Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 821 A visitor is coming (please give me a monthly ticket!)

For the next two days, all the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment enjoyed this rare holiday in this temporary station.

Most of the officers and soldiers were not attracted by the relatively prosperous Zhengzhou City, but chose to rest in the station.

Although they could be called to rest, their damn self-discipline made them not sleep in. At six in the morning, except for the new recruits, almost all the veterans got up consciously to tidy up their affairs and then went out for drill, even the veterans who were drunk the day before were no exception.

There was no military bugle to urge them, no strict military orders. The soldiers, led by the platoon leaders of each platoon, ran along the country roads, and then returned to the barracks to start a day of lying down and messing around.

Only a small number of officers and soldiers represented each class and platoon to go into the city and send the family letters that they had asked someone to write at night to the post office and send them back.

Speaking of writing letters home, it made Tang Datuanzuo quite embarrassed. It turned out that most of the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment were illiterate, and it was hard for them to write their own names, let alone write letters to their families.

There were only a few people in an infantry company who could write, and their writing was crooked. In a hurry, several infantry company commanders went to ask the student company for help. In a short time, the 300 proud students were snatched away by the companies.

The courtyards of each family were full of people. Every student soldier was busy writing letters to his family according to the officers and soldiers' oral instructions. Some wrote five or six letters, and some wrote more than ten letters. This gave Teacher Xiao He, who came to Tang Dao on the morning of the first day of the New Year, a good reason.

Because of Teacher Xiao He's request, it was nothing to pay out of his own pocket to give each student soldier a red envelope of one dollar, but Tang Tuanzuo couldn't afford to lose this man!

It turned out that he was fighting with a group of illiterates!

As for where the 300 dollars came from, it was not the money for entertaining and receiving gifts on New Year's Eve! It was just warmed up not long ago.

Li Jiujin still understands Tang Dao. On New Year's Eve, Tang Dao hosted a banquet for all the company commanders under his command at a restaurant, and brought Tan Tai Mingyue to attend. In fact, it was also because the two of them were engaged and had a formal banquet. Otherwise, Tang Dao always felt sorry for Tan Tai Mingyue.

The last time the news of the engagement spread, Tang Dao was not at the scene because of military affairs. This time, he had to make up for it. Besides, he could blackmail the old soldier for wine, right?

With the reminder of the old soldier, the officers prepared money when they went to the banquet. When they saw Tan Tai Mingyue, they didn't understand what the commander meant. Although it was not much, you gave five yuan and he gave ten yuan, but it was a festive occasion. Tang Dao didn't refuse and ordered Erya to take all the money.

Tan Tai Mingyue was thin-skinned and couldn't confiscate the gift money received by Tang Tuanzu in front of everyone. Unexpectedly, after only one night, three hundred yuan was blackmailed by Teacher Xiao He.

Who let a bunch of "illiterate" people have no future, and they have to ask for help to write a letter? Tang Tuanzuo is paying the tuition fees for all the officers and soldiers in advance!

Tang Dao watched the 300 yuan go away with pain, biting his cheeks and swearing in his heart. When he arrived at the place, he said that he would open a literacy class and carry out reading and writing activities for the whole army. Not to mention that everyone would be trained to be top students, they could just write a simple letter to their families without ghostwriting.

After being blackmailed by Teacher Xiao He for 300 yuan and running away, Tang Tuanzuo, who became a pauper again, had to borrow money from Li Jiujin.

There was no way, he promised Tan Tai Mingyue that he would take her to Zhengzhou City for a walk on the rare holiday on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Tang Dao was not an ancient knight, and he didn't know where the money for drinking and eating meat came from. Lei Xiong and Zhuang Shisan both had families, and they were also fined half a year's military pay. Gong Shaoxun had just come to the regiment headquarters not long ago, so it was not appropriate to borrow money from him. Tang Dao could only borrow money from Li Jiujin, who was closest to him.

Why do I have to bear your pain in the end? The old soldier felt like hitting someone at that moment.

Unfortunately, he couldn't.

With the borrowed 50 dollars, Tang Tuanzuo was full of confidence again and ran to the medical team to pick up his fiancée excitedly.

Before he even entered the small courtyard where the medical team was stationed, two beautiful women came towards Tang Dao.

Of course, Tang Dao had seen beauties before. In his previous life, he had also sat on the street in the summer with a cigarette in his mouth and admired all kinds of white legs. He had also seen hot pants worn to the thighs and half of the buttocks exposed.

But to be honest, it was not until he saw these two women from the Republic of China that Tang Dao realized that the beauty of this era was really not comparable to the beauty of those beauties in the future who would show their bodies.

