Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 862 This is literally true

Wait until the Four-line Regiment's baggage company arrives at the New Eighth Division with Tang Dao's handwritten equipment!

Under the moonlight, the barrels of the eight artillery pieces flashed with a cold luster, and the cold wind blew across the faces of the soldiers. However, the two generals of the New Eighth Division were excited and their faces flushed with excitement.

The last trace of doubt also disappeared in an instant!

From this moment on, the New Eighth Division's Engineer Company was renamed the Four-line Regiment's Engineer Company, becoming one of the several companies directly under the Four-line Regiment's headquarters.

In order to prevent Bai Sheng from getting emotional, Tang Dao also thoughtfully asked Bai Sheng to bring his three platoon leaders with the baggage company. The artillery and various guns and ammunition placed on the ground were enough to arm an infantry regiment, which was the value of his engineer company.

The trick of buying horse bones with a thousand gold coins is undoubtedly feasible in any era. What else can be said? The moment when Master Jiang personally put the transfer order in Bai Sheng's hand, Bai Sheng knew that he would follow Tang Dao and the Four-line Regiment for his whole life. A man dies for his friend!

Some sabers and rank collars seized from the annihilation of the 2nd Infantry Regiment were quietly sent to the office of Master Jiang. The attribution of military merits was a tacit agreement between the two parties. Tang Dao didn't need to worry about it at all. He knew that this person had many ways to fool the superiors. For the war zone, what matters is the result, not the process.

Even if some people noticed that there was something fishy, ​​as long as his Four-line Regiment took the initiative to jump out and admit that it was "assistant", everyone would be happy. Whoever entangled again would offend this division commander!

The equipment and military merits have been delivered. The engineering company was originally in the Four-line Regiment. Tang Dao and his party said goodbye. This time, Master Jiang brought the chief of staff to send Tang Dao and Zhuang Shisan and others for several kilometers, almost to the Yellow River Bridge.

That's not it. It is estimated that this division commander will never meet a local tyrant like Tang Dao again in his life.

The merit of annihilating an infantry regiment is enough to give this person and his two brigade commanders the Baoding Medal. If the old man is happy, he may even be promoted to a higher position.

The division commander may become the army commander at any time!

Master Jiang, who has received great benefits, is as attentive as a battalion commander. Tang Dao is actually very satisfied. Without these broken burdens, the baggage company of the Four-line Regiment, which has added more than 100 carts, can fully bear the remaining weapons and equipment, and the whole regiment can travel light.

After returning to the headquarters of the Four-line Regiment, Tang Dao immediately convened a military meeting of company commanders and above!

"The whole regiment will march towards Jiaozuo at about 3 am, with the third battalion as the vanguard, Li Jiujin's seventh company as the vanguard company of the whole regiment, the cavalry company and the special squadron marching ten miles around the main force, the second battalion and the artillery 1st and 2nd companies follow the regiment headquarters, and the first battalion and the baggage company and the student company are the rear!" Tang Dao set the tone for the military meeting at the beginning.

"Commander, the brothers fought with the Japanese invaders for half a day, and then marched back to the bridge position in a hurry. They are already exhausted. Marching in the middle of the night, I'm afraid..." Gong Shaoxun frowned slightly, a little worried.

He commanded the cavalry this time, and only participated in a surprise attack on the Japanese artillery. The horses and personnel were in good spirits, but the infantry fought for half a day and then spent three hours returning to the bridge position more than ten kilometers away. Both physical and mental strength have reached the limit, even though Tang Dao ordered the student company and the baggage company to prepare meat soup and white flour buns for the soldiers to feast on.

"Yes! Commander, anyway, the Japanese were stunned by us. The old devil Tu Feiyuan would never dare to attack easily without gathering enough troops. Let's let the brothers have a good sleep, and blow up the bridge early tomorrow morning and then march again, okay?" Guo Shouzhi also advised.

"It's definitely tiring, but it's better than losing your life!" Tang Dao shook his head decisively.

The officers looked at each other, they didn't understand where Tang Dao came from.

"We gave the New Eighth Division such a big pie, Li Jiujin, if you were the commander of the New Eighth Division, what would you do?" Tang Dao saw that his subordinates didn't understand yet, so he had to ask first.

