Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 873 Left out!

On February 25, 1938, the Battle of Yingtoujian broke out in the western mountainous area of ​​Licheng!

All 189 soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Company of the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 108th Infantry Regiment of the 108th Division who invaded our base were annihilated!

This is the battle report submitted by the 772nd Regiment to the 386th Brigade after the war.

It is said that when Brigade Commander Chen, who was sitting dozens of kilometers away and closely following the battle at Dongyangguan, received this victory report, his expression was not joy, but shock.

The 772nd Regiment was his main force, and he certainly knew how powerful it was. If the whole regiment was deployed, it would be no problem to annihilate a Japanese infantry company. However, due to the tactics set by the 129th Division, the 772nd Regiment had nearly 3,000 people, and the area to be controlled was as high as more than 100 square kilometers, and the troops were dispersed. Moreover, the main force of the regiment was supporting the 22nd Army's battle against Japan on the flank of Dongyangguan. At this time, where would there be extra troops to encircle and annihilate the invading Japanese army?

But to completely wipe out a Japanese infantry squadron, the 772nd Regiment definitely used superior forces. In the absence of its main force, it must have used militia forces.

Vigorously developing militias is the strategy set by the 386th Brigade for future development after arriving in eastern Shanxi. Militia means hiding soldiers among the people, not delaying production and reserving soldiers for the front-line troops.

But now is only the early stage of militia development. The 386th Brigade’s own equipment is not enough, so how can it equip the militia with weapons?

A group of militia troops holding bird guns and muskets, one after another, used human sea tactics to attack the defense line composed of Japanese machine guns and rifles, and finally won a tragic victory. This should be the first picture that the generals who are counted on the list of future Chinese generals will see when they see the victory report.

Therefore, this general, who is praised by both parties as a genius commander, rarely felt happy about this total annihilation-level victory.

He even brought subjective emotions for the first time, not happy, first shocked, and then angry!

Very angry!

In fact, in this battle, the 772nd Regiment does not have the conditions to win by its own strength, unless a lot of sacrifices are made!

And this is absolutely not allowed for Brigade Commander Chen, who is extremely clear about the development of the war.

He and the two divisional leaders had a fierce discussion on the progress of the Sino-Japanese War, and finally determined that China currently does not have the strength to resist the Japanese army, whether in the northern battlefield or the central China battlefield.

Resistance is necessary, but a head-on confrontation will only consume China's elite soldiers meaninglessly on the battlefield.

The current Japanese army seems to be unstoppable and will win every battle, but their offensive has slowed down. Every battle to win has paid much more effort and casualties than before.

This is not just that the front line is deepening into China, and the Japanese army's logistics line is constantly lengthening. It is also because their veterans have been consumed in the continuous war, and a large number of second-line soldiers have been added to the front line. Compared with the early stage of the war, their combat effectiveness has begun to be discounted.

The front battlefield is a very important battlefield. Nearly 100 Chinese army divisions fought hard and risked their lives. Even if they were defeated repeatedly, as long as they fought repeatedly, they would consume themselves and the Japanese army at the same time.

The two sides are like two giants wrestling with each other. It is not terrible to be defeated again and again. What is terrible is that one side completely surrenders and dares not stand up and continue to fight.

On the northern battlefield, the country has basically been occupied by the Japanese army, which is the so-called Japanese-occupied area. The Japanese Army Headquarters will definitely use the north as a base to provide logistical support for the Japanese Central China Front Army.

The 129th Division located in the northern battlefield has a total of only 12,000 people and more than 7,000 guns, which is not enough to launch a large-scale attack on the Japanese army.

That will become a thorn in the heart of the Japanese army on the northern battlefield. Do not fight big battles, focus on small battles, accumulate small victories into big victories, eliminate the enemy in the movement, and destroy their logistical supplies, forcing them to withdraw troops into the mountainous areas to support the front battlefield.

It can only be said that Brigade Commander Chen is a genius. The Patriotic War has only entered the second year, and he has given himself and his subordinates a precise positioning.

Of course, that was also the idea of ​​the great "teacher". As early as before the New Year, he had the idea of ​​"on protracted war", but the genius general was more determined to this idea after entering the actual battlefield.

Taking advantage of the mountainous areas and rural areas that the Japanese army could not control, constantly attacking the Japanese invaders and developing and strengthening themselves, is the combat policy set by Brigade Commander Chen for the future 386 Brigade.

