Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 864: Empiricism is unacceptable!

In the next few days, the radio stations of the Four-Line Regiment were silent, and the "run, run" mode was turned on all the way!

The speed of its march was absolutely beyond anyone's imagination.

When the field radio of the Four-Line Regiment was turned on and received the order from Commander Cheng of the First War Zone to assist the War Zone in defending the Yellow River defense line, the Four-Line Regiment had already crossed Jiaozuo and was about to enter the Taihang Mountains.

Yes, on the second day after the victory of annihilating the 2nd Infantry Regiment was reported, the commander of the War Zone personally went to the New Eighth Division's station to comfort the "meritorious officials" and finally found a clue.

The "capture" of the New Eighth Division was very rich, but compared with the huge victory of annihilating an infantry regiment, it was really too little, not because of heavy weapons, but light weapons. 800 rifles were really too few for the Japanese infantry regiment with nearly 3,000 infantrymen.

The reason given by Master Jiang to give half of the spoils to the Four-line Regiment almost made Commander Cheng, who was shrewd and calculating, laugh. Although he had not personally visited the Four-line Regiment, was the colonel staff officer he sent to the Four-line Regiment to attend the New Year's meeting blind?

The Four-line Regiment was not short of light weapons, and they also brought a large number of carriages to deliver weapons and equipment to the Sichuan Army on the northern front. Why did they want a bunch of rifles instead of artillery and machine guns? To use them as firewood?

Once this senior general who could still earn a place for himself in the treacherous high-level political struggle became suspicious, how many opportunities would that give Master Jiang, who was already lacking in confidence, how many opportunities would it give? The two of them closed the door, and it only took a cup of tea for Tang Dao, the "conspirator" behind the scenes, to surface.

Even though Master Jiang had done a lot of whitewashing for himself and the New Eighth Division, Commander Cheng, who was thoughtful, knew everything immediately, and all the unreasonableness was given the most reasonable explanation.

It turns out that Tang Dao, for fear of the so-called "big tree attracts wind", gave up the military merits and ran away.

To put it bluntly, he didn't want to stand out too much and be noticed by himself and forced to stay in the First War Zone to fight.

Did he look down on the First War Zone and himself? How could this war zone commander not be angry.

"At this time, you don't want to contribute to the country, but for the benefit of your own small group, you don't hesitate to put the military merits on others. Both of you should be punished by military law!" Commander Cheng was so angry at that time that he almost pointed at a dejected master and scolded him.

I guess Tang Dao is here, and his saliva can wash his face!

Fortunately, perhaps Tang Dao had already anticipated it, so he not only ran fast, but also turned off the field radio, so that he couldn't hear the scolding.

In fact, even if he heard it, Tang Dao would not stay here for long!

It's not that he doesn't want to fight with the 14th Division in the First War Zone again, but it doesn't make much sense.

The Yellow River Bridge had been blown up, and the 14th Division, a dog without wings, had completely lost its threat to Zhengzhou. It could only turn to Kaifeng, more than 200 kilometers away, where the principal's direct lineage was. Although history has proved that they are really no good, the power of the new 8th Division's "destroyer" is not small. They did not take the turn to blow up the Yellow River Bridge, but they would never be absent from the Yellow River embankment a few months later. Zhengzhou would be safe for at least a few years.

Moreover, the strategic failure of the Battle of Xuzhou, the strategic trend of the Japanese army's north and south armies going straight to central China and attacking southern China has already formed, not to mention that the Tangdao and the Four-Line Regiment are only a small infantry regiment of less than 3,000 people, even if they have 100,000 troops, they can only sigh in vain!

It would be better to attack the north like that unit, not only to make the Japanese in the occupied area exhausted and unable to achieve the goal of fighting to support the war, but also to make the Japanese already fragile logistics worse, and to quietly develop and strengthen themselves.

This war will be more powerful than anyone imagined. Tang Dao, who is familiar with history, has laid so many preemptive moves to prepare for the future. How could he change his decision because of the commander's words "only caring about the interests of a small group"?

So, even if this theater-level commander has the command of all troops in the defense zone, Tang Dao has taken a step ahead to prepare for the rainy day and silenced the radio station first, and could not receive the telegram from the theater headquarters at all.

