Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 848 Waiting for the move!

In Matsumoto Uemon's vision, the rapid-fire artillery squadron had already disappeared!

In fact, the artillerymen who survived this sudden heavy artillery attack accounted for about a quarter of his original rapid-fire artillery squadron, which was not a complete annihilation.

However, the huge explosion at the center of the bombardment made these artillerymen who survived by chance, like their artillery squadron leader, deaf.

A group of disabled Japanese artillerymen was nothing, but more importantly, the guns could no longer be used.

Although the six rapid-fire guns were not all blown to pieces by the accurate hits of the Chinese artillery shells, looking at the guns that were tilted and even crawling on the ground, Matsumoto Uemon also knew that these guns could no longer be used without maintenance.

"It's over!" Matsumoto Uemon's artillery captain had dull eyes and was almost mechanically supported by the signalman to retreat towards the regiment headquarters.

Perhaps, if he knew that the Third Infantry Battalion not only lost the two infantry squadrons of the "Long Live Charge", but even Shenmu Shaozuo was killed, he would feel much better.

After all, he is still alive, right?

In the end, the Japanese Third Infantry Battalion was able to retreat to 700 meters outside the blocking position of the Third Battalion of Leng Feng and began to desperately dig field trenches.

The deputy commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, Zhong Zuo, who was watching all this with a telescope, almost shed tears.

He was promoted from the former captain of the Third Infantry Battalion. The Third Infantry Battalion was not only his soldiers, but also the guarantee of his voice in the regiment. Before the attack, although the four infantry squadrons and a heavy machine gun squadron were not fully staffed due to losses, there were more than 900 people.

Now it's good, only two waves of attacks, and only half of the people are left.

"Add the baggage company directly under the regiment to the 3rd Infantry Battalion. Mr. Tanaka, since Shōzo Kamiki has been loyal to His Majesty the Emperor and you have served as the captain of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, I will now appoint you to serve as the captain of the 3rd Infantry Battalion. The safety of the regiment headquarters is entirely in your hands." Ishiguro Sadazo's face was not sad at all, but he gave orders decisively.

"Hi!" Japanese Army Nakazo bowed his head heavily.

"Send another telegram to the division headquarters. My regiment is besieged by a large number of Chinese troops carrying automatic firearms. All subordinate units have suffered casualties. Request air support as soon as possible!" Ishiguro Sadazo watched his deputy walk away, took a deep breath, and gave orders again.

It was not until this time that Ishiguro Sadazo showed anxiety in his eyes.

Japanese Army Osamu had realized at this time that his 2nd Infantry Regiment was actually in a desperate situation. He could not abandon the two surrounded infantry battalions anyway, but he could not save them with his current regiment's own strength.

If he insisted on going, it might be exactly what the Chinese wanted. The Chinese troops in front of him who were responsible for blocking them could turn defense into offense at any time and attack the regiment headquarters with huge losses of troops.

By then, the 2nd Infantry Regiment would become the laughing stock of the Imperial Army.

Originally, the Chinese only wanted to eat 2,000 people, but who knew that Ishiguro Sadazo's brain was full of water, and he also consumed the last mobile force on the defense line carefully built by the Chinese, and finally even lost himself.

Not to mention that the various departments of the Imperial Army would regard the 14th Division as a joke, the Chinese would also take the opportunity to publicize his pig head!

The only way now is to hold on with the last force and take a gamble.

Bet that the Chinese cannot kill his two infantry battalions in one day, and bet that the reinforcements of the division can arrive within 10 hours.

If he loses the bet, his 2nd Infantry Regiment will lose two infantry battalions, but if he wins the bet, he can completely turn the tables.

In the future, the division can write in the battle report to the front army headquarters: The 2nd Infantry Regiment used two infantry battalions as bait to lure the main force of the Chinese army to besiege, and then the division sent all its main forces to annihilate them!

Of course, Ishiguro Sadazo did not say that he really abandoned the two infantry battalions. He also placed his hopes on the air force of the Imperial Army.

The front army has army aviation stationed at two airports in Shanxi Province. Fighter planes can bomb and machine gun. Even if they cannot completely solve the danger of the two infantry battalions being surrounded, they can give them enough support to let them hold on until dusk.

It can only be said that the opponent encountered by Tang Dao is clear-headed and tenacious. If ordinary troops encounter him, they will probably suffer a great loss.

However, what Ishiguro Sadazo learned from Doihara Kenji was Tang Dao, not the entire Four Lines Regiment. Tang Dao is the core of the Four Lines Regiment, but the combat effectiveness of the Four Lines Regiment does not only come from the commander alone.

That was the result of repeated battles, of the will to fight through life and death. Even the more than 1,000 Sichuan troops who joined later had experienced the bitter and desperate battles in Guangde.

