Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 819 Drunk!

Seeing that Tang Dao was so confident, and even came up with a new system of paying insurance premiums and being responsible for compensation, although the insurance premiums to be paid were slightly high, as long as the factory was not ruined, there would be some profit after all, and the textile factory owners who were in a state of panic were still elated.

These people were all smart people. As long as Tang Dao could ensure that there would be no war disasters there, the biggest hidden worry would have been removed. As for how to coordinate with the local military and political relations in the northwest, as long as money was used, the mill could push the ghost away. This routine was not too simple for them who had been in the business for a long time.

The people of Henan Province had a good alcohol tolerance. When they were happy, they naturally toasted Tang Dao. There were no three-cent or five-cent wine cups here, but only bowls for eating. Even if the bottom of the bowl was emptied, there was at least one or two taels of wine. However, Tang Dao accepted all the wine and drank until the cup was dry.

As the saying goes: Drinking quality shows a person's character! The reason why Chinese people have to complete business talks in the wine field by toasting and exchanging cups is not to see the size of the alcohol tolerance, but the attitude of drinking.

Wine is hard to drink, but if you can't even overcome alcohol, what else can customers expect from you? It's just such a simple truth.

Seeing Tang Dao so heroic, the merchants headed by Jia Dongxing have more trust in Tang Dao.

There were also smart people at the table. Seeing that Tang Dao and the group of people from the Textile Association were getting along well, they couldn't help but feel jealous. They took the opportunity of toasting to come and inquire. When they heard that Tang Dao pointed out a clear way for the Textile Association to move the factory to the northwest, they were also tempted.

They all asked Tang Dao to give them some advice on where to go. The merchants here are from all walks of life, including grain stores, clothing stores, horse stores, tobacco factories, and even a brothel owner. Tang Dao was also overwhelmed when he heard it.

The textile industry can be moved to the northwest because cotton is produced there, there is no shortage of raw materials, and the cost can be reduced instead of increased, but these service industries require a large population.

The barren place in the northwest where no trees grow may not be suitable for them.

"Go to Sichuan Province!" Tang Dao finally gave a clear answer.

According to the war situation in the past time and space, the Battle of Xuzhou will be over within March. Although this battle won a great victory in the local battlefield with the help of the Battle of Taierzhuang, it is still a strategic failure.

As the Japanese army, unwilling to fail, continued to deploy troops, the Fifth War Zone began to retreat strategically. The two major traffic arteries of Longhai Line and Pinghan Line eventually fell into the hands of the enemy. After the Japanese army obtained these two important traffic lines, they began to use their transportation forces. The front will point directly to the current auxiliary capital Jiangxia, and the central China region will soon be lost.

These merchants are so eager to move their industries away, on the one hand because of interests, and on the other hand, they also have the intention of not wanting to be slaves of the country and do business under the Japanese. These are all worthy of encouragement.

In the later period, the Japanese occupied the big city and no longer had the beastly behavior like Jinling. It was not that they found their conscience and did not want to massacre again, but that they needed the industry and commerce in the city to generate value for their ever-expanding war behavior to reduce the burden on the country.

If a considerable part of the industry and commerce in the city could be moved away before they occupied it, it would also be a blow to Japan.

"Although Sichuan Province is located in the southwest and surrounded by mountains, with inconvenient transportation, it also creates its strategic security, and the population there is dense, with the population of Sichuan Province alone reaching 60 million!" Tang Dao stated his reasons.

Of course, in order not to shock the world, Tang Dao did not say that it would not be long before the various government departments temporarily staying in Jiangxia would move from Jiangxia to eastern Sichuan, and a large number of factories, schools and other large populations would follow.

According to statistics, in 1933, there were only 415 factories and handicraft workshops in the mountain city. After the war broke out, more than 400 factories moved to Chongqing, increasing the number of industrial and mining enterprises in the city to 1,690, accounting for one-third of the total number of factories in the country at that time; and the number of colleges and universities reached more than 50, becoming the first in the country.

