analgesic effect six times that of morphine, and can even increase the agility and strength of the human body. To put it bluntly, it can stimulate the potential of the human body.

At that moment, Potato's hearing was far better than usual, and he even felt that he could hear the footsteps of his comrades running towards him a hundred meters away.

However, there was no other sound on the platform except the humming of the Japanese soldiers before they were on the verge of death, not even the heavy breathing.

This is unscientific and unwarlike.

Potato knew that his hiding place was not safe, and perhaps the remaining Japanese soldiers only needed a grenade to kill him.

Potato threw out the grenade again, and with a bang, he rolled out of his hiding area, and then knelt in a standard position with both hands holding the gun and pointing it forward.

This was not taught by the instructor, but was purely taught by the battlefield to this rookie who had never even had a standard rifle.

The fragments of the grenade explosion would make possible enemies dodge in a hurry, and the smoke caused by the explosion could cover the enemy's sight. Rolling could allow him to move to avoid the bullets fired by the enemy while reducing the surface of bullets.

Most importantly, Potato did not shoot blindly. A full magazine only had five bullets, especially in such a close combat situation. Perhaps he would only have the opportunity to fire one shot before being forced into hand-to-hand combat because of the Japanese bayonet.

He must ensure that the loaded bullets can allow him to solve a threat first, thereby increasing his chances of survival.

Even though Potato knew that with his current strength, it would be difficult to win against a Japanese soldier, but this did not mean that he would give up.

The cruel battlefield taught Potato far more practical skills than those on the training ground, and also shaped his strong will. Even if Tang Dao was here, he had to give a thumbs up to the almost standard tactical actions of his soldier.

But Potato did not face the cruel shooting, but was surprised to find that there was no one on the platform except seven bodies that were still trembling slightly and an overturned mountain cannon.

He walked forward carefully and found that the Japanese casualties were basically shrapnel injuries. The positions of his two grenades were perfect, and the Japanese were hiding too concentrated.

Perhaps it was because the platform itself was not large, and the Japanese probably didn't dream that someone would drop two grenades from the sky here.

"Damn it, it won't run so fast!" Potato, who still didn't dare to believe that he killed most of the Japanese infantry squad alone, muttered to himself while continuing to search along the platform with a gun vigilantly.

Then, he saw that there were still three Japanese soldiers hanging on the stone below the platform, still trembling and twitching, and they were about to die.

It wasn't his grenade that blew it up.

It was the shock wave of the grenade he threw at the mountain cannon to stop it from firing that blew it up.

The long recoil device behind the mountain cannon was like a big hammer, which directly swept the three Japanese soldiers standing behind it to the bottom of the platform.

Being hit by a big iron hammer and having broken bones and tendons was not fatal, but being caught off guard and falling several meters high and hitting the rocks directly, that fate was predictable.

Of course, compared to their companions who were directly killed by shrapnel and air waves, the Japanese soldiers who were hit and fell from a high altitude were a little luckier.

After all, they can still breathe, but his companions have lost the right to breathe.

Ten Japanese soldiers were killed just like that. At that moment, Potato, who counted the number of Japanese corpses, couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. He didn't feel any excitement for helping his brothers to avenge. Instead, he felt a kind of fatigue that surged up like a tide. If his nerves were not strong enough, what he wanted to do most now was to sit down, lean against the stone wall, and take a puff of cigarette.

He now understood why those veterans were addicted to smoking. At this time, only the nicotine in tobacco could relieve the huge fatigue that suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart.

And, it can also eliminate some of the peculiar smells that kept coming into the nose. It was not only the smell of blood, but also the strong stench that only slaughterhouses have.

Killing, even if it was revenge, would not be beautiful.

He was originally just a boy in the mountains.

But Potato didn't know that he was almost exhausted and exhausted, and the veteran Qin Wulang who was rushing here with his soldiers was going crazy.

The veteran who had fought in the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Sihang, and the Battle of Songjiang only knew that something had happened to the young soldier in his infantry squad who had been repeatedly asked to be protected by the battalion commander, company commander, and platoon leader.

The veteran, who was fully armed, arrived in less than 40 seconds at a distance of nearly 100 meters in the rugged mountains.

