Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 816: Destroying the Owl (Part 2)

At this time, Tang Dao on the ground had arrived at the No. 2 position closest to the venue on horseback.

Hidden in the tunnel in the woods, the telegraph operator nervously reported the telegrams from afar, reporting to the superior: "The sound of aircraft engines has been heard 50 kilometers away!"

In order to ensure that the information is accurate enough, Commander Cheng made great efforts. Not only did he concentrate all the anti-aircraft firepower of the First War Zone here, but he also coordinated and spent a lot of money to mobilize China's largest spy network at that time. On the surface, it was to ensure the safety of Zhengzhou City, where the war zone headquarters was located, and to mobilize secret intelligence stations to monitor the air from 200 kilometers away.

Without radar, people's ears were used. From 8 o'clock in the morning, personnel from more than a dozen intelligence stations along the way listened to the sound from the air in the wilderness.

When the Japanese planes flew at an altitude of 2,500 meters, the roar of the aircraft engines might not be obvious, but when they descended to an altitude below 2,000 meters, the thunderous roar could no longer be concealed.

"Pass on my order. Before I give the order to open fire, all positions must not open fire even if Japanese planes pass under their noses. Violators will be severely punished by military law!" Tang Dao stood in a trench covered by branches, looking up at the sky with a telescope.

"Report to the commander, the Japanese plane is 30 kilometers away in a straight line! And descending in altitude, the shadow of the plane can be seen on the ground!"

"Report to the commander, the No. 4 position reports that Japanese planes can be seen. The straight line distance will not exceed 6 kilometers, and the altitude is still unknown!"

Tang Dao listened to the report of the telegraph operator, his body motionless, looking at the sky like a sculpture, but the colonel staff beside him showed anxiety in his eyes.

A distance of 6 kilometers is only a minute for an aircraft with a speed of nearly 300 kilometers per hour. Even if it is not possible to open fire at this time, Tang Dao should have ordered the No. 4 position at the forefront to open fire!

However, the colonel staff officer from the headquarters knows the rules very well. Since Commander Cheng has appointed Tang Dao as the commander, he must obey his command no matter what the outcome of this battle is.

The successful shooting down of the fighter planes was due to Tang Dao's good command. If no one was shot down and the Japanese army successfully dropped bombs, it would also be Tang Dao's fault.

"Report to the commander, position No. 4 requests to open fire. The Japanese planes are less than one kilometer away from them, and the altitude is about 1,800 meters! It is completely within the range of the 88mm anti-aircraft gun!"

"Tell them to wait for orders!" Tang Dao's cold voice came.

In the sky.

"Everyone pays attention, the distance to the target is less than 10 kilometers, and everyone continues to descend to 1,500 meters!" Captain Shenmu's voice spread to the radio intercoms of all Japanese fighter planes.

"Descend the hell!" Zuo Zuomu's eyelids twitched wildly and he complained wildly in his heart.

Since he descended to 1,800 meters, he could already see the small box-like houses on the ground. Obviously, since he could see the ground, the Chinese on the ground could also see the fleet.

200 kilometers away is the front line. It makes no sense that there is no air defense force around such a big city. Even if the air defense weapons equipped by the Chinese are mainly anti-aircraft machine guns, it cannot be said that there is no reaction at all.

The ground was quiet, as if the roaring fleet was air.

This is really wrong!

"Report to Captain Shenmu, I personally think we should continue to maintain an altitude of 1,800 meters to prevent being attacked by the Chinese air defense force!" Zuo Zuomu made a suggestion with a stiff upper lip.

"Asshole! Are you smart enough to drop bombs accurately on the heads of the Chinese at an altitude of 1,800 meters?" Captain Shenmu's angry voice came. "In addition, where is the Chinese air defense force you mentioned?"

"My intuition reminds me that there must be Chinese air defense forces around!" Zuo Zuomu has already risked his life for the sake of his life.

"Damn it, Lieutenant Zuo Zuomu, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Now is wartime, you just need to follow orders, not talk about some illusory intuition!" Captain Shenmu's voice has turned from anger to cold. "If you refuse, then I can completely infer that you are afraid of fighting, and I have reason to suspect that you were looking for excuses to avoid fighting the first two times!"

