Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 882 It’s so devastating!

"That's right, Commander Tang, you guessed it right. The commander of our division decided to organize a counterattack against the Japanese invaders because of the arrogance of the 108th Division!" Brigade Commander Chen looked calm.

But, somehow, Tang Dao seemed to feel a glimmer of light flashing on his thick lenses.

People say that eyes are the windows of the soul.

Correspondingly, glasses are naturally the glass on the windows of myopic patients!

If Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang was here, he would definitely tell a certain regiment commander earnestly to be more confident and get rid of the asshole!

Brigade Commander Chen, but the number one general under the 129th Division, how can his mind be so easy to figure out?

"Your Four-Line Regiment wants to participate in this battle, but you have to agree to one condition of mine!"

"Commander Chen, you say!" Tang Dao frowned slightly.

If this person still wants to ask for a lot, compared with the difficulty that the weapons and equipment carried by the Four-Line Regiment are only enough to supplement the 47th Army, he is more afraid that he will change his excellent impression of this person!

After all, no one likes greedy people, and the same goes for Tang Dao.

"My preset battlefield is in Changzhi, Lucheng, and Licheng! If you can guess the approximate area of ​​my battlefield with your military genius intuition, then I will definitely recommend you to the division headquarters to participate in this battle!" Brigade Commander Chen raised his hand and pointed at the map, and a smile appeared on his slightly round but somewhat thin face.

Changzhi, Lucheng, and Licheng are not big cities, and the distance between them is not far, but the area is more than 500 square kilometers. In such a vast area, Tang Dao relied on his so-called genius intuition to guess his preset battlefield, which is no less difficult than finding a pearl in the desert.

Even if he is a fool, he knows that this person actually wants to say that although you are good, my 129th Division does not want you to participate in this battle. The reason why he gave a vague opportunity like winning the lottery is that he has just given Tang Dao a big gift, and this person has to take care of Tang Dao's face.

Yes, if before, Brigade Commander Chen had some concerns about the battle that he had almost planned, but with the unexpected gift from Tang Dao hitting his head, Brigade Commander Chen was almost 95% sure that he could win this battle.

In fact, in the past time and space, the 386th Brigade, which was extremely short of ammunition, still won a nearly perfect victory on a battlefield with a 50-50 chance!

The reason for wanting to refuse was not that they did not trust Tang Dao and the Four-Line Regiment. The record of the Four-Line Regiment led by Tang Dao had long proved that they were the anti-Japanese army and the iron-blooded army. No one would want to refuse such a friendly army.

The ultimate reason was the criticism of the 18th Group Army by some so-called "patriots" who said that they did not engage in large-scale battles with the Japanese army on the northern battlefield like the Chinese army on the front battlefield. The so-called guerrilla warfare was to roam without fighting!

To put it bluntly, this kind of stuff similar to the keyboard warriors of later generations is purely talking without any pain in the waist.

Of course, there may be more guys secretly instructed by the principal to secretly lead the rhythm.

The current situation is that the 18th Group Army that entered Shanxi Province to fight the war has only two infantry divisions under its command. With less than 30,000 people, it wants to fight a battle with the Japanese North China Front Army, which can gather three infantry divisions and nearly 100,000 troops at any time? How stupid would that be to do this?

Besides, the newly re-divided Second War Zone governs Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sui and other areas at this time. The 18th Group Army is just a unit under the Second War Zone. The old man from Shanxi who serves as the commander of the war zone has no intention of fighting a big battle with the Japanese. It is the turn of the 18th Group Army to take the initiative to jump out and take the lead!

However, it is extremely uncomfortable to be pointed at and scolded as a bald donkey in the newspaper. The 129th Division must fight a decent battle to prove itself.

Brigade Commander Chen, who knows the thoughts of the division commander, naturally hopes to solve the upcoming battle by himself, rather than adding the Four-Line Regiment. Otherwise, even if the battle is won, when reporting the exploits to the upper level, someone will jump out and say that they are clinging to the Four-Line Regiment.

To put it bluntly, this battle is not only to strike the arrogance of the Japanese invaders, but also to prove himself!

Hearing that Brigade Commander Chen made such a request, Tang Dao's face was visibly red!

