Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 846 Heavy artillery!

Gu Xishui is the commander of the special forces of the Four-line Regiment. Although he has not received formal special operations training, all his special operations concepts come from Tang Dao's explanations, but Gu Xishui has a strong ability to accept.

The special forces that the Four-line Regiment needs are not how amazing the combat effectiveness of a single soldier is, but to be the eyes of the entire regiment, and to see corners that the commander cannot see, so that the commander can formulate tactics that can better strike the enemy.

Special forces are also part of the collective of the Four-line Regiment, not because they are elite, stronger, and more accurate in shooting, they are independent of the collective.

Therefore, the target that Gu Xishui searches for is never an individual, but a valuable tactical target. For this reason, he even ordered Shen Laoliu to give up sniping a Japanese army captain who rushed in 400 meters away in a panic.

He was unwilling to easily expose such a good ambush point, which was less than a thousand meters away from the Japanese follow-up troops.

Finally, he found the tactical target he wanted-an artillery squadron that the Japanese army was advancing forward.

Matsumoto Uemon's face was very ugly, but if no one saw his knuckles clenching the handle of his command sword, which was slightly blue, they would not know how nervous he, the captain of the rapid-fire artillery squadron, was.

This should be a battle situation that Captain Matsumoto Uemon had never experienced in the five years since he joined the army. In broad daylight, in a clear sky, and on a smooth road, the main force of the regiment was actually surrounded by the Chinese. What was going on?

If it had not happened right in front of him, even if someone put a knife on the neck of the Japanese artillery captain, he would have said it was a joke.

But the facts were in front of him. The thick smoke from a thousand meters away rose to the sky for dozens of meters. It was not terrible that the gunshots could be transmitted so far, but the terrible thing was that the gunshots could make the eardrums hurt after such a long distance. I don't know how many guns were firing. Anyway, Matsumoto Uemon would not think that it was caused by two infantry battalions.

It was not them, it could only be the Chinese!

'The Chinese are cowardly, but that was when they fell asleep. If the empire does not take advantage of their sleep to occupy their entire territory, the empire will no longer have any chance! Those stupid bureaucrats actually said that the empire was not fully prepared. This is the stupidest point of view I have ever heard! 'This sentence was expressed by Captain Matsumoto Uemon's teacher in the artillery school in class.

Captain Matsumoto Uemon trusted his teacher who had served as the captain of the artillery regiment. He was not only extremely proficient in war, but also had extraordinary attainments in Eastern history and culture, especially ancient Chinese history.

His meaning was very clear. China was in the weakest period in thousands of years of history. If the empire did not launch a full-scale war against China, it would lose this most precious opportunity.

Thousands of years of history! This ancient Eastern civilization has a long history of development that makes Matsumoto Uemon tremble, especially when compared with the earliest written records in Japan, which are only about 2,000 years old.

In terms of the depth of civilization, China is an adult, and Japan is just a child.

For such a civilization, even if they are asleep, will the severe pain wake them up?

Therefore, Matsumoto Uemon, who learned a lot from his teacher, has always been deeply wary of China, an ancient country. Even if he followed the division to win battles, he never relaxed his vigilance against China.

And today, the regiment is really in a tough battle! The Chinese not only surrounded the two infantry battalions with heavy troops, but also sent blocking troops to prevent the last infantry battalion of the regiment from reinforcing. According to the news from the front, the Chinese used incredible heavy machine gun firepower, far exceeding the heavy machine gun squadron assembled by the third battalion.

Would it be an infantry division? Or even an infantry army? Matsumoto Uemon instinctively felt fear, but he knew that no matter how many troops the Chinese army had, his rapid-fire artillery squadron could not escape and had to get close to the front line.

Sure enough, within two minutes, the military order from the regiment headquarters came, and the 6 rapid-fire guns of the rapid-fire artillery squadron needed to get close to the front line 500 meters to eliminate the heavy machine gun firepower of the Chinese and clear the obstacles for the infantry's upcoming "Long Live Charge"!

"Damn it, the Chinese have only exposed their heavy machine guns now, and their artillery has not yet joined the battle. My rapid-fire artillery squadron is so close, aren't we afraid of being bombarded by the Chinese mortars?" Matsumoto Uemon silently complained about his commander in chief.