The veteran may have rarely lost his composure like this. After hearing the unique explosion of a grenade in the distance, he didn't even have time to put on his helmet, but just told the infantry squad scattered around to prepare for battle, and then led the way to the location of the gunshot.

The soldiers following closely behind him could even feel that the veteran squad leader's hair was standing up.

Angry and regretful, that was the true portrayal of the veteran's heart at that moment.

He was angry, of course, because he was still too careless. This was a battlefield, how could he let a single soldier stay away from the infantry squad to do some terrain reconnaissance.

He regretted that he shouldn't have accepted the little guy Tu Dou. If he hadn't accepted him, even if he had followed the 4th Company, he should have followed the main force of the company to beat the Japanese army on the battlefield, instead of facing countless Japanese soldiers alone like now.

What's worse is that two grenades exploded, five gunshots rang out, and then there was a dull sound similar to the sound of artillery firing, and then there was silence.

This made the old soldier's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

Did that stubborn boy die like this?

Everyone knew that Tu Dou was a hero, and the battalion commander Tang Dao valued him very much. If he didn't die, perhaps his future would be like Qian Dazhu, and he would be a young talent in the barracks.

But he didn't belong to the 4th Company. He would eventually go back and rebuild their heroic infantry company with his recovered commander.

To be honest, this is a "hot potato". If he died, Commander Tang would not blame him, but he would definitely be heartbroken.

The reason why Qin Wulang was willing to accept Potato, a boy who many infantry squad leaders thought was a "hot potato", was because he had seen with his own eyes the little boy soldier carrying the flesh and blood stained with military uniform fragments into the shell box bit by bit.

The young soldier used his actions to help his brothers realize their long-cherished wish of dying on the battlefield.

At that moment, the old soldier who had experienced countless battles burst into tears.

He liked this boy very much.

The high-speed running had almost burst the old soldier's lungs, but he still put his fingers into his mouth and blew a sharp whistle. That was what Qin Wulang learned from his squad leader. Not only did the sound spread farther, but it also did not reveal his intentions.

A few seconds passed, and the soldiers who did not receive any response had despair in their eyes. Qin Wulang's face flushed abnormally, which was obviously the result of soaring blood pressure.

But his eyes flashed with determination, and he stretched out his hand and waved several times, which was to let the soldiers encircle from the left and right. Even if Potato had died, he would kill this group of Japanese soldiers who met unexpectedly and take back Potato's body.

Then he heard a voice from more than ten meters away: "Squad leader, I'm here!"

This little bastard is still alive! The old soldier was almost overjoyed at that moment.

He even felt that this was more exciting than when he learned from the letter that his wife gave birth to a big fat boy 9 months after he left home.

Tears almost flowed from the eyes of this strong old soldier.

Before he had time to ask, Potato's voice came again: "I killed all the Japanese, squad leader, come quickly, there are good things!"

"What?" The whole infantry squad was stunned.

Ten Japanese corpses were scattered on the platform and around, plus an overturned mountain cannon, Qin Wulang and the soldiers were collectively stunned.

They finally knew why the little guy said "all", almost the number of a squad.

Add a mountain cannon, it's not just awesome, but really awesome.

Of course, compared with the military exploits, what made the soldiers happier was that Potato was a little dusty, but not injured at all.

"Squad leader, give me a cigarette! I'll be quiet." Potato, who had been holding his gun and resisting physical and mental fatigue, waited until the soldiers came around, and finally sat down, leaning against the stone wall and asked Qin Wulang.

"Little bastard, why don't you learn to smoke?" Qin Wulang's lips trembled as he slapped Potato's helmet and cursed. "Are you hurt?"

The subordinate took out a wrinkled cigarette box, took out a cigarette from it, and stuffed it into Potato's mouth.

"No, these little devils are all artillerymen, without guns, so I got a big bargain for nothing." Potato answered casually, looked at the old soldier's face, and asked. "Old Qin, are you crying?"

"Cry for nothing, it's too dusty here, I'm blinded, isn't it?" Qin Wulang stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes, his mouth was very hard.

This word must be believed by someone.

Even the soldiers in charge of guarding in the distance couldn't help grinning.

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