Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 710 Let out a big sigh of relief!

This is the glory of my Sichuan Army!

This is the first sentence written by the 21st Army Command, which received the telegram from the 145th Division, on the victory telegram sent to the Jinling City Defense Command after two consecutive verifications.

Indeed, the Sichuan Army was too frustrated.

In early September, the two armies that swore to leave Sichuan went from Shancheng to the southeastern battlefield from the border area between Guizhou and Sichuan, and from northern Sichuan to the northern battlefield. But what did the two Sichuan armies get in return for marching 2,000 miles?

What they got in return was ridicule and disdain.

Moreover, it was not from the enemy, but from their own people.

Yes, in order to replenish supplies, many troops forced the rich households along the way to contribute food and clothing, and were repeatedly reported to the higher authorities by the local government.

But if they didn't do this, they couldn't rely on their feet to measure 2,000 miles of rivers and mountains to reach the battlefield, and they would starve to death on the road.

Because those high-ranking officials and wealthy families looked down on these short-statured soldiers who even used the most common black woven and dyed cloth to make their uniforms. They were bumpkins from the mountains.

Yes, they were poorly equipped, wearing bamboo hats on their heads, straw sandals on their feet, and smoking pipes in addition to guns. From a distance, it looked more like a collective autumn outing for the Beggars than an army marching.

But so what, the Pao brothers never flirted. They dared to tell the 60 million young and old men in Sichuan that they were going to fight Japan, so they would hold their heads in their hands from now on. At most, they would be heroes again in 18 years.

I didn't come out of Sichuan to travel, but to fight.

The 200,000 Sichuan troops who left Sichuan, from the provincial chairman on down, were all holding their breath in their hearts when facing the ridicule of their own people.

Without this resentment, the 26th Division of the 43rd Army, which arrived at the battlefield first, would not have fought the Japanese army for seven days and nights with all 6,000 people in the division, and directly turned an infantry division into an infantry battalion.

It was also because of this resentment that the generals of the Sichuan Army were looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that the Sichuan Army could fight a battle that would make them proud.

Now, this battle has come, and more than 2,000 Japanese troops have been wiped out, and all of them were fought by the Sichuan Army.

The independent battalion of Tang Dao is directly under the 43rd Army, and the 145th Division is also under the 21st Army Group. The generals of the Sichuan Army are proud of it.

Even the high-ranking deputy commander of the 21st Army Group, who was originally angry because the 145th Division headquarters telegraphed that Liu Ruzhai fled in fear of fighting and was executed on the spot by the war zone supervision team, now smiled and praised the 145th Division and the independent battalion to the sky.

Not only did he personally draft a telegram to the Jinling City Defense Command to seek credit, but he also reported to Commander Liu, who was still recuperating in Jiangxia, and asked him to issue rewards to the 43rd Army's independent battalion and the 145th Division.

Some things, after all, have to be reported to the top by the top leader, and he, the acting commander, finally lacked a fire.

From this point, it can be seen that the votes killed by Tang Dao were completely a shot of adrenaline for the Sichuan Army, which had suffered repeated setbacks on the battlefield, and even the grudge of killing that confidant was temporarily put aside.

This is also the reason why Tang Dao dared to execute a colonel regiment commander on the spot. People are not stupid. In such a war era, the ability to fight is what the superiors need most.

As for those who can flatter and flatter, there are too many. If one is missing, there will naturally be others to take over, especially if one is dead, it is even less important.

So, people, don't take yourself too seriously. In fact, you are not as important as you think, and this is true for everyone.

The big guys who received the telegram from the 21st Army were of course surprised and delighted, and it was unbelievable.

Although there were battles in which more than 2,000 Japanese soldiers were killed, they almost all happened on battlefields with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops. A broken infantry division and an infantry battalion could accomplish such a great feat? This was really a bit magical.

But when he saw that it was an independent battalion directly under the 43rd Army and the battalion commander was Tang Dao, the senior official of the Military and Political Department did not even verify it, and issued an order for the core newspapers to publicize it.

In his original words: "If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would still be a little worried that this was an exaggerated battle report, but if it was this guy Tang Dao! Hehe! I'm afraid that the water in his battle report is mainly due to his own casualties! In this mountain ambush, his battle loss ratio is not high, right?"

The colonel adjutant was stunned.

