Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 814 Chess Piece

The soldiers in the audience cheered when they heard that Tang Datuanzuo was going to sing a love song.

As ordinary soldiers, the Tang Datuanzuo they saw on the battlefield was the toughest military image. Although he was casual and gentle in ordinary occasions, his iron-blooded image on the battlefield was too stubborn in the hearts of the soldiers, which made Tang Dao somewhat distant from ordinary officers and soldiers.

Tang Datuanzuo suddenly wanted to sing a love song about the love between men and women at the party, which quickly narrowed the seemingly non-existent but real distance. As for how the rap was, it was irrelevant.

Tang Dao should have been prepared for this situation. He turned around and handed a piece of music to the two students who served as accompaniment.

The scale of the party held by the Sixing Group was not small. In fact, except for the microphone and sound system of the theater that cost some money, the rest of the actors and accompaniment were all their own people, and the costumes were basically military uniforms, which was very economical.

The so-called accompaniment was just two students from the student company, and the instruments were a bamboo flute and an accordion.

However, both students are experts in this area. Even a bamboo flute, which is not very impressive among traditional Chinese instruments, was played to sound like a battle of cavalry in the first performance of Gu Xishui and Mingxin. This should be related to the experience of this student and the Four Lines Group for more than a month. Many viewers voted for Mingxin's sword dance, which may have a lot to do with the melodious flute sound.

The accompaniment needs to be slightly familiar with the music score. Tang Dao walked off the stage and talked with Gong Shaoxun who hurried over from outside the venue. The officers and soldiers in the audience were waiting with passion. In order to liven up the atmosphere, an officer began to lead the singing.

"Big knife, chop at the heads of the devils!" A company sang a few lines of the popular big knife song, and then shouted in unison: "Artillery Company 1, come on!"

"The wind and clouds rise, the mountains and rivers move, the Huangpu Army is powerful, and the revolutionary warriors are loyal!" The challenged Artillery Company 1 was not to be outdone, and shouted the Army Song

The soldiers' singing came one after another on the field, and the atmosphere was much more lively than watching a play in the theater.

Qian Dazhu took the excited eldest daughter of the Jia family to take pictures of the familiar faces he met in the field. The eldest daughter of the Jia family excitedly kept pressing the shutter to keep the smiling faces of the officers and soldiers on the film, and Qian Dazhu's young face also smiled like a flower.

Perhaps, this should be what young men and women should look like, swaying their youth under the quiet sky and smiling wantonly.

Unfortunately, the war changed everything. There are not many such days in the present and the extremely long river of time in the future.

The melodious sound of flute and accordion came from the speakers, and the lively sound gradually subsided until there was no sound, and Tang Dao's metallic voice spread throughout the venue.

"This song, "I heard you in the distance", is dedicated to all those who have lovers and are waiting for lovers!"

"I heard you in the distance, and set off to travel thousands of miles.

Chasing the scenery along the way, and carrying your breath.

It is really hard to forget the news about you.

Accompany you through the north, south, east and west, and never leave.

Can I love you, I have never rested.

Like the wind that has traveled thousands of miles, without asking when to return.

I have blown the wind you have blown, is this considered an embrace?

I have walked the road you have walked, is this considered a meeting?

I still like you so much, and want to grow old with you.

I still like you just the same, just for your gentleness."

This love song from the future nearly a hundred years later, without many gorgeous words, is simple and plain but catchy. Maybe the times are different, but human emotions are the same.

Especially the line "I blew the wind you blew, does this count as hugging?" expresses the lingering affection between men and women to the fullest.

If love, the wind you blew can make me feel sweet and fragrant!

Tan Tai Mingyue on the side of the stage was even more infatuated when she heard "I want to grow old with you". Isn't this the feeling she had when she heard the news about him at the train station, turned around and jumped off the train to follow the 67th Army to the Songjiang front line!

Unexpectedly, Tang Dao actually sang all of it in one song, but he didn't ask about these, and she didn't take the initiative to talk about them, so how did he know?

But none of this matters, what matters is that she knows that he knows.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Tang Dao looked over, and the engaged couple met at that moment, their eyes met, no longer tears, but they smiled at each other, all the most beautiful appearance of love.

