Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 871 There’s no going back!

"Bang!" A gunshot!

Shocking the four fields!

After the war, in the battle report of the 129th Division, this shot may be the key factor that really changed this inconspicuous battlefield in the eastern Shanxi battlefield.

Yes, compared with the large-scale battles in the eastern Shanxi battlefield in the past few months, both sides have invested thousands or even tens of thousands of troops. This battle that broke out in the mountains west of Licheng, in which the Chinese and Japanese sides invested only 350 troops in total, can be almost ignored.

But this is the most bloodless battle of all the battles of the 129th Division, without a doubt.

Because until the battle entered a white-hot stage, the four soldiers of the 386th Brigade, the main force participating in the battle, on the battlefield at this time, did not even fire a shot.

However, the infantry squadron under the 108th Infantry Regiment of the 108th Division lost their highest commander.

The flying bullet hit the bright light reflected by the sun without a millimeter difference!

After penetrating the 2.5x double glass, the 7.62mm caliber bullet was severely deformed and violently flipped, but it did not prevent it from ruthlessly crashing into the face of the human body behind the lens!

The deformed and flipped bullet still had terrible kinetic energy, so that after smashing the relatively hard human facial bones, the bullet also penetrated the back of the head and "exploded" a hole almost the size of a cup.

This was discovered by the Japanese infantrymen who rushed to their captain and tried to carry him away after a brief shock.

The huge hole, flowing with red, pink, white, gray and other unknown colors of liquid, let the Japanese infantrymen also understand that there are such rich colors in the human head.

Perhaps only the world's top brain experts in the future can tell them that when humans are still alive, most areas of the brain are pink and almost cute. The pink that flows out at this time proves the freshness of the brain, while the gray is the neurons that control the entire human body, the white is the spinal cord, which is responsible for transmitting neuronal signals, and the red is of course the blood. The brain needs blood supply to stay fresh.

However, now, 'they' are all flowing out!

Hojo Yoshihisa, die!

The 2nd Infantry Squadron lost their highest commander before its main force arrived and the war really started!

According to the Japanese Army Regulations, the command will be inherited by the officer second only to Hojo Yoshihisa, so as to ensure that the troops will not fall into chaos due to the loss of the commander.

Therefore, even though Guanye Shiro has been slapped and looks like a pink Fuwa, he can only be appointed as the highest commander of this infantry squadron in a critical situation, even if his prestige at this time is not enough to command two infantry squads with far more troops than his 1st squad, but it can only be him.

Army regulations cannot be violated, which is also the most proud feature of the Japanese Army. Their soldiers have the strongest execution ability in the world.

But on this battlefield, it is obvious that this dogmatic execution ability has sent them to a dead end.

It is right to hand over the command to Shiro Kanno, even if he is not suitable for command at all with his ability and mentality at this time, but the mistake is that the second lieutenant Shiro Kanno, who has already lost all his fighting spirit, intends to retreat, but is rejected by two squad leaders who are also second lieutenants.

The loss of the highest commander during the war has forced them into a desperate situation. If they go back like this, it is not only Shiro Kanno who is destined to be finished who will be punished, but the two of them will also be blamed.

The only way to change their fate is to continue fighting, kill all enemies, and complete the combat mission ordered by the regiment to destroy the rear of the Chinese.

Therefore, the two lieutenant squad leaders jumped out to denounce Guan Ye Shilang's cowardly behavior, believing that his behavior of retreating without fighting would bring shame to the entire 108th Infantry Regiment. They would definitely report his cowardice to the captain, and seppuku would be his only way out.

This was also Guan Ye Shilang's Achilles' heel. He could accept being dismissed from all military positions in a military court and stepping on the ship home in disgrace, but he didn't want to die, especially not wanting to be cut open by a knife, and then watching his large and small intestines rushing out of the peritoneum, and finally dying of pain!

So he compromised!

A commander who was forced to compromise with his subordinates was a huge mistake in itself, which would make his military orders not be taken seriously, even if his military orders were not very wise.