What was even more terrible was that they had also renewed their equipment and replenished their ammunition.

Across 700 kilometers, not counting the baggage troops, each person carried a huge load of 30 kilograms, which actually laid the most important foundation for this battle.

Today's Sihang Regiment, whether in terms of personnel quality, equipment, or the execution of commanders at all levels, has a comprehensive combat power that is not to say it is firmly in the first place in China, but must be in the top three...

If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and if you are rich, you can use firepower to cover!

Lei Xiong's first battalion and Guo Shouzhi's second battalion carried out the prodigal son model to the end. After the first wave stunned the Japanese troops in the encirclement and killed a quarter of them, the two sides entered the shooting mode in the vast wasteland grassland.

However, the Japanese troops who rolled down the roadbed could basically only use rifles and a pitiful number of machine guns to fight the enemy.

It's not that the Japanese infantry squadrons were equipped with too few light machine guns. An infantry squadron was equipped with 6 Taisho-10 light machine guns, which was enough to match an ordinary Chinese infantry battalion. There were as many as 8 Japanese infantry squadrons trapped on the battlefield, which meant that even if the heavy machine gun squadron was hit hard, they still had nearly 50 light machine guns.

But the tragedy was that although the first and second battalions did not use mortars, there were many grenade throwers in the bushes more than 100 meters away, and their target was the continuous firepower of the Japanese army.

Once the Japanese light machine guns were found roaring in the bushes, even if the grenade throwers did not have time to find it, the squad leaders in the trenches would desperately scream to remind their grenade throwers to solve the big problem in front of them.

Grenade throwers hitting machine guns can be described as crushing. If one shot can't kill it, then two or three shots!

The Japanese army certainly had grenade throwers, but the target of the grenade throwers was not as obvious as the thick smoke emitted by the continuous shooting of the light machine guns, and the positions of the two sides were also very different.

The Chinese grenade throwers were not hiding in a grass nest. The grenade throwers who were some distance away from the infantry also dug individual trenches and used sandbags as shelters. As long as the grenade did not fall into the trench or just beside the trench, they would basically not be injured by shrapnel.

The Japanese grenade throwers were just lying in the grass, and they were suppressed by an unknown amount of firepower that was even untracked. Not to mention searching for targets with binoculars like before, they were lucky to be able to look up.

What's more, each Chinese infantry squad had a precision shooter, and they would not instinctively lie on the edge of the trench and pour firepower forward without any regard like other infantrymen.

Those who resisted resolutely, with the Rising Sun flag tied to the muzzle of their guns, with high lethality, and with stars on their shoulder straps were basically their targets.

Grenade throwers were naturally their prey, so more than 20 Japanese grenade throwers were shot in the stalemate that lasted for more than 20 minutes.

To put it bluntly, the battlefield at this time was quite similar to the 14th Division fighting the First Army. As soon as the Chinese machine gun firepower appeared, the Japanese grenade throwers that were 400 meters away fired at them, but the Chinese were powerless due to the shortage of mortar shells. They could only watch the Japanese army knock down their suppressive firepower one by one.

Without the continuous firepower suppression of machine guns, the bolt-action rifles in the hands of the infantry could not stop the final charge of the Japanese army.

However, the battlefield at this time was just the opposite. The Japanese army could only watch painfully as the Chinese killed their own machine gun firepower points, but they were powerless.

At this moment, they finally understood the powerlessness of their former opponents. It was not because the willpower of those soldiers was weak, but because they had no choice.

They were also helpless now. Not only did they watch their opponents kill the machine guns bit by bit, but they also had to endure the malice from the imperial military industry.

Yes, many of the Taisho 10th-century machine guns went on strike before the Chinese could kill them.

Because of the explosion of grenades, some dry grass was ignited. Although it would soon be extinguished by the air waves formed by more grenade explosions, it did not become a large burning fire field like the third battalion, but a large amount of burning residue was swept into the air and then fell down one after another. The soldiers of both China and Japan were like groundhogs covered with mud.

These things falling on the human body are just a little dirty. Humans struggling on the edge of life and death can certainly ignore it, but the Taisho 10th-century machine guns stopped working.

How could the sophisticated weapons developed by the Imperial Japanese Military Industry work in such an environment? Jamming has almost become the most common operation.

The Japanese infantrymen who once had a good life could only tragically use the Type 38 rifle to fight the enemy except for shouting "Baga" angrily.

That is to say, 30 minutes after the battle began, the surrounded Japanese army had no weapons to use except the Type 38 rifle.

Guo Shouzhi, who arrived at the front line of command, keenly discovered this and had called Tang Dao to request a charge to completely eat up the Japanese army in front of him.