To ​​be honest, if it weren't for the fact that his emotional intelligence was still online and he was afraid of hitting this genius military strategist, Tang Dao almost laughed out loud.

The reason why he blushed was purely because he was holding it back.

In fact, the so-called big move made by Brigade Commander Chen was nothing in front of the future little butterfly!

Seeing Tang Dao's face turn red, Brigade Commander Chen thought that Tang Dao was stumped, and he also felt that his behavior was a bit unkind.

However, this was the military merit of the 129th Division, and he couldn't let anyone take it away anyway. Even if he felt a little sorry in his heart, Brigade Commander Chen could only use thick lenses to cover the flickering apology.

"Brigade Commander Chen, in my judgment..." Tang Dao held back his smile and looked around the map of Licheng.

Then, Brigade Commander Chen saw Tang Dao's eyes stop at the northwest of Lucheng!

No way! No way! No one knew the turbulent waves that were surging in the heart of Brigade Commander Chen, whose expression remained unchanged.

That direction was the ambush area that he had decided after half a month of deep thinking and personal field investigation! He had considered the overall battlefield and deliberately placed the ambush site in this unexpected location. Moreover, even the Japanese would never take extra precautions because of the special terrain of this area.

Could it be that Tang Dao, a newcomer, could see through his tactics at a glance? This was unscientific.

Is this guy using this to test me?

Soon, Brigade Commander Chen, who had worked underground in the white area for many years, realized that perhaps Tang Dao was not finding the location, but using this to observe his facial expressions to determine the real battlefield.

This is a sly guy. Brigade Commander Chen put his mind aside a little, and his face changed slightly!

What is "fake is true when true is false"? Playing psychological warfare, Brigade Commander Chen is not afraid of this. Even if you are really a blind cat catching a dead mouse, I, a veteran underground worker, will also make you feel uneasy.

Sure enough, seeing his face slightly solemn in the corner of his eyes, Tang Dao hesitated obviously. After his eyes stayed in the area for a moment, he quickly moved away and aimed his eyes directly at Licheng County.

"In this battle of your army, Licheng is a must-fight!" Tang Dao poked Licheng County on the map fiercely and said with certainty.

Brigade Commander Chen's face was normal!

Attacking the county, this operation should not be too common, okay? If you want to fight a big battle, even the most brainless commander will set his sights on the county town that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, but has rich supplies, even if it is just a cover!

In fact, in the battle plan that he has sent to the division headquarters, the battle to attack Licheng County is a necessary part of it.

However, this link is just a lure away from the whole battlefield. At most, it can only be regarded as the introduction of the whole battlefield, and it is a far cry from the war.

Tang Dao looked at this place with such a burning gaze. How can I say it? It made Brigade Commander Chen a little disappointed.

This should not be the tactical level of the ‘unparalleled warrior’!

Human beings, such intelligent creatures, always move forward in contradictions!

Just like a woman wants her partner to do something and become a dragon among men, but she also wants him to spend more time with herself and her family! Little do they know that most people in this world are ordinary people. It is not easy to fight in the difficult world and protect the family from wind and rain. How can they achieve such a balance? Not to mention those who have become the best among men, how many people can keep their original aspirations in the face of endless temptations?

And the same is true for Brigade Commander Chen at this time. He doesn't want Tang Dao to guess his arrangement, nor does he want to see a "mediocre general"!

It can only be said that before meeting Tang Dao, the telegram of this genius general teacher has created too good an image for Tang Dao, resulting in this subjective impression of Tang Dao being very good, so good that he doesn't even want to see Tang Dao's mediocre performance.

For a nerd, a 100-point paper, 99 points is lame! That's the mentality.

"Oh? Reason?" Brigade Commander Chen suppressed his disappointment, but smiled at the corner of his mouth, picked up the enamel pot, and drank a sip of water.

"I have analyzed before that the 108th Division is using Licheng County as a forward base to stockpile supplies. It is becoming a large military warehouse. Whether from a strategic or tactical point of view, Licheng County must be attacked! Hit hard, hit hard! Otherwise, when the 108th Division starts to be interested in the mountainous area, we will be in trouble." Tang Dao replied.