"I didn't!" Zuo Zuomu weakly defended himself.

"Very good, then, Lieutenant Zuo Zuomu, please descend to 1000 meters, no, 800 meters, and conduct ground reconnaissance for the entire squadron! I'll wait for your good news!" Captain Shenmu ordered with a sneer in his eyes.

He had grasped the life of this coward. If this guy didn't obey orders, he could send him to a military court after returning. He was really fed up with this person who was different from the eagles of the Imperial Japanese Army Aviation.

"Shenmu Akatori, I wish you a dead body!" Zuo Zuomu gritted his teeth and cursed his immediate superior in his heart.

But he could only obey orders, resisting the increasing uneasiness, and pushed the rudder to make the nose of the plane go down.

The visibility was very good at this time, and the scenery on the ground became clearer and clearer. He could even see two smoke columns several kilometers away.

"Report from the No. 4 position, most of the enemy aircraft have passed over it, request to open fire!" The telegraph operator continued to report.

"Let them wait!" Tang Dao's back, holding a telescope and looking at the sky, was almost frozen.

In the telescope's field of view, dozens of small black dots were clearly visible. The Japanese aircraft group was no more than 4 kilometers away from the tip of the triangular position - Position No. 2.

The roar of the Japanese aircraft engines came to my ears!

"Did you see those flames? According to top-secret intelligence, the target was to keep warm, and dozens of large bonfires were lit around the venue to keep warm. This is to point out the target for my squadron! In Chinese terms, this is called self-destruction!" Captain Shenmu looked at the ground with a telescope, and dots of fire flickered in the telescope.

The joy of finding the bombing target instantly drowned out the unhappiness that had just arisen because of Zuo Zuomu, the coward.

"Except for that bastard Zuo Zuomu, all of you will descend to 1,200 meters. When you are about 1,500 meters close to the target, all of you will dive and drop bombs in Squadron 1, and Squadron 2 will follow closely to drop bombs. After Squadron 3 confirms the results of the battle, it will turn southeast and enter the battlefield to dive and drop bombs again. Do you understand?"

"Hi!" The Japanese pilot's voice came from the radio to indicate that he had received it.

The 8 bombers continued to descend with a roar, leaving only 3 bombers still at an altitude of 1,500 meters.

At this time, Zuo Zuomu, the arrowhead, was only 3 kilometers away from the venue. It only took him one and a half minutes to drop the bomb and rise to the sky.

Holding the rudder in one hand and the bomb release valve in the other, Zuo Zuomu felt like every second was a year.

Something strange happened!

On the ground, Tang Dao roared softly: "No. 4, No. 3, No. 2 positions, machine guns fire!"

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!" The sky was instantly filled with shells.

That was the result of 18 machine guns firing at full speed.

In just 3 seconds, 18 machine guns fired nearly 100 shells, most of which were aimed at the 8 Japanese bombers that had descended to 1,200 meters.

Although their formation was one in front and one behind, in order to maintain the accuracy of the bombing, the distance between each plane was no more than 80 meters, which was already considered dense.

Although no shells directly hit the Japanese aircraft group, they made the Japanese aircraft a little confused.

The Chinese actually have anti-aircraft forces, and they don't have anti-aircraft machine guns, but anti-aircraft guns, a large number of them.

The white fog that kept appearing in the sky had already told the Japanese pilots the answer.

"Damn it, the Chinese are looking for death, find them and blow them up!" Captain Shenmu, who was still 1,500 meters high, was enraged.

The anti-aircraft gun positions on the ground were all covered by trees, so he had no way of judging where the shells came from at high altitude, but his rich combat experience told him that they were in those clumps of trees.

If the Chinese air force attacked, he might be afraid. The Chinese air force in North China was pitifully small, but it also caused them huge losses. But when did the anti-aircraft guns on the ground become so arrogant, especially when his twelve Type 93 bombers were still fully loaded with bombs.

The six-ton ​​bomb gave Captain Shenmu full confidence. As long as he could find the Chinese air defense position, he only needed a few 200-pound bombs to destroy it. This operation was not the first time on the battlefield in North China.