He had two battle reports in his hand. One was a battle report sent by the Jinling City Defense Command to the Independent Battalion and the 145th Division to ask for merit. It only listed the number of enemy troops killed.

The other was a telegram sent by the commander of the 21st Army who was recuperating. In addition to the number of enemy troops killed, it also described the casualties of his Sichuan Army. The 145th Division suffered more than 4,000 casualties in the battle of southern Anhui. The Independent Battalion and an infantry regiment of the Sichuan Army suffered more than 1,000 casualties in the Laojinkeng ambush. The commander did not say it clearly, but everyone with a discerning eye knew that he was asking for rewards for his merits and wanted to compensate his Sichuan Army troops who were killed or injured in the battle!

As a result, before the second telegram was taken out, this person had already guessed the approximate number. 1,000 casualties against 2,000 enemies killed in an ambush. Although it was an amazing loss ratio, the loss was still a bit large after all.

"Hehe, no matter whether his Tang Dao is exaggerated or not, this military achievement is real. I heard that he has seized the military ranks and command swords of Japanese officers such as Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major. Call the 21st Army Headquarters and order him to turn in these captured items immediately after the 43rd Army Independent Battalion arrives in Wuhu. Also, isn't reporter Tan Tai Mingyue in the army? After these captured items are turned in, the text materials needed by the newspaper will be written by her, who has personally experienced them.

As for the pensions needed by his Sichuan Army, please tell Commander Liu that although the country is in trouble, it will never reduce the bloody soldiers on the front line, but please rest assured!" A smile appeared on the face of the big man of the Military and Political Department, which set the tone for this matter.

This big man has never met Tang Dao, but how to say it? He is also a bosom friend of Tang Dao. He actually guessed that Tang Dao must have mixed some water into the casualties of his subordinates based on Tang Dao's past achievements.

However, in his view, it is completely understandable to strive for some benefits for himself or his subordinates.

Of course, if you dare to fool around like this, you must have enough military merits first, otherwise, it is just a way to die.

Let a chief officer who has not killed many Japanese dare to report like this? Do you really think that those old-timers who have been in the officialdom for decades are blind?

However, this person did not reveal anything and used official jargons to respond to the 21st Army's request for compensation. It may be a warning.

It is not impossible to give rewards, but I have to give them on my own initiative. You can't just write a few numbers to fool me.

This is the officialdom, and I expressed my meaning without making a sound.

What, don't understand? If you don't understand, how can you sit in those positions?

In terms of understanding people's hearts, those who can get along in the officialdom are the smartest ones, and there has been no exception from ancient times to the present. ...

Three days later.

Tang Dao led the entire army to cross mountains and rivers and walked out of the mountains in southern Anhui, and successfully joined the headquarters of the 145th Division.

"Brother, you are lying with your eyes open! Look, those people above, despite such great achievements, have not contributed a penny!" Rao, who had shaken hands with Tang Dao tightly, looked at the more than 2,000 officers and soldiers of the independent battalion who were exhausted but still in high spirits, and smiled bitterly.

How could he say that the superiors have already recognized the great achievements, and even the newspapers have published the results of this battle and the Japanese army who did not recognize the results of this battle had been fighting for two days, so why hasn't the reward been announced yet!

It turns out that the crux is here with Tang Dao. Looking at his troops, there is no such thing as a thousand casualties, and it is still unclear whether there are 200.

After careful calculation, the 1:16 casualty ratio almost shocked him, but is it really good to treat the superiors as fools like this?

"Sir, I am not going to kill these brothers, but now the situation in Nanjing is over!" Tang Dao stared at the soldier and replied in an extremely formal manner.

He did not want to deceive himself, let alone this real Chinese soldier.

The general was silent!

The complex emotions in his eyes kept changing. Finally, he reached out and patted Tang Dao on the shoulder, nodded and said that he didn't need to say more, he understood.

He waved his hand to signal Tang Dao to follow, and turned to walk towards his own headquarters.

That is, the figure turning around was extremely desolate.

This was the ending that all Chinese troops were most reluctant to face.

But they had to accept painfully that Jinling had been surrounded on three sides, and it was only a matter of time before the city was broken.

All the joy, in the face of such an ending, was completely wiped out. ...

PS: The subscription of the old book released recently is not bad. Thanks to the support of book friends, I will promote the 4 million-word finished masterpiece "Bloody Mountains and Rivers" to help you solve the book shortage.

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