Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 820 Everyone is happy!

It was easy for the officers and soldiers to get drunk, so they supported each other and went back to the barracks to rest.

Although the Sihang Regiment had a big holiday today, they still remained vigilant about security guards.

Starting from the buffet mode at noon, an infantry company outside the town was fully armed and stationed at various checkpoints, and an infantry company inside the town formed a patrol team of the size of an infantry squad to patrol 24 hours a day.

Of course, everyone had a holiday during the holidays, and it was inevitable that anyone would feel unfair that two infantry companies still had to be on combat duty.

Tang Dao first adopted a lottery system. The nine infantry company commanders under the three infantry battalions, plus the company commanders of the guard company, special agent company, cavalry company, artillery company 1, artillery company 2, and baggage company, all of whom participated in the lottery for combat duty, whether they were front-line troops or second-line auxiliary troops.

In the concept of Tang Dao, there is no such thing as the first line and the second line. In ordinary battles, everyone has their own duties. But when encountering a crisis, all the soldiers in the regiment have to take up their guns and fight hard. Combat duty is the task of the soldiers.

Drawing lots depends on luck. There are lucky ones and unlucky ones. The baggage company and the third company under the first battalion of Lei Xiong were "unlucky" to draw.

From noon on New Year's Eve to the evening of the first day of the Lunar New Year tomorrow, a full 30 hours, two companies, one inside and one outside, are responsible for the safety and alert of the entire regiment.

However, the duty is not in vain. Tang Dao announced that all participants in the combat duty during traditional holidays will be paid five times the usual military pay.

For example, a sergeant, assuming that his monthly salary is 12 oceans, calculated based on 30 days a month, the daily salary is 0.4 oceans, then his 30 hours on duty is 2.5 oceans.

Don't underestimate this 2.5 oceans. According to the current price, it is enough for a rural family to live for a month.

The two company commanders who had previously lamented their bad luck smiled at the time. It was just a holiday! Let the officers and soldiers go to Zhengzhou City for a stroll. As superiors, they were still worried about accidents. Now they could not only control them from running around, but also get money.

As for the other officers and soldiers who could sleep in, drink, gamble and make a fuss during the New Year, that was nothing. They could just put two more bowls of meat to satisfy their mouths and have fun.

Li Jiujin, who was a money-grubber, wanted to exchange with the baggage company commander on the spot when he heard about this good thing. The baggage company commander might have given him some courtesy at ordinary times, but at this moment he shook his head like a rattle and rejected the kindness of Li Da Company Commander with a sentence "the army must follow the rules".

Li Da Company Commander could only watch the several dollars go away from him.

The soldiers left after eating and drinking happily, and most of the "celebrities" in the VIP customer area also left with satisfaction.

The harvest from this visit to the Four Lines Group was greater than expected. Not only did they see the might of the Four Lines Group, but they also witnessed a ground-to-air battle in which they personally participated.

As time went on, even if the old foxes did not communicate with each other on the surface, they privately understood that they had been used as bait without knowing it, so of course they had personally participated.

Although the process sounded thrilling, the ending was good, and they were intact. Perhaps some people would have complaints, but Tang Dao did not need to explain at all. They also knew that they might be considered as figures in their own field, but in the eyes of the big man sitting in the first war zone, they were still ants.

Moreover, they were just coincidentally in the right place. Without them, the battle would still be fought.

It was not in vain to be able to register with a powerful guy like Tang Dao.

Through contact with Tang Dao, they had automatically removed the label of the so-called heroic leader from Tang Dao and replaced it with a "powerful figure".

Because Tang Dao is completely different from the upright soldiers they imagined who only know how to fight. On the surface, he looks full of iron-blooded temperament, but in fact, he is so cunning that people feel unfathomable.

Some people have carefully calculated the accounts. Looking at the scale of people who came today, Tang Dao has received nearly 30,000 silver dollars in gifts alone. That's not all. After the military parade, people's hearts were sour. Everyone was like a demon, and they generously donated money for the pension of disabled veterans and soldiers who died in battle, which was more than 60,000 silver dollars.

Good guy, is it possible to make money by holding a party? The income of nearly 100,000 silver dollars is something that 80% of the "celebrities" present here can't earn in half a lifetime.

This is not the case. There are many people who can make money in this world, but Tang Dao can even fool people's hearts. Didn't you see that a group of bigwigs headed by President Jia of the Textile Association actually revolved around Tang Dao? Today, this industry with the most concentrated wealth donated the most.