But in a group, when unity is needed, the emergence of several voices is a precursor to danger.

What's more, because the discussion was about continuing the attack and retreating, the three army lieutenants of the 2nd Infantry Squadron took up to 5 minutes to reach a consensus.

At this time, the body of Captain Hojo Kiyon, who was not far from them, was gradually getting colder.

However, none of the three Japanese Army lieutenants who were engaged in a fierce debate ever looked at the former supreme commander who was "beheaded" before the war even started.

No matter how high or strong a person was in his lifetime, when his heart stopped beating, he was only qualified to lie quietly!

But the Japanese did not know that a Chinese infantry company, after receiving the news that an infantry squadron with nearly 200 soldiers fiercely rushed towards the mountain village and was currently being desperately blocked by a force of 9 people, mobilized all its soldiers and rushed to the battlefield desperately.

Yes, that was definitely mobilizing all its soldiers.

Except for the four wounded who were still recovering at their fellow villagers' homes, all 132 people in the 3rd Company of the 772nd Regiment, including cooks, medical soldiers, and communications soldiers, emptied the ammunition stock that they had worked hard to save for half a year. Each infantryman was issued ten bullets, four grenades, and three machine guns were equipped with 300 rounds of ammunition each. They set out at full speed from the company headquarters 18 miles away from Yingtoujian.

Their marching speed is jaw-dropping for any army in the world.

This is Taihang Mountain, the most important mountain range in eastern China, and it is even called the geographical dividing line, spanning four provinces in China and stretching for thousands of miles.

It was in such a mountain, fully armed, that the infantry company actually reached a marching speed of 9 kilometers per hour.

This is absolutely a terrifying marching speed that makes people's hair stand on end. Even in the future Chinese Army assessment, which is extremely demanding on training results, 26 minutes is a qualified result for an armed cross-country run of five kilometers. Most soldiers run five kilometers, just like being fished out of water, and their physical strength is exhausted.

Some people may say that the Chinese soldiers at this time are far less than the 20 kilograms of weight that future soldiers carry, but at this time, Chinese soldiers can eat meat once a month, which is considered to be excellent food, and they are happy to have cornmeal steamed buns to replenish their physical strength. The average height of no more than 1.65 meters and the poor physical fitness of future soldiers are even more incalculable.

However, they ran wildly on the mountain road, carrying guns and carrying shockingly few bullets, and they kept moving forward!

They hardly stopped to rest in the middle of the way. When they sweated, they immediately used the water bottles they carried to replenish water, and then threw away their most precious water storage equipment without hesitation, except for guns, bullets and grenades.

Because they knew that if they didn't run, their four comrades would die, no, maybe more people would die.

They were not particularly familiar with Beipo Village, but it was the villagers in this mountain who squeezed out a part of their limited rations. Many families even knew that it was the seeds to be sown in the coming spring, but they still took it out without hesitation, which fed the tens of thousands of troops active in the mountains.

Without them, no one would have food to eat!

So, they ran, even if they knew that there was a battlefield ahead where they could not return!

After the war, Brigade Commander Chen praised them after seeing the battle report: 3rd Company, with a resolute march, created a battlefield miracle! Continuing the spirit of our army!

Because this was not the first time this unit had created a miracle!

During the 10,000-mile transfer, in order to quickly seize the Dadu River, a unit marched 160 miles on almost the same mountain road in one day and one night, and arrived at the battlefield before the enemy reinforcements arrived at an astonishing marching speed.

And this day and night was not a continuous march, there were even several battles, and it was pouring rain on the way to the march.

This spirit that frightened military scientists around the world may really be inherited. In addition to the 3rd Company of the 772th Regiment, which was inspired by the aggressive enemy, in the future ice field battle, an infantry regiment of the Chinese Army took one night to march 72.5 kilometers, overtaking the trucks and tanks of the United States and arriving at the blocking battlefield ahead of time.

Then, this light infantry regiment that ran past the trucks fought to the last 9 people on that mountain.

They won the glory of the "Long Live Army" for their infantry army, but most of them will never see or hear it again.

