Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 872 Silently!

On February 25, 1938, the afternoon had already entered early spring!

The 3rd Company of the 772nd Regiment rushed to the flank of the battlefield in a sweat. They ran 18 miles of mountain roads in an hour, which almost exhausted all their strength.

But they only rested for less than 10 minutes before they went into the battlefield!

Of course, their company headquarters took advantage of the 10-minute break for the whole company to observe the battlefield clearly with the only telescope in the company on the mountain range, and also closed the last escape door for the 2nd Infantry Squadron of the 108th Infantry Regiment.

The telescope view of the then commander of the 2nd Infantry Company, known as Zhu Sanhei, showed an unbelievable scene!

In the open area at the mouth of the valley, which was originally the least likely to be a blocking position, the Japanese army was dead and wounded everywhere!

There were so many shit-yellow figures lying in the wild on the hillside that the captain of the 386th Brigade, who had been in the army for more than 8 years, once thought that it was a hidden lineup of Japanese infantry.

But the straight-line distance from where he was to the Japanese infantry area was no more than 300 meters. The German-made 2.5x telescope seized from the former enemy clearly reflected the blood on the bodies of the Japanese infantry into the eyes of the veteran!

Those Japanese soldiers lying in the wild were all dead!

Zhu San's dark face flushed.

That was the result of excitement and shock.

If it weren't for the four little militiamen's solemn promise that only Li Dadao and four others and five people from another friendly army were responsible for blocking, and the sporadic shooting on the opposite hillside also clearly proved this, the veteran who had participated in four anti-encirclement and suppression campaigns and climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands and swamps almost thought that this was the return of the main force of the regiment.

Only 9 people beat a squadron of Japanese soldiers into such a mess?

The captain and the instructor of the same level who sneaked up the mountains to observe the battlefield were at least stunned for dozens of seconds.

How capable Li Dadao is, because Comrade Lao Zhu, who took the initiative to lower his rank and was once a battalion commander, is still very clear about the ability of the company.

This is also a very powerful feature of the 18th Group Army compared with other factions. In the infantry company, the company commander is like an elder brother, and the rest of the officers and soldiers are his brothers. The company commander knows the temperament, character, level and ability of more than 100 brothers under his command, even if they are new recruits who have just joined the army for a month, and can put everyone in the most suitable position, so as to exert the strongest combat effectiveness of the infantry company.

This ability is also forced out by years of coping with powerful enemies. Otherwise, how can an army with only bird guns and old guns and a force of only tens of thousands fight against a powerful enemy with strong economic strength and a force dozens of times greater than itself for nearly ten years?

The huge pressure also forced out the best grassroots officers and soldiers. They have extremely high ideals and beliefs, and have a terrifying execution ability that surpasses the Japanese army. Only in this way can the shortcomings of insufficient equipment and troops be made up.

Such terrifying execution has continued for nearly a hundred years, even after having modern equipment.

Li Dadao is a fairly good soldier, brave and tenacious, but he has only been in the army for two years, and his marksmanship and individual combat power can only be above the middle level in the entire infantry company.

And this is already extremely rare.

You know, in the 3rd company, veterans who have participated in the 10,000-mile transfer account for nearly half, and they are the guarantee of the combat power of the 3rd company. This is also the reason why Deputy Commander Wang, who led the main force to participate in the Battle of Dongyang Pass, confidently handed over the rear to the 3rd company.

The 3rd company is not the spearhead company or the main company of the 772nd Regiment, but it is definitely one of the infantry companies worthy of trust. This has been shown from their super strong will to march 18 miles of mountain roads in one hour.

Li Dadao does not have this ability, so it can only be the other five friendly forces.

This also reminds Comrade Lao Zhu of a detail mentioned by the four little militiamen. Five friendly forces gave Li Dadao and four people machine guns as weapons!

Where did these special friendly forces come from! So strong? The two captain-level officers of the 386th Brigade hiding on the peaks looked at each other silently. Although they didn't say anything, the two old comrades who had been working together for nearly three years could feel the storm in each other's hearts.