In addition, there were refugees from North China and East China who were forced to leave their homes because of the outbreak of war. This was one of the largest population migrations in the history of the Chinese nation. No one could count the exact number of this large population migration, but the most conservative estimate was about 20 million.

The first stop for the refugees who left their homes was the temporary capital Jiangxia. Then, as the war progressed, people continued to flee to the "safe areas" full of mountains such as Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan. More than one million people poured into the capital of Shancheng alone, and the immigrant population accounted for more than half of the original population of Shancheng.

Although Shancheng was decided as the capital as early as November last year, after Tang Dao said so, a group of businessmen were relieved, and some people who were still hesitant also became more determined to move away.

Although Tang Dao did not say it explicitly, they could smell that even Tang Dao, a determined iron-blooded soldier who fought against the war, was not optimistic about the current situation.

Tang Dao did not favor one over the other. He and Lei Xiong, Gu Shaoxun, and Zhuang Shisan each took a round of wine bowls in the VIP customer area, giving these "celebrities" enough face.

When they returned to Jia Dongxing's table, they had already eaten and drunk enough. Seeing Tang Dao's return, a group of bosses let Tang Dao return to the main seat, and refilled his bowls and chopsticks, and poured more wine. Then, a group of uncles looked at Tang Dao with "weird" faces.

This made Tang Dao also think in his heart, this is a request! Could it be that after discussing for a while, he felt that the "insurance premium" was too high?

In theory, Tang Dao gave these textile tycoons time to discuss. They could list some detailed terms now, and then listen to Tang Dao's opinions and make revisions, and sign the contract before leaving.

They got enough guarantees to move all the textile factories to a place in the northwest. Tang Dao even helped them think of a city. Xianyang, near Chang'an, is not only in the Guanzhong Plain, but also not far from northern Shaanxi. It is convenient to transport 100,000 sets of military uniforms a year, regardless of whether it is blocked or not.

Yes, Tang Dao did not intend to take the "insurance premium" of up to 100,000 sets of military uniforms a year. That was a gift from Tang Dao to his own people. Although it would only account for a small proportion of his own people who would expand to millions of troops in the future, a small mosquito is also meat, right? This gift would definitely make those big bosses of his own people very happy.

And what Tang Dao really needs is those thousands of "customized" military uniforms. After knowing Tang Dao's needs, Jia Dongxing and his group may cry. This so-called fraction is not cheaper than the 100,000 sets of military uniforms with a cost price of 0.5 oceans.

Tang Dao has strict requirements for the future uniforms of the Four Lines Corps. Let's not talk about the special functions of rainproof, fireproof and stabproof. The demand for sturdiness and wear resistance is far beyond the current coarse cotton uniforms. The special squadron needs camouflage, and the dyeing needs technical innovation.

Of course, whether to cry or not is a later story. Since they are on the pirate ship of Tang Tuanzuo, it is not so easy to get off, not to mention that they are rushing to tie themselves up.

That's right, it's not just the so-called contract that can bind all this. Merchants are more willing to spend more money than ordinary people think when doing business.

Therefore, Tang Dao's inquiry has nothing to do with any contract for the time being.

"What are you doing? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask." Tang Dao looked puzzled.

"Captain Tang, I wonder how old the young officer named Zhao Daqiang is this year? Where does he live? I wonder if he is married?" The wealthy old Zhou asked respectfully.

Hey! Zhao Daqiang is a good kid! Being noticed so soon? Tang Dao was slightly happy in his heart, but his face was calm.

This thing! Just like fishing, the fish has touched the bait, but has not yet taken the bait. If you lift the rod too early, the fish will only be scared away.

"This! But it is a military secret. Boss Zhou, I am sorry that Tang Dao has nothing to say." Tang Dao smiled slightly.