Ground air defense can never take the initiative in the battle in front of flexible fighters.

If it were just these 18 machine guns, Captain Shenmu's decision would be correct. At least so far, the 18 machine guns have each fired a bullet plate and fired 180 shells, but only a few shrapnel hit the Japanese plane, leaving a few small holes in the skin of the Japanese plane.

The Japanese plane that quickly turned right in the sky and prepared to temporarily leave this battlefield was basically intact.

Unfortunately, the four 88mm anti-aircraft guns have not spoken yet. They are terrifying anti-aircraft guns with a firing height of 3,000 meters. Tang Dao originally planned to use 18 anti-aircraft guns to scare the Japanese planes, and wait for them to drop bombs and pull up, and then the four 88mm anti-aircraft guns will attack again.

As a result, the Japanese plane was much tougher than he thought. Not only did it not drop bombs or rise, but it turned sideways, trying to break away first and then re-enter the battlefield from the west to attack the air defense position.

Perhaps, only one Japanese plane was scared.

That was Lieutenant Zuo Zuomu. When the shells bloomed in the sky, Zuo Zuomu immediately opened the bomb valve and threw all the four large and small bombs carried by the bomber.

It was not to bomb anyone, but he wanted to reduce the weight. The single-engine water-cooled engine of the Type 93 bomber was originally a scum, with a maximum speed of only 280 kilometers per hour. With this power, it had to carry 500 kilograms of bombs. How could it climb at the fastest speed?

So, at a distance of only 2,800 meters from the venue, a Japanese plane hurriedly dropped bombs. Two bombs weighing 200 pounds each fell into the field after sliding for nearly 1,300 meters.

‘Boom boom boom!’ Four loud noises.

There were several burnt spots visible to the naked eye in the fields, but that was from the air. Of course, the instigator probably had no time to appreciate it at this time.

People standing on the ground may have felt it the most. Although it was nearly a mile away, the anti-aircraft machine gun position where Cheng Tieshou was located was also shaking. If you get closer, the radius of the crater left by the two heavy bombs is more than 5 meters, which is enough to be a pond for raising fish.

If this thing falls in the venue, with the density of the crowd, one bomb is enough to take the lives of two or three hundred people.

"Damn it, are you so timid?" Cheng Tieshou looked at the Japanese plane in front of him that dropped a bomb and was rising wildly, full of unwillingness.

The Japanese planes were more than 1,000 meters away from him in a straight line, and the altitude was more than 800 meters. The anti-aircraft machine guns equipped on his position could only sigh in despair. The range of the only two machine guns was enough, but considering the state of the Japanese planes pulling up at all costs, it would be a waste of shells to fire. It would be better to continue to lurk and wait for the next opportunity.

Now three anti-aircraft positions have opened fire. As long as the Japanese planes do not run away and re-enter the battlefield, his 12 anti-aircraft machine guns may have a chance.

The second mistake Captain Shenmu made was to overestimate the performance of his own plane. If he had the determination of the coward Zuo Zuomu, he would immediately order the fleet to drop the bombs and quickly pull up, and the Japanese fleet would have at least a 50% chance of leaving the battlefield.

Unfortunately, making a mistake on the battlefield means death.

"All 88mm anti-aircraft guns on the positions, fire at full speed!" Tang Dao saw that the Japanese army was so stubborn, so he would not let go of this opportunity.

The firing height of the 88mm anti-aircraft gun reached 3,000 meters, and the damage caused by the explosion of the special anti-aircraft shells also exceeded the radius of 10 meters, which means that it is not necessary to directly hit the Japanese aircraft body. As long as it hits 10 meters near the Japanese aircraft, it can effectively kill the Japanese aircraft.

The first target of the four 88mm anti-aircraft guns is the three Japanese aircraft at an altitude of 1,500 meters.

The reason is very simple. There are dozens of machine guns to deal with the eight fighters, and the Japanese commanders often command at the top. Kill the king first to kill the enemy. The choice of four 88mm anti-aircraft guns is correct.

Therefore, the terrible 88mm anti-aircraft gun did not give Captain Shenmu a chance to correct his mistake.