At this moment, the Japanese officers' five minutes of arguing and stretching made the more than 130 Chinese infantrymen who were running all the way run hundreds of meters more.

The door of escape was closed a few more points.

Then, at the suggestion of two Japanese army lieutenants, according to the military order issued by Hojo Yoshiharu before, with five grenade launchers and five machine guns covering each other, the 2nd and 3rd infantry squads each sent two squads to the hillsides on both wings.

The 10 remnants of the 1st Infantry Squadron naturally used rifles to cover the infantrymen behind the cover on both sides of the mountain road.

This formed the tactical characteristics of light and heavy firepower layered cover. When 60 Japanese infantrymen seized the commanding heights and completely suppressed the Chinese at the same height, that would be the final death of the Chinese on the opposite side.

Undoubtedly, in this tactic, the biggest threat to the Chinese was the five grenade launchers.

Whether it was the powerful machine gun or the Chinese sharpshooter, although they hid behind the rocks and had a height advantage, the bullets posed little threat to them. The grenade that could be accurately thrown 500 meters away was a parabola, and as long as it fell 2 meters away and exploded, it could cause damage to them.

This was not too difficult for the Japanese grenade launchers who had participated in the entire northern battlefield, and they had as many as 5 grenade launchers. If one grenade launcher could not do it, then one more would be added, as long as the Chinese dared to show up.

If the Chinese fired a shot and then moved to another place, it didn't matter. It just happened that they couldn't suppress the infantry, which was also what the three Japanese officers needed.

In fact, at the beginning of the battlefield, just as the three Japanese officers imagined, the Chinese sharpshooters spoke.

Their shooting level was outrageous. After a few consecutive shots, several imperial infantrymen fell down. The machine guns fired desperately, but they didn't pose much threat to them.

But the grenade launchers who had been waiting for a long time also spoke. After several consecutive clouds of gunpowder rose, the Chinese sharpshooters were silent.

Even if they didn't kill them, they were forced to change their positions. No one could easily suppress the infantry's advance to the hillside.

The grenade throwers learned the lesson from the 1st Infantry Squadron. The miraculous sniper shot of Captain Hojo Kiyon made them more vigilant. They were facing the Chinese with incredible marksmanship. Throughout the entire northern battlefield, they had never encountered such a terrible gunman.

Therefore, they all shrank behind the rocks honestly. Even when observing the position of the Chinese, they carefully observed through the cracks in the rocks. No one dared to show their entire head.

People were hiding. No matter how accurate the gun was, could it still turn around and hit people?

At least, that's what the Japanese thought.

So, they were wrong again.

The Chinese were not only sharpshooters and machine gunners, they also had two grenade throwers who had also participated in countless bloody battles.

The cruel war not only tempered the well-trained Japanese army, but also forced the Chinese to constantly transform and improve, otherwise, there would be only one way to die.

The two grenade throwers selected to serve as fire support in the special operations squadron can still maintain the top three in the elite and terrifying group of the Four Lines Regiment.

Each of them has a record of launching grenades into the Japanese trenches at a distance of 450 meters!

Moreover, they are all equipped with telescopes!

This is equipment only available in the special operations squadron, and it is also the confidence and bargaining chip that the Four Lines Regiment can have after winning consecutive battles.

In the battle of Laojinkeng and the battle on the south bank of the Bihe River, the Japanese army sequence that killed nearly 6,000 people in total provided the Four Lines Regiment with about 80 telescopes.

The high-quality Japanese telescopes were either distributed to the second lieutenant officers of the Four Lines Regiment or to the special operations squadron.

The two grenade throwers have been silent, but it does not mean that they have done nothing. They have been calculating the position of the Japanese grenade throwers to ensure a hit.

Therefore, when Tang Dao and Shen Laoliu were forced to move, the two grenade throwers spoke.

This should be the mutual shooting between the few grenade launchers on the Sino-Japanese battlefield, initiated by the Chinese grenade launcher.