"Have you ever considered that Licheng County has walls and bunkers. How much loss will our unit suffer if we want to conquer the county?" Brigade Commander Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

Tang Dao's words reminded him that in his tactical plan, although an infantry regiment would be used to besiege Licheng County, it was not a fight to the death. If it could be broken, it would be broken. If it could not be broken, it would be threatened by a crazy attack.

That was mainly because the 129th Division did not have many artillery pieces and lacked the ability to attack, while there was a full infantry battalion of thousands of Japanese troops in Licheng County. The 2 to 1 force comparison made him hesitate to break the city even if there was an insider, because the casualties were too great.

But now, Tang Dao has sent 4 anti-tank guns. The caliber of 37mm shells is not large, but this kind of gun can penetrate even 30mm steel plates. For the crudely made small bunkers of the Japanese, it is only a matter of one shot. If it doesn't work, just shoot it a few more times.

Does that mean that he can completely achieve two combat goals with this battle? Not only can he kill the Japanese, but also rob them of the large amount of supplies they have stockpiled? That's simply too beautiful.

"Commander Chen, what you are considering is that due to the lack of artillery, your unit does not have enough attack capabilities. Even if you gather heavy troops to capture this county, exchanging casualties for supplies, this deal is not cost-effective, and you may even be chased by Japanese reinforcements!" Tang Dao smiled slightly and suddenly changed the subject.

"So, if my regiment does not participate in the battle, I judge that your unit will deploy the main force here..." Tang Dao moved his finger directly to the place where his eyes had just scanned.

"Commander Chen, what you want is not supplies, but the lives of the Japanese, or more precisely, the lives of the Japanese reinforcements!"

"Ahem!" Brigade Commander Chen almost choked to death on the saliva he had not swallowed.

Encircling a point and attacking reinforcements is a tactic often used by the 18th Group Army. Tang Dao guessed that it was not surprising at all.

In fact, in the past, after the Japanese army in Licheng was attacked by an infantry regiment, they immediately asked for help from the Japanese army in Changzhi City. The Japanese army immediately sent an infantry battalion and auxiliary troops with a total of 1,500 reinforcements to Licheng, and the 386th Brigade, which had already deployed two regiments of the main force, naturally swallowed them up in one gulp!

But there are thousands of roads, and safety is the first. The Japanese are not stupid. Why is Tang Dao so sure about where it is?

Tang Dao: Brother, this is something you have done before! Don't let me force a reason, okay? My head hurts a lot to fool a smart person like you.

"Tell me your reasons, but I can remind you that all the roads in the Shentou Ridge area you are referring to are on the mountain ridges, not in the valleys. It is definitely not a good location for an ambush." ​​Brigadier Chen has a good character after all. Different from ordinary people, after seeing Tang Dao's determined expression, he knew that Tang Dao was determined, but he still had to make a final struggle.

Because, when he selected this area, the other four commanders of the brigade headquarters unanimously opposed it. In the end, he overcame all the opinions and confirmed the battlefield he chose. Now he only waits for the approval of the division headquarters.

"If I was still a little unsure at first, but after what you said, Commander Chen, I am even more sure!" Tang Dao turned his gaze from the map to Brigadier Chen, extremely determined.

"The Sword Comes"

"Because, in Qigen Village, you used the strategy of 'unrecoverable by force' to the point where you were able to confuse the Japanese with such proficiency that you had the courage to 'surprise' the Japanese with such a move!"

"Ahem! Don't brag about me. The two battles in Qigen Village were completed under the command of the two leaders of our division. Just tell me your reasons!" Brigadier Chen Da, who dared to joke in front of the teacher, now I was also a little embarrassed by Tang Tuanzuo.

But I have to say that deep down, my impression of Tang Dao has become even better!

Anyway, Brigadier Chen will never admit it because this guy talks so nicely.

"I said it was intuition, do you believe it?" Tang Dao sighed slightly and spread his hands like a rogue.

Anyway, didn’t this elder say it before? Take a guess based on your ‘unparalleled warrior’ intuition.

Why, your intuition is so accurate?

After staring at Tang Dao for a while, Brigadier Chen could only sigh: "You couldn't have intercepted the secret message I gave to the division headquarters, right?"

