Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 850 The toxicity is too strong! (Monthly vote requested!)

Of course, Sasaki, who flew over the battlefield at a high speed of 1,000 meters in the sky, saw more than that.

The altitude of 1,000 meters is the most basic safety line in Sasaki's mind. At such an altitude, except for anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns that can threaten him, anti-aircraft machine guns are basically useless, and that is the most equipped anti-aircraft weapon by the Chinese.

But at such an altitude, the houses on the ground are small boxes, not to mention the battlefield dominated by people.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Sasaki is qualified enough to be equipped with a telescope.

Sasaki is observing the battlefield under his wing through a telescope.

Looking down from a high altitude, the battlefield is mottled.

The black after the explosion and burning occupies the main color, while the blue and shit-yellow uniforms of the Chinese and Japanese armies are dotted among them.

What makes Sasaki quite helpless is that in a large area, the blue and shit-yellow are completely mixed together, without any distinction between you and me.

As a fairly experienced pilot, Sasaki certainly understood that there was a visual difference of thousands of meters. If it was on the ground, the two colors would be at least tens of meters apart.

But at this distance, what use is it for a fighter plane carrying a 200-pound bomb?

Not to mention that no one can guarantee that the bomb can be dropped on the Chinese head with an accuracy of 'meters'. Even if there is, what can it do? The killing radius of a 200-pound bomb can reach dozens of meters. While killing the Chinese, it can also send the Imperial Army to see Amaterasu.

It is almost impossible to drop bombs regardless of the consequences. Even if they can afford the cost of accidentally injuring their colleagues, the upper echelons will never allow it.

After all, apart from their Army Aviation fighters, the main force of the 14th Division is rushing towards this side and may arrive soon.

Imperial soldiers can die in battle, but they must never die under the guns of their own people. Sasaki naturally knows this principle.

In order to provide help to the infantry colleagues on the ground, the fleet must descend to an altitude of 300 meters and use the onboard machine guns to shoot at the Chinese on the ground.

In the past, such things were normal, but Sasaki knew very well that after the Chinese New Year battle, the Army Aviation had a new understanding of the Chinese air defense and strictly ordered all participating fighters not to descend without permission.

It was not that they valued pilots, but the number of fighters equipped by the Imperial Army Air Force could not be compared with the "millions" of the Navy. Losing one was one less. For example, the New Year bombing lost 11 fighters at a time. Even General Terauchi Hisaichi was afraid of being reprimanded by the Army Headquarters and dispersed the losses to various battlefields.

Fortunately, for some reason, the Chinese side did not publicize the results of this battle and chose to conceal it, otherwise General Terauchi Hisaichi's face would be swollen.

Of course, he deserved it. Who asked him to ask the Army Aviation to help the infantry idiots at any time? Sasaki once again complained about the old man he had never met in his heart.

However, although Sasaki was extremely dissatisfied with the military high-ranking officials who sent him to fight, as an adult man, he also knew that he and the fleet behind him had to do something, otherwise the Lieutenant General of the 14th Division, Kenji Doihara, would definitely cause trouble for the Army Aviation after the war.

Doihara, the old man, was born as a spy and was the most insidious. There was a saying in the Army Aviation of the North China Front Army that "I would rather offend Shiro than Doihara!". Itagaki Seishirō, the division commander, was the highest commander in the conquest of Shanxi Province. At the peak of his command, he had as many as 70,000 troops. His authority was second only to the commander of the North China Front Army. Even such a person was not as scary as Doihara, the spy chief, which also showed Doihara's reputation in the North China Front Army.

If you want to avoid trouble for yourself, you have to cause trouble for the Chinese! Sasaki has his own philosophy of life.

Therefore, Sasaki was quickly attracted by the "gun smoke" rising from the ground. Somewhat excited, Sasaki gave up the "intimate" intertwined infantry on the battlefield and cast his eyes on the area on the other side of the river.

The Chinese on the ground were like little ants, fleeing around frantically, and in the area where they fled, there were obviously more than ten places that looked very different from the wasteland.