The sound of the grenade launcher is not as loud as the mortar. "Dong! Dong!" The two muffled sounds are very small compared to the fierce gunshots. Even if the Japanese army is highly nervous, it is not enough to attract their attention.

In fact, even if it attracts attention, what can it do? The speed of the grenade is only 200 meters per second, and it only takes two seconds to cross a distance of 400 meters. Can you hide or what?

Two clouds of gunpowder smoke rose from the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain!

Four human bodies were thrown up by the air wave in the flying sand and gravel!

To be honest, although it was accurately calculated, the actual throwing accuracy was not high because the distance was too far. The grenade actually fell about 4 meters away from the side of the two Japanese grenade launcher teams.

However, the Japanese-style grenade launcher is loaded with up to 140 grams of explosives, and the killing radius is 5 meters. Compared with the mortar, the lethality is only slightly inferior. This is more powerful than the 50mm and 60mm light mortars used by Western countries, which are loaded with only 100 grams of shells. Otherwise, it would not be hailed as the best infantry support firearms on the Eastern battlefield.

"Baga!" The three Japanese army lieutenants who were hiding behind collectively vomited blood.

The Chinese actually have grenade launchers, and what's more deadly is that their hit accuracy is so high that only the first round of test firing destroyed two grenade launcher teams.

What kind of monster combination did they encounter!

Are they still the Chinese they are familiar with?

But at this time, they can no longer retreat, and there are more than 50 people climbing on the hillside! Could it be that the Chinese have grenade launchers, so they should retreat?

"Baga! Find the location of the Chinese grenade launchers and destroy them!" Guan Ye Shilang, whose face and heart were swollen, gritted his teeth and ordered.

This is definitely more terrifying than a sharpshooter.

Even if a sharpshooter can kill one person with one shot, it would take dozens of shots to kill dozens of people! But what about the grenade launcher? Under the protection of the bunker in the distance, it can easily kill all the light machine guns and grenade launcher firepower points at the foot of the mountain, even including those behind the rocks.

At present, there is nothing wrong with Guan Ye Shilang's order.

The remaining three Japanese grenade launchers also faithfully received the military order of their highest commander.

3 VS 2, it seems to have the upper hand.

But don't forget that the two Chinese grenade launchers can occupy the geographical advantage, with a height of nearly 100 meters. Which is easier, throwing bombs from top to bottom or from bottom to top? What's more, the distance between the two sides is as high as 400 meters, plus the height difference, this is almost the effective range limit of the grenade launcher.

This is also the reason why Tang Dao chose to set up a blocking position at this distance.

He could easily kill the Japanese at this distance, but the Japanese could not kill him unless they moved forward. However, in the process of closing the distance between the two sides, he was able to kill a lot of Japanese infantry.

Tang Tuanzuo did not enjoy the pleasure of being able to kill you but you could not kill me, but he would never refuse the pleasure of shooting Japanese infantry.

When the grenade launchers of both sides began to throw grenades at each other, he appeared again with Shen Laoliu, a Mosin-Nagant rifle and a Czech semi-automatic rifle, one was so accurate that it was suffocating, and the other was not only accurate but also had abundant firepower, killing the Japanese infantry who were climbing the mountain.

Then, Heizi also joined the battle, and a long burst of hundreds of bullets was enough to make the two Japanese second lieutenants at the foot of the mountain heartbroken.

Watching their own infantry climbing the mountain like rabbits being shot at will by the Chinese, I wonder if they regretted rejecting the retreat order of Second Lieutenant Guanye Shiro at that moment.

This is probably a mystery!

Because they didn't have a chance to tell anyone!

The Japanese infantry were forced to retreat.

Then, because the Chinese grenade launchers stopped speaking, the three Japanese army lieutenants thought they were good again and organized the infantry to climb the mountain again.

A similar plot was repeated again!

The terrible loss of life made even Lieutenant Shiro Kanno, who had advocated retreat, red-eyed.

Going back like this, seppuku will be the only option.

Therefore, the Japanese infantry squadron above can never go back.

Because, after running for an hour, the 3rd Company of the 772th Regiment finally arrived at the battlefield!

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