"No, no, Captain Tang, please don't get me wrong. It's like this. I have a niece in my family. She is already 22 years old. She keeps shouting that she wants to join the army to defend the country. You say, how can I, as an uncle, not have a headache? No, it's not that my niece pestered me to come here when she heard that she was going to attend the Sixing Group party. Just now when you left, my wife actually asked me to inquire about the situation of your company commander Zhao Daqiang, and it seems that it was my niece's idea." Old Zhou was startled and explained hurriedly.

Although the words were not very clear, the meaning was very clear. There was a precious niece at home who was 22 years old and had not yet married. She was also concerned about the military camp. As an elder, it was very troublesome. The niece finally had an idea, so why didn't he, as the uncle, rush out quickly?

Don't underestimate the prestige of the uncle in the family. If he is the head of the family, his words are even more important than those of his father.

It must be said that Lao Zhou's niece has vision. Although Zhao Daqiang looks honest and simple, he is actually shrewd in his simplicity. Otherwise, he would not have been promoted by Liu Yuqing to be a guard by his side, nor would he have met Tang Dao who was promoted several levels to become the company commander of the main company. In the battle of the gold pit, Zhao Daqiang showed his ability to the fullest.

It turns out that among the four main company commanders of the independent battalion, the 27-year-old Zhao Daqiang is more mature than Qian Dazhu, and more energetic than Li Jiujin, who is over 30 and a little cautious. Leng Feng could suppress him. When Leng Feng was promoted to major battalion commander, in fact, in Tang Dao's mind, he is the most likely to be promoted again.

Of course, for the girl who Tang Dao met and may not have left much impression, it may not be Zhao Daqiang's rank and future that she is attracted to, but mainly this man! Manly.

Zhao Daqiang is not the typical white-faced handsome guy, nor is he the handsome type with a slender figure and a chiseled face like Tang Dao. At first glance, he looks very simple and will soon be drowned in the crowd, but if you look closely, there are a pair of very smart eyes under a pair of thick eyebrows. The beard was shaved a few days ago, and a new stubble has grown in the past two days, but it does not look sloppy, but adds a little unique temperament of male creatures.

In addition, the new military uniform that best reflects the heroic temperament of men and the tall and straight figure of soldiers that are far superior to ordinary people set off, full of manliness.

This is not an isolated case. Those guys who will serve as freshman military training instructors in the future will receive love letters from freshman girls as firewood.

The masculinity unique to soldiers is far more attractive to young women than those well-dressed young men.

For parents, appearance is not so important, what is important is the rank. Twenty-year-old officers have a smooth future and are completely in line with their ideal son-in-law.

"Oh? So that's the case. So, Boss Zhou, don't worry, now, just eat and drink well, and wait until we have negotiated everything later, and then let him come to chat with you, what do you think?" Tang Dao was happy in his heart, but on the surface he was reserved without showing it.

It must be that! Old Zhou's niece fell in love with Zhao Daqiang, but there are other families! In the future world, "If You Are the One" will still choose to keep the lights on and off!

In addition, we have to consider whether Zhao Daqiang is interested in his niece. Tang Dao hopes to solve the marriage problems of his officers, but he thinks that marriage must first be based on love. What is the point of having a marriage without love?

The feeling of first sight is really important for the birth of love.

Some people say that love at first sight is too hasty. In fact, human emotional thinking is very wonderful. Some people can tell whether the person in front of them is suitable for you at a glance.

Tang Dao and Tan Tai Mingyue are no exception. The first meeting between the two was not very pleasant, but one was busy with military affairs and did not pay much attention to the other, and the other was quite unhappy with the other's arrogance and some misunderstandings. However, this did not prevent the two from leaving a good first impression of each other's "skin" at first sight.

Many people like to say "good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are one in a million!", but when the other party does not have a stereotyped skin, they are not willing to contact that soul that may be interesting.

Tang Dao is also one of the common people. History has proven that no matter how heroic a man is, once he is loved by a beautiful woman, it is difficult to escape.

This is human nature, which everyone knows, but it is extremely difficult to overcome.