In order to prove that his judgment was correct, Sasaki not only circled over this area for at least three times, but even risked his life to lower the altitude by more than 100 meters until he saw a protrusion somewhere.

That's the gun barrel! Here is the Chinese artillery position! Sasaki was ecstatic.

The Four-Line Regiment was indeed the most elite infantry regiment of the Chinese. It actually had such a large artillery unit. If it could be completely destroyed, it would be far more effective than dropping bombs on their own heads.

"The Imperial infantry is too close to the Chinese to drop bombs. Chinese artillery positions have been discovered!" Sasaki was contentedly pulling up the plane and leaving the airspace, while reporting to Captain Ono, who was only 20 kilometers away, via radio.

"Yes! Sasaki-kun, after confirming the coordinates of the Chinese artillery positions, you, return quickly! Leave the rest to us." The order from Captain Ono Shojo of the 5th Fighter Squadron came over the radio.

Out of fear of Sasaki's "anti-man" attribute, the members of the fleet held a small meeting when the radio communication was cut off at a distance, and unanimously agreed to send Sasaki back after he finished sending the reconnaissance report.

He is far away from the battlefield, so his "anti-man" attribute will at least be weakened!

Yes, not asking for nothing, just asking for less, the wishes of the Japanese pilots are so simple that it is outrageous.

"Hi!" Sasaki agreed straightforwardly.

Military exploits and the like don't matter, what he wants is to go back alive.

So, everyone got what they needed!

Sasaki's reconnaissance plane made a sharp turn in the air, jumped to an altitude of 1,500 meters, and sped away.

"Fuck! What does the Japanese mean by this?" Cheng Tieshou, who had locked onto Sasaki's fighter plane for a long time on the ground but did not pull the trigger due to the Tang Dao military order, was a little confused.

Sasaki was looking at the ground, and the company commander Tietou was also staring at the other party "affectionately" through the telescope. The altitude of more than 800 meters was enough for him to see the bomb hanging under the belly of the Japanese plane.

Logically speaking, even if it was a reconnaissance fighter plane, since it was already so fully armed and had discovered the camouflaged artillery position, shouldn't it dive and drop a bomb? What the hell is turning around and running?

Although Tang Dao ordered not to move rashly, that was when the Japanese planes did not attack. Once the Japanese planes began to dive bomb, Cheng Tieshou, who was on the right wing of the artillery position, would not tolerate him. With two machine guns that had locked on him and fired at full force, he had a 50% chance of shooting down the Japanese plane.

Cheng Tieshou, an experienced Chinese soldier, might not have dreamed that the Japanese lieutenant pilot who turned around and dodged in the sky was being despised by all Japanese pilots, and the Japanese Army Aviation Lieutenant, who was full of "killing people" attributes, was also a typical slacker, with no interest in military exploits. Anyway, he could get promoted by "killing" all his colleagues, so why take such a big risk?

After the military order was issued, those who didn't run were stupid.

Cheng Tieshou was a little confused, and the Japanese infantrymen on the ground who were just happy were even more confused!

Are the arrogant Imperial Air Knights here for a walk? Why did they just turn around and leave? You are so unkind! At least drop a bomb to scare the Chinese!

"Tell several captains that the Imperial fighter fleet is about to arrive. Let them tighten the defense line and keep a distance from the Chinese to avoid accidental injuries!" Ishiguro Sadazo was calm enough. Seeing his own fighters leaving the battlefield at high speed, he was not angry but happy, and gave the order in a cold voice.

Even this military order, he himself did not know whether he could execute it.

Not long ago, the first infantry major captain and the second infantry major captain sent him a telegram for help. The Chinese had a large number of continuous firing firearms, and the distance between them was no more than tens of meters, almost hand-to-hand combat. The Imperial infantry resisted very hard.

He was very relieved that the two major captains were alive. He had already lost a major captain. If the three were finished together, his position as a colonel regiment commander would basically be over, which would be more painful than letting him die on the spot.