But under such a combat policy, the 772 Regiment was greedy for merit and annihilated only 200 Japanese troops at the cost of a large number of casualties of basic militia. This is unacceptable to the genius general.

If they grow up, they can kill more than 200 Japanese troops, and at least add another zero to the end.

Immediately send a telegram to the 772 Regiment, ordering them to immediately report all the troop deployment and tactical arrangements of this battle and their own casualties to the brigade headquarters.

Facing the chief's questioning without showing anger but obviously with emotion, the 772 Regiment's reply was very simple: the 3rd Company used the advantageous terrain of Yingtoujian to ambush the invading Japanese invaders, and their own casualties, no death, and 5 injuries!

The brigade headquarters of the 386 Brigade was silent!

"What kind of drugs did Zhu Sanhei take?" After a long time, Brigadier General Chen came back to his senses from the shock and talked to himself.

Who is Brigadier General Chen? One of the famous three heroes of Huangpu Military Academy, he has been in the army for nearly 20 years since his youth. He has participated in countless battles, most of which were victories, but there were also defeats. There were also many examples of the weak defeating the strong. He has experienced various battlefields and jaw-dropping results.

But it was really unexpected that an infantry company wiped out a Japanese infantry squadron with more troops than their own. What was even more outrageous was that they killed nearly 200 Japanese soldiers without any casualties and only 5 injuries. This was beyond anyone's imagination, even though he was already a famous general in China at that time.

"Did the 3rd Company of the 772nd Regiment get the Japanese army's number wrong? It was not regular infantry, but a team of baggage soldiers? This must be clarified, otherwise it would be a joke to report the battle report to the division headquarters and then to the army headquarters." The brigade chief of staff on the side showed worry on his face.

"I believe Zhu Sanhei, that guy is ruthless and ruthless to his enemies, but he doesn't have the habit of getting on top of his superiors!" Brigade Commander Chen shook his head, but a smile appeared on his face: "There must be other factors involved, but the 772nd Regiment probably hasn't figured it out yet, so there's no way to report to the brigade! It doesn't matter. I'll go to the 772nd Regiment in person in a few days to meet Zhu Sanhei and the officers and soldiers of the 3rd Company who made this great contribution.

However, I still have to rely on you, the chief of staff, to help me get some supplies. If you want to meet these meritorious officials, you must give them some rewards!"

"My brigade commander! This time, I asked hundreds of people in the brigade to tighten their belts to send them supplies and ammunition to support the 772nd Regiment in the battle of Dongyang Pass. Now I have to squeeze them again. Where can I get them!" The chief of staff said with a bitter face.

After half a year of fighting, the 386th Brigade, which crossed the Yellow River and came to fight in eastern Shanxi, was indeed in a difficult situation. The government did deliver military pay and some supplies, but the continuous fighting consumed a lot of money. In addition, they were in the mountains, so it was normal not to receive supplies for one or two months. The brigade, including the lieutenant general, had not received military pay for a long time.

"Supplies! Just like that ditch, there will always be some if you squeeze!" Brigade Commander Chen was cheerful and lively by nature. Seeing his chief of staff complaining to him about being poor, he couldn't help laughing.

Then his face showed seriousness: "But no matter how difficult the brigade is, can it be as difficult as the front-line officers and soldiers? They have less than half a catty of food a day, less than one silver dollar a month in military pay, and no more than 10 bullets are issued per battle. Once the bullets are used up, they have to carry the red tassel gun and fight the Japanese devils desperately. They are great and our heroes! You said they have won such military merits. As a brigade commander, can I not reward them? Even if it's a piece of meat!"

The officers of the brigade were silent again!

"Let's do this! If the brigade can't raise supplies, pawn this pen, at least give me 50 kilograms of pork, otherwise I'm embarrassed to face Zhu Sanhei, the black-hearted guy!" Brigade Commander Chen took out a gold-plated pen from his jacket pocket with some pain.

The pen was well-made and made in France. It could be pawned for at least ten dollars, but for this brigade commander, the pain was not because of its value, but because it was a gift from his political director when he was in Huangpu, and it was a testimony to the teacher-student friendship that had been established for a lifetime.

"No, no, brigade commander, you give me an order and I will execute it. I have to sell my desk to raise enough money for 50 kilograms of pork for the soldiers. How can I take your personal things?" The chief of staff knew the importance of this pen to Brigade Commander Chen, so he would not accept it and waved his hands repeatedly.