Tang Dao has a strong and tough temperament, but he performed such a tender love song. Under the huge contrast, it doesn't feel out of place.

After the song was finished, the whole audience was silent for more than ten seconds, and then thunderous applause and cheers broke out!

"Master, the young lady has found a really good son-in-law! This song is sung well, and the young lady will be blessed in the future." Tan Tai Yunshu was squinting his eyes and listening to the song with a cold face, but the old family member next to him said abruptly.

"Noisy!" Tan Tai Yunshu snorted coldly. "That's because I have a keen eye for talent. What does a little girl like her know?"

"Yes, yes, it must be you, master, who has a good eye and decided on this marriage immediately!" The old family member smiled and complimented the middle-aged handsome man.

He has accompanied Tan Tai Yunshu since he was a child. He is probably the person who knows him best besides Tan Tai Yunshu's old wife. However, he knows what this person's biggest expectation for his future son-in-law is. There may be achievements and abilities, but compared with the deep love for his little cotton-padded jacket, the rest is nothing.

Although the song Tang Dao just sang was for everyone to listen to, anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was sung by Tang Dao to Tantai Mingyue. As Tantai Mingyue's father, Tantai Yunshu was naturally filled with joy. .

It's just that this person has always disliked him as much as he liked him in his heart. Due to his personality, he would never show it in any case. Just like when it was clearly to help raise military expenses for my daughter and son-in-law, but it was still called "freight". How could the freight be worth twenty to thirty thousand US dollars?

Not only people who know Tang Dao can hear it.

"You, Commander Tang of the Four Elements Group, are really amazing. You dare to express your love to his lover through a song in public! However, it does not damage the image of his iron-blooded army at all." The eldest daughter of the Jia family looked at the people on the stage in the distance. Tang Dao sighed quietly.

"Sir, didn't you say you should give this song to everyone present?" Qian Dazhu scratched his head.

"So your Captain Qian is still a bachelor, but your Captain Tang is already a famous man! Do you understand?" Miss Jia rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Of course I can't compare with our commander, it's far behind." Qian Dazhu continued to scratch his head.

Miss Jia looked at the young company commander with some worry, wondering if he should continue chatting. Even if he is middle-aged, this fool will be almost bald.

"Fellow folks, thank you very much for coming to the New Year's party of our Fourth Army Group. The party is now more than half over, and the next program is compiled at the request of the First Theater Command. However, it is not a stage performance, but a need Everyone present is participating, everyone is waiting for the outdoor concealed air defense exercise," Tang Dao announced on the stage after singing.

Hearing what Tang Dao said, the people present were stunned. This operation of the Four Elements Group was too wasteful. They even conducted air defense drills during the Chinese New Year.

However, it doesn't matter. I have long heard that the Japanese aircraft are powerful. If you are familiar with how to avoid aircraft bombing in advance, you will not lose a life-saving skill.

Besides, haven’t you heard what Commander Tang said! This was done at the request of the First Theater Command, which shows that the Japanese offensive is becoming more and more fierce.

The faces of the 'celebrities' who can think of this look a little heavy, which means that their asset transfer and withdrawal must continue to speed up.

However, the officers and soldiers of the Si Xing Regiment probably didn't think so. Although Tang Dao did not issue military orders as usual, the soldier's instinct still made them smell something different.

Recalling that Tang Dao returned from Zhengzhou City, he ordered a two-meter-deep trench to be dug around the town.

Trench, that completely surpasses ordinary field standards. And most of the trenches are in woodlands rather than wild fields, as if the targets to be avoided do not come from the ground but from the sky.

And Cheng Tietsou's 2nd Artillery Battery has all disappeared since the military parade, which is even more strange.

Maybe this isn't an exercise at all?

Doubts passed through the eyes of many officers, but no one made their suspicions public, because there were nearly ten thousand people at the scene, and it would be terrible if it caused panic and resulted in trampling.

The security force in charge of Gong Shaoxun had obviously anticipated this 'air defense exercise'. After the air defense siren sounded, groups of soldiers with live ammunition came from outside and led the people towards the designated area.

