Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 688 Sniper Cannon!

In fact, from the moment he saw the Type 41 mountain gun, Qin Wulang knew why Potato couldn't wait to notify the main force of the infantry squad and launched an attack with a single gun.

If the mountain gun was fired, the main force of the company hundreds of meters away would not know what price to pay.

Potato's contribution was not only to kill ten Japanese artillerymen, but also to reduce the casualties of the main force of the company.

Compared with this, this Type 41 mountain gun that was only overturned by the air wave and can still be used is nothing.

This is what Qin Wulang, a sergeant who has been in the 88th Division, would think. If the poor Sichuan Army of the 145th Division saw this gun, I'm afraid their eyes would turn green.

In fact, the largest caliber artillery used by the Sichuan Army is just a mortar. How could they use this kind of howitzer with a range of 6,000 meters! Even if it is a small caliber.

However, Qin Wulang and Potato underestimated the military exploits they created.

Potato's two grenades sent Captain Ozawa Risei, who was hundreds of meters away and was thinking about how to use his backhand to knock out the Chinese with a left hook and then escape, back home.

Yes, at the moment when Potato was still trying to kill the enemy to save himself, on the mountain road more than 300 meters away, which he could not pay attention to, the Japanese captain was sent into the sky by a mountain artillery shell shot from an unknown direction from behind, along with the large tin can truck he used to hide himself.

The shell, with a strange trajectory, plunged into the tin can truck full of tin cans "with lightning speed" and then exploded.

The tin cans stimulated by the energy of the explosive explosion were like small artillery shells, flying in all directions, and instantly smashed Ozawa Risou, who was hiding behind the car and had a clever little brain, into a pile of minced meat. Then, they were torn into pieces by the air waves that exploded, and scattered with the mountain wind, becoming fertilizer for the fertile fields in the mountains of China.

They were completely smashed.

These tin can shells that burst out without any pattern, not to mention smashing the Japanese lieutenant, even the surrounding Japanese soldiers were beaten to a pulp.

At least six Japanese soldiers on the mountain road were killed by the tin cans that accelerated to 100 meters per second, and more than a dozen Japanese soldiers hiding in the surrounding stone peaks were also killed or injured.

The terrible big cylindrical "shrapnel" is far more terrible than the real shrapnel. A Japanese infantryman who was hiding in the gap of the stone peak and waiting for the military order from his superiors was "smashed" on the shoulder by this thing without any warning.

Blood and flesh sprayed onto the stone wall nearby. The earthy yellow granite was covered with withered vines, and then drenched with the thick purple blood. From a distance, it looked like a postmodern landscape painting.

The severely injured Japanese infantrymen were still unaware of it, and even instinctively turned their bodies to the side before the air wave swept over, trying to shrink back to avoid it.

It was not until then that he realized that his body was not under control. Looking down, he saw that all his organs were exposed to the air, and he could even see the shape of his lungs.

He began to vomit a lot of blood, but it couldn't stop his heart-wrenching screams.

The most terrifying thing was not his hair-raising screams, but that, as the breath in his chest rolled violently, those organs spurted out with blood that could not be described in words, but the person could not die for a while.

The injured Japanese soldier tried desperately to cover the wound with his intact arm, but it was obviously futile, because the wound was too big. Not to mention himself, even the doctor was helpless in the face of such a terrible wound.

The extremely bloody scene stimulated most of the Japanese soldiers who witnessed the tragedy around them and turned their heads away from the tragedy. There were even two Japanese infantrymen who knelt on the ground and vomited violently.

However, this Japanese soldier was not dead yet. Whether it was the tenacity of life or the last breath, he kept screaming, meaningless screams.

With a gunshot, a Japanese sergeant who could no longer bear to watch chose to end his companion's pain with a rifle, otherwise, he would also be stimulated by this scene.

They came to conquer China, not to be ravaged by the giant beast of China.

How fierce the cans were blown away by this mountain artillery shell was not only known to the Japanese infantrymen who experienced it personally, but also the Chinese infantrymen on the mountain more than 100 meters away were also startled by this unexpected shot.

Dozens of cans flew towards the mountain, breaking countless branches, and then hitting rocks or sinking into the soil.