They all had experience in fighting against the Japanese army. Not to mention the distant past, just talk about the battle in Qigeng Village on the flank of Niangziguan in October.

In order to avenge the 771st Regiment, which suffered heavy losses, the 129th Division Headquarters formulated an ambush plan. The commander of the 386th Brigade personally arrived at the scene to command. Half of the main force of the 772nd Regiment participated in the ambush, and the other half of the main force blocked the reinforcement of the Japanese invaders on the periphery of the battlefield.

The 772nd Regiment was a team of elite troops, while their opponents were an infantry squadron and a baggage train, with a total strength of no more than 400 people.

The final outcome was gratifying. More than 300 Japanese invaders were annihilated, and their own casualties did not exceed 20. It was definitely a great victory.

But the Japanese army's fighting power was still formidable, because it was also a narrow mountain road, and the Japanese army's firepower could not be deployed at all. Most of them were baggage soldiers, and the weather and terrain were not favorable to them. But even so, a part of the Japanese army responsible for covering still fought a bloody way out of the battlefield, making the division headquarters' plan to annihilate them all fail.

The Japanese army's fighting power made these once invincible soldiers alert again. The enemy they are facing now is much stronger than those opponents who were weak in fighting will and collapsed at the first charge.

The tactical policy formulated by the division commander and the political commissar from the beginning of "not fighting a big battle with the enemy head-on, using the terrain advantage to fight flexibly and maneuverably, and fighting piecemeal" is extremely correct!

This point was already a consensus of the entire 129th Division as early as March!

But now this battlefield scene, but almost subversively appeared in front of the two officers of the 386th Brigade.

In the words of the future, this is really ruining the world view!

Is it that the Japanese are too scum? Or are their friendly forces too strong?

"The militia who reported the news said that there is an army colonel among them, and Li Dadao has personally verified the commission! Is it that the main force under his command came to reinforce?" The instructor licked his lips that were dry and cracked due to the rapid running, and guessed with difficulty.

Apart from this, he really couldn't think of any other reason to explain the scene in front of him.

"If it is their main force, why do they need to fight in this terrain? Li Dadao is very familiar with the terrain here, otherwise he would not have taken them to Yingtoujian. Let alone the main force, as long as they are given an infantry company to climb up the mountain, just with grenades, they can blow up this infantry squadron so that they don't recognize them." Zhu Sanhei shook his head, with a firm light in his eyes.

"However, no matter how many friendly troops came from afar, this situation is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! The key to completely annihilating this group of Japanese invaders lies in our more than 100 people."

Zhu Sanhei is of course not his real name. Since he took over the gun from the sacrificed platoon leader during the long transfer of thousands of miles and became a grassroots officer, he has been charging in the front for five consecutive battles, leading less than 20 comrades under his command, and fighting a bloody road for the entire company and even the entire battalion, and won the nickname!

The so-called three blacks, the black face is the first, which is given by parents, and no one can change it; the second is the black hands, never soft when facing the enemy, there is no bullet in the gun, carrying a notched machete to charge into battle, and his men never survived; and the most important black, but the black heart.

It's not that this person is black to himself, but to the enemy. This person has always been courageous against the enemy. If he doesn't fight, he will kill the opponent. This black heart is still the evaluation of him by a captured enemy battalion commander!

"What mercy and compassion do we need for the enemy? I want this black heart!" This is Zhu Sanhei's answer with a laugh after hearing the evaluation from his opponent in the enemy camp.

For a long time, everyone remembered Zhu Sanhei, but forgot his real name. Even the famous Brigade Commander Chen came to the 772nd Regiment and shook hands with him, and he called Zhu Sanhei by his name.

At this moment, the veteran of the 386th Brigade made one of the most correct decisions in his life.

The 3rd Company did not participate in the battle at the mouth of the valley, but tried its best to lock the valley and cut off the retreat of this Japanese infantry squadron.

This was not a tactic formulated by the veteran after discussing with Tang Dao, but a judgment he made based on Tang Dao's battlefield choice and the current battlefield situation.

