Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 861 Someone is taking the blame!

Hearing Tang Dao brag so nonchalantly, the room became a little quiet for a while.

After a while, the Chief of Staff of the New Eighth Division gave Tang Dao a wry smile: "Captain Tang, what our division commander just said was also a sentiment. What you said before about my New Eighth Division Engineer Company, this involves you 43 The coordination between the army and our first battle zone cannot be solved today. I think we should first talk about when to blow up the bridge! "

It's not that they don't believe in Tang Dao, but that Tang Dao has four rapid-fire cannons, four infantry cannons, and more than twenty light and heavy machine guns. Why, why should he be the commander of his own theater? Even Commander Cheng in the war zone is not so heroic!

This time the New Eighth Division was ordered to blow up the Iron Bridge of the Yellow River and stationed on the south bank of the Yellow River to prevent the Japanese army from forcibly crossing the Yellow River. Commander Cheng only approved 50,000 rounds of ammunition to enhance the New Eighth Division's firepower. What about artillery and machine guns? Mao didn't even see it.

But everyone knows that this is also the case for Commander Cheng, a clever woman who cannot make a living without rice. Now the principal's focus is on the upcoming battle of Xuzhou. It is still difficult to supply the 600,000 troops that have been assembled in the war zone. Then you will notice that in the first theater where the 14th Division is fighting fiercely, it would be good if the more than 200,000 troops can guarantee half a catty of food every day.

Seeing that his chief of staff had said this, Jiang Zaizhen didn't bother to follow up. In his opinion, a fool like Tang Dao probably didn't want to lose face and make nonsense. If this guy doesn't admit his fault in the future, he, a senior commander, still Can you knock on the door with a note or something?

Moreover, based on Tang Dao's no-nonsense personality, he might have been swallowed whole by the Japanese with his four-line group that day. If he wanted to scold Tang Dao, he would probably have to spend money to buy paper first.

"Hey, it seems that Mr. Jiang doesn't believe Tang anymore." When Tang Dao saw the expressions of these two men, he naturally knew what they were thinking.

"In this way, people say empty words, and I won't tell you two words in black and white. 8 artillery pieces, 800 rifles, 25 light and heavy machine guns plus the ammunition I just mentioned will all be sent to your department in two hours. As long as Jiang Master, please sign this transfer order!" Tang Dao took out a piece of paper.

Boy, it's true.

Jiang Zaizhen just glanced at it and saw what was written on the paper. It was nothing more than to unite friendly forces to fight against the Japanese pirates, so he seconded the engineering company of the New Eighth Division to the Fourth Line Regiment. During the secondment period, the engineering company received military pay, Promotions, rewards and punishments, and compensation for battle losses are all the sole responsibility of the Si Xing Tuan.

This kind of secondment is actually normal in various ministries. Let alone a company, some troops even temporarily seconded a regiment. However, the secondment order issued by Tang Dao did not even have a deadline. Wouldn't that mean that The engineering company was assigned to the Fourth Line Regiment!

Jiang Zaizhen narrowed his eyes slightly, and in less than three seconds, he stretched out his hand and took a pen from the orderly beside him: "Okay, I signed this transfer order! Commander Tang and Staff Officer Zhuang have come a long way and worked hard. , Jingmin and I will accompany you two for a drink!”

Of course, Jiang Zaizhen could sign this word. It was just an engineer company. It was just an auxiliary unit. He could build another one in less than three months. He was not afraid of Tang Dao cheating. After all, he would not let go of the rabbit before he saw it. The weapons were delivered, and although the order was in Tang Dao's hands, Tang Dao's men were still in the New Eighth Division!

You can tear up this nominal order at any time!

Moreover, Tang Dao had already spoken so firmly. If he, as a teacher, still refused to sign, it would be a disgrace to Tang Dao.

After all, the right to blow up the Iron Bridge on the Yellow River is still in Tang Dao's hands. If he gets angry here and gets confused, he will not blow it up, which will eventually lead to the Japanese army occupying the Iron Bridge. In the end, he will not be the unlucky one. New Eighth Division?

