Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 815: Destroying the Owl (Part 1)

, Rising from 800

The location where the Japanese aircraft were ambushed was just north of the address selected by the Four-line Group for the party.

The reason for the judgment was simple. Not to mention that the Chinese Air Force had hardly appeared on the northern battlefield, after the Battle of Songhu, the Chinese Air Force suffered heavy damage and was left with few. The Japanese aircraft formation was not afraid of air threats at all. In order to save fuel, they would certainly fly in a straight line.

In order to conceal their tracks, the Four-line Group built an air defense position more than 1,000 meters away from the venue, but no one knew that along the 15,000-meter route, the First War Zone was already densely covered with an 88mm anti-aircraft artillery battalion, 6 machine gun companies and 8 anti-aircraft machine gun companies.

As the commander-in-chief of this air defense battle code-named "Xiao Mie", Tang Dao broke up the various organizations, with 88mm anti-aircraft guns as the core, machine guns as auxiliary to build positions, and anti-aircraft machine guns as protection.

To put it simply, it is an 88mm anti-aircraft gun with 6 machine guns as the main position, and 16 anti-aircraft machine guns around the main position. The 88mm anti-aircraft gun and machine gun fire at the air, and the surrounding anti-aircraft machine guns will only fire when the Japanese fighter planes descend below 1,000 meters to attack the position.

There are four such main positions, three of which are 4 kilometers away from the venue in the north direction. The positions are about two kilometers apart, forming a triangular distribution. If the Japanese aircraft formation arrives, the three air defense positions can ensure simultaneous fire and attack. If the Japanese aircraft turns, no matter which direction they come from, the stable structure of the triangle can also provide mutual support.

Another main position is two kilometers away from the venue, and the air defense position composed of 12 anti-aircraft machine guns and two machine guns placed in the open by the Four-Line Regiment is mutually complementary, forming the last barrier for the soldiers and civilians of the Four-Line Regiment as bait.

Tang Dao knew about the Japanese and knew that they were stubborn. Even if they were attacked at high altitude, they would not easily give up their set goals.

Although the Four-line Regiment had made sufficient preparations and dug trenches more than two meters deep in the surrounding woods to avoid bomb blasts, there was still luck. What if the bombs dropped from the sky fell into the trenches?

The chance of this happening was very small, but it would happen, right? Not to mention dozens or hundreds of casualties, even if there were only a few casualties, the New Year's party would have to become a funeral banquet, and the buffet would not have been wasted.

This was a combat mode that Tang Dao had never experienced before. The last time in Baihe Port, the Chinese Air Force participated in the battle, but this time, if the Japanese planes really came, it would be a thorough ground-to-air battle.

Although it was actively induced by the Japanese side, as long as the Japanese fighter planes were not greedy enough and only dropped bombs at high altitude to destroy the target, and had no intention of competing with the air defense positions below, the planes flying in the blue sky would still have the absolute initiative.

It can attack or evacuate at a high altitude. This is the biggest advantage of fighter planes. The anti-aircraft guns and machine guns on the ground are limited by their firing height and range, and can only watch.

But Tang Dao must do it, otherwise, even if it is not his Sihang Group and the people around the town who are in danger, it is the more than 100,000 residents of Zhengzhou City who will wail in the war on New Year's Day.

The bombing of fighter planes in this era has no military targets. It is a completely indiscriminate bombing. The Japanese army is in China now, and the United States and China will bomb their capital with incendiary bombs in the future.

In short, during these two days, the experienced theater commander kept his promise and mobilized the anti-aircraft firearms he could mobilize. And with a military order, all anti-aircraft battalions and companies unconditionally obeyed Tang Dao's dispatch, and Tang Dao also made arrangements within his ability.

Tang Dao received the news before he sang the love song. Gong Shaoxun brought it from the regiment headquarters. He knew in advance that this party would eventually become a setting to lure Japanese fighter planes to come. In addition to the four main officers of the regiment headquarters, only Cheng Tieshou, the commander of the 2nd artillery company, and Yang Xiaoshan, the commander of the special agent company, knew about it.

The intelligence personnel in Taiyuan sent back a secret report: Twelve Japanese fighter planes took off from Taiyuan Airport half an hour ago, and the destination was unknown!

Tang Dao was almost certain that this batch of fighter planes was coming for the Four-Line Regiment.

