Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 847 Nightmare!

The Sihang Regiment was equipped with the Liao-made Type 16 150mm mortar developed 12 years ago!

If this large-caliber mortar was placed in the future, it would be a waste of garbage just by looking at its pitiful range of 3,200 meters. Japan could easily defeat it with any artillery it pulled out.

But this ancient mortar became the most urgently needed heavy artillery for the Chinese army at that time. After realizing that he could not get the heavy artillery he wanted from the Western world, the principal began to order his arsenals to start imitating the Liao-made Type 16 150mm mortar in large quantities, and named it the Type 29 150 mortar two years later. This "old" artillery played a huge role in the subsequent recovery of western Yunnan.

The 23-kilogram projectile could not only kill people on the ground, but even the bunkers could not withstand its explosive power. Even if the well-equipped Japanese army had fortifications, they suffered heavy casualties in front of this gun.

In the Battle of the Icefields a decade later, the Chinese ace army also carried this large-caliber mortar. The circular fortifications set up by the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States also suffered heavy casualties in front of this "simple" artillery. That is, the ace army was equipped with too few such artillery, but only 4. If the number was multiplied by ten, perhaps the fate of that infantry division would be completely changed.

The firing range is the disadvantage of the 150mm mortar, but the power of the more than 20 kilograms of projectiles is definitely several times that of the 75mm mountain artillery.

Even if the Japanese army hid in the fortifications, they would probably be terrified, not to mention in the unobstructed wilderness.

A round of six shells first exploded about 100 meters in front of the Japanese artillery position, and the huge air wave directly shocked the Japanese artillerymen to lie on the ground.

This is the most correct way to avoid artillery fire. Although the shells are still far away from you, people's speed can never catch up with the shrapnel and air waves. Anyone who tries to escape will be torn to pieces by artillery fire 99% of the time.

The Japanese artillerymen reacted quickly, but some people were unlucky.

Those were two infantry squadrons of the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Regiment who were planning to support the "Banzai Charge".

The 3rd Infantry Battalion's Shenmu Zhensen Shaozuo had actually prepared himself mentally. If his two infantry squadrons were to carry out the "Banzai Charge", there would be heavy casualties.

Although the dry grass ignited by the incendiary bombs burned vigorously, the Chinese were as tenacious as ground rats. Such a fire might not necessarily burn them all to death. With the firepower they had exposed before, it would be good if half of the two infantry squadrons could rush into the Chinese position alive.

But what he never expected was that before any of the two infantry squadrons who shouted "on board" and started charging fell, the two infantry squadrons that he had left at the edge of the battlefield ready to follow up at any time had problems.

Something big happened!

Six bombs bloomed in the area where the infantry were lying, and visible limbs and broken bodies flew with the air waves!

Shenmu Zhensen's eyes went dark!

That was not because of anger.

As a veteran who had been in the army for ten years, Shenmu Zhensen had seen everything, and losing some troops was not a big deal.

That was because he was hit.

In order to prove his bravery to the commander of the regiment, the temporary battalion headquarters of the Japanese Army was too close to the front line.

In fact, because the war was urgent, he didn't even dig a temporary shelter. He half-knelt in the bushes with a telescope and watched his subordinates running wildly on the burnt grass.

He was only 50 meters away from the remaining two infantry squadrons!

Although such a distance is not completely within the killing radius of the shell, who says that people cannot die if they are not within the killing radius?

A Japanese infantryman was three meters away from the explosion center of a shell. His fragile body was instantly torn into several pieces by the huge explosive energy. The rifle in his hand was also blown to pieces, and the undestroyed barrel was accelerated by the energy and flew away.

As luck would have it, Shenmu Zhensen's left rank officer was just on the route of the barrel.

Shenmu Zhensen's left rank officer, dead!

That was the first left rank officer of the 2nd Infantry Regiment to die in battle.

Died in the first round of test firing of the 1st Company of the Four-line Regiment Artillery!

It can only be said that he had a bad fate, and Pang Dahai and his brothers were angry, just like the anger they had accumulated for half a day.

After two rounds of test firing of the 1st Company of Artillery, the 3rd Infantry Battalion lost 43 infantrymen, including their captain, the left rank officer. An infantry squad was written off.

And the 1st Company of Artillery had just consumed 12 shells.

But there were five shells in the shell truck behind each mortar, and there were shell trucks transporting them from the distant ammunition depot.

Tang Dao set the ammunition consumption target for the 1st artillery company to be 30 rounds per gun!