This is of course impossible. In order to ensure that his confidential documents could reach the division headquarters safely, Brigadier Chen used an entire security company to escort the deputy brigade commander to the division headquarters overnight, and also brought a field radio captured from the Japanese army. , before welcoming Tang Dao, he also reported to the brigade headquarters that he was safe!

"Then, Commander Chen, our troops can join the battle!" Tang Dao smiled and defeated Brigadier Chen's army.

He knew that although this person was open-minded and cheerful, he always kept his promises. No matter how unwilling he was this time, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

"Hey, Commander Chen, I know what your concerns are? In this battle, our regiment is not the Four Troops Regiment. Whether it is the 769th Regiment or the 770th Regiment, you can just give me any number!" See Brigadier Chen. Frowning his brows, Tang Dao added another sentence.

This sentence is truly shocking!

Even the well-informed Brigadier Chen was stunned. He looked at Tang Dao and said nothing for a long time.

Tang Dao's meaning is very clear. In this battle, I only want to fight against the Japanese, and all the merits will belong to your 129th Division.

This is unreasonable!

Not to mention that the Four Lines Regiment is affiliated with the Sichuan Army, even if the Four Lines Regiment is part of the 18th Army Group, no unit would do this.

Soldiers can fight, and they can also be wrapped in horse leather, but even if they die in battle, they don't have a status. What does this mean?

But Tang Dao did exactly that.


"Why not so much? My Four Elements Regiment is not short of military achievements, but when it comes to killing Japanese soldiers, my brothers and I are very lacking!" Tang Dao grinned, showing his white teeth. "Besides, I am very interested in the supplies hoarded by the Japanese army in Licheng County, and I want to eat more canned beef!"

Brigadier Chen's mind was filled with turmoil again!

Tang Dao's appetite was much greater than his. He wanted to kill people and rob supplies, and he wanted to rob them all.

Tang Dao is going to conquer Licheng County with the strength of the Four Elements Regiment!

Transforming the sheep attack into a strong attack, this is called destroying the point while also providing reinforcements. It can be regarded as an upgraded version of encircling the point to provide reinforcements! That is to say, we still need to continue to communicate the details of when the city will be captured.

But this is definitely a result that any commander would like to see. I want to catch the fish, and I won’t let the bait go easily.

The only thing that makes people wonder is, can the Four Elements Regiment break through that city?

At this point, Brigadier Chen still didn't quite understand the Four Elements Regiment. If he wasn't concerned about the Chinese civilians in the city, just the six 150-meter mortars could blow up a small town with a radius of less than 0.5 square kilometers into rubble.

"Can I believe you?" Brigadier Chen suddenly asked after a moment of silence.

"Sir, are you willing to believe me?" Tang Dao looked at this genius general and answered with an unprecedented seriousness.

"I will hand over the battle achievements of your regiment to the division headquarters for sealing. Even if it cannot be announced now for some reason, I believe that sooner or later the whole world will know about it. The officers and soldiers of your regiment who died will also be included in our 386th brigade headquarters." All of them will be recorded, and the officers and soldiers of our brigade who died in battle will be compensated equally! This favor has been recorded by me, Old Chen, and the 386th Brigade, and we will pay it back in the future!" Brigadier Chen responded to Tang Dao with a more serious attitude.

"Don't forget about favors. This is a Sino-Japanese war. It is natural for the Chinese to fight the Japanese. I only need you to agree to a small condition if we win after the war!" Tang Dao's teeth were very white in the sun.

"Okay!" Brigadier Chen agreed.

He didn't even ask what conditions it was about, because since he chose to believe it, he would believe it to the end!

Tang Dao will never ask for too harsh conditions, that's out of a soldier's intuition.

"Please rest assured, sir, you and I will win this battle!" Tang Dao smiled even more cheerfully.

The two men stood in the same room due to the intersection of time and space, but they were both the best Chinese soldiers in China, holding hands tightly together.

"Then, can we split the captured materials 50-50?" Brigade Commander Chen whispered, but the excited Tang Tuanzuo almost broke his defense.

Sure enough, what Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang said about the two people's temperaments being similar was not made up by Xia Jiba.

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