"That's good. You, Old Li, are the same. You have to scare me. I said that my 386th Brigade is not so poor. No matter how bad it is, we still have desks to sell, right? If it doesn't work, we will use stones as tables in the future. Your ancestors are stonemasons! The ancestral craftsmanship is just right for us." Brigade Commander Chen laughed and quickly took back the pen and put it back into his pocket, looking very happy.

The chief of staff smiled bitterly, knowing that he was blackmailed by his brigade commander again.

There was a relaxed laughter in the brigade headquarters of the 386th Brigade. This is their supreme commander. He maintains the seriousness of the chief, but is also lively. Fighting under his command is definitely the most comfortable among all the brigades of the 18th Group Army.

The key is that he has a strong combat command ability. Even the famous thorny deputy commander Wang in the 18th Group Army is convinced by him. Even if he is scolded, he will bow his head and keep silent. If it were anyone else, the fierce general who led the death squad with a big knife to charge and cut a bloody path for the whole army would not be so quiet.

The 386th Brigade received the battle report on the evening of February 25, and was busy with shock and collecting supplies.

But the 3rd Company of the 772nd Regiment was overjoyed this afternoon.

Zhu Sanhei, the big black-faced man, has never closed his big mouth since the battle ended.

However, the bodies of 189 Japanese soldiers were scattered on the battle line that was hundreds of meters long. The number was not large, and it could not be considered a field of corpses, but for the small 3rd Infantry Company, it was definitely considerable.

The last time so many Japanese corpses were seen was the battle of Qiguan Village, but that was the credit of the 6 infantry companies that participated in the battle. If the ones who fought outside were included, it would be 9 infantry companies.

But now, all of them are from his 3rd Company. Don’t you think Zhu Sanhei must be overjoyed?

The bodies of the Japanese invaders were a military achievement, but what was more gratifying was of course the spoils of war, more than 140 intact Type 38 rifles, 4 blue-glowing Taisho 11 machine guns, 5 grenade launchers, 12 Nambu 14 pistols, and 13,000 yellow-orange machine rifle bullets, 360 melon grenades, 80 grenade launcher grenades, in addition to these, there were 300 cans of meat, more than 100 kilograms of rice, 160 single-soldier engineer shovels, 175 steel helmets, more than 200 military uniforms, 180 pairs of military boots...

Shen Laoliu also kept his mouth wide open!

Of course, he was not surprised because he killed more than 180 Japanese soldiers. In the Battle of Bihe, more than 3,000 Japanese soldiers were lined up in a vertical line, which could stretch for more than a mile. That was a spectacular sight. A squadron of Japanese soldiers was nothing!

This is experience. Some things will become normal once you experience them, just like a boy becomes a man and experiences women. He will no longer be full of mystery about the female body as before.

This is also the height. After stepping on the peak, you will not pay too much attention to the small hills.

Shen Laoliu opened his mouth wide and took in the cold air.

He was in the Fourth Line Regiment, so of course he knew the style of the Fourth Line Regiment. They always killed and robbed the Japanese soldiers, and even the blood-stained boots were not spared.

But in front of the infantry company of the 386th Brigade, Shen Laoliu realized that the Fourth Line Regiment was too small to compare with them in terms of looting spoils.

Why did Zhu Sanhei's 3rd Company still have more than 200 Japanese military uniforms seized? That's because they are meticulous. Even if the Japanese soldiers were blown into two pieces, as long as their pants or shirts were still usable, even if they were covered in blood, they would be stripped off. Therefore, we cannot count by sets, but only by pieces...

But this is not the most amazing thing. Those guys even collected the damaged gun parts. This is no problem. The Four-Line Regiment also collected guns damaged by explosions. As long as they can be repaired, they will be a good gun sooner or later.

But, what the hell do you collect shells? Have you seen dozens of elite soldiers picking up shells in the bushes with their heads down after a war? Shen Laoliu said he had never seen it.

But here, he saw it.

"This is their style, because shells can be made into new bullets!" Tang Dao patted Shen Laoliu's shoulder in a low voice. "They even sacrificed themselves to pick up shells! A lot of sacrifices."

This is not a fabrication by Tang Dao. In the past, in order to help soldiers make new bullets, many children in the Japanese-occupied areas secretly went to the battlefield to collect shells. An 8-year-old child cheered happily because he picked up three shells, but was noticed by the Japanese soldiers in the bunker more than 300 meters away. They shot the Chinese child inhumanely...