Yes, for the Japanese Army, the Chinese lack heavy artillery, so they don't worry about being destroyed by a heavy artillery, but the Chinese have a small-caliber mortar that gives them a headache.

That thing is powerful, but very flexible. It fires a few shots and runs away with the gun body and gun mount. Unless there is a large-scale artillery group to suppress it, otherwise, within a range of more than 2,000 meters, the small-caliber artillery that can also kill people is like an annoying wild dog, taking a few bites when you have time, which is heartbreaking, but you can't do anything about it.

Rapid-fire guns are also direct-aiming guns. They are accurate in hitting armor and fixed fortifications with one shot, but there is no way to deal with this kind of "wild dog" hiding at least more than a thousand meters away.

Matsumoto Uemon's intuition told him that the mortars that the Chinese had not yet brought out were waiting for artillerymen like him who were close to the front line to fire.

The two artillery squadrons of mountain artillery and infantry artillery were at least 1,000 meters behind the entire front line, and they were much safer than him.

But military orders were hard to disobey, and no matter how reluctant the Japanese artillery captain was, he had to go.

"The distance between each cannon is ordered to exceed 60 meters. At the same time, the artillerymen must be 50 meters away from the artillery. After firing ten rounds, each squadron must immediately change the firing point!" Matsumoto Youmen looked at the burning red wasteland in the distance and bit. Zhongya ordered.

This is an extremely cautious distance. Unless there is a heavy artillery cluster bombardment, a 4-kilogram mortar shell alone will not cause heavy losses to his squadron.

Before the officers of the two Japanese infantry squadrons began to take off their clothes to show their bravery, Matsumoto Youmen waved the chrysanthemum flag in his hand and said, "Fire!"

At the same time, the 12 Type 92 heavy machine guns and 24 grenade launchers of the 3rd Infantry Brigade also roared.

The infantry artillery and mountain artillery in the distance also roared one after another!

In addition to the thick smoke from burning dry grass, Leng Feng's third battalion's position was also mixed with a lot of gunpowder smoke!

This is the greatest support Ishiguro Sadazou can give to the 3rd Infantry Battalion. The three artillery squadrons directly under the wing headquarters have done their best.

Of course it works!

Nine people from Li Jijin's Seventh Company have been killed in battle, all killed by shelling!

The power of the incendiary bombs fired by the Type 41 Mountain Cannon looked terrifying, but because of the large amount of water and high-end gadgets like gas masks, the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Company could still endure it even though they felt like they were about to be steamed.

But what would be the consequences of an incendiary bomb falling directly into a trench and exploding? Even though the soldiers had tried their best to separate the individual soldiers by more than 3 meters, the splashing flames and high temperature still swept the three infantrymen into a burning man in an instant.

The skin of the soldiers rolling around in pain in the trench was instantly charred and peeled off. Only one soldier who was extinguished by his comrades with water-soaked cotton clothes and fresh soil was still breathing, but he struggled to tell the company commander Li Jiujin who arrived. The last words are: "Give brother a happy life!"

That was Li Jijin's request that he could barely hear clearly without putting his ear close to the soldier's lips.

"It hurts!" All that's left is the grief that the veteran squad leader tried his best to squeeze out of his throat!

If it weren't for extreme pain, how could a veteran squad leader be wailing so wantonly?

Just, no tears!

Not only was the fierce roasting almost drying out the moisture in his body, but the terrifying flames even burned his eyelids and stuck them together.

Being hit by a bullet, even if it is skinned by a cannonball, it only hurts in one place. Even if it hurts so much that it makes you cry for your father and mother, your comrades will try their best to wrap it up with hemostatic packs and cotton cloth. Think about the father who is still waiting for you. Mom, I have to grit my teeth and survive.

But this kind of burns that caused more than 90% of the body was really unbearable. Every part of the body was in pain. The skin and the burnt military uniforms were stuck together. A slight touch felt like thousands of burns. A needle stuck in the body.

What's more terrible is that if you can endure this kind of severe pain and survive, it will be fine. Unfortunately, let alone this era, even in the next hundred years, the survival rate for burns of this degree will not exceed 100%. one.

In other words, there is no salvation!