The reason was very simple. If they were bombing big cities like Kaifeng or Zhengzhou, the best time should be in the morning. At this time, people were still celebrating the New Year and most of them stayed at home. The visibility was not good in the winter morning. As long as the altitude was high enough, it was generally difficult for the military and civilians along the way to be vigilant.

And they took off at noon, which was naturally confirmed intelligence. The Four-Line Regiment was really holding a party. If they wanted to annihilate or severely damage the Four-Line Regiment in one fell swoop, there would be no better time than this.

As for who secretly passed the message, needless to say, those who left the venue early are the most suspicious.

Under Gong Shaoxun's arrangement, the security personnel had actually noticed those who took the initiative to leave the venue early. When Tang Dao announced the air defense exercise and the air defense alarm sounded, they arrested more than a dozen people in succession.

There may be some innocent people among them. Their message was not passed on to the Japanese, but it was also a crime to pass it on to those who were paying attention to the Four Lines Group. They would not be executed on the spot, but they would definitely be beaten up.

According to Tang Dao, if they confessed that they were spies from a certain department, it would be easy to deal with them. They could ask their superiors to redeem them through Colonel Fan, 500 yuan per person. Those who did not pay would be treated as Japanese spies.

If it were normal, Tang Dao, an outsider, would certainly not kill people at will, even if they were Japanese spies. But what is Tang Dao now? He is the commander-in-chief of the "Xiao Extermination" operation appointed by the commander-in-chief of the First War Zone. In other words, this is his battlefield, and on his battlefield, he has the power of life and death over both the enemy and us.

In wartime military law, there is no question of whether to go to the military court or not. With a wave of his hand, the head will fall on the spot.

Moreover, Tang Dao's move is very vicious. If he doesn't say anything and kills the person directly, the espionage agencies that have been all over the country will only suffer a loss no matter how powerful they are. The original function given to them is to spy on the Japanese military intelligence, not to monitor the "hundreds of officials" like the Jinyiwei.

But Tang Dao has to let them know through the First War Zone that they have to redeem the person. Otherwise, this person can be saved with 500 oceans. If they, as leaders, don't save him, who will dare to work for them in the future?

Threaten with snitching? Are there not enough people who report to Tang Tuanzuo? There was even an army lieutenant general who sent a report to the Ministry of Military Affairs! Is Tang Tuanzuo afraid of this?

Besides, Tang Dao is the recipient of the third-class Baoding Medal, which is the honor second only to the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal. As long as he does not commit treason, who dares to easily convict him of those unfounded charges? Even the one in the highest position has to consider the impact.

The Sichuan Army and the Northeast Army behind Tang Dao are also very important anti-Japanese forces today.

Go to Tang Dao to rob people? I didn't even dare to think about this, not to mention that the highest position of the spies stationed in Henan Province was only a lieutenant colonel. Even if they were at the same level as Tang Dao and had studied Tang Dao's information, they didn't dare to go to Tang Dao with a few small pistols to ask for people.

That was a ruthless man who had disobeyed the orders of the Ministry of Military Affairs and led an infantry regiment and a legion to fight. That was all, and what was even more amazing was that his subordinates had killed thousands of Japanese. There are bigwigs in the country who hate him so much that their teeth itch, and the Japanese want to drink his blood and eat his flesh and then kick Tang Dao's head as a ball, but he is still alive and kicking with thousands of people running from the south to the north.

You say, a group of spies who can only hide in dark corners dare to come!

Since their brothers are saved, they dare not rob openly or secretly, so they can only do what Tang Tuanzuo wants!

After this battle, Tang Dao sold 5,000 oceans just by "selling" unidentified people. It can only be said that the spies worked very hard. They were afraid that one or two people would not observe in detail enough, so they had to arrange seven or eight or ten people to come, which unexpectedly made the Four Lines Regiment a fortune.

Tang Dao saw this business principle and decided to do it in the future. However, this also reminded Tang Dao that the Four Lines Regiment must set up a security department.

The guard company is mainly used for the security of the regiment headquarters and its subordinate departments. It is a combat force. These covetous eyes from the dark are best handled by professionals.