If they didn't leave, the slightly more sober "celebrities" were afraid that they would be fooled by this "cunning" leader and would not even have underwear to wear.

Most of them said goodbye and left.

But there were still a dozen fearless people who were still clinging to the Tang sword.

Since Lao Zhou expressed his position, President Jia, the suit-wearing Lao Liu and several others took the opportunity of toasting to express their mother's wishes without a word.

The suit-wearing Lao Liu didn't even care about the fact that his wife didn't come at all.

Men! In the marriage of their children, women are usually used as shields. This is the implicit way of China that has been adhering to the doctrine of the mean for thousands of years.

Not to mention this time, even in the future 80 years later, I haven't seen many fathers-in-law go bare-chested for their "little cotton-padded jackets".

Perhaps only Tan Tai Yunshu is an exception, but there is really no way. He doesn't understand Tang Dao but he understands his daughter. He is too opinionated. If he is reserved, it is normal not to see each other for two or three years in this war era. Don't wait until the next time you meet, your grandson will call you grandpa.

How to say it? Those who left are smart. The purpose of coming has been achieved. There is no need to stay here and be tricked by Tang Dao, who is more cunning than they expected. The instinct of businessmen tells them that Tang Dao may have good intentions when talking to them about the war situation, but it is more likely to throw bait to attract them.

They came here to "invest", not to tie themselves to a boat.

Those who did not leave are also smart people, or smarter people. A mature businessman would not easily put his life and property on the gambling table, but the situation is different now. The precarious war situation forces them to find a strong enough backer.

Some things need to be savored, and you need to savor them carefully. Although Tang Dao said nothing, whether it was the previous majestic military parade, the party that showed the meaning of the golden swords and iron horses, or the thrilling ground-to-air confrontation, all of them reflected the strength of the Four-Line Regiment.

In this era, if you have elite soldiers, you are the king. Not to mention domestic forces, even the Japanese have to be afraid of you. The Japanese can use more than a dozen fighters to sneak attack the Four-Line Regiment. This is a living example. If they were not extremely afraid of Tang Dao and the Four-Line Regiment, how could they take the risk of bombing hundreds of miles deep in the war zone? Wouldn't it be nice to use these fighters to bomb the troops deployed along the Yellow River?

In addition, the so-called insurance "bottom line" proposed by Tang Dao, isn't it like Bodhi Patriarch knocking three times on Monkey King's head? If you want to bind cooperation or not, you have to understand it yourself, and those "smart people" who can't understand it can naturally leave.

The dozen people who were still waiting for Tang Dao in the straw hut finally made their own decisions after careful consideration.

In addition to the seven or eight people from the Textile Association who were attracted by the insurance, there were also several more people from other industries.

When Tang Dao, who had drunk several kilograms of white wine and had a ruddy face, came over, a group of merchants were drinking tea and chatting with a fake smile and a dull look!

When they saw Tang Dao coming, Jia Dongxing, Lao Zhou and other people hurried to meet him, and they were afraid that if they ran a little slower, they would appear to be not sincere enough.

Merchants are people who can take it or leave it. Since they have made a decision, they will definitely show their attitude. Face is nothing, money is the boss.

Tang Dao turned his eyes slightly and saw the faces in the team that came out to meet him. Tang Dao still had some impression of these people. It was not because they were more generous, but because these people were in scarce industries.

One is engaged in mechanical processing, one is a cement factory, and the other is a chemical factory. Most of these factories were originally concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta. Of course, they can't make as much money in the Central Plains as they do there. The economic income is a little worse, and naturally they are not as generous as those bosses in textile and light industry.

However, for Tang Dao, these factories are more important than light industry. They are an indispensable part of the industrial construction he expected. Seeing that they chose to stay, he was naturally happy and smiled a little more.

"Everyone, are there any young girls who are waiting to be married who are attracted to the young and handsome people of our Four Lines?" Tang Dao asked this question as soon as he sat down.

"Yes, yes, Captain Tang, the reason why we old guys are still staying is that we want to be close to the Four Lines. If the Four Lines need anything in the future, we old guys can provide some money for the front-line officers and soldiers to kill the enemy." Jia Dongxing looked at the group of middle-aged uncles around him and nodded.

