Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 851 Land Aviation Millipede!

Seeing that 9 Japanese planes actually chose to enter the battlefield from the south, Cheng Tieshou's eyes almost popped out.

He thought of many scenarios. He thought that the Japanese would be concerned about the ground firepower and leave after dropping the bombs. It was good for me and everyone. He also thought that the Japanese would enter the battlefield from the north, and the terrible 7.7mm machine guns on the aircraft would leave a tragic scene on the positions of the three infantry battalions. But he never thought that the Japanese would enter the battlefield from the firepower area of ​​his artillery company 2.

Was this little devil squeezed on the forehead?

The shooters of the artillery company 2 looked at the Japanese fighter planes that jumped down from the sky like "a startled swan and a graceful dragon", and it was hard not to give similar comments while holding the gun handles tightly and aiming the crosshairs.

Of course, this is from the perspective of the shooters of the artillery company 2. In fact, from the actual battlefield, Captain Ono entered the battlefield from the south, which not only allowed him to observe the effect of the "artillery position" that had just been bombed at a closer distance, but also allowed the fighter planes to attack the Chinese troops on the main battlefield at a suitable height through a sufficient distance, which could provide the greatest help to the Japanese infantry on the main battlefield. This choice was completely correct.

And the reason why he made such a choice was that when they just bombed such an important target as the "artillery position", the Chinese army did not counterattack at all, which made him also judge that the Chinese army actually did not have any ground-to-air firepower, just like most of the Chinese troops they encountered.

Because no one would give up their artillery so easily, and the Imperial Army was the same.

Almost all successful soldiers in the world have one trait, that is, they are extremely sure of their own judgments and firmly implement them.

Therefore, successful people are a minority!

Captain Ono's certainty was not wrong, but he brought along Lieutenant Zuo Zuomu, who was full of unlucky attributes, even though that guy had already happily received the order to return.

Captain Ono was the commander, so he was in the second group, the kind of person who commanded in the middle.

The first group of fighters entered the battlefield about 1,000 meters ahead of his Type 96 fighter. Just when his fighter dived down to 600 meters and had not yet reached the required altitude of 400 to 500 meters, the sparks on the ground stung his eyes behind the windshield.

"Free fire, all machine guns, fire for me!" Cheng Tieshou's order before stepping on the machine gun pedal was simple and rough.

At this time, a DER tactic was still needed. The Japanese plane dived down, and the pilot's hand was on the machine gun trigger. The straight-line distance between the two sides did not exceed 800 meters.

The ground and air sides were like two teams of cavalrymen in ancient times, without any fancy moves, holding up their lances and charging!

Whoever stabbed the gun into the other's body first won!

The Su Luotong machine gun emptied the magazine of ten bullets in one breath, and the ammunition soldier on the side quickly inserted the prepared magazine, and then Cheng Tieshou stepped on the pedal again.

The 20mm machine gun made by Swedish precision trembled violently, firing cigar-sized shells into the air, drawing terrible trajectories in the sky.

This projectile with strong kinetic energy may not be comparable to the "grenades" that can cause explosive killing such as infantry guns and mountain guns, but if it is shot into the human body, it will basically be torn into pieces. Even a 10mm steel plate can be penetrated with one shot.

With the fragile skin of the 96 fighter, the warhead can easily tear a hole the size of an adult's fist. It does not need all ten shells of a bullet plate to hit, just one or two, and the 96 fighter will be very happy.

The key is that there are two such machine guns in the 2nd gun company, and in order to enhance the firepower, the two machine guns are only 30 meters apart, and an MG34 with a firing rate of up to 1,000 rounds per minute is added in the middle.

This thing that the Germans have invented is simply unsolvable in this era. It has a firing rate that is twice that of ordinary heavy machine guns, almost similar to the dense array machine guns of the future. It can spray 150 bullets in just ten seconds.

Faced with the sudden burst of brilliant bullets, the three Japanese planes in the lead were absolutely stunned at that moment.

What happened to the Chinese who said they had no ground-to-air firepower? What is this?

However, the three Japanese pilots were well-trained. Even in a daze, they still instinctively aimed at the area where the bullets were blooming in front and pulled the trigger of the machine gun, and then hit the rudder.

Without any discussion, the three Japanese planes, which were only 50 meters apart, turned right in unison. This astonishing tacit understanding is really not something that can be practiced in a day or two. They must have cooperated skillfully.

The three flames plowed a visible trace on the ground, which was seventy or eighty meters long. Even a few bullets were shot at the steel shield of Cheng Tieshou's machine gun, making a clanging sound.

However, the 7.7mm machine gun mounted on the nose of the Type 96 fighter plane is powerful enough to attack infantry, but it is much worse against slightly more solid fortifications.

Cheng Tieshou's face remained unchanged, and he still aimed at the Japanese plane that was skillfully evading the trajectory and shot his second bullet board hard.