Of course, they are still on the march, and the various departments have just been run-in. If they transfer a large number of personnel, the chief officers of the departments will probably have opinions. Tang Dao decided to set up the Security Department after arriving at the station. Moreover, the selection of the head of the Security Department is extremely important. He must be trustworthy and capable enough. It is not enough to just pull a company commander.

It is said that after this time, the big and small spies in Zhengzhou City have been living frugally for nearly two years. One branch even opened a restaurant, which was severely extorted by Tang Da Tuanzuo. The huge deficit, if they don't do business, the spies will starve to death.

Since then, the spies in Henan Province have changed their color when they heard Tang Dao. Tang Tuanzuo didn't kill people indiscriminately, but his lion-like way of asking for money was even more cruel than killing people!

Later, it was heard that Tang Dao refused to leave when he arrived in Shanxi Province. The spies in Henan Province celebrated and felt sad for their colleagues in Shanxi Province. If the office expenses were not increased, it is estimated that those brothers would not even be able to drink noodle soup! …

Sasaki was concentrating on driving the fighter plane, flying through the clouds. As a second lieutenant-level Army Aviation pilot, he was actually very reluctant to carry out this bombing mission.

Logically speaking, bombing a target with determined coordinates and even a bonfire on the ground as a guide was very simple, but since yesterday, Sasaki felt uneasy, as if a god was reminding him not to carry out this mission.

So, Lieutenant Sasaki asked for leave on the grounds of diarrhea since yesterday, hoping to escape this seemingly easy mission.

That's right, as early as two days ago, the information that the infantry regiment led by the Chinese named Tang Dao would hold a New Year's party in the wild outside a big city in China had been placed on the desk of the North China Expeditionary Army Headquarters.

After hearing the news, the commander of the 5th Division in Taiyuan, Itagaki Seishirō, immediately telegraphed General Terauchi Hisaichi, the commander of the North China Expeditionary Army at the time, hoping to change the New Year's offensive plan formulated by the headquarters half a month ago, and instead bomb the Four-Line Regiment, which the Chinese side had vigorously promoted. His reason was simple: destroying this heroic infantry regiment that was widely publicized by the Chinese side would be far more devastating to the Chinese morale than destroying some ordinary civilians.

The reason was very sufficient, but in fact everyone knew how much the lieutenant general hated the young Chinese infantry commander and the troops formed by a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers.

In order to show the bravery of his Fifth Division, when he formed the Tenth Army, he ordered his general Kunizaki to lead more than 10,000 main infantry of the Fifth Division. As a result, they suffered a big setback in Songjiang and lost nearly 1,000 troops. Then in the Battle of Guangde, they simply lost an infantry regiment and a reinforced artillery battalion. If it weren't for the 36th Brigade following behind, the Kunizaki Detachment, which lost all long-range artillery, would not dare to move at all.

Itagaki Seishirō, who wanted to sing the might of the "Steel Army" in the north and the south, had half of his face swollen, so that not many people dared to mention the Southeast War in front of him, for fear that he would mistake it for deliberately poking the wound.

The initiator of all this was the young man named Tang Dao, a small Chinese Army colonel, but he was remembered by the top leaders of the North China Expeditionary Army. It can be regarded as an alternative honor!

General Terauchi Juichi naturally had to give face to his top general. After another day, several spies confirmed the intelligence and the latitude and longitude of the target. The Expeditionary Force Headquarters determined the bombing target of the New Year's Offensive - the Sihang Group's base.

Because no Chinese planes appeared over North China after October 1937, the Army Aviation planned to send 12 Type 93 light bombers. Although the speed of this model is slow and the failure rate is also high, it is superior in that the body structure is extremely similar to that of fighters. It can be used as a fighter when necessary. On a battlefield like China, it can completely save the fuel of the escort fighter group.

And its 500 kg bomb load is enough to ensure that twelve fighters can drop 6 tons of bombs. Not to mention destroying a small infantry regiment, it can completely wipe out the town and the people in it from the earth.

The Japanese are really a frugal nation. Even in such a war, they are still saving fuel for the empire. With this kind of pattern, if they can achieve the final success, it will really be God's eyes.

But for Lieutenant Sasaki, what made him uneasy was not that there were no fighter planes to escort him, but that he believed that he was a person blessed by God, and the gods were reminding him not to go.

Unfortunately, his immediate superior, Captain Kamiki, rejected him verbally.