But at present, he could not provide any substantial help to the front battlefield. The 3rd Infantry Battalion had been crippled, and the Chinese were firmly blocking the front. The remaining two artillery squadrons did not dare to fire at the main battlefield at will for fire support. Moreover, the Chinese artillery was not for nothing. Those large-caliber mortars that could fire shells similar to 105 howitzer shells were too terrible. After a few rounds of shelling, he lost a rapid-fire artillery squadron and dozens of infantry, forcing the two artillery squadrons to retreat 1,500 meters away from the main battlefield.

The Japanese Army Colonel could only hope that the Army Aviation fighter fleet was smart and brave enough to find the Chinese artillery positions and kill them, and to lower the altitude to shoot at the Chinese troops on the ground with the onboard machine guns.

However, although Ishiguro Sadazo's face did not change and the military order was issued firmly enough, Ishiguro Sadazo's heart was also beating when he saw the reconnaissance plane running so fast.

Can he trust the Army Aviation guys?

The Japanese Army Aviation is absolutely trustworthy.

Less than four minutes later, a huge roar sounded in the sky, and nine fighter planes emerged from the clouds.

The maximum speed of the Type 96 fighter plane exceeded 360 kilometers per hour. The distance of more than 20 kilometers was reached in just 4 minutes by this fleet composed entirely of fighter planes. Obviously, they had already used full speed.

Because of Sasaki's reconnaissance intelligence, the nine fighter planes did not enter the battlefield from the north, but turned early and entered from the west, heading straight for two kilometers on the south bank of the Mi River.

And, the altitude was reduced to 1,200 meters!

At this time, the sun was clear and the visibility was extremely high. Looking from the ground, the metal fuselage of the Type 96 fighter plane reflected the light of the sun, like nine sharp arrows shot from the sky to the ground!

"Long live the Army Aviation!" Although the Japanese soldiers on the ground were still lying in the grass, they still cheered.

It's just that the posture is a bit funny!

Moreover, they often get beaten after cheering!

I don't know how many bullets and grenades will follow the sound. There was originally a bush to cover the figure. This shout will provide a target for the Chinese soldiers thirty or forty meters away!

"Kill all the Japanese who dare to howl!" Zhao Daqiang's orders have always been simple and direct.

This is already what he is holding back. If it weren't for Tang Dao's order not to kill all the Japanese soldiers in one go, he would have killed all the less than 100 devils in front of his infantry company.

Of course, he now understands the intention of the commander. Commander Tang wants to use these Japanese as a shield.

Without these shields, the Japanese planes might not fly to the south bank of the Mi River, but drop bombs on their heads.

There are no tunnels or anti-artillery holes here. If a heavy bomb is dropped, at least an infantry squad will be gone.

The battle on the main battlefield on the ground did not slow down because of the arrival of the Japanese aircraft fleet. On the contrary, it became more intense. The cheers of the Japanese infantry were also buried in the sound of gunfire and explosions.

Leng Feng's third battalion, however, had long since died down. After five rounds of Beyond Shooting, they could not see any results. When the Sasaki fighter plane appeared, Leng Feng immediately ordered the entire battalion to retreat into the trenches.

They don't have the Japanese as a shield. The Japanese planes are going to drop bombs here, and the whole battalion can only hide in the trenches and resign themselves to fate. This should be the reason why Tang Dao said that the battlefield of the third battalion was the most difficult of all battlefields.

Not because of the infantry and artillery fire that the Japanese army would inevitably attack crazily, but because of the threat from the sky.

Fortunately, the fire is still burning, and the large amount of smoke is the best camouflage!

The Third Battalion's "pretending to be dead" allowed them to successfully escape the cautious Lieutenant Sasaki's sight. The Japanese fighter fleet entering from the west also focused their attention on the "artillery position".

The engineer platoon of the New Eighth Division was perhaps the most frightened person on the entire battlefield, even though they had dug a three-meter-deep artillery-proof hole last night.

But when the Japanese plane roared down, the sharp roar of the plane's engine still stimulated the nerves of the engineers who had hid in the bombhole.

No one knew whether the 3-meter-deep bombhole could withstand the heavy Japanese aerial bombs. Everyone could only leave it to fate.