"I will immediately transfer at least two of my close regiment commanders to discuss this matter together. Everyone can get bonuses without fighting, who would spread this false news? Whoever spreads it will cut off the financial path of everyone from the division commander to the big soldiers. Then, just to avoid more trouble, I will report to the war zone at night and hand in the captured swords, rank badges, etc., and the weapons and equipment will naturally wait for the war zone to come and check!" Li Jiujin thought about it and answered honestly.

With his understanding of Tang Dao, he knew that once Tang Dao made a decision, it was basically for a reason and would never be without consideration. Even he, as a company commander, knew that all the brothers in the company were so tired after dinner that they fell asleep like a puddle of mud. Now there were snoring like thunder on the battlefield. Even the outer guards were the student soldiers of the student company. After the battle, the Four Lines Regiment, which had invested all its strength, was at its weakest this night.

"Hehe, yes! No matter who it was, if such a big pie hit their head, they would want to eat it as quickly as possible. What if my Four Lines Regiment regretted it?" Tang Dao said with a faint smile.

"But do you think that old Japanese guy Tu Feiyuan can swallow that breath?"

"Commander, what do you mean..."

"He can't do it on land, and in the air. Although we shot down two Japanese planes in the daytime battle, it was simply relying on machine gun fire. If they dropped bombs at an altitude of a thousand meters, Cheng Tietou's two machine guns alone would not be able to do anything to the Japanese."

"Will the Japanese come to bomb my Four-Line Regiment?"

"That's right, as long as Master Jiang loses his composure and reports the news to the war zone, and then reports it to the superiors, whether it is Tufeiyuan or the indoor shroud, he will definitely lose his face to grandma's house. In order to retaliate, they will definitely send A large number of Japanese planes are coming to bomb us. If we don’t run away, we will become living targets.”

"Run, you must run, the Japanese bombs are too scary!" Li Jijin was so frightened that he shivered.

Others may not know it, but Li Jijin, who spent time on the Songhu battlefield, has a huge psychological shadow on heavy artillery and aerial bombs. Once those big things are dropped, the trenches and individual gun-proof holes will be like paper. It's useless.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a veteran or a new recruit, as long as you are within 30 meters of the radius of the bomb, it will not kill you, but the shock will shock you to the point of vomiting out your heart, liver, and lungs.

"Will the bridge be blown up? Didn't we agree with the New Eighth Division to blow up the bridge at 9 o'clock in the morning?" Zhuang Shisan asked subconsciously.

"Of course the bridge will be blown up. The Japanese will not be so stupid as to drop bombs and blow up the only passage to Zhengzhou. But we can also use the Japanese military aircraft fleet to blow up our behavior. Let's say that the Japanese are crazy and want to stop us. The army went north to fight against Japan and brazenly blew up this most important transportation bridge between the north and the south!

This news report was left to Tantai to write. Remember, the Japanese must be so crazy that they even used dozens of bombers to destroy this important bridge! "

"Tuanzuo, are you going to ridicule the Japanese as idiots in the newspaper?" Qian Dazhu touched his head and asked somewhat innocently.

"You are really smart, needless to say!" Lei Xiong rolled his eyes at his main company commander angrily.

"I don't know if I understand it right! This move by the group leader is a bit like Zhuge Liang taking Liu Bei's newlywed wife away and shouting to Zhou Yu, 'Zhou Lang has a clever plan to settle the world, but he loses his wife and loses his troops'?" Lao Hei's dark face A smile emerged from above.

"I just didn't know that Tu Feiyuan was so angry that he vomited blood just like Zhou Lang. It would be best to kick his legs without even taking a breath, haha!" Cheng Tieshou also laughed.

The officers of the Si Xing Regiment also laughed. Their leader was not only very skilled in his skills, he also had endless ways of infuriating people without paying for their lives. Anyone who wanted to be his opponent, even if he didn't kill him on the spot, would probably be hurt just by being angry. Life expectancy will also be shortened by several years.

"With Madoka Doi's deep personality, it's not that easy to anger him to death, but it is still possible to damage his reputation in the Japanese military community. Moreover, once people are angry, they will lose their cool and make more mistakes. Son, as long as he makes mistakes, it will only benefit our regiment, our army, and even our country.

To put it bluntly, we must devote all our energy to this war against Japan, and we must not let go of any opportunity to attack our opponent! "Tang Dao's eyes calmly swept over the group of subordinates.

"Understood, sir!" The officers all looked solemn and agreed.