The only ones who could stay here were a group of people from the textile association that he had brought together and a few old brothers who were still close to him. This time, they listened to his advice and decided to grit their teeth and bet on this vote.

Not betting on anything else, but betting that Tang Dao and the Four-Line Regiment would have outstanding military achievements and be able to expand into brigades and divisions in the future. By then, no matter where they were doing business, knowing that they had this relationship behind them, it would probably be easier.

And if you want to have a deep bond, marrying the young officers of the Four-Line Regiment is the simplest and easiest way, which means that the several major officers headed by Tang Dao have their own masters, otherwise, the candidates they are eyeing would have changed.

As for the happiness of daughters, nieces, or nephews, it is not worth mentioning in front of the family's interests.

Fortunately, Commander Tang let the young officers walk through the military parade and came to accompany them in person, and still won the favor of many unmarried women, which saved them a lot of trouble.

It can be beneficial to the family and the two are in love, the best of both worlds.

Jia Dongxing's words were also very clear. If we get married, we will be one. If you need money, we can help you. But if we encounter troubles in business, you, the "famous general", will have to come forward to help solve it. It doesn't matter if you are a small leader now. We can wait for you to become a towering tree.

This is why the Four Lines Group showed its might today. When they first arrived, Jia Dongxing and his gang would never have this idea.

"Since all of you have this idea, I just asked the staff to count. There are more than 20 lieutenant officers above the age of 20 in my group who have not yet been engaged. It is slightly more than the number of families present here, which gives you more choices." Tang Dao said while sitting in the main seat, and then his face became slightly serious, and then he said:

"However, everyone here is also a well-educated person. Before that, Tang Dao still has to remind me that we are soldiers of the country. We have to carry our heads and go to the battlefield as soon as the military order is given. Bullets have no eyes on the battlefield and we are wrapped in horse leather. There must be a few.

Since the Battle of Songhu, it seems that I have made great achievements with Tang Dao, but in fact, they were all paid for by the lives of my brothers. In the Battle of Songhu alone, hundreds of bones were buried under my command. Later, through Jiashan, Jiaxing, and Guangde, Thousands of brothers died in the battle, and there were more than 2,000 soldiers in our Fourth Army Regiment. All of them wanted to be there to accompany them. You must think carefully about whether marrying a key member of our army will delay the future happiness of all ladies.

Moreover, I know what you are thinking, and if you want me to help you, you do not necessarily need to do so. I hope that my brothers will reap the beauty of love, but I will never bind their happiness and interests together. "

Tang Dao's very straightforward warning made all the merchants' expressions change. The battle was getting more and more intense. The Four Lines Group might rush to the front line again at some point. If there were casualties, then his own girl would become A widow.

At least one-third of the dozen or so people gave up.

Of course, Tang Dao saw all their little thoughts, but he also looked warm, because that was what he really said. That kind of profit marriage often looks glamorous, but in fact, life is a mess.

What he wants is for a man and a woman to be in love, without their parents standing in the way. After all, a marriage without the blessing of parents will not be happy.

"Captain Tang, I don't know how we can strengthen our cooperation and ties without using this method." Boss Jiang, who does mechanical finishing, asked cautiously.

"There are many ways. For example, our Four Lines Group can invest in shares, or we can jointly operate, and I can even use underwriting. It depends on whether Boss Jiang is brave enough." Tang Dao looked at the others deeply. Take a look and say.

What does Tang Dao mean? Joint operation? Underwriting? Everyone gasped.

“Our Fourth Army Regiment’s trip to the north this time was originally just to transport equipment, but with the Japanese offensive, I’m afraid that by the time our regiment arrives, the southbound route will be cut off, so it is more likely to stay on the northern front and fight. Tang Dao said calmly.

"Then our regiment must have a garrison. Because it is located in the north and is far away from our military headquarters, our regiment has many military needs, such as ordnance, ammunition, military rations, etc., and although there are complex factions, the number of troops is still as high as hundreds of thousands. If you have the courage to open a factory under the protection of my Four Elements Group, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money."

All the merchants looked at each other and realized that Tang Dao's ambition was much greater than they imagined. He actually wanted to make money in North China, which was almost completely occupied by the Japanese army.

"But, North China is now" Jia Dongxing asked cautiously.

