Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 709 The Light That Breaks the Ice

Tang Dao was sensible enough, and the independent battalion withdrew quickly.

Less than an hour after the entire army retreated, and everyone was still in the forest, Hammer turned his head to the east vigilantly, letting out a low growl.

Within a minute, more than twenty small black dots appeared in the sky.

The Japanese Navy dispatched up to two squadrons of fighter planes to participate in the battle as soon as the dense fog subsided. Thanks to the precise location provided by the reconnaissance aircraft, nearly five tons of bombs were dropped by more than 20 fighter planes on the deserted Qinglongling Village. On that lonely ridge.

The rock-solid stone walls and stone houses in the village were instantly reduced to ashes in front of the 500-pound aerial bombs in front of the infantry artillery and mountain artillery.

Watching from a distance on the mountain, my home was destroyed by the eggs laid by the "big iron bird" that kept hovering in the sky. Even when the Japanese army was besieging the siege, I held the stone that my trembling little girl did not shed tears. The tears finally flowed. Come down.

That was his home, he was born and raised here, his parents were there, and now they are gone.

"Don't worry, Little Shitou, you will go home. One day, you will come back." Leng Feng, who was helping Shitou carry his little sister, had a look of pity on his face, and his rough palms gently stroked Shitou's little head.

"Uncle Leng, is it true? Can we still go home?" Shitou looked up at Leng Feng with tears in his eyes.

"Yes! I promise you in the name of a soldier. You, grandpa, and sister will all go home." Leng Feng knelt down, looked at the brave little sheepherder with gentle eyes, and answered firmly...

"Yeah!" Shitou wiped the tears on his face with the dirty corner of his sleeve and nodded fiercely.

"Good boy!" Looking at the stubborn but strong stone, the cold edge was like a knife cutting an axe, and a smile broke out on his stern face.

The smile is so bright and warm.

If the old comrades from Sihang Camp were here, they would be shocked.

Leng Feng was originally a person with a dull personality. After receiving the news that his family was massacred by the Japanese army, he became even more taciturn. When his younger brother died in Sihang Warehouse, his face was like an eternal glacier. I have rarely seen a smile.

Perhaps, only when killing Japanese soldiers would his soldiers see fire dancing in their commander's eyes, revealing his personal emotions.

Normally, he is like an iceberg. Even close comrades like Li Jijin feel cold when approaching him.

Of course this is not good, especially as a commander.

It was not that Tang Dao had not tried to enlighten his general, but Leng Feng, who had lost all his relatives, had completely blocked his heart. Tang Dao could only let it be like this and could only worry secretly in his heart.

His unforgettable hatred for the Japanese may make him the most determined warrior, but full of hatred can also become a double-edged sword, especially for a commander, who will lose his cool due to hatred at some point. Bringing him and his warriors into a desperate situation.

However, Leng Feng has always been extremely restrained. After several consecutive battles, he strictly abided by military orders. The only time he violated the orders without permission was when he took the initiative to expose himself in advance and killed a Japanese infantry squad for the sake of a six or seven-year-old Chinese. children.

However, Tang Dao, who received Leng Feng's telegram, was unpunished for the first time. Not only was the alternative position Leng Feng was looking for, Qinglongling Village, strong enough, but Leng Feng's hard heart was finally opened.

There is light that can warm his heart, and he is a real human being, instead of becoming a madman who just kills.

Yes, the so-called road has no end, Tang Dao's hidden worries were completely solved by Shitou, a child. Leng Feng had regarded Shitou as his younger brother, and finally there was a ray of sunshine in his mind filled with hatred. .

The Chinese soldiers and civilians retreated for nearly an hour and were almost 2 kilometers away from the battlefield. Even if the Japanese fighter planes finished their rampage over Qinglongling Village and then dropped the extra bombs on the nearby hills in a ventive manner, they did not cause any harm to the Chinese soldiers and civilians. damage.

Perhaps the most severely damaged was the main force of the retreating Kunisaki detachment. Watching a large number of fighter planes passing by in the sky overhead, it really hurt my heart!

If they had retreated an hour later, they could have watched the Navy and Maldives fighter planes tear the Chinese who dared to surround them to pieces. How pleasant it would be!

Unfortunately, they have already escaped.

The main reason is that I really didn’t expect that the navy and land forces would work so hard this time. They were originally scheduled to take off in the afternoon, but it turned out that they arrived even before lunch.

In fact, this group of Japanese soldiers who are somewhat frustrated are still a bit too idealistic. If they really stay in the position and stalemate with the Chinese, do they really think that Tang Dao is a wooden man? Just waiting to be blown up by Japanese planes?