"Due to the blockade of the Japanese army, in order to avoid being exposed during the march, the field radio station remains silent. Now, according to the military order of our army, it is about to arrive in the Taihang Mountain area!" Tang Dao's reply was simple and clear.

"Alas! This Tang Dao is really smart! No wonder the Japanese have been defeated in front of him many times! What a pity! I can't use him." Commander Cheng sighed as he took the telegram of the Four-Line Regiment sent by the adjutant.

"Sir, do you mean that Tang Dao had already calculated that the headquarters would telegraph him to return to the Yellow River defense line?" The adjutant looked surprised.

As one of the few people who knew about the New Eighth Division's "falsely claiming" military merit, he knew that the 2nd Infantry Regiment was killed by the Four-Line Regiment. It was hard for him to understand why someone would easily give up such a huge military merit, and it was even harder to understand why more than 2,000 people in a regiment had no objection.

That was fine, but this person actually silenced the field radio one day in advance like a prophet, making the telegram from the theater headquarters completely ineffective. What's even more amazing is that now his meaning is very clear, I am almost entering Taihang Mountain now, you can no longer control me.

"It doesn't matter whether it was calculated or not. What matters is that this guy is not only smart, but also cherishes his life. Even if his Four-Line Regiment began to evacuate on the eve of the large-scale Japanese bombing three days ago, it's only been three days! A fully armed regiment has already left Henan Province and arrived in Shanxi Province. This means that his entire regiment marches more than 100 miles a day!" Commander Cheng gestured on the map hanging behind him with a baton, his face full of amazement.

"This is impossible? They are a heavy-armored regiment. Not only do they have their own weapons and equipment, but they also carry the equipment of an infantry regiment. There are no trucks. How can they travel 100 miles a day?" The colonel adjutant couldn't believe it.

Tang Dao's telegram said that he had reached the edge of Taihang Mountain, but the colonel adjutant instinctively thought that it was Tang Dao's excuse. Who would have thought that his superior actually believed it.

"Whether he has arrived or not, go and ask the garrison over there and you will know. Tang Dao is very good at deceiving people, but he will never fool me in this regard." Commander Cheng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. "You think it's impossible, but your vision is too limited. There are not so many impossible things in this world. An infantry regiment that can kill an infantry regiment in 4 hours can run 300 miles in three days. I'm not surprised at all."

"Then, sir, Tang Dao is so reckless that he even dares to tamper with military merits. Should we..." The colonel adjutant, who was scolded by his superior, showed reluctance on his face.

His immediate superior has always been iron-fisted since he took office in the First War Zone. Even the commander of the First Army Group did not dare to disobey orders easily. However, the commander Tang has been in the First War Zone for a short time and has played such a big trick. He even ignored the telegram from the war zone headquarters. He is good at guessing the intentions of his superiors and naturally prefers that the commander will find fault with him.

"You mean, let me punish Tang Dao and Jiang Zaizhen for falsely claiming military merits?" Commander Cheng showed a half-smile on his face.

Seeing his immediate superior's expression, the colonel adjutant's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He knew him too well. This was clearly an expression that showed he was very dissatisfied with his suggestion. How dare he say another word?

"Hmph! If this matter is reported to the higher-ups, it won't just be the two of them who will be punished. Who in the First War Zone will be proud? It turns out that it was not the First War Zone that beat up the 14th Division, but a small unit passing through the defense zone. I wonder how many people will laugh at it behind their back teeth.

What's more, they have to offend Tang and Jiang to death. Do you think the commander of the new 8th Division is a fool? Since he dared to admit it, he knew that this matter would end with me and no one else would know about it." Seeing that his personal adjutant realized his mistake, Commander Cheng snorted coldly.

"This matter ends here. The war zone will display various spoils of war in the newspapers to prove this. No matter what, this battle was fought in the defense zone of our First War Zone. It was a victory of the Chinese over the Japanese. The Chinese laughed and the Japanese cried. That's all!"

"Yes, I understand!" The colonel adjutant nodded quickly.