Of course, aside from these reasons, the reason that made the master finally take out the pen was the temptation of the eight cannons in Tang Dao's mouth.

The New Eighth Division has been established for three years, but it has always been a marginalized unit. During the three years, he begged his grandfather and grandma to save his family's wealth. The entire New Eighth Division only has eight mountain cannons. They have always been treated as treasures and cannot be easily lost. This time, in order to meet the Japanese invaders, the entire division marched 2,000 kilometers from Qian Province. Eight such heavy artillery were transported by manpower and pack horses, and no one complained about being tired. Everyone knew that, no one complained. With these eight artillery pieces holding on, there was no chance of encountering the Japanese, and they were completely passive and beaten.

If we 'bought' this engineering company and increased the number of 8 artillery pieces to 16, we would be more confident. At least the invading infantry regiment and the New Eighth Division would be able to counterattack.

"Okay! Then I'll have a drink with Commander Jiang and Chief of Staff Tian!" Seeing Jiang Zaizhen sign, Tang Dao felt relieved and said with a smile.

In order to defeat this engineer company, Tang Dao put all his efforts into it. Not only did he pay a high price, but he also started his own performance.

He acted so stupid before he came up. The changeable Master Jiang really didn't necessarily sign so readily.

The reason is very simple. Exchanging equipment for personnel is an exchange in itself. Since it is an exchange, you have to bargain. Before the other party knows the details of yourself, only the annoying stupid young man can make the other party reveal what he thinks. Sky-high asking price.

In fact, Tang Dao had a lot of dealings with greasy middle-aged men in his previous life. He knows what kind of young people greasy middle-aged men hate the most. They may appreciate the young people's spirit of being a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, but what they hate the most is young people. Not enough respect for them.

When people reach middle age, they have let go of many things, but they only value the years they have experienced and the qualifications they have endured. Young people can be aggressive, enterprising and even rebellious, which are all what they have experienced before, but if they do not take the other party seriously and immerse themselves in their own world, then the greasy middle-aged men will naturally not treat you well.

The so-called greasy is actually a kind of smoothness after years of experience. It may be disliked by young people with edges and corners, but it is ultimately a stage that most people must go through after growing up.

How many people in this world can be greasy but not greasy and worldly? That requires enough life wisdom.

At least, the master in front of him does not have such great wisdom in life, otherwise he would not have chosen the right path after more than ten years, but finally took a wrong step and was doomed.

To put it bluntly, the price asked by the master is actually much lower than Tang Dao imagined. For Bai Sheng's engineering company, Tang Dao is even willing to pay double the current price.

Japanese equipment is not worth much for Tang Dao at present!

Even, in a sense, it will become a burden to the Four-Line Regiment.

In this battle to destroy the 2nd Infantry Regiment, Tang Dao not only intended to use firepower advantage to reduce casualties, but also wanted to consume a large amount of ammunition to reduce the burden of the entire Four-Line Regiment.

Because of the changes in the war, the Japanese army targeted the Four-Line Regiment. The Four-Line Regiment could no longer march 60 miles a day like it did from Xuzhou to Zhengzhou. Tang Dao must ensure that the entire Four-Line Regiment has the ability to march 100 miles a day. That is not only to test the willpower of the entire Four-Line Regiment, but also to reduce the load.

Try to hand over most of the heavy equipment to the baggage troops. Each soldier will no longer carry other heavy objects except for guns and bullets, necessary food, clean water, and marching blankets.

This battle originally consumed more than 2,500 rounds of various artillery shells, tens of thousands of grenades, and hundreds of thousands of bullets, which consumed 30 tons of weight for the entire army, but in the end, thousands of rifles, more than a dozen artillery pieces, and a large amount of ammunition were seized.

What's even more annoying is that the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment have now learned the trick of killing and robbing Tang Tuanzuo. It's fine if they bring back the intact ones, but they also bring back the broken ones, and even take away more than 2,000 pairs of leather boots. If it weren't for the extra 100 pack horses and carts seized, Tang Dao would have wanted to tell them loudly to throw away those junks. When we get to Taihang Mountain and build an arsenal, you won't want those junks even if they are given to you for free.