The elders and villagers brought back the 8-year-old child from the battlefield. He was covered in blood, but his little hands were tightly clenched, with three empty shells in them. Until his young body lost temperature, he kept protecting his harvest.

Because, three shells have the opportunity to become three bullets!

The record recorded in the battlefield of northern Hebei was very inconspicuous, and no one even remembered the child's name, but Tang Dao, a soldier, looked at the three shells displayed under the glass cover, and his eyes were wet.

The three shells did not become a weapon to kill the Japanese invaders, but they became a witness to the determination of the Chinese military and civilians to resist the Japanese invaders at that time. I don’t know how many young people went to the battlefield without hesitation because of this story.

On the night when the child died, the regular army and armed brigade active in the county gathered more than a thousand people, and at the cost of 80 deaths and 90 injuries, blew up four bunkers including this bunker, annihilated more than 90 Japanese invaders and more than 100 puppet troops.

Shen Laoliu was silent!

As a soldier, he knew the pain of having no bullets. On the battlefield of Songhu, he, a former machine gunner, only issued 400 rounds of bullets. While shooting, he cursed his stingy superiors to death.

But I didn’t expect that in this mountainous area, those friendly troops who wore the same military uniforms as him, but with slightly different colors, would be in such a difficult situation that the shells became such precious supplies.

"All these captured items belong to you, we don’t want them!" This was the third sentence when Tang Dao met Zhu Sanhei, the army captain.

The first two sentences were introduced by Li Dadao, and Tang Dao explained his number and purpose.

Zhu Sanhei did not salute when he heard Tang Dao's number and rank, but after hearing that Tang Dao did not want any captured items, he stood at attention and saluted after a moment of silence!

Tang Dao certainly knew the state of mind of this veteran.

As opponents who had been fighting each other for nearly ten years, both sides had countless close comrades who died in the war. Not turning their faces away as soon as they met was the greatest restraint of this veteran in the face of the great victory.

His military salute was both a thank you to Tang Dao for not wanting any captured items and a recognition of Tang Dao and others.

89 Japanese soldiers died in Yingtoujian Gorge, but more than a hundred died at the mouth of the valley and before the mouth of the valley.

That also means that Tang Dao killed more than a hundred Japanese soldiers with the strength of 9 people. No one dared to underestimate this kind of fierce combat power, and the same was true for the experienced army captain.

Even Zhu Sanhei didn't know what the Four-Line Regiment was, and he had never heard of the 43rd Army number. Since crossing the Yellow River in September, the 129th Division could only rely on the radio to keep in touch with the outside world except for the division headquarters and the brigade headquarters. The battalions and companies below were almost isolated from the outside world. The only news they could hear was the results of several large-scale battles on the front battlefield received by the regiment headquarters from the brigade headquarters. They all lost, and they no longer wanted to hear about the bad results from their former opponents.

But this friendly colonel is definitely different!

This is not only evidenced by the corpses of the Japanese, but also comes from the instinct of Zhu Sanhei, a veteran.

Except for his own troops, he has never seen a former opponent have such a high-ranking officer who leads by example!

What's more, in this battle alone, according to Li Dadao, no less than 15 Japanese soldiers died under Colonel Tang's gun, and this is just what he can see.

Li Dadao, a pretty good guy from the 3rd Company, killed three Japanese soldiers with a submachine gun. The other three, no matter how lucky they were, were at most as good as him, which means that 4 elite soldiers killed at most 10 people.

That means that Colonel Tang and his subordinates killed nearly 90 Japanese soldiers, but only 5 people!

Whether it was out of the other party's generosity not to seize the spoils or out of respect for the strong, Zhu Sanhei saluted Tang Dao, his superior!

Tang Dao smiled!

Being respected by this infantry captain was a good start for his trip into the mountains.

However, when Tang Dao heard that the highest commander of the 772nd Regiment on the ground in Licheng was the deputy commander Wang, he felt a little headache.

That person is not easy to mess with!

Tang Dao knows how powerful the prototype of the future protagonist of "Bright Sword" is better than his subordinates.

Sure enough, after contacting Deputy Regiment Commander Wang who was still on the battlefield through the field radio station captured from the Japanese army by the 3rd Company Headquarters, he actually chose to leave Tang Dao, the colonel commander, aside!

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