Because it was an air defense exercise, the people did not panic. They followed the soldiers to the trenches dug a kilometer or two away, while discussing the joy of today and their expectations for the upcoming water mat.

President Jia was a smart man. He followed Tang Dao halfway and tugged at the corner of Tang Dao's clothes: "Captain Tang, tell me, is this really an air defense exercise arranged by the theater headquarters?"

Tang Dao looked back at Jia Dongxing, who had a tense face, and smiled slightly: "President Jia, there is no need to worry. Regardless of whether it is an air defense exercise or not, this is a New Year's gift from the Four Elements Group to the elders in Zhengzhou's hometown. Since it is the Chinese New Year, We have to set off fireworks, right?”

"Ah?" Jia Dongxing's calf almost collapsed and he fell over.

If he was just guessing before, now Tang Dao's meaning is very obvious. The Japanese planes are really going to attack.

And looking at Tang Dao's expression, it was obvious that he had obtained this information in advance.

So when did the Japanese military planes not come, but why did they come at this time? Even the Fourth Army Group dug thousands of meters of trenches to deal with it, which is terrifying if you think about it!

"President Jia, believe me, this fireworks feast will only be held a few kilometers away from here, and there is no chance to get close to here." Tang Dao supported Jia Dongxing, who was almost frightened, and whispered to him Said in the ear.

In fact, the truth of the matter is not what the president of the Textile Association imagined. No matter what Tang Dao did, he would not use the lives of his entire regiment of officers and soldiers and nearly 10,000 people as bait to induce Japanese aircraft to attack.

But Tang Dao doesn't do this, it doesn't mean that some people don't do it.

In this overall situation, Tang Dao at this time is just one of the chess pieces, at best a stronger chess piece.

That afternoon a few days ago, the admiral and commander did not just meet Tang Dao, a handsome young man, on a whim.

Although they only communicated for a few minutes, Tang Dao had a new understanding of this person's boldness and ruthlessness. How could a simple person be a commander of a theater?

In that quiet little hall, Tang Dao passively accepted the arrangement for the first time. The whole audience was crushed, with almost no room for struggle.

"I have received intelligence five days ago that the Japanese invaders in North China will launch air attacks on our two important cities of Kaifeng and Zhengzhou at the beginning of the new year to destroy our business and logistical support and damage our morale!" Commander Cheng said in an almost straight-to-the-point manner. Tell top secret information.

"What do you mean, sir, is to use this party of our Four Elements Regiment as bait to lure the enemy to attack?" Tang Dao only needed a few seconds to understand what the army general in front of him meant.

"That's right, your Four Elements Regiment made such a big noise, how come the Japanese spies in the city didn't report this important information?" The old man was not surprised at all by Tang Dao's acumen. "It would be fine if they were replaced by other troops, but your Four Troops are different. Your troops defeated the Kunisaki detachment in the first battle of Guangtoku and severely damaged their vitality. As one of the few senior generals of the Japanese North China Expeditionary Force, Itagaki Seishiro would never dream of I’m thinking about how to eat your Tang Dao’s flesh and drink your Tang Dao’s blood.”

"Thousands of soldiers and civilians will be used as bait for Japanese planes to come and bomb. I believe you, sir, should be prepared!" Tang Dao did not refuse, but asked directly.

Tang Dao knew that in this kind of situation where hundreds of thousands of troops were fighting fiercely at every turn, let alone him and the Four Elements Group, even the old man in front of him was just a member of the chess game in front of the boss, but he was not allowed to be left alone. He is a chess piece that can be chosen at will. If you want to use him as a chess piece, that's fine, but you have to come up with something.

"For this top-secret intelligence, we have sacrificed the lives of three senior intelligence personnel, and two secret intelligence stations in Yanjing City were destroyed. However, this may not be the final loss. On the day when the Japanese fighter jets take off, there will be more There is information sent out, and every word we see is written in blood." The old man's face finally showed solemnity.

"In response to this air attack, I mobilized anti-aircraft machine guns capable of air defense in the entire theater since I obtained the intelligence. Anti-aircraft artillery troops gathered in the two cities. There are currently 64 anti-aircraft machine guns and 32 20mm machine guns.