Then, it was the turn of Matsumoto Uemon's rapid-fire artillery squadron to be unlucky.

Shells exploded in front of, behind, and around the rapid-fire guns, and shells rose up, and the earth seemed to tremble.

No manpower could resist this kind of "heavy artillery" with the largest caliber that the Chinese army could currently equip, let alone the Japanese artillerymen lying on the wasteland without any cover. Even if they were given a 94 tank to live in, they could only silently pray in their hearts: Amaterasu bless you!

The rapid-fire gun weighing hundreds of kilograms was like a piece of paper in the wind in the terrible air wave caused by the shells, and could be blown away more than ten meters, not to mention the weak human body.

What's more terrifying is that the Chinese artillery shells seem to be endless, and the sound of thunder keeps exploding in the ears of the living Japanese soldiers, and occasionally there are even louder explosions. That should be the shells of their own side being detonated.

The position of more than 10,000 square meters is completely shrouded in smoke, like hell!

No one knows how many people are still alive in this hell. Ishiguro Sadazo, who is watching all this hundreds of meters away, has already turned pale.

He thought that his opponent would have artillery, but he didn't expect that it would be such a terrible heavy artillery, and he didn't expect that the Chinese would bombard so recklessly. Do you think his mountain artillery squadron is "eating shit"?

"Order the mountain artillery squadron to find the Chinese artillery positions and destroy them!" Ishiguro Sadazo gritted his teeth and ordered.

This is the only thing the highest commander of the Japanese side can do. Based on his experience, he judged that the Chinese did not use howitzers but large-caliber mortars. The biggest shortcoming of this kind of artillery is that the firing range is too short.

As for why the Chinese were able to find the position of his rapid-fire artillery squadron in such a short time, it was probably because the cunning Chinese equipped the front line with artillery observation posts and sent the coordinates to the rear using field radios.

Judging from various signs, the Chinese artillery position must be located on the bank of the Bi River, and the most correct way should be on the south bank.

Because no matter how crazy the Chinese are, they will never put such heavy firearms too close to the infantry. If they are not careful, they may be attacked by the infantry and lose everything.

It can only be said that Ishiguro Sadazo is indeed worthy of being the infantry regiment commander valued by Doiyuan. He roughly determined the approximate area of ​​the position of the 1st artillery company only by analysis and judgment.

Tang Dao did not dare to put the 1st artillery company on the north bank of the Bi River, even though he had more than 80% confidence in annihilating this Japanese army.

The cannon is the god of war, but that is when a certain distance is pulled away. If it encounters infantry unexpectedly, especially when the distance is shortened to 200 meters, it can only be a lamb to be slaughtered.

Just like when he led more than 1,000 people to attack the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade at night in Jiashan, in terms of troop strength, the more than 1,000 people under his command were far inferior to the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, which had thousands of troops. However, artillery, a special type of soldier, was rarely equipped with machine guns and rifles. It was not that they could not afford it, but that it would become a burden for the artillery.

A cannon weighed hundreds of kilograms, and a hundred shells weighed hundreds of kilograms. The artillery had to carry it and pay attention to safety. How could they have the spare energy to carry rifles and bullets to do these things? Isn't that putting the cart before the horse!

Even if most of the artillerymen in the 1st Artillery Company were infantrymen who had been on the battlefield, Tang Dao did not equip them with rifles. At most, they would be equipped with pistols for self-defense after developing new pistols in the future.

The safety of the artillery unit would basically be handed over to the infantry, but Tang Dao had almost played all the cards in his hand. Even the special agent company and the new 8th Division engineer company were used as reserve forces to be deployed to the battlefield at any time. Who would guarantee the safety of the artillery company? That could only depend on the terrain.

The wide Mihe River was the safety line of the 1st Artillery Company!

Tang Dao's opponent was calm and wise enough. When the 1st Artillery Company was still firing frantically, the Japanese mountain artillery squadron began to readjust the elevation angle, firing range, and firing distance, and the four mountain artillery roared.

The shells fell into the already rippled Bi River, exploding into a group of sky-high water splashes, and some fell on the shore, raising a burst of gunpowder smoke.

The closest point was only more than 400 meters away from the position of the 1st Artillery Company.

You know, this is all based on a few blind guesses, the kind of blind cat catching a dead mouse, which also indirectly confirms the strength of the Japanese artillery.

Unfortunately, Ishiguro Sadazo still underestimated his opponent.