Unfortunately, some habits are hard to get rid of once they are formed. Looking at the smiling face of Chief of Staff Zhuang, Tang Dao really couldn't say it.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng and his engineering company are good enough, and Tang Dao has long been eager to have a professional engineering unit.

Take this ambush for example. Without this professional engineering unit to help build the fake artillery position and dig trenches, the casualties of the Four-Line Regiment would at least double.

Moreover, the performance of the new Eighth Division in the future war against Japan is not bad. In the Longmen defense battle, an infantry regiment fought hard to wipe out all its main infantry battalions, and also made two Japanese infantry battalions sigh at the river. Strengthening their firepower to inflict greater damage to the Japanese army is beneficial to the entire Patriotic War.

Under such actual circumstances, Tang Dao is naturally willing to throw the pile of "junk" to them and replace it with an engineering company that is of great use to him.

As for the problem that the new Eighth Division's engineering company is new and has a mixed crowd, Tang Dao will not care too much. The Four-Line Regiment has been a hodgepodge since its establishment!

There are Central Army, Sichuan Army, Northeast Army, and Songjiang Security Corps, and later there are recruits selected from refugees, the pride of Jinling University, and the complexity of the personnel is probably more than any regiment-level unit in the country.

But so what, Tang Dao firmly believes that they are all Chinese. Although each of them has their own little tricks, as long as they are Chinese, the basic concept of "fighting against the Japanese invaders and restoring our rivers and mountains" is the same.

If these people from all over the country are likened to materials, then Tang Dao is a skilled architect who kneads these materials together to build an indestructible fortification.

Among them, the strongest adhesive, in addition to the concept of defending the country, is victory after victory!

Everyone will automatically integrate into it and be extremely proud to be a part of it in victory after victory.

Seeing Tang Dao so happily put the transfer order into his pocket, Jiang Zaizhen's heart suddenly jumped, as if he had made a big mistake. It seems that the young man in front of him is not as reckless as he imagined.

Does that mean that the sky-high price he just thought he was asking for is actually not taken seriously by others?

But where did he get these Japanese weapons?

When he thought of this, Master Jiang's heartbeat accelerated a little!

There is no need for any exquisite dishes in the army. It's nothing more than some bacon boiled and cut into pieces and served, and then a pot of hot wine.

There are only four people who are qualified to sit at the table, two generals of the New Eighth Division, plus a colonel and a lieutenant colonel of the Four-line Regiment.

It was still early for the two hours promised by Tang Dao. Before the wine and food were served, perhaps because Tang Dao's wish had been fulfilled, he talked about blowing up the bridge. Tang Dao quickly promised to blow up the iron bridge before 9 o'clock tomorrow!

The reason for waiting until 9 o'clock tomorrow is, as Chief of Staff Tian said, Tang Dao needs to wait another 10 hours to allow more refugees to enter Zhengzhou through the iron bridge to avoid being slaughtered by the Japanese army.

Although he still felt it was too slow, seeing that Tang Dao had given this reason, no matter how anxious Master Jiang was, he could not urge him any further. He knew that this man was accompanied by a well-known reporter. If he displeased her, she would write a little wrongly in the report, saying that he ignored the lives of refugees and insisted on blowing up the bridge early, then he, as the division commander, would be criticized by thousands of people.

Besides, Tang Dao had given a clear time point. Even if the Japanese army arrived tomorrow, he would have enough time to deal with it. This hanging heart was finally put down. Before the wine table, the atmosphere between the two sides was already harmonious.

However, as the exchanges with Tang Dao increased, the feeling of being "deceived" in Master Jiang's heart became stronger and stronger. In fact, the original rustic, rich and stupid young man seemed to have never appeared, and was replaced by a mature and calm young talent.

After three rounds of wine!

