Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 883 The big thing has been decided!

Although Tang Dao and Brigadier General Cheng have reached an agreement, many things are not decided by Brigadier General Cheng alone, even though he is already the top general of the 921st Division!

The consensus reached by the two before was still a cloud before the 921st Division sent a telegram!

However, the most confidential matter has been discussed, and Tang Dao is much more relaxed next, especially when it comes to the allocation of 300 progressive students.

Tang Dao hopes that the 921st Division can comply with the personal wishes of those proud children of heaven. Those who are willing to work in the 921st Division will be taken away by the 921st Division, and those who are unwilling will stay in the military factory that the Four-Line Group will soon establish!

Regarding Tang Dao's "unreasonable" little request, Brigadier General Cheng agreed without much consideration.

On the one hand, it is to give Tang Dao face, and on the other hand, the 80th Army, which is almost obsessed with spiritual beliefs, has always adhered to the principle of "a forced melon is not sweet". If they don't even want to, they will never force it!

And to be honest, when those progressive young people who studied science came to the 921st Division, Brigade Commander Cheng also had a headache for the two divisional leaders.

These days, those who have studied junior high school are all educated people, not to mention those who have studied in college. In the words of the future, they are all highly educated and are treasured wherever they are.

With these treasures, can you send them to the battlefield? If one of them dies in battle, won’t the divisional leaders feel heartbroken? If they can’t be soldiers, they can only be civilian political workers, but without long-term observation, are they worthy of trust? These jobs cannot be done. The most suitable place is of course the 80th Group Army, which is still just a small workshop of the arsenal. Let these proud children swing hammers and forge iron every day. Just thinking about it is a waste of their talents!

The plan proposed by Tang Dao is perfect!

Of course, perhaps even Tang Dao himself doesn’t know that the biggest reason why Brigade Commander Cheng nodded in agreement with all the plans proposed by Tang Dao is his teacher’s last few words of comment on Tang Dao in the telegram----'It is an object that our army can strive for! '

Perhaps only Brigade Commander Cheng, who had followed the veteran for more than ten years since his student days, knew the weight of this comment. With his outrageously cautious personality, since he said this, it almost represented the recognition of the high-level of the 80th Army for the young colonel commander who was rising in fame.

That was an extremely rare situation.

This also made the genius general somewhat curious, why Tang Dao could be so favored!

So, although this genius general made many difficulties in the war plan proposed by Tang Dao, in fact, deep in his heart, he still hoped that Tang Dao could convince him.

What the genius general needs is a comrade-in-arms who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!

Fortunately, Tang Dao lived up to his hopes and successfully convinced him! All the guarantees he made were actually quietly extending an olive branch to Tang Dao. As long as Tang Dao did not make an obvious refusal, the two sides would have laid the most solid foundation for the next step of close contact!

When the two sides become one in the future, won’t the soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment be the soldiers of the 921st Division?

Tang Dao's answer was also perfect. With such a foundation, the genius general naturally met all of Tang Dao's remaining requirements.

After chatting with Tang Dao, Brigade Commander Cheng left Tang Dao and hurriedly sent a telegram to the division headquarters about the results of today's meeting between the two sides, and personally waited for the division headquarters' reply. The fact that a brigade commander could wait for a reply on the field radio fully demonstrated his importance to Tang Dao.

Even the two big guys in the division headquarters must make a decision in the shortest time and will not let Tang Dao wait for a long time.

On the other side, Tang Dao was accompanied by Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who drank two cups of tea and smoked half a pack of cigarettes outside.

"Brother, that's nice! Even if we have to fight on the battlefield in the future, I will let you go!" Wang Xiaoqiang first looked out the door to make sure that no "dog legs" of the leaders could hear it, and then turned around and gave Tang Dao a thumbs up to express his gratitude.

This gratitude was definitely from Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang's sincerity!

What Wang Xiaoqiang was talking about was that Tang Dao had just not sold him out in front of the two chiefs. Based on his understanding of a certain chief who was more cunning than a ghost, he didn't know that it was the chief who deliberately threatened him. If Tang Dao, who was unaware of the situation, showed a surprised expression and told the truth, it was very likely that the threat would turn into confinement!

Even the brigade commander, a lieutenant general, who wanted to threaten him, probably didn't expect that the first deputy commander of the 772nd Regiment, who was "poor" and crazy, would be so bold as to conceal two-thirds of the captured and gifted.

In plain words, he let the brigade drink a mouthful of soup, while the 772nd Regiment ate all the fat!

You know, with the captured and the gift from Tang Dao, the 772nd Regiment had a full fifteen Taisho 11 light machine guns. As a result, this guy turned in 150 rifles to the brigade, accounting for almost half of the total rifles, but he was greatly discounted in terms of light machine guns and grenade launchers, only giving a fraction to the brigade.

If Commander Cheng knew that his beloved general had deceived him like this, he might not chop off a certain strong man's head with a knife, but locking him up for a few days would be like playing?