"The Japanese army has limited military strength. It can only occupy big cities with its current limited strength. It has no control over the vast countryside, not only now, but also in the future." Tang Dao patiently explained to these military blind men. "Therefore, in the future, large-scale battles similar to those in Songhu will not occur in the North China battlefield. The endless small-scale raids will be the mainstream. If we can seize the opportunity there, I am afraid that the things made in your factories will not only be sold to The army can also sell it to the people and even to the Japanese-occupied areas.”

This is not a piece of cake drawn by Tang Dao!

In fact, as the Japanese army continues to advance, it seems that it is occupying more and more land. However, the Japanese North China Expeditionary Force only has a small number of troops. The main force still has to seek decisive battles on the frontal battlefield. It is good to defend big cities with limited troops. Some Only one infantry squadron is stationed in the county seat, and control of the countryside mainly relies on puppet troops.

As for the puppet army, except for a few die-hards, most of them are just a bunch of fagots. They are weak in combat and will collapse in a single blow. There are not a few who are secretly colluding with the Chinese army, and some even start an affair with them. In business, the ordnance and ammunition issued to them by the Japanese were resold to "Ba Ye" in the form of reporting war damage.

The industry and commerce in the Japanese war zone were in decline. Tang Dao remembered that there was a division commander-level boss in that army who opened various processing factories in his jurisdiction. The 'Pegasus' cigarettes operated by him were not only best-selling in major base areas, but also had a good reputation. It even spread as far as the Japanese war zone, so much so that the Japanese army listed Pegasus cigarettes as a prohibited item, and would kill anyone found.

But for cigarettes, it’s easy to change the packaging. How can you still rely on the smell of cigarettes to identify them?

Just relying on these 'Pegasus' cigarettes, the division can hand over hundreds of thousands of French currency in military expenses to the military every month, which is like a money printing machine.

North China is not as wealthy as Jiangnan, but if these factories can move to the Taihang Mountains, Tang Dao believes that with the army ensuring their safety, the vast market potential will be extremely huge.

Those who can still stay here are all smart people among smart people. If you think about it carefully, you will know that what Tang Dao said is very reasonable. Countless factories in North China have been relocated or destroyed, leaving an extremely huge market. Whoever seizes the opportunity first will have unlimited possibilities.

However, it is really a matter of picking grains from the fire. If the battle situation is unfavorable, or the battle of the Four Elements Regiment is over, it will be a disaster for the factory.

"Haha, because the war situation is changing rapidly, my small infantry regiment cannot guarantee absolute safety for everyone, but I can guarantee the profits of the factory." Tang Dao smiled and threw out the first candy. "The profit is at least three times what it is now, because our Fourth Army Regiment and our Sichuan Army 23rd Group Army have a total of nearly 40,000 troops, and they can purchase them in our factories, and, as you know, there is another army there. They We need your products more.”

These words completely broke the psychological defenses of the three businessmen represented by Lao Jiang. The factories of the three of them were already between military and civilian. As long as the army guaranteed procurement, the profits were already guaranteed, let alone the return of goods. There is such a vast civilian market.

The only things in this world that can move people's hearts are money and silk.

Marx said: "Capitalists are afraid of no profit or too little profit, just like nature is afraid of a vacuum. Once there is an appropriate profit, capital becomes bold. If there is 10% profit, capital will be used everywhere; with 20% With profits, capital can become active; with 50% profits, capital will take desperate risks; for 100% profits, capital will dare to trample all human laws; with profits of more than 300%, capital will dare to commit any crime and even take risks. The danger of hanging one’s head.”

In the face of huge profits, so-called safety is not that important.

"Okay! Captain Tang, it's settled. The three of us are waiting for your news. We don't need to use any underwriting. We can just take the shares as you said before. The Fourth Group needs to be responsible for the safety of our factory and so on. It's 30%, no, 40%." Do you think it will be a good share?" Lao Jiang, the leader, looked at the two people following him and said solemnly.

"That won't work!" Tang Dao shook his head.

"Do you want 50%?" Lao Jiang's face became extremely ugly.

But Tang Dao's appetite was much greater than he imagined.

"My Four Elements Group wants 70%!" Tang Dao smiled slightly.

"However, Boss Jiang, listen to me. I don't want these 70% for nothing. First, your products are too backward. You need to update your product line and invest in new technologies. For example, Boss Jiang, your machining can make gun barrels." , but can you make a gun barrel? Can you make an old gun like the one made in Hanyang? Can you make a ZB26 light machine gun?