"Continue to maintain the battlefield situation and kill as many Japanese as possible. Now is not the time for a decisive battle. Without my order, the battalions are not allowed to charge without authorization! Those who violate the military order will be punished." Tang Dao refused on the other end of the phone.

Tang Dao's face was very serious, but his eyes showed relief. The Japanese army in the encirclement had lost all their heavy weapons and was basically doomed. If they wanted to eat them, they could do it at any time.

Looking back at Yang Xiaoshan, the commander of the special forces company who was with him, who seemed to be thinking about something, Tang Dao smiled: "Xiaoshan, tell me why I didn't let Captain Guo and the others kill the devils in one go?"

Tang Dao has always had an inexplicable love for Yang Xiaoshan. Although he has never created any brilliant achievements, as a representative of the group of young officers who were quickly promoted like Gu Xishui and Qian Dazhu, his reputation in the army is actually far less than that of the two. Even when the big guys in Zhengzhou City came to marry, few people mentioned this honest-looking lieutenant commander.

But Tang Dao just likes him. After only more than a month of training in Li Jiujin's infantry company, he was promoted from second lieutenant to lieutenant and became the commander of the special forces company.

The special forces company is not a combat unit. It has communications, medical care, engineering, and service under its jurisdiction. It is considered a special service company. It will never be sent to the battlefield unless it is absolutely necessary.

It seems that they were transferred from the front-line combat troops to the second-line service troops, but almost anyone with eyes would know that the special forces company is the most personal troop under the regimental commander, and the importance of its company commander is self-evident.

Perhaps, only Tang Dao himself knows why he likes Yang Xiaoshan. It is not only that Yang Xiaoshan was the first to express goodwill to him when he first came to this world, but also that Yang Xiaoshan is very much like him when he first entered the barracks.

Kind, enthusiastic and determined.

Tang Dao firmly believes that Yang Xiaoshan will become an excellent commander, so he will spare no effort to cultivate him.

Seeing Tang Dao's question, Yang Xiaoshan quickly replied, "Sir, you may be worried about the Japanese artillery. If we decide the outcome too early, the Japanese artillery over there will definitely be able to fire recklessly, and our army will suffer heavy losses."

"Haha, this can be considered part of the reason, there is more!" Tang Dao smiled slightly.

"If there is anything else, it is that you also consider that the Japanese air support will definitely arrive. The two armies are intertwined, which will make it impossible for the Japanese bombers to start, avoiding the possible casualties of our army!" Yang Xiaoshan pointed to the sky.

Tang Dao shook his head this time and said, "Xiaoshan, the two points you considered are actually correct. The Japanese artillery still exists, and its air support will arrive sooner or later, which poses enough threats to our troops, but these two points are actually just one point.

The reason why Captain Guo did not care about these things at all is not that he did not consider so many things. He just did not want to waste the hard-earned bullets. He also had the confidence to resolve the battle before the Japanese planes arrived. As for the Japanese infantry guns and mountain guns, although they could cause certain casualties, they were also within the range he could bear.

Moreover, he was only a member of the encirclement on the battlefield. He only needed to consider what his second battalion had to do, but you were in the command center of my entire Fourth Regiment. What you need to consider is the entire battlefield."

"What the commander meant was that the group of Japanese troops outside the encirclement could not be scared away, and a stalemate should be used to attract them firmly on the battlefield." Yang Xiaoshan suddenly realized after Tang Dao reminded him.

"Ishiguro Sadazo is very smart. This alone is not enough. I guess he has already prepared for the entire regiment to retreat. This matter of cutting off one's own arm is not only done by our Chinese army, but also by the Japanese.

In this Sino-Japanese war, the Japanese infantry battalion was annihilated more than once or twice, but an infantry regiment is extremely rare. Ishiguro Sadazo does not want to become the second Takeuchi Yunshan." Tang Dao saw that Yang Xiaoshan reacted quickly enough, and his face softened, and he nodded.

"It's just that he can't easily lose two infantry battalions without caring about anything. Let's just hang him like this, and let him go or not go, and his head hurts for a while.

The most feared thing about this person is that his thoughts are complicated, and he will think too much if he is not careful! At that time, it will be the opportunity for my regiment to fight a decisive battle." Tang Dao cast his eyes into the distance.

This is both a tactical, a life game, and a psychological game.

The main force of the 14th Division was still tens of kilometers away. This was enough time for Tang Dao to dare to let go and eat up nearly a thousand Japanese troops in the encirclement.

He was not in a hurry to make a move, but let Ishiguro Sadazo think and make a decision by himself.

Tang Dao had already done it once before.

Now, waiting for the Japanese to make a move, finding a good opportunity, and then striking back is not impossible.

What's more, Tang Dao had already prepared a backhand in advance, and it depends on whether the Japanese will make another mistake in panic.

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