Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 690 The pride that was chiseled away!

For the 4th Company of the Independent Battalion here, this battle was undoubtedly a great victory.

In addition to completely annihilating the rear guard Japanese troops according to the Tang Dao Army's order and preventing any escape, they also seized more than a dozen carts of baggage.

But what is even more gratifying is that in addition to the three-day food supply for more than 2,000 people in the entire battalion, the baggage also contained 200 infantry artillery shells and tens of thousands of machine rifle bullets.

If equipped with the more than 200 rifles, grenade launchers, and light machine guns seized in this battle, two infantry companies with all Japanese weapons and equipment can be fully armed, and those Sichuan Army brothers who are still holding old sleeves will definitely like it.

This is definitely an over-fulfillment of the task taught by the Tang Dao.

And the loss in exchange for all these results is only two people sacrificed and more than 10 people injured, which is a small loss that can be almost ignored.

Not to mention that the company commander Zhao Daqiang was so happy that he would rather withhold a month's salary than reward Tu Dou with a pack of cigarettes. All the officers and soldiers in the company laughed heartily. Some of the "superficial" ones even hugged their classmates and cried while laughing.

That was their unprecedented victory.

Except for themselves, no one could understand why these soldiers were so excited after fighting a "small battle".

Of course, they had fought big battles, which were much larger than this battle with only a few hundred people. They had also won, but that was at the cost of sacrifice.

When the afterglow of the setting sun fell, the Japanese army finally retreated. What was left for them?

It was the desolate battlefield, the painful groans of comrades, and the pale and extremely cold faces.

The entire battlefield was like that.

Especially in the Songhu battlefield, do you know where the soldiers disliked going the most? It was the third-line trench.

Everyone would rather stay in the first-line and second-line trenches to be hit by Japanese artillery shells than stay in the safer third-line trenches.

Because that was the area where the remains of the soldiers were stored. The Japanese army attacked non-stop during the day, and the remains that could not be transported to the rear were all piled up in the trenches, like rotten wood.

What's more terrifying is that when the weather is hot, the smell of death is no longer gloomy, but rotten.

Whether it is the 26th Division or the 88th Division, they almost have similar experiences.

Whether it is failure or victory, they need to make huge sacrifices in exchange.

But now, the war damage is minimal, they no longer see that familiar scene, but the Japanese army is full of corpses, how can they not be excited!

However, they quickly calmed down their excited hearts, and Zhao Daqiang only gave the whole company 10 minutes of repair time.

The battle on the main battlefield is still going on, and they can't lie on the credit book and wait to enjoy the fruits of victory.

The battle to ambush the follow-up troops of the Japanese army was successfully completed, but it does not mean that it will be so easy in the valley.

You know, through the reconnaissance of the special operations team, the total strength of this Japanese army reached more than 2,200 people. Excluding this group of 300 Japanese soldiers and an infantry squadron at the head, the Japanese army surrounded in the valley had a strength of 1,700 people, which even exceeded the strength of the independent battalions on both sides of the valley.

Although they had geographical advantages and used the "flying thunder cannon" to blast the Japanese army dizzy, the Japanese army was not pigs. They had excellent equipment and good tactical discipline, and the so-called samurai spirit of daring to play with their lives.

The battle here ended smoothly in more than an hour, but the sound of gunfire in the valley had not stopped, and it was extremely fierce. I think the Japanese army would not be willing to be stabbed.

And Takeuchi Yunshan was about 300 meters away from the end of the valley, looking at the battlefield in full swing in front with a bitter face.

Although his idea was a bit selfish, there was no problem tactically.

Whether it was in the front or the back, he had to open a channel.

Otherwise, even though he had nearly 2,000 troops in the valley, under the pressure of the Chinese's firepower that completely dominated the terrain, the casualties under his command would only increase, and the number of troops that could defend would decrease. As time went on, the final outcome could only be death.

Everyone, including himself.

The sound of fierce gunfire from the rear had told Takeuchi Yunshan that the Chinese, who had been plotting against him for a long time, had also attacked his rear team. It was basically a fantasy to expect the main force of the detachment across the mountains to rescue him.

Thinking of the reason why Kunisaki ordered him to come and join them, because he had finally surrounded hundreds of Chinese elites, Takeuchi Yunshan, who suddenly realized something, felt cold all over.

What if this group of surrounded Chinese people fell into a trap? Is it like fishing, casting bait to lure the fish to come, and then using a large net to catch all the fish!

How cruel must the Chinese commander be to set up this game?

What frightened Takeuchi Yunshan the most was that a commander who dared to send hundreds of people as bait into the mouth of the enemy, how could he easily let go of the prey that was already in his mouth?