Locking him up won't kill anyone, and Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who has argued with his superiors many times, has long been accustomed to it, but it is embarrassing after all, isn't it?

Fortunately, Tang Dao was very cunning and used two weapon lists to make a certain leader ignore those leftovers, and also allowed Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang to safely see the weapons and equipment he surrendered being transported to the military supply department.

Perfect! The batch of weapons that were secretly handed down can be distributed within the regiment openly.

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who was smoking happily outside the door, had even thought about how to distribute this batch of weapons.

We will change the uniforms of two companies. Whoever wants to get these two places will not count their previous military exploits. They will be allocated according to the results of the military competition ten days later. The three positions are 'Obstacle Course', 'Shooting' and 'Strike'. For major events, each infantry company in the regiment sent out a combat squad to participate in the competition.

'Wang Xiaoqiang' had even thought about it. When he returned and announced his decision, there was a lively scene of the entire regiment's officers and soldiers training hard in the fields.

The two chief officers in the regiment came back half a month later. When they saw the sudden appearance of two more main companies with all-Japanese equipment, they twisted their mouths with joy?

That’s how to express my sincere gratitude! There is always a feeling that sooner or later we two brothers will have to be their own masters. In the current environment where the whole country is fighting against Japan, this person is quite brave to speak out.

However, it also proves this person's true character from the side. I can hide my face in my pocket for equipment and supplies, but I never play tricks on the people I like.

"Haha! Don't worry, Commander Wang, it's hard to see the day you think about, even if the little devil is defeated by us!" Tang Dao was happy. "However, if you want to thank me, you can't just say it. I just asked your leader for a station, but there are nothing but rocks. You have to help me."

Hearing that Tang Dao wanted to help, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who happened to feel that he owed a favor and could repay it, didn't take Tang Dao's previous words too seriously. He patted his chest and promised: "Okay, I will help you with whatever supplies you need. As long as you don't Tell me you want food, drink and guns!”

As long as it involves supplies, 'Wang Xiaoqiang' is very smart, but he ignored that Tang Dao's name for him this time was missing the word 'vice'!

In the political world, in addition to formal occasions, in private situations, the director is the director, and the deputy director is also the director. However, in the extremely hierarchical military, even if the two of them are chatting in private, the word "deputy" will definitely be used if they are deputy positions. , will never remove the word 'vice' for the sake of face. This may be due to the different temperaments of soldiers and politicians.

Of course, the reason why comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who has always been shrewd, ignored it may also be because Tang Dao was from that side. If his own comrades shouted this, he might have immediately realized certain possibilities.

Yes, in the past time and space, in this year of 1938, it would not take long for Deputy Commander Wang to be transferred to the commander of another infantry regiment of the 921st Division. But in this time and space, the little butterfly that came from the future has already fanned him. With its little wings, many people and things are destined to have changed, not to mention the deliberate actions of the little butterfly.

Tang Dao requires a large amount of wood, which Comrade 'Wang Xiaoqiang' can completely satisfy!

In this era, there are no green mountains and clear waters that will become the advanced concept of gold and silver. The 772 Regiment has no psychological burden at all in mobilizing militiamen and civilians to go to the mountains to cut down trees. The mobilization of at least thousands of laborers is far better than that of the Four Lines Regiment. Cutting down trees on cliffs is easy.

This can not only save a lot of time, but also allow the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Regiment to complete combat preparations in the shortest possible time and welcome the first battle in the Taihang Mountains.

Although the Four Lines Regiment basically won the battle against the Japanese army, Tang Dao knew very well that it was not that the Four Lines Regiment was much stronger than the Japanese army, but that no matter what kind of Japanese army it faced, the Four Lines Regiment always fought with a lion's strength. Rabbit goes all out, and as a man from the future, he grasps the pulse of the Japanese army's mobilization. How can the Japanese army be undefeated?

Therefore, Tang Dao admires those ancestors in this era even more. They are not as clear as Tang Dao in 'seeing' the deployment of Japanese troops, but they either died heroically, or they were resourceful and tried their best to shoot their own bullets at the Japanese army. , the resistance that never gives up.

Yes, the key to China's victory in this war does not lie in the number of victories it has won on the battlefield, but in its resistance!

Constantly being defeated, but constantly resisting, even though most of the great rivers and mountains have been lost, from north to south, the flames of war continue to be ignited, and the resistance never stops.

It is not so much the eight years of the Great Patriotic War as it is the eight years of constant struggle by Chinese soldiers. It was an extremely long night, so long that it was almost impossible to see hope!

But they, with the sacrifice of almost one generation and the growth of another generation, finally waited for the dawn. This is the most touching thing!

After securing the future Captain Wang, Tang Dao also had good news!

The 921st Division Headquarters responded: Agree with the 683rd Brigade’s opinion and cooperate sincerely with friendly forces to combat the arrogance of the Japanese aggressors!