If the Japanese army unexpectedly persists and refuses to retreat, then Tang Dao will still have to fight the Japanese no matter how unhappy he is.

Before all the infantry companies set off, he had ordered Master Zhuang to empty all ammunition inventories. It seemed like a threat to be surrounded from all sides, but in fact he was also preparing for the worst-case scenario of a decisive battle with the Japanese.

If they really want to fight, Tang Dao will press their position towards the Japanese defense line before noon, shortening the distance between the two sides to a distance where Japanese fighters dare not drop bombs at will.

Moreover, the two machine guns and more than a dozen heavy machine guns of Cheng Tieshou's fire support company were equipped with anti-aircraft machine gun mounts. As long as the Japanese fighter planes dared to lower their bomb delivery altitude, the fire support company would have no choice but to compete with them.

Without descending, Japanese planes are not gods. On the ground, the Chinese and Japanese armies are hundreds of meters apart, but when they drop bombs, the error is huge. As long as they dare to drop, the chances of landing on the positions of both sides are probably not much different.

They also have to thank Kunisaki Zheng, who is still in a coma. If he hadn't thought about it and ordered the withdrawal of troops, no more than a quarter of them would be able to walk out of the mountainous area in southern Anhui alive.

Tang Dao was prepared to bear the worst-case scenario of 80% of the losses, and with the 400 people led by Tong Yi, the Chinese army on the entire battlefield had more than 2,500 troops. In a desperate battle, the more than 2,000 Japanese troops would not end up well even if they had the help of airplanes.

Fortunately, this tragic scene did not happen because of the restraint of the commanders of both sides.

That is, one side lost an infantry regiment, while the other side had already achieved great success.

Tong Yi, who met Tang Dao again, held Tang Dao's hand and did not let go for a long time.

To be honest, when Tong Yi received a telegram from Tang Dao last night, telling him that the entire tactical plan had been successfully completed for the most part, and more than 2,000 Japanese troops had been successfully wiped out, he was so excited that he stayed up all night like a child.

This battle was no longer fought by the independent battalion alone, but also by his 145th Division. If the victory news was reported back to his hometown, the faces of the people in his hometown would be glorious, and he, the brigade commander, would not lose even if he died.

Yes, although it was a great victory on the battlefield over in Laojinkeng, Tong Yi, who was trapped in the isolated territory, was actually ready to die in battle.

Because their six or seven hundred people had been surrounded by the Japanese army, with no way to retreat, and from the actual battlefield situation, there was no hope.

Once he lured the enemy, he really became a bait swallowed by the enemy.

He was unable to return to his hometown and see his wife and children again, which was somewhat sad, but he did not regret it!

That was the true portrayal of the great brigade commander's mood that night.

He never thought that Tang Dao would send all his troops overnight to surround the Japanese army with a desperate attitude.

As a veteran soldier who had been on the battlefield for a long time, he knew that the Tang Dao army was already at the end of its strength after a hard battle.

Not to mention how much the troops were lost, the loss of ammunition alone would probably be unbearable. Even if the Japanese equipment was seized, the strongest weapon of the Tang Dao army was not the rifle, but the large number of submachine guns and Mauser pistols equipped. The caliber of bullets required for those equipment could not be supplemented by the Japanese 6.5 Yusaka small-caliber bullets.

Without the submachine guns and Mauser pistols that could output a large amount of firepower, the combat effectiveness of the Tang Dao army was at least reduced by half.

Moreover, they had to attack the defense line that the Japanese army had already established, using their own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths, which would almost mean exchanging the lives of 2,000 Chinese soldiers for these hundreds of people.

But Tang Dao did just that, and it was miraculously successful. Except for a few dozen casualties in the bombardment and defensive battle yesterday afternoon, all the hundreds of Chinese soldiers on the mountain escaped safely from the battlefield.

Although they only scared the Japanese away.

But that was enough for the army brigade commander who took the initiative to join the war to burst into tears of gratitude.

Over there, Division Commander Rao, who was also anxious and sleepless for 24 hours, finally received a reply from his subordinates reporting victory.

Holding the telegram that "our army won a great victory, killing more than 2,000 Japanese soldiers including Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan in Laojinkeng!", the Sichuan Army Division Commander laughed up to the sky.

Thousands of Sichuan Army soldiers stationed in small towns in the plains waved their guns and saluted their comrades dozens of kilometers away.

They finally lived up to the trust of the elders and villagers who saw them off before leaving, and killed the Japanese invaders on the land.

That is the glory of all Sichuan Army!

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