Pang Dahai had more than 6 150 mortars, and 4 Type 41 mountain artillery "given" by Ishiguro Sadazo's dead ghost colleagues.

What's more fatal is that the Japanese commanders and artillerymen relied purely on guessing, but the 1st Artillery Company had "clairvoyance".

"The artillery brothers did a good job. Here are the approximate coordinates of the Japanese mountain artillery positions," Gu Xishui's telegram read.

"Tell Pang Dahai that this time, his mountain artillery can suppress the Japanese mountain artillery, but don't hit too hard. It would be bad if Ishiguro Zhenzang ran away. It would be sincere enough to hang a Japanese army's big left head on the Yellow River Railway Bridge to apologize to the ancestors!" Tang Dao glanced at Gu Xishui's telegram and gave an order.

Tang Dao's words were not just a whim.

According to historical records, the engineering company of the New Eighth Division bombed for two days before completely destroying this railway and highway dual-use bridge built 32 years ago.

Tang Dao was very curious. What kind of bridge was so strong that an engineering company used a lot of explosives to bomb it for two days.

The day after arriving at the Yellow River Railway Bridge, Tang Dao took Lei Xiong, Leng Feng, Li Jiujin and others to walk across the iron bridge for inspection.

When the train carrying the First Army was passing the railway bridge, the train driver must have seen the soldiers drilling holes on the thick piers, and knew the fate of the bridge he had passed countless times, so he kept blowing the whistle to bid farewell to the bridge.

Many officers and soldiers of the New Eighth Division Engineer Company burst into tears at that moment.

But this was obviously not the sad point for Tang Dao, who already knew the ending of history. What was the loss of cities and land at this moment? In the next two years, most of China would fall into the hands of the enemy.

However, cities can be lost, land can be lost, and the heart of resistance is indispensable. The ancestors of this era did not disappoint their descendants after all.

Even though there were 6 million traitors in the enemy-occupied areas, which was rare in the world, there were still hundreds of millions of people in China who did not want to be slaves of a conquered country.

The lost cities and land were finally taken back!

However, when Tang Dao walked under the majestic bridge pier in the south of the bridge, the words written on a stone tablet made him feel like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

Tantai Mingyue read softly: "The Qing Dynasty Railway Corporation built the Beijing-Hankow Railway. On the day of completion, the imperial court sent Crown Prince Shaobao and former left minister of the Ministry of Industry Sheng Xuanhuai to carry out the ceremony with Tang Shaoyi, the acting left minister of the Ministry of Commerce!

In addition, it took three years for the bridge to be completed, at the cost of twenty-six migrant workers! I would like to engrave my ambition! October 16, the thirty-first year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty! "

Lei Xiong, who had a bold temperament, burst into tears at that time and cried out in pain: "Brothers, this is a memorial monument left by our ancestors! But today, this bridge will be destroyed at the hands of our unscrupulous descendants. We are sorry for their actions." !”

It may not be accurate to say that it is a memorial monument, but Tang Dao couldn't help but think of the bridge that will be built on the Tongmai Natural Barrier of National Highway 318 in the future. The bridge piers contain the bones of the Chinese soldiers who built the bridge. If one day we have to do it, it will have to be built by China. How would it feel if the soldiers blew it up?

Due to the situation, I was sorry for the efforts my ancestors had expended, so there must be something to apologize for. After thinking about it, Tang Dao thought about it, and there was no one more suitable than the head of the Japanese army's leftist.

When the bridge bombing was launched in the future, Ishiguro Sadazou's head hung on the bridge and was annihilated along with the bridge.

"Baga!" Listening to the sharp sound of cannonballs piercing the sky and flying overhead, Ishiguro Sadazou almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

What kind of Chinese army is he facing? Not to mention large-caliber mortars, there are also mountain cannons. Are these Baga's still a regiment? It's an infantry army!

Fortunately, perhaps because the mountain artillery position was more than 1,300 meters away from the infantry front line, the Chinese were unable to obtain accurate coordinates. Most of the fired artillery shells landed hundreds of meters away from the artillery position. It looked very lively, but in fact it did not cause any damage to the mountain artillery position. destroy.

"Order the mountain artillery squadron to temporarily stop shelling and retreat 500 meters!" Ishiguro Sadazou quickly issued the military order. After thinking for a moment, "The same goes for the infantry artillery squadron!"

"Your Excellency, Regiment Commander, the Third Infantry Brigade ahead still needs artillery support, and the Infantry Artillery Squadron may have to approach for artillery fire!" The deputy of the center-left Regiment on the side couldn't help but become a little anxious when he heard this order.