The one standing on the left was wearing a cotton cheongsam. Although she was not very tall, she looked graceful even in winter in the traditional Chinese costume, like a willow swaying in the wind. Without looking at her appearance, her plump figure was enough to make people's eyes drop to the ground.

The woman was stared at by Tang Dao and lowered her head in embarrassment. Tang Dao realized that she was Mrs. Yue who had been in the army for more than a month.

This is indeed the saying that clothes make the man, and the saddle makes the horse. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Tang Dao would not have been able to connect the previous Mrs. Yue with a face full of black and gray with the beauty in front of him.

When Tang Dao looked at the other one, his eyes widened.

The other beauty is more of a Republic of China style. She is not wearing a cheongsam, but a light blue cotton jacket with a high collar, ruffled sleeves, and a semi-Western pleated skirt below the waist. The princess has side bangs and a simple hairpin on her head, which shows her elegance. Her face, without any makeup, is breathtakingly delicate under the warm winter sun.

This might be the first time Tang Dao saw Tan Tai Ming Yue without a military uniform. He was used to seeing Tan Tai Ming Yue in a heroic manner, but suddenly she looked so beautiful in casual clothes that Tang Dao's eyes almost popped out.

Are you going shopping or a fashion show? Tang Dao could only smile foolishly at that moment.

"What are you two doing..." Tang Dao asked stupidly.

"What else can you do when you are dressed like this? Shopping! Sister Ru is in a good mood and wants to go out for a walk. Let's go to Zhengzhou City with her and buy some suitable things for Yi Man, Shi Tou, and Xi Mei." Tan Tai Ming Yue said with a smile.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Captain Tang." Madam Yue smiled at Tang Dao embarrassedly.

"Oh!" Tang Dao nodded.

"How can you afford the safety of the two of us alone? You have to find another person?" Tan Tai Ming Yue rolled her eyes at her silly fiancé.

Isn't this creating opportunities for someone! You are a commander, what the hell!

"Yes, I'll ask Leng Feng to bring a few people to guard us!" Tang Dao understood instantly.

Madam Yue blushed slightly.

Leng Feng, who received the news and rushed over, was dressed in military uniform, with a helmet on his head, a Mauser pistol on his waist, a submachine gun hanging diagonally on his back, two bullet belts full of yellow-orange bullets hanging crosswise on his chest, and a Type 38 bayonet hanging on the other side of his waist.

Not to mention that the two women were dazzled, even Tang Tuanzuo couldn't help but feel a buzzing in his head.

This is just shopping, not going through fire and water. Are you really going to be a bodyguard, a straight man?

Besides, what will Chief Cheng think of you with a gun and a knife? What's the matter? Zhengzhou City was occupied by the Japanese!

I really admire this old man.

"Get out, get out, change your clothes and come back!" Tang Dao waved his hand to drive him away.

However, Leng Feng is Leng Feng. Even if he changed into casual clothes, he still couldn't change his mind of being a bodyguard. The bulge on his waist obviously hid a Mauser pistol. The bayonet was not hung on his waist, but hidden in his sleeve.

Tang Dao no longer cared about him. It was normal for a soldier to be vigilant at all times. He himself carried two military bayonets that Teacher Xiao He had made for him! Even in the small bag that Tan Tai Mingyue was carrying, there was the Browning pistol she carried with her.

Erya, the personal orderly, had to keep up. When she was about to leave the town, she picked up a red envelope from Teacher Xiao He. Teacher Xiao He, who was originally happily strolling around the town with Tang Dao's New Year red envelope, heard that Tang Dao and his group were going to Zhengzhou City, so how could he miss this opportunity.

It seemed that it was destined to bring Teacher Xiao He with him. Teacher Xiao He didn't wear a military uniform today, so he couldn't say he was dressed up carefully! But the youth shown by the standard dress of female students in the Republic of China, although not as beautiful as the two beauties, has an indescribable temperament.

But for Tang Tuanzuo, the originally agreed shopping and dating has become a collective action. Is the 50 yuan in his pocket enough to spend?

Rely on Leng Feng? Tang Dao doesn't need to ask, this guy is definitely more clean than his face, and he has to rely on him as a superior for any consumption?

Because they are going to Zhengzhou City, which is the headquarters of the First War Zone, Tang Dao did not bring guards. If he, Leng Feng and Erya can't protect the three women, then unless he brings a guard platoon, otherwise, it's useless.

Zhengzhou City is indeed a first-class city in Henan Province. Although it is not the provincial capital, it is definitely better than Tang Dao imagined.

Even in such a chaotic world, there are crowds of people on the streets and many shops.

However, prosperity is not necessarily a good thing, especially for men who accompany women shopping.

Tang Dao also realized a truth.