"Brother Tang, don't call me division commander anymore. I am a few years older than you, so I am taking advantage of you and calling you brother. As your brother, I am very curious. Where did you get all these equipments? Are they all captured from the battle of Guangde? That's really a lot. If you give them to my new Eighth Division, the firepower of your Four-line Regiment will be much weaker!" Jiang Zaizhen finally couldn't help his curiosity and asked when Tang Dao toasted him.

"Oh! Commander Jiang is afraid that these equipments are not legitimate!" Tang Dao smiled.

He was familiar with history and didn't intend to get so close to this brother who was destined to go down the road of no return. That was like putting a rope around his neck. Calling him commander was closer than the previous stiff official title, which was also a waste of his kindness.

Moreover, in the eyes of the two generals of the new Eighth Division, Tang Dao had some human relations. The commander said so, but he didn't necessarily follow the trend and really called the division commander brother. Not everyone was as heroic as Commander Zhang.

At least, Master Jiang was very satisfied with Tang Dao's title.

"Please rest assured, Commander Jiang, these artillery guns were all captured by our regiment, but not in the battle of Guangde, but in the battle of Bihe!" Tang Dao continued.

"The battle of Bihe, where is the Bihe?" The two generals of the New Eighth Division were a little confused.

They only knew the Bihe River 20 kilometers away from here.

"Of course it is the Bihe River 20 kilometers away from here. I forgot to tell the two commanders that this morning, our regiment set up an ambush on the south bank of the Bihe River and wiped out the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the 14th Division, killing more than 3,000 Japanese invaders including the colonel and the regiment commander, and seized countless equipment!" Tang Dao said slowly while picking up a peanut with chopsticks and putting it in his mouth.

"Puff!" Master Jiang spit out a mouthful of wine.

The chief of staff of the New Eighth Division looked at Tang Dao with his eyes wide open, his mouth wide enough to swallow the plate in front of him.

After all this time, he is still a fool!

This braggart is too boastful.

"If you two officers don't believe me, not only the weapons and equipment we promised will be delivered, but also the collars and sabres of the Japanese officers will be delivered. I'm afraid it's impossible to get the body, because there are so many equipments, and the officers and soldiers of our regiment don't have enough energy to carry them, so they are all left there. So we brought back the colonel's head and prepared to use it as a sacrifice when we blow up our iron bridge tomorrow to comfort the hard work of the predecessors who built the bridge, and as an apology for us, the younger generation who are forced to blow up the bridge!"

The heads of the two generals of the new 8th Division are no longer buzzing, but are about to explode!

At this point, they have believed in Tang Dao.

Even if this news is earth-shattering.

Because, unless Tang Dao is a big idiot, otherwise, any news can be fabricated, except this news.

But Tang Dao is definitely not a big idiot. No one will regard a colonel who killed thousands of Japanese as an idiot. Only those who can think so are idiots.

Even if Tang Dao performed so hard before, the two of them only regarded him as a fool, a super iron head.

But what made their heads explode was not the news that a Japanese infantry regiment was annihilated, nor that the eight artillery pieces were definitely going to belong to the New Eighth Division...

But the two elites seemed to smell a hint of subtext that they themselves could not believe!

Tang Dao's subtext was that the merits of the war should belong to them.

For a long time!

"Why?" Jiang Zaizhen's lips were dry and he asked with difficulty.

"Because I don't want to stay in the war zone!" Tang Dao's mouth curled slightly, straightforward and full of sincerity: "Besides, the engineer company of the New Eighth Division also participated in this battle and performed extremely bravely. The New Eighth Division deserves it!"

"Okay! My New Eighth Division will help you with the Four-Line Regiment!" Jiang Zaizhen nodded without hesitation. "It's just that I hope the Four-Line Regiment will be the flank force for my New Eighth Division in this battle, and when it appears in the newspaper one day, the reporter Tan Tai will write about this battle himself!"

Those who don't agree are fools!

With Tan Tai Ming Yue writing this way, his military achievements are set in stone, and no one can say anything about it, even if the Four Lines Group regrets it one day.

"Good!" Tang Dao also smiled with relief.

This guy is also very scheming, but his shameless attitude of "I'll take the blame for you" is actually much more lovable than a hypocrite.

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