Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 863: Pure and innocent!

The next day!

8 a.m.!

"The first battle zone was in front of the Yellow River defense line, and they severely attacked the Japanese invaders, killing more than 3,000 enemies!"

The shouts of the newsboys echoed at the top of their voices throughout the streets of Jiangxia, the important city in central China where the government was temporarily seated.

People swarmed up and snatched up all the morning newspapers in the newsboy's shoulder bag.

The Battle of Songhu failed, and the Battle of Jinling was a huge defeat. North China was almost completely lost. China was retreating steadily on the two fronts. It lost Jiangnan, China's most prosperous economy, and North China, which was rich in resources. The Japanese army had already Attacking several provinces in central China from the north and southeast. No matter how encouraging the government propaganda department is, the reality is that the entire war situation is deteriorating rapidly.

This is no longer a heavy blow caused by the loss of hundreds of thousands of troops in two battles, but the entire country is in a precarious situation, whether it is the already impoverished refugees, the middle class with few assets, or those at the top of the pyramid. Elites are all in a state of extreme anxiety.

Because they don't know, hope is there.

The massacre in Jinling shattered the luck of countless people. How could the generals be able to attach themselves to them if their skin was gone? If the Japanese occupy the entire China, even if they want to kneel down and become slaves, the Japanese must be willing. Otherwise, no matter whether you are an elite or an ordinary citizen, you will only die.

No matter how clear the sky is, the thick haze will always linger in people's hearts, but in the early morning of February 19, the sun seemed to really shine.

The first theater of war, which had suffered consecutive defeats, actually fought a great victory, killing more than 3,000 Japanese troops. This was an extremely rare number of enemy annihilations since the Battle of Jinling, although this was compared to the huge force of tens of thousands of Japanese troops that frequently dispatched. Say, it’s just a drop in the bucket!

However, who can deny that this is a rare victory? The government will not deny it, and people will not deny it.

"The New 8th Division under the First Theater Command joined the independent regiment under the 43rd Army, invested more than 10,000 men, and ambushed the 2nd Infantry Regiment under the enemy's 14th Division on the south bank of Bihe River, killing them from the commander of the Colonel's Regiment, Ishiguro Makura, down. More than 3,000 people and countless seizures!

OK! OK! Our Guizhou and Sichuan troops are brave! "A middle-aged man wearing a robe and glasses was standing on the street, chanting loudly, tapping the telephone pole next to him, and praising loudly.

"So, sir, are we victorious on the front line in Henan Province?" A rickshaw driver pulling a rickshaw passed by and stopped for a moment asked cautiously.

"Yes! Sir, after killing so many Japanese, are we going to win?" A boy of fourteen or fifteen years old also asked in agreement.

"Victory..." The middle-aged man looked at the eager people surrounding him and felt a lump in his throat.

He really wanted to say to these compatriots at the bottom: Yes, we are going to win!

As a teacher at Jiangxia University, although he does not know much about war, with his knowledge, he also knows that annihilating 3,000 Japanese invaders can only be regarded as a battlefield-level victory. To win this war, it is necessary to To annihilate the Japanese invaders, not three thousand or thirty thousand, but three hundred thousand or even three million!

But at a time like this, can he say to his compatriots who are eager for news of victory: Is this victory not enough? What a big blow it was to them who were eager to win!

"Victory, of course, victory! This time the 14th Division invaded from the north with extremely arrogant arrogance. They threatened to break through Henan Province and reach northern Hubei in two months. But now, because our soldiers fought bravely, they gave it a heavy blow. In addition, there are The Yellow River Gorge, let alone two months, even two years, they can't even think of breaking through our Henan Province.

The biggest advantage of winning this battle is that the Battle of Xuzhou is imminent, but it gives me a good start for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have gathered in the theater. I believe that this battle will be completely different from the previous one! "The middle-aged man raised his arms and was impassioned!

"Okay!" The people surrounding the middle-aged man cheered.

The long-lost smile appeared on everyone’s faces! Even the people in ragged clothes who were still shivering on this winter morning felt that the cold wind was no longer so biting.

"You're a slut, if the kid dares to come to my Jiangxia, the kidnappers will join in and fuck them!" The rickshaw driver also grinned widely. "Let's go, sir, wherever you want to go, I'll deliver it for free! Just give me the newspaper!"

"That's not possible. I'll give you the bus fare, but I can't give you the newspaper. I have to rush back to school to tell the students the good news!" The middle-aged man got on the bus and pushed up the glasses on his nose, very seriously. answer.