What is more troublesome than a woman? It is three women.

In other words, it was not only the first time that Tang Dao deeply understood the passion of women for shopping. After seeing the three women return to the store a few dozen meters away and continue to bargain for the items they had not bought before, even the taciturn Leng Feng showed a trace of helplessness on his face.

Three women, three kinds of beauty. When pedestrians on the street cast their eyes on Tang Dao, who was following behind with a sad face, their hearts were full of MMP!

The three women are all selected from a hundred. If you have any one of them, it is enough for your child to be happy. Why do you still have a bitter face? If you don’t want to, let me do it!

Of course, Tang Dao is bitter! It doesn’t matter if I accompany you shopping, my legs are tired, and my heart is tired, but why do you, Leng Feng, have to pay for you when you pick up girls?

Seeing that Leng Feng stretched out his hand to Erya to pay the bill as a matter of course when Madam Yue bought something, Tang Dao had the urge to hit her.

Also, Teacher Xiao He, aren’t you known as the Chinese Marie Curie! I am so happy when I see anything. I feel uncomfortable if I don't buy it.

We can understand that you buy the vivid dough figurines, but why don't you think the sugar figurines blown out by mouth are unhygienic as a girl? You buy them but don't eat them... There are so many street vendors wearing tattered clothes.

Okay! Anyway, Leng Feng is eating happily.

No matter how Tang Datuanzuo complains in his heart, the reality is that as long as the vendors sell something, the three women headed by Teacher Xiao He will basically buy it. Some of them are sent to the three bag-carrying men, and some are given to children passing by with pale faces. On the contrary, not many people buy the dazzling array of goods in the store.

But the so-called "not much" is relative. The three bag-carrying bodyguards had their hands full.

The six of them were strolling along the way, heading towards a restaurant in Zhengzhou that claimed to have been in business for a hundred years.

Tang Dao, who was so exhausted by the women shopping that he almost doubted his life, felt that he was being watched countless times. He used to look at them warily, but later he just became numb.

If it were him, seeing these three beauties with different styles, he would probably look at them a few times and stare at those "happy" men a few times!

Therefore, the instinct of an elite warrior who was watched with envy, jealousy, hatred and other emotions was numb, causing him to not know at all that as they walked through the long street, in a small building on the side of the street, a pair of sinister eyes with drooped eyelids carefully retracted their gaze from his back, and whispered to a man standing beside him who was wearing an ordinary Chinese double-breasted cotton jacket and looked old-fashioned: "The target is heading to the estimated location, please be ready, Fujiwara-kun."

"Hi." The man bowed his head and whispered.

"Shut up, do you want to kill us?" The man who spoke earlier suddenly became fierce in his eyes and roared in a low voice.

"Yes." The man then remembered that he was not in Japan, but in China, and bowed his head again and replied in a deep voice.

"Tell Fujiwara-kun that I will meet him thirty miles outside the city. Also, tell Fujiwara-kun that I, Yoshikawa Sadayo, helped him for his father's sake. This is the first time but also the last time. For a Chinese Army colonel, the plan that my North China Front Army's secret service agency spent a lot of resources to plan for nearly a month was abolished. General Terauchi Juichi will definitely be disappointed in him." The man said in a stern but extremely arrogant tone.

"Yes." The man bowed his head with an indifferent expression and immediately turned and left.

Judging from the situation, the man was not very afraid of the man who should be his boss. The reason why he bowed his head may be just a habit.

The man looked at the man who left, and his eyes were full of anger, but more of helplessness.

If Tang Dao was here, he would be very happy to see this middle-aged man with a somewhat sinister face who called himself Yoshikawa Sadayo.

Perhaps in the whole Henan Province, only he knew who this man was. His head was even more valuable than that of an ordinary Japanese Army lieutenant general.

This person turned out to be Colonel Yoshikawa Sadasa, the highest chief of the secret service agency of the Japanese North China Front Army, who had been renamed from the Japanese North China Expeditionary Army. He was the highest person in charge of the Japanese Army's intelligence department in North China.

Not only was he a military officer, this Japanese spy chief also had another identity, Hirohito's nephew. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be promoted to Army Major General next year and become a pivotal figure in the Japanese North China Front Army.

If he could be killed here, the blow to the Japanese North China Front Army would be no less than the bomber group shot down yesterday.

In fact, even if he didn't die now, he would be killed in KF City, Henan Province in three years by a rare joint action of the two intelligence departments of the Chinese Northern Forces and the government.

The importance of Yoshikawa Sadasa, who was jointly identified as a must-get-out figure by the two major political forces in China, can be imagined.