A shell exploded five meters to the right of Captain Shenmu's plane.

The surging air wave instantly tore the fragile right wing of the Type 93 bomber, and the flying shrapnel directly turned Captain Shenmu in the cockpit into a sieve.

The broken-winged Type 93 aircraft was like a kite with a broken string. It didn't even struggle in the air. It fell headfirst and landed in a bush. The explosion of aviation fuel caused the bombs that had not been thrown out in time to explode, and the wreckage of the aircraft and the dead Captain Shenmu were directly blown into ashes.

Zuo Zuomu's wishes were fulfilled one by one.

Captain Shenmu Akatori was the first to die, and his body was not intact! This mouth is really poisonous.

I don't know if Captain Shenmu Akatori knew the truth, would he come back from Amaterasu and take the poisonous mouth Zuo Zuomu to see the stars and the moon and talk about life ideals together.

The other two were so scared that they accelerated their escape with the rudder, and in a hurry they stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

It has to be said that the Japanese are really a rigorous nation. Even at such a moment, they remembered the military order and did not drop the bomb.

When fully loaded with bombs, the single-engine engine of the Type 93 with only 700 horsepower could not turn a bicycle into a motorcycle. The two Japanese planes fleeing frantically in the sky were like two big fat geese.

Four 88mm anti-aircraft guns fired at the fastest speed.

This anti-aircraft artillery battalion is not a rookie. They are veterans who participated in the Battle of Songhu. They not only shot down fighter planes, but also fought against Japanese warships in the Yangtze River. For such targets, although they are at least two kilometers apart, they have a tacit understanding.

Two guns fired ahead of time, two guns fired left and right, and the two panicked Japanese planes did not say to disperse and escape, but tacitly headed in the same direction.

If they don’t die, who will die?

A shell hit the side and rear of a Japanese plane, and the shrapnel should have hit the fuel tank. Visible flames quickly rose, and thick black smoke was dragged behind the Japanese plane.

"Okay, kill another one!" The colonel staff officer clenched his fists.

Shooting down two planes basically completed today's mission.

But, the results of the battle often come unexpectedly like this!

"Black Eye, drop the bomb!" Another Japanese pilot frantically reminded his companions on the radio.

He didn't know that his companion was unable to open the bomb handbrake. A shrapnel broke into the belly of the plane, penetrated the fragile seat floor and sank into the back of the Japanese pilot, just cutting off the spine.

The wind helped the fire, and half of the plane was instantly ignited, like a moving bonfire in the air.

The bomb was roasted and exploded!

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the plane exploded into a ball of fire in the air.

That was the scene people saw on the ground.

Just like Ximei, whose ears were covered by stones, excitedly asked her brother: "Brother, is that the fireworks that Uncle Tang said?"

No one answered the little girl.

The officers and soldiers hiding in the trenches looked at the "fireworks" in the distance and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It's not that the fireworks promised by Tang Tuanzuo were not good-looking, but no one expected such a big scene.

What would be the consequences if more than a dozen bombers really flew over the venue? Those who have fought countless turns on the edge of life and death know it very well.

Even if there were trenches, as long as a bomb was dropped into the trenches, there would be casualties everywhere. If they were still having a lively party, then everyone would not have to eat the buffet, and would have to report directly to the King of Hell.

In the sky, the air mass formed by the detonation of the 500 kg bomb directly swept all objects within a radius of 100 meters, including the unlucky guy who was still frantically reminding his companions 100 meters from the flank of the fighter plane that had been blown to ashes.

The seemingly solid fighter plane was like a fragile paper airplane under this huge force that was invisible to the naked eye, and it disintegrated directly in the air.

The Japanese pilot who was thrown into the air and had lost consciousness fell like a stone and fell into a pool of meat paste in the wild.

The other 8 Japanese planes were not much luckier than their companions in the higher sky. When the machine guns on the No. 1 position also opened fire, a total of 24 machine guns were fired.

The two Japanese planes were hit and fled to the northwest with thick smoke.