"Then sir, please tell me carefully in the car about this great victory fought by those troops. I can talk to my wife and children when I get back. Otherwise, if my little brat who likes to get to the bottom of things asks me, I won't be able to deal with him. "The coachman didn't insist and settled for the next best thing.

"That's simple, let me tell you, Tantai Mingyue reporter, you know! She is the big reporter who followed the 67th Army to fight Songjiang. This time she is following the Four Lines Regiment, which is the independent regiment directly under the 43rd Army. The leader is Tang Commander Daotang, the one who fought in the Four Elements and fought in Songjiang..." When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately became happy and sat in the car talking to the driver carefully.

The coachman listened with great interest, cheers came from time to time on the road, and there were more smiles on people's faces.

This is what victory news does! It gave the panic-stricken Chinese people a shot in the arm, and they seemed to feel that they were OK again, even if it was a modest victory.

But this middle-aged man’s words of comfort to ‘coax’ the ordinary people were truly prophetic. With the ‘sacrifice’ of the 2nd Infantry Regiment as a bonus, the final result of the Battle of Xuzhou was completely acceptable to China.

The Japanese North China Front Army lost infantry regiments at a speed that exceeded the imagination of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters. Just two pairs of the four infantry regiments of the two infantry brigades participating in the Taierzhuang battlefield were lost.

This time it was not an ambush, but in fact, the ones responsible for dealing with them this time were the elites of the Northwest Army and the Northeast Army. Three infantry corps, one infantry corps on the inside, and two infantry corps on the outside. The three generals were watching eagerly, one of whom had proven his courage even as a division commander-level officer in the past, and the other two were willing to risk their lives to serve the country.

Three generals who were willing to sacrifice their lives and one hundred thousand soldiers who were also willing to sacrifice their lives. Even though they were short of firepower and equipment, they were still not comparable to the less than 20,000 Japanese troops.

The Japanese once again stumbled in front of Wuwei! Their firepower is not strong enough to completely defeat the current Chinese military.

In fact, even the beautiful country, whose firepower exceeded theirs by nearly ten times, suffered a big defeat in front of a group of more determined Chinese soldiers.

It is not the equipment that determines the direction of the war, but the people themselves! That great man's argument was confirmed by battlefields again and again!

Most Chinese people are celebrating the victory, but there are also many unhappy people, including Chinese and Japanese!

Just when people in major cities in China were joyful because of the news of victory, more than 30 Japanese planes attacked the defense line of the Yellow River Railway Bridge, 20 kilometers away from Zhengzhou City...

Hiding in an underground bunker that took five hours to build, Master Chiang puffed out his cheeks while holding a telescope and watching Japanese planes several kilometers away dropping bombshells like hens laying eggs.

He thought that the North China Front might be angry and carry out large-scale bombing, but he really didn't expect that the indoor shroud had such a small air capacity and that an infantry regiment was gone. They would just retaliate with all their strength. This was particularly good in that all the North China Front troops would be destroyed. The bombers have been sent over!

Fortunately, because of the lessons learned from the previous two times, the Japanese pilots were as cautious as Lieutenant Sasaki. Not to mention an altitude of 1,000 meters, they did not even descend to 1,500 meters, and started dropping bombs at an altitude of 1,800 meters.

This caused the accuracy to be off by an unknown amount. Many bombs that were supposed to be dropped on the 300-meter position on the south bank of the Yellow River even exploded on the north bank, not even killing a few Yellow River carps!

Of course, the Sixings Regiment's position three kilometers in front of the Yellow River Iron Bridge was also heavily bombed. In fact, the "wooden men" in shabby military uniforms dropped by Tang Dao did not play their due role at all. The Japanese bombers did not send out reconnaissance planes for low-altitude reconnaissance at all. Meaning, at least half of the fighter planes dropped more than twenty 200-pound aerial bombs over the position.

Bullet flowers rose up in the already deserted position, and their power was so powerful that even Bai Sheng and others who were hiding on the iron bridge several kilometers away could feel the heat of the air waves.

"Company Commander, the kid won't drop bombs on the bridge!" A younger soldier saw this posture and his face turned pale with fright.

The New Eighth Division has not yet been on the battlefield against Japan. The engineer company is considered to be a little stronger than their infantry brothers. Yesterday, they followed the Four Lines Regiment to fight the Japanese, but yesterday the Japanese army dispatched fighter jets, which were lost. Most of them were dozens of pounds of bombs. Even if there were heavy aerial bombs, they were far away from the main position and they could not feel them while hiding in the trenches.