The war between China and Japan was a battle in which the two countries devoted their national power. If it were reduced to a smaller scale, it would actually be like the life-and-death fight between Tang Dao and Fujiwara Senzuo. Both of them would use any means to create every opportunity to attack each other mentally and physically.

At this point, Tang Dao hopes that his capable subordinates also need to understand this truth. The means of attacking the Japanese are not limited to the battlefield.

"Regiment leader, as for the New Eighth Division, should we also inform them? They all said that they led the 2nd Infantry Regiment of my Four Lines Regiment. The Japanese will not let them go." Master Zhuang San asked.

"In the early morning, when our troops began to withdraw from their positions, they reported to the New Eighth Division that our regiment predicted that the Japanese army would use a large number of fighter planes to bomb. As for whether they believed it or not, it was all up to them. That Commander Jiang should not be that stupid!" Tang Knife answered.

"In addition, when we left the position, we used old military uniforms and wood to camouflage the position so that the Japanese planes could bomb it and draw some of the firepower from the friendly forces. The engineer company left a platoon on the bridge. After the Japanese planes left, they immediately detonated explosives and made sure to clear the bridge. The structure and all the bridge piers were destroyed!”

"Yes, regimental leader, all explosives have been deployed three times as much as you requested. No bridge pier will be left behind. I will personally lead the engineer platoon to station on the bridge!" Bai Sheng stood up and answered loudly.

This was the second mission of the New 8th Division Engineer Company since it joined the Four Lines Regiment. Bai Sheng naturally did not dare to take it lightly, even if he did not understand why Tang Dao had asked him to deploy three times the amount of explosives on the bridge piers two days ago. Just to carry the explosives, the engineer company made an extra trip back and forth.

Of course Bai Sheng didn't know that in the past, he had underestimated the strength of the Yellow River Bridge. The previously estimated amount of explosives only destroyed the main body of the bridge, leaving most of the bridge piers intact. With the capabilities of the Japanese engineering troops, it only needed In a few months, a simple bridge that can pass light tanks can be built based on these piers.

At that time, the Japanese forwards were already in front of the bridge. The New Eighth Division had to send an infantry regiment to defend in front of the bridge to meet the enemy. The engineer company continued to blast for three days before the entire bridge was completely destroyed, but it was in vain. It cost hundreds of officers and soldiers their lives.

Tang Dao, who knew all this, naturally would not let this happen again. He ordered the engineer company in advance to prepare three times the amount of explosives, and even stuffed some grenades and artillery shells that could not be transported into the blasting point.

If it explodes, there won't be any residue left on the cliff.

When the main force of the 14th Division arrives, all they see is the surging Yellow River. If you want to build a bridge yourself, just wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

After the engineer platoon led by Bai Sheng finishes blowing up the bridge, they will retreat from the south bank and march fifty miles east. Tang Dao will send people on the bank of the Yellow River to help them cross the river.

There are sheepskin rafts on the banks of the Yellow River. It would be difficult for a group of several thousand people to cross the turbulent Yellow River on this raft, but if a few dozen people want to cross the river, it will be no problem.

The Chinese can do it, and so can the Japanese, but if they cross the Yellow River with only rifles and machine guns, not to mention dozens or hundreds of people, but thousands of people, so what? How about delivering food to the first war zone where there are a lot of troops?

What the Chinese army is afraid of is the heavy firepower of the Japanese army. The Japanese army without heavy firepower support is not necessarily much stronger in combat effectiveness. The Four Lines Regiment has proven time and time again.

Now, even an infantry regiment with heavy firepower has been killed. The speed of progress is staggering.

. . . . . . . . . .

The Four Troops were preparing to run away intensively. Jiang Zaizhen over there was too excited to sleep. Just as Li Jijin said, he called his confidant brigade commander and the two regiment commanders to explain. Once everything is ready, a battle report will be sent to the war zone at one o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the theater headquarters was so brightly lit that even Commander Cheng, who had fallen asleep, called him personally to inquire.

That was a feat of killing 3,000 Japanese troops. The first theater of war, which suffered successive defeats on the battlefield, needed this so much that even the commander was so stimulated that his eyes glowed green.

We have eight cannons, dozens of machine guns, nearly a thousand rifles, and a bunch of Japanese sabers and collar badges to prove it. Chiang Kai-shek is not guilty, and he has repeatedly promised to lie about his military exploits and use the head of his lieutenant general and division commander to pay for it.