"Third Infantry Battalion" Ishiguro Sadazou's face was extremely ugly. He paused for a moment and then said sadly: "Maybe they are no longer needed."

"Pass my military order. The 3rd Infantry Brigade will no longer attack the Chinese blocking defense line. All personnel will retreat 300 meters and dig field trenches. The 1st and 2nd Infantry Brigade will fight the Chinese according to their respective terrains. Tell them , the main force of the division is moving closer to our regiment. At the same time, air support will arrive at any time. As long as it is delayed until evening, our army will counter-encircle the Chinese.

Those who are brave in battle will be rewarded by the division and regiment headquarters after the war. Those who are unfavorable in battle will not have the chance to go to military court! "Ishiguro Sadazou tried his best to regain his composure and quickly issued military orders.

Your Excellency, their captain, is going to lie flat and be destroyed? The officers of the 2nd Infantry Regiment looked at each other in shock!

It seems quite decisive, but that’s the reality! The 3rd Infantry Brigade chose to hold on. The two infantry brigades in the encirclement had to rely solely on themselves. Can they hold on until sunset?

No one knows the answer!

But they soon knew why their wise captain issued such an unconventional order.

In fact, the 3rd Infantry Group can already be reorganized into the 3rd Infantry Squadron.

Not because of that terrible shelling.

Instead, the previously formulated ‘Long Live Charge’!

The two infantry squadrons of the 3rd Infantry Group were the most miserable units of both China and Japan in this dawn ambush battle.

You have to say that the two heavy machine gun squadrons of the 1st and 2nd Infantry Brigades were badly taken care of by the Chinese, but they still had two or three big cats and kittens, and a few heavy machine guns escaped by luck.

But what about these two infantry squadrons led by a group of shirtless men?

What happened to them?

No one came back alive?

Everyone is in pieces!

The two infantry companies of the third battalion unanimously adopted the same tactic, silence!

The Eighth Company placed the Japanese troops shouting "on board" in front of their defense line 100 meters away.

Li Jijin was even more ruthless. It wasn't until the Japanese army rushed to 70 meters that he pulled the trigger of the Czech light machine gun in his hand.

That was a firepower network composed of 28 heavy machine guns and more than 200 semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, and shell guns.

Even if the battle line is a thousand meters long, even if the distance between individual Japanese soldiers has reached an astonishing three meters, even if their short legs have become rims, they are almost as fast as athletes sprinting 100 meters.

But in front of this kind of firepower that seemed to suck in a bullet even with a breath of air, the charge of more than 300 Japanese troops was like waves hitting the rocks, which had no other use except breaking into foam.

The Chinese soldiers did not throw even a single grenade, they simply pulled the trigger, fired the empty bullet, then loaded the prepared magazine, pointed the muzzle forward, and pulled the trigger.

Pure and extreme firepower output!

But it became a talisman for the rushing Japanese troops!

The Japanese infantrymen pulled the trigger once at most and were hit by bullets, and then they were hit continuously again!

By 'Long live! ’ The hypnotized Japanese infantry were like puppets lined up to be shot. The ones in front fell, and those behind rushed up, and then fell again.

In the end, no one survived!

The ironclad facts of more than 300 days of military use have proved a truth: in the face of enough bullets, no matter how much you shout long live, it will be shattered!

At this time, the 150mm mortars of the first artillery company were still wreaking havoc on the positions of the Japanese rapid-fire artillery squadron. The thick smoke of gunpowder did not dissipate for a long time, blocking the sight of the Japanese officers.

They did not see that the two infantry squadrons in the "Long Live" charge had completely become a historical term.

I don't know how long it took, but Matsumoto Uemon, who was curled up and buried his head in a shallow pit, raised his head and looked at the battlefield where the smoke was gradually dissipating in a trance.

His rapid-fire artillery squadron had disappeared, the heavy rapid-fire artillery was tilted, and the group of brave infantrymen of the third infantry battalion who had charged fiercely not far from him also disappeared.

It seemed that everything was a dream!

This was a nightmare! The Japanese artillery captain who looked up at the battlefield had dull eyes and muttered to himself!

He didn't hear the desperate shouts of the signalmen around him at all.

It wasn't that he was completely immersed in sadness, but that a thin red line flowed from each of his ears.

The huge explosion deafened the Japanese artillery captain who had managed to escape.

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