Your boss Yang's cement factory is good for civilian construction, but can it make cement that can withstand mountain cannons and howitzers? Your boss Zhao’s chemical plant can produce sulfuric acid, but can you produce ammonium sulfate or even nitric acid? In addition, farmers need chemical fertilizers to increase production, can you do it?

But I can invest in new machine tools, add technicians to conduct research, and help the factory upgrade.

Secondly, what I want is shares, and I can turn the money I earn into updated equipment to invest in the war against Japan. However, I will not interfere too much in the operation and management. You are still the boss and have the largest ownership after me. management rights.

Thirdly, in addition to needing this money, our Fourth Corps needs the money, and what is more important is the absorption capacity of your factories. There are some disabled soldiers in our Fourth Corps who need to be resettled. They may be disabled, but the characteristics of soldiers can allow them to continue to shine. With these shares, they will treat the factory as their home! "

Tang Dao said this, and Lao Jiang and others understood it. Tang Dao did have a big appetite and hoped to use the three factories to earn military expenses, but he didn't get it for free. He needed a lot of investment. If he really wanted to do what he said Being able to produce new products, the future prospects are much greater than before. Even if it only has 30% of the shares, it is still more than the 60% or 40% originally expected.

"We need to think about this." Lao Jiang said with some difficulty.

"It doesn't matter, this matter involves your family and life, so you should be more cautious." Tang Dao nodded.

"Well, Captain Tang, can our textile factory join in?" Jia Dongxing looked a little jealous.

"You guys should put your main factory in the northwest! That's the cotton-producing area, but if you're interested, you can join forces and put some looms here to set up a branch factory! However, I don't have any textile talents under my command. , We cannot provide product line upgrades for the time being!" Tang Dao waved his hand.

"Okay, then let's try setting up a branch factory in the area where Commander Tang is stationed!" Jia Dongxing refused to give up.

He is also tempted by that big market in North China!

Lao Jiang and the other three went out to discuss it themselves, but a group of people from the Textile Association who had already planned to deeply bind themselves to the Four Lines Group were determined to marry off their daughter.

But not all of them are in love, there are also those who shave their heads and pick a hot one.

For example, Mr. Jia’s daughter fell in love with Qian Dazhu, and the old Zhou family’s niece set her sights on Zhao Daqiang. It was okay to say that they were in contact, and Qian Dazhu and Zhao Daqiang were quite happy. This Tang Dao I have privately asked those guys who don't care about their lives on the battlefield and are still a little shy in love.

But the niece of the Liu family in a suit set her sights on Ming Xin, who stunned everyone with a sword dance on the stage.

Tang Dao

Even if a Taoist priest can get married, that boy Mingxin is only seventeen or eighteen! Isn't it too early?

Without giving Ming Xin this chance, Tang Dao refused directly for him.

As for other things, Tang Dao simply said that he would have a day and a half holiday starting at noon, and let the young people solve their own affairs. He would have a day tomorrow to let these young people make an appointment to take a walk in Zhengzhou City. If so, just communicate through letters yourself. If that doesn’t work, don’t force anyone.

Seeing that Tang Dao had said this, the businessmen naturally couldn't talk anymore, but they had already prepared the contract.

To show their sincerity, the businessmen who had discussed the establishment of the Henan-Shaanxi Joint Textile Factory even secretly left a 10% stake for Tang Dao.

Tang Dao glanced at it and acquiesced to this behavior. He had also thought about the use of the money, which was specifically used to resettle disabled soldiers and the families of martyrs who died in battle. The gap was very large, and he had to find money to fill that bottomless pit.

It might be hard, but the soldiers paid with their lives, and he had turned the priceless into the valuable.

As they were talking, the three people who were discussing also came in.

The new technology that Tang Dao mentioned made the three of them excited, especially the fertilizer that Tang Dao mentioned, which was very attractive to Mr. Zhao, the boss of the chemical factory.

He was in the chemical industry and of course knew that the current fertilizer was completely imported from abroad. Once it could be produced domestically, the profit would be comparable to that of opium.

As for why he believed that Tang Dao would definitely have this new technology, it should also be a kind of intuition. Just like soldiers on the battlefield, businessmen also have a mysterious confidence in intuition in the market.

The businessman found an opportunity to continue making money, and Tang Dao obtained the support of the textile industry, precision industry, and chemical industry of a province.

Everyone is happy!

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