Eight years of experience in the army made him understand Tang Dao's intention. Tang Dao gave up the 500-meter alley in Yingtoujian to ambush. The main purpose was not to stop the 200 Japanese troops, but to make this alley a ghost gate for the retreating Japanese troops.

As long as the Japanese army retreats into this dead end, it will be their final death.

Because the MG34 of Kuroko in the forward position will become a nightmare for all Japanese troops who attempt to return.

Even now, Kuroko's MG34 has not been fully fired, leaving a full 500 rounds of bullets, just prepared for this moment.

If Taniguchi cannot return, he can only retreat along the 500-meter alley, but can they really go?

As long as an infantry platoon is placed on the other side, with two machine guns and twenty rifles to block it, the Japanese army can be shot into sieves even if they all wear steel armor.

However, all this requires the commander of the reinforcements to have enough courage and wisdom.

In addition to the four-line regiment, there is no mention of the company-level unit, which attempted to encircle and annihilate a Japanese infantry squadron with a larger force than theirs in the field.

Fortunately, Tang Dao met a friendly commander who was worthy of his trust. After observing the battlefield, he quickly changed the originally formulated support and blocking tactics to the tactics of encircling and annihilating the Japanese army, forming a perfect closed loop of Tang Dao's annihilation tactics.

After four consecutive attempts to occupy the two wings but in vain, the three Japanese lieutenants were already pale. No matter how much they didn't want to admit it, they all knew that they were doomed to lose this battle today.

They had racked their brains and came up with various tactical arrangements. Once they even gave up the high ground on the two wings and chose to attack in a straight line, willing to completely expose themselves to the vision of the opponent's sharpshooters; the imperial infantry under their command were not brave enough. Faced with a tactic that was almost suicide, there was still an infantry squad that bravely executed it.

The attack method divided into three directions almost made them succeed.

After all, the Chinese only had two rifles, a machine gun and two grenade launchers. No matter how powerful and accurate their firepower was, they were still trapped by too few people.

At least 10 infantrymen entered within 150 meters of the Chinese position. If they advanced another 100 meters, they would be within the range of the brave imperial infantrymen throwing grenades.

By then, no matter how accurate the Chinese's shooting skills were, they would be buried in the storm of grenades flying like raindrops.

However, the sudden appearance of four-bar automatic firearms kicked the three Japanese army lieutenants' just-hot hearts into the cold abyss.

Damn Germans!

The Germanic people thousands of miles away probably never dreamed that they were still working hard to farm at this moment, and they had never shown their fangs to Europe, but they were cursed from the distant East!

This may be the legendary example of being shot while lying down!

Who made them make such a high-performance submachine gun? What's worse is that the Chinese were equipped with it, but the Japanese were not.

The Japanese Army infantry, who claimed to rely on accurate shooting to decide the outcome of the battlefield, became a tragedy in the face of the pouring bullets!

Li Dadao and his men definitely did not shoot blindly. The officers and soldiers of the 18th Army, who have always been thrifty, have never had the habit of wasting since the moment they were born, whether it was food or ammunition!

The "poor" thinking makes them cherish every bullet. One bullet kills one enemy, which is a concept engraved in their genes.

But they are rookies holding submachine guns!

Because they have never used submachine guns!

But they are still veterans, and they still control the muzzle jump very well, but they can't control the firepower output.

The good continuous shooting ability of MP28 makes the four corporals doomed to rain bullets the moment they open the continuous shooting safety.

In just the first wave, the four soldiers fired 40 rounds of bullets crazily, because the Japanese infantry was too close to them, and their instinct told them that they had to suppress the Japanese, otherwise the entire blocking position would collapse!

If the distance was widened, the Japanese infantry could have completely beaten the four Chinese soldiers at 200 meters away, but unfortunately it was now 120 meters away.

The crazy rain of bullets made accurate shooting a big joke!

Three submachine guns and a Mauser pistol output 400 rounds of bullets in less than 5 minutes.

If this was changed to the 3rd Company where the four soldiers were, it would be almost the output firepower of the entire company within one minute, but at this moment, it was a masterpiece completed by four soldiers.