"In addition, although Tang Dao played such a trick on me, it has brought honor to our First War Zone after all. I can't be too petty!" Commander Cheng made a decision while holding the telegram with a sharp look in his eyes. "Send a telegram to the Military and Political Department, saying that the enemy's 14th Division is coming aggressively. For the safety of Zhengzhou area, our war zone temporarily recruited the Four-Line Regiment to assist in the defense of the southern bank of the Yellow River. They will be allowed to return to their original units after the war stabilizes!"

"Didn't the Four-Line Regiment run away?" The colonel adjutant was stunned.

Then, he understood what his boss meant.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"Commander Cheng is such a wonderful person! I have to accept this gift!" Tang Dao, who was on the march, also received the telegram from the 43rd Army Headquarters on the secret radio No. 3 of the regiment, and instantly saw through the good intentions of Commander Cheng.

Knowing that the Four-Line Regiment had already run far away, why did he still use such a trick? Isn't it just to help the Four-Line Regiment cover up its whereabouts!

Japanese spies are omnipresent, which is no longer a secret among senior generals. Commander Cheng has reason to believe that the Military and Political Department can see this ordinary-level transfer order, and it will not take long for it to be passed to the North China Front Army.

Once it was heard that the Four-Line Regiment was still setting up defenses on the south bank of the Yellow River, there was no need to spend a lot of effort to encircle and intercept the Four-Line Regiment. Even if it was only a one or two days of deception, when the Four-Line Regiment completely entered the mountainous area, the danger would be greatly reduced.

In fact, Commander Cheng's telegram of tactical deception was indeed transmitted to the headquarters of the North China Front Army. The indoor shrouds of Tang Dao and the Four-line Regiment did not completely believe it, but no matter what intelligence he used, he could not find the whereabouts of the Four-line Regiment.

That small unit that made the North China Front Army hate it was like air in those days, and it completely disappeared in the intelligence of the North China Front Army.

Even if the Shanxi Province dispatched more than a dozen aircraft a day to search along several roads from Henan Province to Shanxi Province, it could not find any trace of the Four-line Regiment.

That was really because it was a war zone, and the Chinese army was frequently mobilized. From time to time, troops would appear on the ground marching. Just looking at the ground from a high altitude, how could you know what kind of troops it was?

No reconnaissance pilot dared to say that the troops he saw were the Four-line Regiment, because everyone knew that as long as it was confirmed that it was the Four-line Regiment, the Army Aviation would mobilize a large number of bombers to bomb it. If they said it wrong, they would have to bear a huge responsibility.

Yes, since the 2nd Infantry Regiment was destroyed, the 14th Division, which was responsible for attacking the defense line of Henan Province, no longer dared to send out its four main infantry regiments to attack from all sides as before, and even gave up chasing the remnants of the Chinese First Army. Its main infantry had already shrunk and began to prepare for crossing the river.

To put it bluntly, the possibility of retaliating against the little grasshopper of the Four-Line Regiment from land has been completely abandoned, mainly by air force.

But the Chinese are all dressed the same, and their performance after seeing the reconnaissance plane is to quickly leave the main road and hide in the wilderness. The Four-Line Regiment will not specially carve the words "Four-Line Regiment" on their faces for Japanese reconnaissance pilots to identify.

Even if it is written, the Japanese reconnaissance plane dares to fly down to see it!

Now all reconnaissance pilots are warned not to descend to an altitude of less than 800 meters for ground reconnaissance.

It is said that this is the experience of Lieutenant Sasaki.

Although all pilots think that this guy is too "friend-killing", his life-saving method is definitely the best in the North China Front Army Aviation.

In several battles, his colleagues either lost their lives or had their planes covered with scars, but Lieutenant Sasaki never had a scratch.

His life-saving experience has long become a hot theory within the Japanese Army Aviation. He said 800 meters, but the Japanese reconnaissance pilots would never reach 799 meters.

Moreover, Lieutenant Sasaki also said that the biggest feature of the Four-Line Regiment is the iron head. Not to mention seeing a reconnaissance plane, even if it is a bomber group, they will set up machine guns and anti-aircraft guns to fight you.

Therefore, based on this experience, as long as they do not attack the reconnaissance plane and only hide and evade, it must not be the Four-Line Regiment.