The Four Elements Group finally had its own foothold in this mountain. Tang Dao, who couldn't wait to leave, refused Brigadier Cheng's offer to stay for dinner, and decided with Brigadier Cheng how to receive the equipment given. Erya exchanged communication passwords with the 683 brigade communications section and left immediately.

This time, not only Brigadier Cheng and Director Wang of the Political Training Department, but all the officers at the 683rd Brigade Headquarters at the lieutenant colonel level and above came to see him off.

In the original words of Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang: My dear, Brother Tang is so proud that he can almost keep up with more than a dozen of my lineups.

There's nothing wrong with what he said. The four brigade-level officers at home are enough for ten of him. Plus a few others of the same level as him, it's more than a dozen!

As for Tang Dao, those are not ten ordinary officers. If nothing else happens, in the future, these officers will all have shining stars on their shoulders that can blind people.

It seems that in that time and space, the 683 brigade, known as the first brigade of the Anti-Japanese War in the northern battlefield, had more than twenty generals.

Of course, Tang Dao also knew that the 683rd Brigade put up such a large farewell lineup, not only for his personal face, but more because of the rich equipment. If these equipment could be delivered before the war, the 683rd Brigade would not have sacrificed many fewer people.

Actually! Tang Dao really wanted to remind the genius general that good equipment is a good thing, but his strategy this time is the most important.

You know, in the past time and space, the 683rd Brigade did not have this batch of equipment, but still achieved a shocking loss ratio for the Chinese and Japanese armies. The 683rd Brigade only suffered more than 240 casualties and wiped out 1,500 Japanese reinforcements, and only a few dozen escaped.

What made the Japanese invaders helpless was not some advanced weapons and equipment, but...

Can you believe the red tassel spear that was so rustic that it fell apart?

But how to say it? Whenever I think of the more than 2-meter-long red tassel spear, Tang Dao feels sad for the Japanese infantry who are famous for their bayonet skills.

Yes, in terms of bayonet fighting, even the elite soldiers of the 683rd Brigade can only fight 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1, but when they take up the red tassel spear...

Tsk tsk! The scene is so beautiful that I dare not watch it.

The Japanese army's bayonet fighting has routines, such as thrusting, stabbing left, stabbing right, stabbing down, defending left stabbing, defending right stabbing and deceptive stabbing. Not to mention the actual combat on the battlefield, just looking at these moves makes me feel very awesome!

In fact, it is indeed very awesome, and the bayonet fighting skills are invincible in Asia!

But the soldiers of the 683rd Brigade holding the red tassel spear only need one move, stabbing, and it's over!

If the length of the rifles and bayonets of both sides is not much different, then when the two sides face each other, 70% of the Chinese soldiers will be defeated!

But what shocked the Japanese was that the red tassel spears were 2.3 meters long and 2.2 meters short, which was more than half a meter longer than the 1.7-meter length of the Type 38 rifle and bayonet.

As the saying goes: An inch longer, an inch stronger. This special one is more than ten inches longer, so it must be much stronger!

Besides, the 683rd Brigade used two infantry regiments for ambush, which is more than 4,000 people.

That means that a Japanese soldier often has to face two or three stabs of either red tassel spears or rifles. You can't say whether he can survive. Not everyone is a close combat pervert like Fujiwara Sen'o and Tang Dao, who can deal with more than ten or twenty people by himself.

In fact, if Tang Dao encountered such a decisive battle with cold weapons, it is estimated that it would not be able to escape in the case of more enemies and fewer people. You can kill ten people, but can you kill a hundred people?

However, Tang Dao finally held back and said nothing more.

Tang Dao and the Four-line Regiment have already been given the opportunity to join the war. They will no longer rely on feints to intimidate the Japanese army in Licheng County to send out a distress telegram as they did in the past. Instead, they will break through the city wall and completely annihilate the Japanese invaders. They are destined to kick the stubborn old car of history hard and slightly change the track. There is no need to change too much, in case they are bitten back by the unwilling historical line!

More importantly, Tang Dao believes that the genius general with a warm smile on his face will make the most suitable arrangement based on the existing weapons and equipment.

The red tassel spear, a tacky thing, will definitely shine on the entire battlefield, because relying solely on the 38 rifle against the 38 rifle is not an advantage.

A genius will never have his IQ reduced because of the arrival of a little butterfly. The wisdom in his mind will still shine throughout the entire eastern Shanxi! Tang Dao is very sure.

Especially when he saw that a deputy regiment commander was ordered to go back and write a self-criticism without seeing him off!

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang's tricks, how could he be hidden from him? The reason why that guy was so happy that he thought he had picked up a big bargain and didn't close it tightly was purely because the war was imminent and a certain lieutenant general needed people.

It was almost certain that he would settle the score later. Tang Dao silently shed a bitter tear to the still cheerful comrade "Wang Xiaoqiang"!

. . . . . . . . .

PS: Originally, this chapter was going to write about the construction of the garrison, but the bad news came that the content in Chapter 882 needed to be revised and had been blocked. Feng Yue could only revise the previous chapter first. Sorry!

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