Li Jijin burst into tears looking at the soldiers who had been burned into black charcoal and couldn't even see their facial features!

The person who can call him brother Li Jijin is naturally not an ordinary soldier. He is the squad leader of the fifth squad of the second platoon under him. The soldiers who have been following him since he was the squad leader did not die on the Songhu battlefield of the Flesh and Flesh Mill. They were in a desperate situation. Sihang Warehouse did not keep him, and the cruel Battle of Songjiang only earned him a medal.

However, he was defeated on this battlefield that seemed to be a sure win, and the semi-automatic rifle in his hand had only empty one magazine before.

Li Jijin knew that this brother who had been with him for at least two years was hopeless, even if he was still trying his best to open his mouth and breathe!

When Tang Dao was making incendiary bombs, he asked Tang Dao if a person who was burned by an incendiary bomb could still be saved if he was still alive.

Tang Dao glanced at him at that time, thought for a moment, and answered him: "Although the Japanese are cruel, their way of dealing with it is right."

Although Tang Dao did not answer directly, veteran Youzi's heart trembled suddenly at that time. After the Japanese infantry was ignited by the incendiary bombs made by Tang Dao, the Japanese officers' usual practice was to put out the fire first, and then immediately shot them when they found that it was useless. kill.

The Japanese know better than the Chinese the outcome of extensive burns. The only purpose of the so-called rescue is to make the wounded fester in immense pain and then die!

"Brother, you can go in peace! From now on, your parents will be my Li Jiujin's parents. If I'm not here that day, there will still be Xiaoshan, Commander Leng, Deputy Lei Tuan, Tang Tuanzuo and the others who will take care of me! "Li Jiujin took the burned body into his arms and whispered in his ear.

The soldier's eyes were so burned that they were glued together. He tried hard to open his eyes, but he couldn't do it anyway. There was only a heartbreaking "gurgling" sound coming from his almost-scorched throat.

Then, his body suddenly stiffened, and his right hand with only three fingers firmly grasped Li Jijin's arm around him. After more than ten seconds, his whole body collapsed in Li Jijin's arms, and he slowly exhaled his last breath.

The tears in Li Jijin's eyes burst out of the frame!

Tears washed freely over his face, which had been blackened by gunpowder smoke and withered grass. The white and black face looked a bit funny, but in the flames that were still exploding all around, there was something indescribable. tragic. ’

This is a text written by Tantai Mingyue on the back of a photo in her private album.

As the captain of the medical team, he knew that the battlefield faced by the third battalion was the most dangerous. Tantai Mingyue personally took 6 nurses and 30 stretcher bearers to stand by in the second-line trenches of the third battalion. When he heard that someone was injured, Tantai Mingyue took the nurses with him. and stretcher-bearers rushed into the trenches at great risk.

Unexpectedly, I saw such a scene.

Company Commander Jiujin, who was known as the most slippery and talkative in the regiment, hugged a soldier who was burned to black charcoal and cried like a child.

The army captain's tears were flowing freely, and the flames and air waves were surging at the edge of the trench, creating a tear-jerking scene.

The instinct of a reporter made Tantai Mingyue, who had a camera hanging on her chest, press the shutter. She did not want to record sadness, but to record Chinese soldiers and everything they did on the battlefield.

Sacrifice is part of the battlefield.

However, the next scene left Tantai Mingyue stunned. She finally understood why the veteran who had returned from countless battlefields in the Flesh Mold Lake was so sad.

Slowly pulling out the bayonet in his hand from his brother's heart, he looked back at the soldiers of the Fifth Squadron who were squatting around with tears streaming down their faces. Li Jijin's hoarse voice came out: "Stop crying, tell me. Following the order, if anyone is hit by an incendiary bomb and is burned to black charcoal, he will be treated accordingly to make the brothers feel comfortable, and I will do the same!"

Tantai Mingyue's throat was choked, and she wanted to stop Li Jiujin's cold and ruthless order. However, she did not open her mouth after all. As a medical team leader who has mastered basic medical knowledge, she is all too aware of the cruelty of burns.

Death is happiness, but living is the greatest torture!