The two Suloton machine guns were the most powerful anti-aircraft equipment of the 2nd Artillery Company, but they were also the weak point of the 2nd Artillery Company. After being supplemented by the secret arsenal of the Northeast Army in Xuzhou, the other types of ammunition of the Four-Line Regiment were extremely sufficient, but the shells of the Suloton 20mm machine gun were still one less.

The reason why Cheng Tieshou personally took on the role of shooter again was not to be a hero, but to worry that his subordinates would empty the last inventory in one breath.

After all, the Four Lines Regiment is still hundreds of kilometers away from its destination. There may be a need for air defense operations on the way. Without these two machine guns, the anti-aircraft range of the Maxim heavy machine gun with a modified gun mount can be It's very limited.

The Iron Tou Company Commander, who is famous in all four groups, is naturally extraordinary.

From the time the Japanese army entered a low altitude of 1,000 meters away to the time when the Japanese machine gun bullets hit the steel shield, it only took a mere 10 seconds. However, Cheng Tietsou fired 20 bullets, and at least two of them hit the Japanese plane. .

A Japanese plane that veered crazily to the right was emitting thick white smoke and its speed dropped sharply. It should be that the plane's engine was hit and malfunctioned!

Fortunately, although the performance of the aircraft of this period is far inferior to that of future jet aircraft, the simpler the structure, the more resistant it is to manufacturing, which prevents it from losing power immediately. The 96 fighter is like a small aircraft with injured wings. The bird flew over the 2nd Artillery Company at high speed and struggled to escape due north.

The three anti-aircraft positions of the 2nd Artillery Company did not chase and shoot the three Japanese planes. It was not that they did not know how to beat up the drowned dogs, nor that they did not know how to chase the poor bandits, but because they did not have time. The second wave of fighters led by Captain Ono Already coming roaring.

Captain Ono was filled with fear and anger, mixed with a bit of joy. What was scary was that the Chinese could endure this and watched their artillery positions being destroyed without making any counterattack. They did not attack the fighter fleet until they reached low altitude. Counterattack, in theory, is the tactic that has the best chance of effectively attacking his fleet; angry, his judgment on the Chinese was wrong, causing one of his three fighter planes to be damaged; and happily, However, the Chinese's deliberate efforts could only damage one of their own fighter planes. Their combat power is actually limited, at least, it is far from their previous frightening forbearance.

Regarding this point, Captain Ono had a very clear mind. In order to strengthen the heavy firepower of the infantry battalion in the expanded Four Lines Regiment, both Pang Hai's 1st Artillery Battery and Cheng Tietsou's 2nd Artillery Battery were mobilized at least half. The combat effectiveness of the backbone squad leaders and veterans of the First Army has weakened a lot compared to before.

Just like the current 12 heavy machine guns of the 2nd Artillery Company, except for the shooter, who is a veteran, the other observers and ammunition handlers are novices. With this sudden war, the shooting level is naturally much worse than before. Otherwise, there would not be three Among the Japanese planes, Captain Tietou alone opened the attack and wounded one.

Such a result, not to mention letting Captain Ono get a hint that his side still had an opportunity to attack the Chinese army's air defense positions, Cheng Tieshou himself was also very angry. Since he served as the commander of the fire support company, when had he stretched his hips like this?

"Spicy bastard, pass on my order. If you don't shoot down a stupid plane today, everyone in the company will miss dinner for me, and it will be embarrassing to grandma's house." Cheng Tieshou pointed the gun again. The second wave of Japanese planes that were about to pounce on them roared angrily.

As if to calm Captain Tietou's anger, a loud boom was heard not far away. Many officers and soldiers of the 2nd Artillery Company looked back and saw flames shooting into the sky hundreds of meters away.

It turned out that the damaged Japanese plane hit the ground.

However, that is really not the credit of the 2nd Artillery Company, but the results of the Qian Dazhu Infantry Company.

Or maybe it was Zuo Zuomu, the unlucky kid's 'Kyou' attribute that struck again.

The damaged Japanese aircraft just focused on escaping, but forgot one thing. He was flying over the main battlefield. What's more terrible was that due to engine failure, he couldn't pull up at all, and he was only more than 400 meters above the ground.

The metal belly was exposed in front of the Chinese soldiers, and the speed was not very fast. It looked like a girl who had taken off most of her clothes and was desperately ogling the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Line Regiment.

For a group of big men who have already taken advantage of it, do you think they can still bear it?

"All light machine guns, give me a hard time." The young commander of the Dalian Company, Qian, ordered decisively.

This was great. All the light machine gun shooters in the trenches were facing up, holding their light machine guns in the air and shooting. The strong recoil almost broke the shoulder bones of the light machine gun shooters, but more than a dozen light machine guns also successfully shot them. 200 rounds of bullets were fired into the sky, where the speed had dropped to less than 180 kilometers per hour.

Fortunately, a few rounds of bullets hit the already damaged engine of the Japanese aircraft. This undoubtedly made the engine that could barely keep running worse. A few more pinches of salt were added to the bleeding wound. The aircraft stopped immediately and completely lost power. It entered a terrifying stall and crashed straight into the ground.