But now, all the Japanese troops dispatched were bombers, bombing the positions in front of the bridge and bombing the New Eighth Division's coastal defense positions, basically right under their noses.

What frightens the young soldiers even more is that the bridge is loaded with more than 3,000 kilograms of explosives. Once a bomb falls on the bridge, they and the bridge will be blown to pieces.

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. The Japanese are counting on this bridge to transport tanks and artillery to attack Zhengzhou. If that little devil comes to blow up the bridge, maybe the theater commander will give him a medal. I'm afraid he will die." Take it, you'll die!" Before Bai Sheng could say anything, a veteran glanced at him and said disdainfully.

"What Lao Chu said is, Aga, don't be afraid. Our engineer company was replaced by eight cannons and dozens of machine guns by the regimental commander. How could he be willing to kill us by the Japanese before we even did anything? Don't say that. We are still hiding, but now we jump out and dance on the bridge, and the Japanese can only stare!" Bai Sheng smiled slightly and comforted his soldiers.

"Company Commander, what are you talking about, Commander Tang? No, it's the regimental commander who wants to give so many good things in exchange for our engineering company. We are not good at fighting. I haven't fired a single shot yet." called Ah. After Xiaobing's mind stabilized a little, he couldn't help but feel curious.

The engineer company had been established for two years, but all they did every day was the menial work of digging trenches and building underground bunkers. Usually other companies carried guns, while they carried shovels and pickaxes, and they were so dirty that even I disliked them.

Veterans are all like this, let alone new recruits. Aga has been in the army for more than half a year and has never even touched a gun. That is, he followed Yang Xiaoshan on a battlefield yesterday and carried a gun. Unfortunately, they were meant to lure the enemy. On the battlefield, the veteran who had just scolded Aga held down Aga tightly. During the entire battle, apart from hearing the bullets whizzing past his head, Aga did not even raise his head, so there was no chance to fire.

After the war, when the results were tallied, it seemed that the two engineer platoons on the battlefield had not killed a single Japanese.

Such a company, but they exchanged 8 cannons and dozens of light and heavy machine guns. Even the soldier himself felt that it was not worth it. In the words of the Japanese, it was a big deal.

"Don't say that you can't understand it, Aga. I can't understand it either. However, through this battle, I believe you also know how powerful the regiment commander is. He exchanged so many good things for us. Naturally, he has his reasons. The regiment commander has done his best for us. There is one thing I must let you know. The regiment commander specially approved a pension of 300 yuan for each of the brothers who died in the battle. They did not die in vain!" Bai Sheng glanced at the officers and soldiers around him, and his face became serious.

"I am a simple person. I treat others the way they treat me. Today we are here. Let alone the Japanese who can't drop bombs, even if they can drop bombs, the regiment commander said that I should go to the bridge, and I will never say a word! Do you understand this principle?"

"Company commander, I understand! This is what you often say that a soldier will die for his friend, right?" The soldier nodded fiercely. "We can't fight, but we can dig trenches. Yesterday, Lao Chu and I dug more than 20 meters of trenches. A junior officer patted me on the shoulder and thanked me!"

"You are talking about Captain Qian, right?" The old soldier showed envy in his eyes. "How can Captain Qian be so capable? He is only two or three years older than you, and he has become a captain!"

"I heard that the Sihang Regiment attaches great importance to military merits, and those who have military merits will be promoted. I heard that Captain Qian was only a private a few months ago!" Some soldiers followed up.

"Yes! Otherwise, I told you to work hard in the future. Not to mention that Captain Qian was promoted from a private to a lieutenant company commander in a few months, even our regiment commander, I heard that he was promoted from a second lieutenant platoon leader to a lieutenant colonel battalion commander after the Sihang battle, and after the battle of Songjiang, he became a colonel!" Speaking of this, Bai Sheng also sighed.

"But we can't envy this. Take yesterday's battle for example. Do you think that if it was Commander Jiang, could he fight like that?"

The soldiers of the engineering company were silent for a while!

There was no need to think about this answer.

Although the New Eighth Division is a division, except for having more people, what else can it compare with the Fourth Regiment? They have two artillery companies, from 150-caliber mortars to 75-caliber mountain guns to 20-mm machine guns, totaling more than 40 guns. The Japanese who are usually arrogant can only die obediently under such terrible firepower.