Perhaps, in addition to the mysterious weapon that could throw the explosive pack more than a hundred meters, there were more terrifying arrangements waiting for him.

He could only and must fight for his life!

Takeuchi Yunshan's desperate means was to use the hundreds of people he could still directly command to attack the hill at the end of the valley. That was the lifeline of all the Japanese troops in the valley.

Only a few light machine guns were needed to set up on the hill to completely block the entire road. If the hill was not conquered, even if the 94 armored vehicle that had not been destroyed came, it would not be able to break through the road full of death.

Yes, on that mountain road that can be used by large vehicles, at least two infantry squads have fallen in all directions. That was the final outcome of the imperial infantry who had been shouting "board" for nearly an hour.

After nearly an hour of fighting, Takeuchi Yunshan, who launched three consecutive boarding charges at all costs, was desperate.

Although the Chinese troops on the hill that firmly blocked the mountain road were not many, their equipment was so sophisticated that it hurt the imperial infantry.

It would be fine if they had a lot of submachine guns, which was the standard equipment of the elite Chinese army. Facing such a Chinese army, the Imperial Army would generally choose to use artillery to solve the problem, but unfortunately he did not have artillery now.

But the Chinese even had an unreasonable number of heavy machine guns. On a small hill, the Chinese, with a force of no more than two infantry companies, actually placed at least 6 heavy machine guns, 6 tongues of fire that could be sprayed at any time, which was simply a nightmare for the infantry.

Yes, for Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan and the hundreds of Japanese infantry under his command, this was a battlefield they had never experienced before.

On the North China Plain, they have always been invincible. They have 105 howitzers, 75 mountain guns, and bombers to help. First, the artillery bombarded, then the plane bombed, and then the infantry rushed. Once these three axes were used, almost no Chinese army could resist.

But here? Not to mention being ambushed, the single-wheel equipment, planes and cannons were all gone. The three axes were missing, first of all, two were missing. That's not all. At this time, the Japanese army didn't even have heavy machine guns. The most powerful heavy weapons were the crooked light machine guns and grenade launchers.

All the heavy machine guns and infantry guns were left in the valley by the wise Takeuchi Yunshan to resist the attacks from the Chinese on the mountains on both sides.

But if all those heavy weapons were transferred here, what would be the consequences? Takeuchi Yunshan was sure that maybe he didn't have the opportunity to attack this small hill. The Chinese with all kinds of light and heavy weapons had already defeated the infantry in the valley.

Without the infantry in the valley to contain the main force of the Chinese, everyone would be finished together!

However, that might be good, at least he is not so sad that he almost shrinks into his abdomen every day.

Takeuchi Yunshan can't blame his subordinates for anything. A half infantry squadron plus a guard squadron has a force of more than 500 people. They have launched three desperate attacks in total, but each time they were repelled with at least hundreds of remains. There are no more than 200 people who can still fight now.

The grenade launcher, which was originally the only threat to the Chinese, was suppressed by the Chinese gunners and the larger number of grenade launchers and large-caliber mortars, and it was impossible to suppress their heavy machine gun firepower points.

That was because the Japanese army didn't know that it was Qian Dazhu's third company that was responsible for the defense of the hill that blocked the Japanese army's retreat, and a platoon of Cheng Tieshou's fire support company was also sent. Tang Dao still felt that it was not enough, so he selected 30 veterans with more than 5 years of military service from all Sichuan troops to form another platoon.

Under Qian Dazhu's order, light and heavy machine guns, submachine guns, and Mauser pistols were used to attack Japanese infantry, while all other grenade launchers, mortars, and riflemen with accurate marksmanship were used to attack Japanese grenade launchers. It would be strange if the grenade launchers, who were the most relied upon by the Japanese light infantry in combat, did not suffer.

The grenade launchers suffered heavy casualties, and the six heavy machine guns were completely wanton in killing and wounding the infantry. The infantry was just a living target even if they charged desperately, and it was useless even if they were covered with amulets.

So much so that the captain of the escort squadron who was still alive suggested to him that the colonel should choose to hold on and wait for help.

No one was willing to struggle to the point of death. Even if they were bound to die in the end, it would be a little later than dying now. At least they had time to write a farewell letter to their families, even if it was just one sentence!

Takeuchi Yunshan looked at the soldiers who were already full of despair and unwilling to charge on the "board", and tears slid down his face.

He knew that his subordinates had lost their courage.

The pride of the 5th Division's "Steel Army" was ruthlessly chiseled away by the Chinese with bullets and bombs...

PS: Let me promote the 4 million-word old book "Bloody Mountains and Rivers" which has been released from the ban. This is a fine book with an average subscription of more than 5,000. It will never disappoint the book lovers.

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