The Japanese infantry on the ground were in pain!

What was painful was not only the broken wings of the heroic aerial knight of the empire, but also the fact that the imperial war eagle that had lost control crashed into, seemingly, the center of the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, it is the area where the Japanese infantry are located.

No one knows what the pilot of this 96 fighter plane was thinking in the last few seconds of his life. Anyway, he turned his body and the fighter plane into the last bullet and shot it towards

Shoot it to your colleagues who have numb scalps!

The explosion of a fighter plane violently hitting the ground from an altitude of 400 meters was no less powerful than a 75mm mountain artillery shell. At least five or six Japanese infantry hiding in the grass were blown away by the air waves.

Good guy, luck and strength allowed these Japanese infantrymen to escape the blazing rain of bullets from the Chinese soldiers and the shrapnel from the grenades that fell like raindrops, but they did not escape the 'precision' collision of their own fighter planes.

Is this the legendary saying of ‘Don’t be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs’?

At this moment, the ‘brave air knight’ must have become the ‘smellest shit’ in the infantry’s heart!

Ishiguro Sadazo Dazuo in the distance could not see this scene because of the distance, but this did not stop his left eyelid from twitching.

As the Chinese saying goes: left eyelid twitching disaster, looking at the fleet of his own fighter planes flying into the low altitude in the sky, the Japanese Army Dazuo’s heart, which was already covered with countless gloom, became even darker.

“Baga! You are a black chicken watching the fun, I am the real black chicken!” Captain Ono, who was aiming at one of the anti-aircraft positions in the air and firing wildly, would definitely curse like this if he knew what Dazuo was thinking.

Previously, the luck of the 2nd artillery company was not very good. Two machine guns and more than a dozen machine guns fired wildly, and finally Qian Dazhu’s infantry company got a big advantage, but fate will eventually take care of those who work hard.

Although the shooting with the second wave of three Japanese planes led by Captain Ono lasted only 8 seconds, under the threat of not having dinner, the Chinese shooters burst out with unprecedented determination and courage.

The sandbags used to defend against the air waves of artillery shells were shot by at least a dozen Japanese fighter planes, and even several ammunition handlers were hit by machine gun bullets and fell on the battlefield covered in blood, but their fearless shooting finally paid off.

The two Type 96 fighter planes on the left and right sides of Captain Ono were hit one after another. One of the fighter planes had dense bullet holes visible to the naked eye on the fuselage, and the pilot wailed desperately on the radio channel.

Not because of fear, but because of severe pain!

The fragile fuselage was simply unable to stop the ravages of the metal bullets. If there was a camera placed in the cabin, it might be clearly seen that the Japanese pilot at this time was like a broken bag full of holes, bleeding all over, but perhaps because he did not hit the vital points, he was hit by dozens of bullets, but he could not die for a while, and could only wail in pain.

The fighter plane could not continue to hold on even though the man was alive. The fighter plane, which was riddled with bullet holes, continued to descend and finally plunged into the Bi River, causing a cloud of water to rise to the sky.

Another damaged fighter plane had previous experience and desperately steered the rudder to flee to the edge of the battlefield. The thick white smoke trailing behind the fighter plane was shocking.

"Everyone evacuate!" Captain Ono gave the order on the radio with eyes wide open.

Then, after passing over the air defense position, it desperately pulled up, jumped to an altitude of 1,000 meters, and left without looking back.

At that moment, Captain Ono finally realized a truth with a clear mind: as long as he was close to Zuo Zuomu, he would definitely defeat him regardless of whether he was there or not.

Now there were only two dead and one injured. If the battle continued, thinking about the ending of the New Year when only Zuo Zuomu survived out of 12 fighter planes, Captain Ono suddenly felt a chill in his crotch. Zuo Zuomu was still alive!

The remaining three Japanese fighter planes received the order, but did not jump down from the sky at all. They flew straight over the right wing of the battlefield, accompanied by the friendly planes that were still smoking, and left the battlefield at high speed.

How majestic it was when it came, how embarrassed it was when it left! The Japanese aircraft group interpreted this sentence to the extreme.

But after the war, this military order was recognized by the Army Aviation as the wisest decision of Captain Ono. Otherwise, according to the war chess deduction of the machine gun firepower comparison between the two sides at that time, it would be very good if half of the aircraft participating in the attack could survive.

9 fighter planes, the remaining 7 gradually turned into black dots and disappeared in the sky.

The 10 fighter planes that came were useless except for blowing up several of their own people and splashing some water in the river to watch the excitement.

But that was the last hope of the Japanese infantry.

An infantry regiment of the 14th Division was running towards this side, more than 40 kilometers away from here.

"Baga! Army Aviation Malu!" The Japanese infantry on the ground screamed desperately in their hearts.

The desperate roar of the Japanese infantrymen truly marked the beginning of the 2nd Infantry Regiment's complete fall into the abyss.

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