In three days, dozens of Japanese reconnaissance planes encountered the "soft-footed shrimp" Chinese army, and did not encounter the iron head. Naturally, no one dared to say that they found the Four-Line Regiment.

About 20 bombers that had been ready to go at the Taiyuan Airport were just sitting on the runway in vain.

As for why these prepared bombers didn't rush to bomb other Chinese troops when they found them, is there any need to explain the reason?

The war has been going on for half a year. Even though China, the poor guy, has been defeated again and again and is in a very embarrassing situation, Japan, the local rich man, has also been beaten to the point that the granary at home is almost empty.

Especially for fuel, Japan does not produce oil on the island, and it can't find oil in the Northeast that it has finally occupied. All oil must be bought with real money.

And the prodigal son of the Japanese Navy, who believed the United States's deception, has been frantically building battleships since a few years ago. The huge iron lumps weighing tens of thousands of tons not only require a lot of steel, but also a lot of fuel to make it run! Most of the fuel that was finally stored was taken by the navy, so the unlucky child of the army naturally had little left.

Fortunately, the Japanese army did not play any mechanization. In the North China Front Army, except for the 10th Division, which had a little shadow of a mechanized division, other divisions mainly relied on two legs and pack horses. The fuel consumption of more than 100 trucks in a division was still bearable.

But the local rich man who didn't have much surplus food at home, and didn't have the capital to squander, had to be forced to choose to "use the best steel on the blade". No Japanese commander would make such a tactical choice to use a fleet of aircraft that consumed a lot of fuel to bomb ordinary Chinese troops.

To put it bluntly, it was also because of "poverty".

In fact, the Japanese reconnaissance pilots in the sky didn't know that they had passed by the Four-Line Regiment at least three times.

Like the First War Zone, they underestimated the speed of the Four-Line Regiment's "running away". No one dared to believe that a fully armed force would leave its original position for more than 100 miles in one day and night.

Lieutenant Sasaki's experience also harmed them. The Four-Line Regiment was stubborn, so it depends on when.

Since leaving the Yellow River Bridge 70 kilometers away, Tang Dao ordered the entire army to travel during the day and hide at night. The entire army did not make any disguises. Even if a reconnaissance plane flew over their heads, they were not allowed to fire a single shot. The entire army was scattered in the wilderness and hid. When they flew away, the entire army immediately left the danger zone.

The Four-Line Regiment is now divided into three sections, with the vanguard, the middle army, and the rear army each separated by nearly ten kilometers. No matter which part you look at, it doesn't look like an infantry regiment with thousands of troops. Tang Dao is betting that the Japanese don't have such abundant financial resources to casually carry out a carpet bombing.

If the Japanese have this strength, it is estimated that China, which has completely lost air superiority, would have been dead long ago. How could it last for seven or eight years?

Tang Dao bet on the Japanese's "poverty". It took only three days to cross Jincheng, reach Gaoping, and head towards Huguan in the Taihang Mountains.

It is only 150 kilometers away from Licheng, the destination set by the Four-Line Regiment this time!

However, the road that has entered the mountainous area is extremely difficult to walk, and the situation there is also extremely complicated. There are four forces, including the Jinsui Army, the Sichuan Army, the 129th Division of the 18th Army, and the Japanese Army.

On the surface, the three forces of China are of course dealing with the Japanese together, but privately, they are also on guard against each other, and they are by no means a monolithic entity.

The Sixing Regiment, a newly arrived infantry regiment, seems to have some connection with both parties, but it is definitely not that easy to get along with.

Especially the destination chosen by Tang Dao on this trip is the territory of the 129th Division. In the near future, it will be the location of the military factory personally selected by the commander of the 18th Army.

He wanted to occupy that precious land right away, just based on the reputation of Tang Dao and the Sixing Regiment, or the private relationship of Tan Tai Yunshu, it must be a daydream!

Especially when he thought of the two military and political leaders of the 129th Division, and the lieutenant general brigade commanders under their command, who were rare in the Chinese army, Tang Dao couldn't help but feel a headache. Those three were the smartest people in the world, and he couldn't fool them just because he wanted to.

I'm afraid that he would have to bleed a lot to make this possible!

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