It was not that he was unwilling to believe the reason why the second lieutenant pilot under his command had diarrhea, but that Sasaki had a criminal record, and more than once.

In the famous Mid-Autumn Battle on September 19, 1937, Sasaki asked for leave because of stomachache and did not fight. As a result, although he shot down 4 Chinese fighter planes in that battle, his side lost several fighter planes, and the commander of the Peking Army Air Force and the commander of the destroyer squadron, Lieutenant Miwa Hiroshi, who was given the title of "King of Destroyers" by the Emperor, was killed on the spot.

That would be fine, just a coincidence, but in October, the Imperial Army's ground forces and logistical supplies for attacking Xinkou were constantly blocked, so they had to rely on the Army Aviation, frequently dispatching aircraft from Yangmingbao Airport in the southwest of Dai County to strengthen air bombing and transportation.

Sasaki had another problem. He fell down, broke his nose, and lost several teeth. He could only recuperate at the headquarters, and the squadron sent 6 fighters to participate in the battle.

As a result, the Chinese army attacked the airport at night, and all 24 fighters parked at the airport were blown up, and all 6 pilots died on the spot.

The magical Sasaki escaped again, but he didn't expect this guy to come again today. Last time he had a stomachache, last time he had a faceache, and this time he had diarrhea. How could Captain Shenmu let him succeed again?

Of course, the more important thing is that every time this guy has a problem, the flight squadron will have problems. In order to relieve his pressure, Captain Shenmu must take this unlucky child with him anyway.

In the subconscious of this captain, Lieutenant Sasaki was the original sin of all that happened. If he died, the squadron would be safe.

Sasaki certainly didn't know what his superior was thinking. Military orders were hard to disobey. He could only board the fighter plane with an uneasy heart and fly carefully at the end of the entire queue.

If something really happened, it must be the leading ones. Lieutenant Sasaki, who was concentrating, didn't observe the ground at all. As long as he found something wrong, he would immediately drop the heavy bomb under the belly of the plane and pull up to the sky.

The empire's supplies were small, but saving lives was a big deal. Lieutenant Sasaki was definitely an outlier in the Japanese army.

"Gentlemen, we are about to reach the target area, 50 kilometers away, you can descend appropriately! The tactics have been arranged before takeoff, so there will be no repetition. Empire, military prosperity!" Captain Shenmu's voice came from the radio.

"Empire, military prosperity!"

The pilots' heroic slogans came from the radio one after another.

The fleet also began to descend from an altitude of 2,500 meters!

"These idiots!" Sasaki watched his colleagues stupidly lower their safety altitudes, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

However, his body was very honest. While responding weakly, he pushed the rudder downward to lower the altitude of his aircraft.

However, it was obvious that Sasaki's aircraft was at least 50 meters higher than the entire fleet.

Don't underestimate these 50 meters, you may be able to escape at a critical moment.

"Second Lieutenant Sasaki! Please speed up and lead the No. 3 aircraft as the vanguard of the entire army. You will be honored to be the first Imperial Air Force to drop a bomb on the head of the Four-Line Regiment. The Imperial Japanese Army Air Force will be proud of you!" Captain Shenmu's voice came with a little coldness.

"I'm honored to your entire Shenmu family!" Sasaki almost sent this sentence to his squadron leader.

Fortunately, the military career of the past two years stopped Lieutenant Sasaki from being impulsive.

He knew that the military hierarchy was strict, and if he challenged a superior who was two levels higher than him, he would die ugly. Moreover, Captain Shenmu's family background was much better than that of a commoner like him. If he really wanted to kill him, it would be no more difficult than slapping a mosquito.

"If something really happens, I hope you will be the first man to report to Amaterasu today. The Imperial Japanese Army Air Force will be proud of you." Sasaki made a great wish in his heart.

Then, Lieutenant Sasaki, who had vented his anger, gritted his teeth and stepped on the throttle. The Kawasaki BMW Wix water-cooled V-type 12-cylinder 700-horsepower engine equipped on the Type 93 single-engine bomber made a heart-wrenching roar, and the speed of the aircraft suddenly increased, leading the group by a thousand meters.

At this time, it was only 30 kilometers away from the Sixing Group's base!

The first update of the wonderful novel kben. 0-r- Dove must be collected to the favorites.

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