As for why the capture of an infantry regiment was so small? Jiang's reason for being in the town is also very simple. The Four Elements Group also helped, so there is nothing wrong with giving them a small half! We are kind people.

As soon as he heard that the Four Lines Regiment had also participated in the war, Commander Cheng believed 99% of it. The New Eighth Division had average combat effectiveness but a large number of people. The Four Lines Regiment had only a small number of people but a powerful fighting force. If the two cooperated, they could kill a single Japanese infantryman. Alliance is really not that difficult.

No wonder there has been no trace of a Japanese infantry regiment since morning! Ganqing was ambushed and killed by the New Eighth Division and the Four Elements Regiment! With the confidence of a lieutenant general and division commander to use his head as a mortgage, Commander Cheng was so excited that he immediately reported to the Military and Administrative Department without even sending someone to check the results.

It can't be said that this commander can't keep his composure. It's really the first war zone at present. This military exploit is so needed. It's like the last straw that a drowning person can grasp.

Naturally, a flood of unstinting praises came to General Jiang. Senior General Jiang was still asleep. At three o'clock in the morning, he and the Chief of Staff were still smoking cigarettes and chatting about the future of the New Eighth Division. Unfortunately, both of them will be promoted as a result.


"Tang Dao, this bastard, this good guy has tricked me and the entire New Eighth Division!" Jiang, who was holding the telegram, stayed in the town for a moment and cursed loudly.

Just like Tang Dao said, this person is definitely not an idiot!

Taking the reminder telegram sent to him by Tang Dao, he immediately knew that this was not a possibility, but a certainty.

As much joy as there was in the First Theater, there was so much anger in the North China Front Army Headquarters. With the Japanese's peeing habits, if they suffered a big loss, they would definitely have to retaliate.

Revenge against whom?

Now I wish the whole world knew that it was his New Eighth Division that killed the Japanese infantry regiment. Who remembers the auxiliary in the Sixings Regiment?

If the Japanese didn't bomb the positions of his New Eighth Division, who else could they bomb?

I originally thought that Tang Dao was leaving a big piece of pie just to leave the war zone as soon as possible and avoid being called up for combat in the war zone. Now the lieutenant general discovered that there was poison in the pie!

"Master, if Tang Dao told you about the possibility of this in advance, would you still accept it?" The new Eighth Division Chief of Staff, whose face was also not very good-looking, asked unexpectedly.

"I'll pick him up..." Jiang Zaizhen's face flushed, as if Tang Dao was about to swallow him in one gulp, but after a long time, he finally calmed down. "Order, the division headquarters moves back eight kilometers, and the brigade headquarters moves back five kilometers. Each regiment will immediately continue to deepen the trenches and strengthen the fortifications. Be sure to ensure that there are all anti-cannon holes! Now, immediately!"

This man is an old soldier. He knows that, let alone the military order that prohibits him from retreating while stationed along the Yellow River, even if he can retreat, how far can an infantry division fully armed in five or six hours cover? And no matter how fast the Japanese plane flies, if it is discovered by the Japanese plane and loses the wing protection of the position, it will only die faster.

If you can't run away, you can only carry it. The deeper the trenches are dug, the more anti-gun holes are dug, and the further away the high-level headquarters are hidden.

As for the fact that he didn't answer directly, there's no point in saying that! People are going to starve to death. No matter how poisonous the pie is, as long as it doesn't kill the person, he will probably still eat it.

What's more, although Tang Dao was poisonous, they still informed him several hours in advance that it was not poisonous. They did not say that just because he ran away, there was still some friendship between friendly forces.

However, Master Jiang is still a little aggrieved.

A few hours ago, he shamelessly said in front of Tang Dao: I will take the blame for you!

Who knows, a prophecy that comes true has actually become a literal meaning!

What a big pot!

"Baga! Send me all the bomber squadrons stationed around Shimen, all of them!" Indoor Shroud, with a flushed face, waved the interrogating message from the Army Staff Headquarters in his hand.

This is already the second unit of the North China Front that has been forced to burn the regiment flag. Will there be a third unit?

The Army General Staff Headquarters' questioning was not complicated, but it left the top commander of the North China Front speechless.

Airborne retaliation is necessary, but little did they know that the instigator had already shut up, walked away, and ran away!

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