It also turns out that it is really difficult.

Post-war statistics show that the engineer platoon suffered 6 casualties in the battle. Except for 2 who died from serious injuries to their internal organs due to the shock wave generated by the aerial bomb explosion, the remaining 4 were buried in the soil because the anti-bomb hole was collapsed by the huge shock wave. Death from suffocation.

Because it was a battlefield where nine fighter planes took turns to dive and drop nine 200-pound aerial bombs. The 300-meter-long and 100-meter-wide 'artillery' position was almost swept by a huge shock wave.

The shells caused by cluster grenades specially placed under the camouflaged wooden cannon gave the Japanese Army Air Force fleet in the sky a sense of accomplishment.

Tang Dao breathed a sigh of relief. His bait tactic finally succeeded.

The Japanese aircraft fleet finally lost their most deterrent weapon.

Since entering the battlefield, Tang Dao has never worried about the 2nd Infantry Regiment, which has lost a tooth. He is worried about the Japanese fighter planes.

That is also the most painful thing for almost all Chinese generals. Just one of the heavy aerial bombs hung under the belly of the aircraft is enough to wipe an infantry platoon off the ground. No matter how brave and well-equipped the Chinese soldiers are, , faced with such a big guy falling from the sky, we can only close our eyes and wait for death!

This is the tragedy of Chinese soldiers, but they can only bear it silently!

Because this is the price of being inferior to its opponents in terms of national strength.

Fortunately, the Japanese Army Air Force fighter took the initiative to give up its sharpest fangs at this moment, because he had prepared for a rainy day and spent a lot of manpower to build a fake artillery position.

At least for the next two hours, he no longer had to worry about threats from the sky.

"Command the 2nd Artillery Battery to pay close attention to the movements of the Japanese warplanes. If they attack the ground, hit me and hit them back hard!" Tang Dao's cold voice echoed in the microphone next to Cheng Tieshou's ear.

Ishiguro Sadazou's expectations for his own army and aviation warriors have not been disappointed.

Originally, the aircraft fleet, which had already bombed the Chinese artillery positions and provided great support to the infantry colleagues, could return successfully. However, as the commander, Captain Ono looked at the fierce infantry battlefield and issued a military order by mistake: "Turn all around, by Enter from the south, at an altitude of 500 meters, shoot the Chinese with the nose machine gun!”

Perhaps it was because the Chinese did not have any decent counterattack in the bombing operation just now, or perhaps it was the arrogance of the Imperial Army Air Force that did not allow them to leave without giving their infantry colleagues a little help...

In short, just as Ishiguro Sadzo imagined, after bombing the south bank of the Bi River, the Japanese Army Air Force drew a large circle in the air and re-entered the battlefield.

The three fighter planes formed a group and were divided into three waves. They dived from an altitude of 1,200 meters to a low altitude of less than 500 meters.

"Salute to the warriors of the Imperial Army Air Force!" Army Colonel Ishiguro Sadazou rarely spoke highly of friendly forces.

It's just that the highly praised Japanese Army Air Forces were brave enough, but they were unintelligent and could even be said to be stupid.

Captain Ono's choice of entering the battlefield from the south was hailed as the stupidest choice after the war.

Because there are three Chinese air defense positions lurking in that direction.

Almost all of the aircraft groups that jumped from high altitudes were within the range of the Chinese anti-aircraft machine guns before they entered the battlefield.

As for why Captain Ono is so stupid, perhaps it can only be caused by Sasaki’s ‘Kujin’ attribute!

Even though Lieutenant Sasaki was dozens of kilometers away from the battlefield at this time.

It's really, too toxic!

Du Baga ignores all the space.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I drove for 6 hours yesterday and arrived at the hotel at 9 o'clock. I wrote most of the chapter overnight. I came back at 11 o'clock in the morning and wrote another half. In the afternoon, the students officially competed, so I hurriedly posted it at noon. Try to win. I won’t ask for leave tomorrow, I’ll continue working at night, and I’ll ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month!

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