Tang Dao suddenly raised his hand, and the old foxes in the Textile Association could only remain calm.

To marry the Four Lines Group, firstly, it is indeed because his daughter and niece have taken a fancy to him, and secondly, it can also be used to strengthen the relationship with the Four Lines Group. The northwest is the territory occupied by the Northeast Army for several years. The news they have inquired shows that Tang Dao has a close relationship with the 67th Army. It would be best if they can get a relationship from him.

But if they are asked to rush to send their daughters, all the business tycoons have no face, and this is impossible.

Then continue to drink with the Tang Tuanzu who is in high spirits!

Tang Dao did not withdraw the banquet because he had to wait until his officers and soldiers came to the table.

The people were quite sensible, knowing that there were people waiting behind them, especially the group of soldiers who were waiting, and they ate very quickly. Except for the steamed buns that were distributed earlier, which were packed up by everyone, the food on the table was swept away.

The banquet in the straw hut area here has not been cleared yet, but the buffet has been served twice. The people left with satisfaction after eating and drinking, and the soldiers and the remaining townspeople came to the table.

Tang Dao led the three main officers Lei Xiong, Gong Shaoxun, and Zhuang Shisan to toast one unit after another. These were all his soldiers, who had fought the Japanese on the battlefield, and they deserved to be treated like this.

Tang Dao, who had already drunk two kilograms of wine, showed the true strength of a man who grew up in a wine jar for the first time.

"Cheers to the brothers!" In almost every company-level unit, the wine bowl in Tang Dao's hand, which could hold two taels of white wine, was full. Facing the wine bowls held by the officers and soldiers, Tang Dao drank them all.

This is gratitude and respect!

This is a soldier from the future, paying tribute to these Chinese soldiers who have not left their names in the long river of history, paying tribute to their sacrifices for this country and nation; this is also a soldier who fought bravely against the Japanese invaders on the battlefield to thank his comrades who fought side by side, thanking them for accompanying him on the battlefield without hesitation!

No one stopped Tang Dao from swallowing the white wine, not even Tan Tai Mingyue who was most worried about him.

All emotions are in the wine, and soldiers can feel it.

Lei Xiong and Gong Shaoxun are both from the north, and they have a good alcohol tolerance, but they can't compare with Tang Jiugang. One bowl is one tael, and one round is more than one catty. Zhuang Shisan is from Songjiang, and he is okay with yellow wine, but he is a chicken for white wine. Pour half a tael into the bowl is the limit. After a round of toasts, his face is already red and he can't walk straight.

Fortunately, the three months of cruel battlefields have also trained this man's mental will. Obviously, he was already drunk, but he was able to walk back without anyone's help without being rude.

Tang Dao saw that this man was in a bad condition, and quickly asked the staff to help him go back to rest.

Seeing that Tang Tuanzuo was still sober after drinking several kilograms of liquor, Gong Shaoxun realized that Tang Dao and Wu Junzuo had not even shown half of their strength in the drinking contest! Wu Junzuo underestimated Tang Dao's strength.

But it was not only Chief of Staff Zhuang who was drunk.

When Tang Tuanzuo drank so much, at least half of the soldiers present were drunk. It was not that soldiers could not drink, nor that they lacked self-discipline.

Rather, they had been on the battlefield all the time, and even though they had been away from the battlefield for more than a month, they had been marching hard. Even just now, they had witnessed an air-to-air battle with their own eyes. They were already mentally tense, and suddenly announced a holiday to relax their minds. In addition, Tang Tuanzuo said that there was enough wine, so the wine was naturally excessive.

Or, more importantly, they missed their comrades who died in the battle.

They can eat meat and drink wine to celebrate the first New Year of the Four-Line Group, but the comrades who used to be with them day and night can only lie in the cold mud, and even many of them have been killed.

Many people will pour the first glass of wine into the mud in front of themselves and whisper: "Brother, I toast you."

That is the oldest tradition in China.

Then, get drunk!

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