Even Zhou Shubin, who was so brave, ducked down to avoid this round of crazy "canned bullets" and touched his head with some fear to make sure it was still on his body.

He picked up the bayonet and dug in the soil less than 30 cm away from him for a while, and finally dug out a completely deformed tin can.

"Damn, what's going on?" Zhou Shubin sniffed hard, his eyes a little dull.

Are the Japanese so awesome? They can use canned food as artillery shells? The desperate lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant dared to be sure that if there was not a small mound in front of him, he would have died today, and he would have died on this can of beef can.

Don't ask why he knew it was canned beef. The lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant was very familiar with the aroma of beef in the can. He had eaten two cans of that thing and it tasted great.

The Japanese were not good at anything, but the canned food they made was real, absolutely good beef.

"Fuck, was that the one who fired the cannon?" Zhao Daqiang, who was more than 30 meters away, almost fell to his knees.

That was the old soldier's instinctive reaction to the sound of the cannon.

He didn't care about the dirt on his face. He looked at the car that had been completely blown up with a telescope and was also speechless.

He had seen people who could shoot accurately.

Battalion Commander Tang was right in front of him, holding a light machine gun with a scope and shooting at a distance of 600 to 700 meters. His shooting skills were amazing.

Niu Er was also very awesome. He once had a record of killing Japanese soldiers with his naked eyes at a distance of 400 meters.

Although he himself was not as perverted as the above two, he dared to pat his chest and say that at a distance of 200 meters, he would never hit the nose if he shot the eyes. Otherwise, how could he be the guard squad leader of Liu Shizuo?

However, compared with this magical one-shot targeted elimination, all the sharpshooters were weak.

A shell accurately hit a car with an area of ​​no more than 2 square meters from hundreds of meters away. It is not an exaggeration to call it a sniper gun. What kind of talent is this! There are such talents in the fire support platoon. Why didn't he know?

Moreover, this shot was also lucky enough.

Although the tin cans endowed with crazy energy by the shells were fierce, their energy was still weakened a lot after running fifty meters. In addition, the soft but strong enough rainproof cloth cushioned and the tough wood on the outer layer of the shell box, although the shell box was hit and sawdust flew everywhere, it miraculously did not cause a secondary explosion, which was the most gratifying thing for Zhao Daqiang.

A group of Japanese soldiers hiding in the large cart area were completely wailing by this miracle.

It can be said that this sudden shot completely completed what Zhao Daqiang had always wanted to do but had not done.

Reward, must be a heavy reward! After Zhao Daqiang shouted, he looked at the platoon leader of the fire support platoon who was following him more than ten meters away.

"Company commander, it's not our platoon's mortar. The mortar is not that powerful!" The platoon leader of the fire support platoon looked up at the crater left on the mountain road and said with his cheeks puffed. "Looking at the power, it must be at least a 75 mountain cannon, and it seems to be fired from behind."

"Then forget about that." Zhao Daqiang didn't bother to study who fired the cannon and how it fired.

Looking at the telescope, the Japanese soldiers on the mountain road survived after this attack, and there were no more than ten fingers. He immediately ordered: "All mortars, after 30 seconds, target the stone peak area near the mountain road, and fire ten rounds quickly to completely drive the Japanese soldiers away from the mountain road. Stop the shelling after two minutes.

Send a signal flare to notify all the flanking infantry squads to clear the enemy on the mountain road and drive the Japanese soldiers hiding in the stone peaks into the minefield.

All precision shooters killed all the Japanese soldiers on the mountain road, and the grenade launcher teams cooperated. If the Japanese soldiers resisted with the help of large trucks, except for the ammunition truck, they could not be bombarded with grenades. "

In fact, Zhao Daqiang really thought that the Japanese were too tenacious.

The Japanese were also people, not machines. When their tough outer coat was stripped off, they were actually fragile little boys.

If Captain Ozawa Risei, who was bombed into fertilizer for the Chinese forests, was the outer layer that had been stripped off, then the Japanese soldiers who had half of their bodies "beaten" by a few cans were the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Not to mention, there were ten more shells whizzing over.

A group of "camels" that were almost paralyzed completely collapsed.

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