In addition to firepower, Tang Dao dared to ambush only a thousand infantrymen at a distance of only 40 meters on both sides of the road to ambush the Japanese army whose troops were larger than his own. Who can compare with such courage and boldness?

"Look, the Japanese planes are leaving!" The soldier excitedly pointed at the Japanese planes circling in the sky and preparing to fly away.

"Brothers, it's been a long time since the sun rose. Hurry up and take your positions. It's time for us to work!" Bai Sheng's face was serious. "Remember, blast from the bridge head to the bridge tail, blast in sections. If the blast is incomplete, blast it again! I promised the regiment commander that even if I leave a bridge pier for the devils, I will hang my head on that bridge pier."



Over the Yellow River, smoke rose to the sky.

The loudness and smoke far exceeded the heavy bombs that the Japanese army had just dropped on both sides of the Yellow River.

In the sky, Sasaki's eyes widened!

Yes, Lieutenant Sasaki is here again!

Although his colleagues despised him, as an "excellent pilot" who could escape death every time, Sasaki was still named by the colonel commander to fight.

Perhaps, that person actually hoped that he would never come back, so as not to feel upset when he saw him.

Unfortunately, the Japanese colonel might be disappointed again.

As the only escort group of the three bomber squadrons, the eight Type 96 fighters flying at an altitude of 2,500 meters had no chance to fly down because no bullets were fired from the ground.

Lieutenant Sasaki and his colleagues were basically responsible for lookout at high altitude. There was no threat in the air, and there was no resistance on the ground. They could only count the bombs on the ground to kill time.

This time, the unlucky Sasaki finally did not cause trouble for others. At the moment when the bomber group circled and flew north, the remaining seven Japanese fighter pilots breathed a sigh of relief.

But, they were too early to breathe a sigh of relief.

The big iron bridge that they had never touched actually began to "actively" explode.

The thick smoke rose into the sky, and the smoke on both sides of the river had not yet dissipated was "in contrast"!

"Baga!" The Japanese fighter pilots collectively roared.

Why did the Chinese blow up the iron bridge at this time? Is there any need to explain the reason? Naturally, they wanted to take advantage of their large-scale bombing and frame them, so that they would not have to shamelessly explain to the people.

Then, the huge structure that could be clearly seen from high in the sky, which stretched across the Yellow River, began to gradually collapse under the eyes of a group of "smart eggs".

Some special attributes of Sasaki were still waiting for them here after all!



Indoor shroud looked at the Chinese newspaper from Jiangxia on the table, which published the article "The Japanese invaders brazenly blew up the Yellow River Iron Bridge and other important civilian facilities. Our military and civilians across the country must fight the Japanese invaders to the end!" and roared with red faces.

The sense of shame of being a pure wronged species lingered in the heart of this Japanese general for a long time.

This is indeed the case. The huge force of 30 bombers and 8 fighters that could be assembled in North China, in addition to causing more than 100 casualties to the new 8th Division that dug deep trenches and "laid flat and pretended to be dead", also carried the "bad reputation" of blowing up the Yellow River Bridge, and no other achievements.

When the Japanese Army General Staff heard about this, they could only say to the North China Front Army's "evil deeds" whether these guys were kicked in the head by a donkey? Or did Huji Shouyi gamble his personal reputation to make the big guys believe that he was framed by the Chinese.

However, the fact that nearly 40 fighters were dispatched and the Chinese took the opportunity to set a trap still became a big joke among the high-ranking officials of the Japanese Army. Huji Shouyi's dream of being promoted to marshal based on his military exploits in North China was completely shattered. This joke alone was enough to make him unable to raise his head at the performance report meeting.

Not to mention Tu Feiyuan, who had long been recorded in a small notebook by Huji Shouyi, who had a strong sense of shame, and would never pull his tail if he could pull his legs!

The instigator of all this had already used a five-hour forced march to run 25 kilometers away, took a short break, and started running again.

The Japanese were not stupid. When they came to their senses and sent a group of bombers to trouble the Four-Line Regiment, they would be in big trouble.

Except for leaving a part of the cavalry company on the bank of the Yellow River to meet the engineer platoon, the Four-Line Regiment marched all the way and ran a full 50 kilometers in one day.

That speed was so fast that even Tang Dao, who had only made a brief general mobilization of the whole regiment in the early morning, was stunned.

I don’t know when, the Four-Line Regiment has become a temperament that can fight without life, and retreat more cherishes life than anyone else.

This seems great!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: Recommend a friend’s new book "Portable Museum", which has 500,000 words, a masterpiece!

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