The Japanese infantry who rushed over, 5 died and 3 were injured, of which 4 were killed and injured in the crazy shooting of the four 386 Brigade soldiers, and the other 4 were either shot and killed by Shen Laoliu who turned the muzzle to point at them, or killed by the black guys who supported them with short bursts.

Only two Japanese infantrymen escaped from this battlefield!

At this time, the 2nd Infantry Squadron, including the 1st Squadron which was caught off guard and hit by a club, had suffered more than 80 casualties on the battlefield. This was an outcome that shocked everyone.

Because, this time, they had the cover of five light machine guns and five grenade launchers, and there was also a tactical attack, but the total casualties were still nearly 50.

The opponent would never have more than 10 soldiers, which was the conclusion reached by three Japanese Army lieutenants who were like bereaved parents in the late stage of the war.

But it was these Chinese, who were less than an infantry squad, who killed more than 80 of them, and they had almost no results.

This was definitely a desperate result, but it was not a nightmare, but a reality.

What's more terrible is that they couldn't judge how much ammunition the opponent had left. If they wanted to know the answer, they had to continue to fill it with human lives, even if they all collectively believed that the opponent's ammunition stock should have been consumed by more than 80%.

But they still retreated!

It's not that they are stingy with the sacrifice of their infantry, but that they all want to live!

80 casualties and more than 100 casualties are completely different losses! One is to be punished, and the other is bound to go to military court. Even an idiot knows how to choose.

Moreover, now that Hojo Kishun is dead, they can put all the blame on this dead man, and at the same time report that they encountered an ambush by the main force of the Chinese, and thus weave a heroic story of the 2nd Infantry Squadron breaking out of the siege.

As for how the main force of the Chinese came and how their colleagues cooperated, that is all in the future. First of all, they have to leave here.

From the moment when a small infantry squad was left to guard the entrance of the valley and the remaining 80 or so remnants entered the 500-meter-long alley of Yingtoujian, the three Japanese officers who wanted to survive had already led them and all the Japanese troops on a road of no return.

The tactics adopted by Zhu Sanhei were almost exactly the same as Tang Dao's imagination. The sharp knife platoon under the 3rd Company gathered the three light machine guns of the entire company and firmly guarded the entrance of the valley.

The other two infantry platoons climbed up the mountains in the rugged area of ​​the road like monkeys!

Using rocks as cover to shoot down feels easier than hunting, even prey can be shot on their backs.

But one side can throw grenades, while the other side can only run around in the valley, and the combat advantage is completely on a different level.

Two infantry platoons carried more than 100 grenades. The grenades thrown and the shrapnel that splashed randomly had already caused the Japanese army to fall in a pool of blood.

This also included Shiro Kanno who wanted to survive.

A grenade exploded before it even reached the ground because the fuse burned too quickly!

The shrapnel similar to airburst covered an area of ​​more than 50 square meters. The miserable Japanese Army second lieutenant was hit in the neck by a shrapnel. The severed trachea was a fatal injury. Moreover, on such a battlefield, who would have the ability to care about a colleague struggling desperately on the ground, even if he was a second lieutenant.

Three minutes later, the seriously injured Japanese second lieutenant breathed his last.

The last image in his completely dark eyes was the figures of his colleagues who bravely attacked the valley entrance and then retreated like a tide.

"The cherry blossoms in my hometown! I can never see them again!" This was the last cry from Shiro Kanno's heart.

Perhaps, at the last moment of his life, Lieutenant Shiro Kanno's intuition as a soldier told him that he was not the only one who could not see the cherry blossoms in his hometown.

His intuition was not wrong!

The 2nd Infantry Squadron spent nearly 40 minutes at the valley entrance, and suffered more than 80 casualties!

But in the valley, it took only 10 minutes to kill about 50 people!

When the last 30 people realized that it was a luxury to cross the valley on the other side, and tried to return to the valley on the other side, they found that it was also painful despair.

The MG34 with full firepower, with 400 rounds of bullets, showed the horror of the future "Widow Maker" blueprint.

Less than 150 Chinese soldiers, with their courage and wisdom, made the battlefield completely silent after 20 minutes!

The grass and trees in China's Taihang Mountains have new fertilizers!

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