But such an important person actually appeared in Zhengzhou City on the occasion of the New Year. Obviously, the highest person in charge of the intelligence department of the Japanese North China Front Army came to Zhengzhou not for tourism. Looking at the current situation, he might be here to cause trouble for Tang Dao.

Or to be more precise, it was Tang Dao, an important target, who appeared at the right time.

That's right, Yoshikawa Sadao, the spy chief of the North China Front Army, has arrived in Zhengzhou for three days.

His target was originally the commander of the first war zone in Henan Province.

After successfully occupying Pingjin and occupying most of Shanxi Province after a bloody battle, the North China Front Army has transferred its main force to Henan Province, trying to conquer China's Central Plains hinterland province in one fell swoop, so as to completely open up the transportation line and transport a large number of troops from the north to the central China region.

But they never thought that along the Yellow River in Henan Province, they encountered unprecedented resistance. With spring in sight, if they did not conquer Henan Province as soon as possible, if they encountered spring rain, the muddy roads would be even more unfavorable for marching. For every month of delay, China would organize more infantry divisions with its huge population base.

The North China Front Army Headquarters strengthened the ground offensive while sending out its spies to assassinate the highest commander of China, which was quite like a decapitation operation in future wars.

Even sending a bomber group to Zhengzhou City for New Year's bombing was just one part of the plan. First, it was to give the Chinese intelligence department an illusion that the Japanese army preferred to solve the problem from a purely military perspective; second, it was also to create chaos in the city and facilitate Yoshikawa Sadasa's action to arrive in Zhengzhou and command it personally.

However, the bait of Tang Dao was too sweet, so Terauchi Shouichi even gave up the Chinese commander-in-chief and ordered the group to bomb the Four-Line Regiment first.

Of course, there was also the intention to continue to paralyze the First War Zone.

However, even Yoshikawa Sadasa, the spy chief of the North China Front Army, did not expect that the assassination operation, which would be ripe in two days, would be destroyed by a small army colonel.

Yes, from the moment Tang Dao and others walked out of the town, a secret radio wave came from the town.

In this world, there has always been the truth that "a thief can be a thief for a thousand days, but he can't guard against thieves for a thousand days." The security of the Four-Line Regiment is actually very strict, but they can't eliminate all the hidden diseases.

For this assassination, Yoshikawa Sadasa had spread his spy network all over Zhengzhou City, even the small towns were not spared. Half a month before the arrival of the Four-line Regiment, Japanese spies stationed in Zhengzhou had entered and lurked there. They were local people who were lured by bribes. The reason was that they owed gambling debts and went to live with relatives. Even if they were checked, they would find that the gambling debts were true and there would be no loopholes.

Even if the aircraft group bombed the Four-line Regiment yesterday, the local spies who were ordered to continue lurking and observing did not participate because they were carrying out a larger task, so they were not exposed.

However, he had the task of observing the movements of Tang Dao, so the behavior of Tang Dao and others walking out of the town was directly reported by him using a hidden radio.

This is because the Four-line Regiment has not yet been equipped with a radio wave detector, otherwise this deeply hidden rat would have been caught directly.

It was this radio wave from more than ten miles away that forced Yoshikawa Sadasa to abandon his action plan that had been prepared for nearly a month and change to deal with Tang Dao.

Indeed, Tang Dao led his men to defeat the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade in Jiashan, destroyed 100 heavy artillery pieces, and severely damaged the Kunisaki Detachment in the Battle of Guangde. In addition, Tang Dao also participated in the Songjiang Battle that caused the Tenth Army to suffer a bloody head. All these made the North China Front Army Headquarters very angry.

Tang Dao and the Four-Line Group had long been on the blacklist of the North China Front and were people who must be killed.

But these were not enough to make Yoshikawa Sadasa give up a general commander who could change the entire battlefield situation and deal with an army colonel instead.

That was because the captain of the special agent team directly under the North China Front Army Headquarters, who accompanied him to carry out the assassination plan, had bloodshot eyes the moment he saw Tang Dao's name.

His name was Fujiwara Zhanxiong!

A name that made all the young nobles in Japan tremble.

Even the head of the North China Front Army's secret service and Hirohito's nephew could only grit his teeth and agree when faced with this stubborn person who wanted to modify the plan.

Although the apparent reason was his father, who was a senior official of the empire.

But only he himself knew that the one who forced him to accept it was actually that person.

That murderer was the most terrifying person he had ever seen in his life, no one else.

. . . . . . . . .

PS: Yesterday, a college classmate came from Wuhan to give admissions consultation to high school students. He drank two bottles of beer at night and got drunk. Not to mention updating, he even forgot to ask for leave. I updated as soon as I finished writing today. Forgive me! Also, it’s almost the end of the month, and book friends who have monthly tickets can vote for them!

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