In addition, I also have an anti-aircraft artillery battalion that retreated from Jinling, now equipped with four SKC/30 88mm anti-aircraft guns! "

"German 88mm anti-aircraft gun?" Tang Dao's face was also moved.

He finally understood why this man was so confident that he would convince him. It turned out that he had such big guys in his hands.

Germany has a developed industry, from the BF109 fighter jets flying in the sky, the Tiger tanks that were rampant on the ground, to the MG42 machine guns that made the infantry's hair stand on end, to the Mauser rifles that shoot accurately, even if it is synonymous with German-made military products, it is not Too much.

The German 88mm anti-aircraft gun is one of the finest products of the German military industry. This kind of anti-aircraft gun is synonymous with German Krupp cannon technology in this era. It is not only used to fight aircraft, but also has the ability to destroy tanks in World War II with its extraordinary muzzle velocity. The capabilities of any ground armor during the period have been proven in actual combat. No tank of that type can withstand a fatal blow from this 88mm anti-aircraft gun at a distance of 1,000 meters.

China, as the financial sponsor of the Germans, imported 16 of these high-performance anti-aircraft guns exactly one year before the war, and went into battle in the Battle of Songhu, with a record of shooting down and damaging more than 20 Japanese fighter planes. .

Even in the famous naval battle of Jiangyin, the gun sank two Japanese gunboats and damaged more than 10 Japanese ships.

It is not easy to use this cannon to hit Japanese aircraft, but at least it is no longer the same as in the past, where you have to induce the Japanese troops to lower their altitude before focusing the fire. This guy's shells can blow up Japanese aircraft into sieves at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. .

"That's right, without such a sharp weapon, how could I kill thousands of soldiers and civilians into the enemy's hands? I will appoint you as the commander-in-chief of this air defense battle code-named 'Destroy Xiao'. If you can shoot down several Japanese planes in one fell swoop, let them If you are too wary to easily attack the important city walls in the rear, then our first battle zone can devote all its strength to the defense line without leaving so much equipment in the rear. Your Tang Dao's combat achievements will be no less than those of any soldiers in the front!" The old man stood up for the first time and threw out the bait.

Seeing that Tang Dao did not answer quickly, the old man looked calm and threw a piece of paper to Tang Dao: "This is a secret order from above. The man from the 20th Army is not a broad-minded person. What he accused you of, even though There is no actual evidence, but that person is suspicious and asked me to pay close attention to you. If there is any abnormality, I will immediately block the way for your four-pronged regiment to go north, and the Military and Political Department will re-issue an order for your troops to return to participate in the Xuzhou Battle! "

Seeing that Tang Dao's face suddenly became solemn, the old man said: "This battle is over, I will let your troops move forward in the first battle area. No matter where you go, I will just pretend that you are invisible. If your troops need it in the future, as long as I am here You can come find me wherever you are."

This is really a good method. Although it does not overwhelm others, it leaves them powerless to resist.

Tang Dao knew that as long as he refused, the road to the north would end here, and he had to take this bait.

"Okay, I have fought this battle, but my subordinates request that if the performance is acceptable, please add 8 machine guns to our Fourth Line Regiment in the First War Zone!" Tang Dao stood at attention and accepted.

"I can't give you the machine gun. It's the darling of each army. Even if I am the commander of the theater, I can't easily touch it. But I can give you 50,000 ocean military expenses as a reward for the Fourth Army Regiment!" The old man's face twitched slightly. , a very painful answer.

Both sides entered the bargaining mode directly, without much intrigue and intrigue. For two soldiers, one old and one young, none of that was necessary.

Because both parties have what they want to gain, they must also pay for it.

Tang Dao accepted the offer of 50,000 yuan, and the experienced commander of the theater also had his own sweet bait to ambush the Japanese army.

There was no need to spread the news deliberately, as the information about the military and civilian party of the Four-Line Regiment had already been placed on the desk of the Japanese North China Expeditionary Army Headquarters.

No one could withstand this huge temptation, and Itagaki Seishirō, who hated Tang Dao and his Four-Line Regiment, was no exception!

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