At this time, a total of 5 Japanese planes were shot down and damaged, which was considered to have exceeded the combat mission. The Chinese soldiers in the anti-aircraft positions on the ground were all happy.

Even Tang Dao smiled. If nothing else, the 50,000 yuan military expenditure was stable.

Unexpectedly, the 6 Japanese planes that had escaped the range of the machine guns turned again in the distance and rushed towards this side aggressively.

"All positions, fire freely according to the range! 88mm anti-aircraft guns, do not stop shooting!" Tang Dao ordered.

The 6 Japanese planes were also forced. They had not dropped a bomb before the captain Shenmu was killed in the battle. If they did not produce some results, it would be difficult to report back.

As for the bastard Zuo Zuomu who had already escaped, he would be sent to a military court when he returned, just in time to take the blame for everyone.

This should be the idea of ​​the lieutenant squadron leader of the 1st flight squadron who had taken over the command of Captain Shenmu. Even if there was no visible results, the bombs had to be dropped on the Chinese air defense positions.

Therefore, the six Japanese planes were divided into two groups, one on the left and one on the right, coming aggressively from an altitude of 1,000 meters.

That was their best bombing altitude, so they had to brave the crazy shooting of 32 20mm machine guns and 4 88mm anti-aircraft guns.

Perhaps, they would regret this choice.

Because there were still 76 anti-aircraft machine guns on the ground forming a crazy barrage.

1,000 meters altitude was the limit of the anti-aircraft machine guns, but it was no longer important. The role of the anti-aircraft machine guns was to spit bullets into the air desperately. As for whether they could form effective shooting, it all depended on God's will.

The dense barrage formed by hundreds of bullets per second was even wilder than the machine guns.

At least two Japanese planes were hit like honeycombs by the warheads that had already exhausted their power in the air. There were at least forty or fifty bullet holes on each Japanese plane.

Maybe the planes could still bear it, but people couldn't, especially since the Japanese planes never installed any steel plates to protect the pilot's cockpit in order to save weight.

The two pilots were killed directly!

Before they died, the handbrakes that they pulled up with all their strength were useless. All eight bombs were dropped in the open space. The nearest one was dozens of meters away from the No. 1 air defense position. Except for splashing some dirt on the military caps, there was no harm at all.

The other four planes successfully dropped their bombs, but under the crazy counterattack of machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, they were also terrified and wanted to pull up and escape after dropping, and their accuracy was less than one-third of that in normal days.

There was a 200-pound bomb that exploded more than 20 meters outside the No. 4 position, but the officers and soldiers were hiding in trenches and fortifications. The surging air waves swept away the sandbags and anti-aircraft machine guns piled on the position. More than a dozen officers and soldiers had bleeding ears, and several others were scratched, that's all.

But the fleeing Japanese planes were not so lucky. The 88mm anti-aircraft guns showed their power. With the assistance of machine guns, they chased the Japanese planes as far as 2 kilometers away. Two of the four Japanese planes fled in thick smoke, and two were shot down.

Of the 12 Japanese planes that attacked, except for Zuo Zuomu, who made a quick decision to drop the bomb and escape, 7 were shot down on the spot, and 4 fighter planes escaped with injuries.

The underground military and civilians were jubilant!

Although the process was terrifying, the ending was that Tang Tuanzuo gave everyone a grand fireworks display!

Maybe there are smart people like President Jia who think it is terrifying, but if you think about it carefully, the whole army of the Four-Line Regiment is also there, and so many anti-aircraft guns cannot be gathered by Tang Dao alone, so there must be a higher level behind it.

In front of such a force, who is not an ant? Thinking in this way, some dissatisfaction is relieved.

This is a real smart person.

In this battle, the Japanese army lost 11 fighter planes, creating the record of shooting down Japanese fighter planes. This conclusion was not reached until the second day.

Because none of the four injured and escaping Japanese military planes that penetrated 200 kilometers into the Chinese defense zone could return to Taiyuan smoothly.

All crashed about 80 kilometers away from the battlefield.

As for why it is so unified, I am afraid that only Lieutenant Zuo Zuomu, the only one who returned to Taiyuan alive, knows best.

In his own words, I am just afraid of death, not a coward!

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