"Captain Tantai, please help convey to the regimental commander, when can I load the incendiary bombs he made into the cannon and fire them out. I will burn my brother to death sooner or later. I will come back sooner or later." Li Jijin, who was hugging the charred remains of his brother tightly, stared at the bright moon in Tantai with a rare solemnity.

Tantai Mingyue nodded fiercely!

Because only in this way, the tearful infantry company commander might allow the stretcher bearers to carry away the regrets of the sacrificed soldiers.

To fight tooth for tooth, this is the temperament that the officers and soldiers of the Si Xing Regiment are condensing, just like their regimental commander.

Li Jijin's suggestion was adopted by Tang Dao. After arriving at the destination, under the rock wall of the already extremely famous cave arsenal, special bombs such as incendiary bombs were listed as the first batch of ordnance developed by the arsenal. directory.

The power of special bombs combined with the characteristics of the incendiary bombs of the beautiful American cowboys in the future can be much higher than the low-level incendiary bombs currently used by the Japanese army. It is much more difficult in terms of technology and material requirements.

Fortunately, the students' knowledge of physics, mechanics, and chemistry is much better than that of the future top students who curled up like dogs in middle and high school and let themselves go completely in college.

Especially in an environment where the nation is in danger, they are destined to be squeezed out of only 200% of their potential.

Except for the three soldiers who were burned to death by incendiary bombs, the Japanese mountain artillery, infantry artillery, and the rapid-fire artillery under Matsumoto Umon's command were also useless.

The 37mm rapid-fire gun can break 50mm armor, and the two-layer sandbag that can protect against heavy machine gun bullets is like a paper lake in front of its copper warhead.

An observation post hidden inside a heavy machine gun fortification was shattered by a rapid-fire cannon shell along with the fortification.

Several other soldiers were either hit by shrapnel or swept away by air waves. This was all the result of not having time to dig anti-cannon holes. If they encountered the 105 howitzer equipped by the Japanese army, the two infantry companies of the third battalion at the forefront I'm afraid that if you can survive a third of the time after a bombardment, it will be the end of God's eyes.

Fortunately, the 2nd Infantry Regiment was confident enough and did not carry such heavy artillery, which allowed Leng Feng's third battalion to avoid disaster.

However, the fact that the Japanese army did not have heavy artillery did not mean that the Four Lines Regiment did not have them.

Pang Dahai's battery of artillery was already ready to fire on the south bank of Bihe River.

Then, he waited for the instructions from the regiment headquarters.

Gu Xishui reported the coordinates of the Japanese artillery positions he observed to the regiment headquarters from his lurking location using a field radio.

"Distance, 2600 meters, elevation angle 58°" As the gun battery passed the camouflaged position, Pang Dahai's voice roaring at the telephone was transmitted to the six 150-caliber mortar positions without even using a telephone line.

Six 150 mortars have been waiting for this opportunity.

Because the firing range of the 150 mortar is relatively short, only 3,300 meters at most. If the Japanese artillery smells a crisis and runs a little further, they can only stare. Just bombing the Japanese infantry is not the skill of the artillery.

Kill the Japanese artillery first and then blow up the infantry, completely defeating them. That's what Tang Dao wants.

"Onboard!" Two infantry squadrons, led by a group of shirtless idiots in the middle of winter, got up from the ground, roared in unison, and charged 200 meters away.

That momentum was truly shaking the earth.

But that only lasted less than three seconds.

"Fire!" Gu Xishui coldly hit the send button.

"Fire!" Tang Dao pointed at the phone.

"Fire!" Pang Dahai personally waved the red flag of the order.

"Hugh!" The unique sharp cry of the mortar sent a chill down the right side of Matsumoto's right crotch, which had always been nervous.

The Japanese artillery captain rolled into a small pit with extremely agile evasion, which was the position he had already aimed at. As long as he was not hit head-on by the artillery shell, his probability of survival was higher than 80%.

Then, Captain Umon Matsumoto, who was still alive, saw a scene that he would never forget.

“Boom!” With a loud bang.

Within a radius of nearly 100 meters, no matter human bodies or plants, everything was crushed to pieces!

That was heavy artillery!

Chinese heavy artillery!

From then on, until the bombardment was over, Captain Matsumoto Uemon’s head was buried in the pit like an ostrich, and he never raised his head again.

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