Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 894: Team wiped out!

Yamashita Nakashu hid in front of the window of the reinforced headquarters, looking at the position that had been repeatedly ravaged by the Chinese artillery fire.

Although it was almost impossible for anyone to send him any casualty reports, the Japanese Army lieutenant knew that after experiencing such a terrifying two rounds of attacks, there were really not many people who could still survive.

After all, not everyone was as lucky as him. Three consecutive mortar shells fell around the house and exploded without blowing down the reinforced walls. If possible, he would rather his luck was not so good.

Because, under the light of the flares and in the smoke, the Chinese came.

The shelling had not completely stopped, and the Japanese Army lieutenant's vision, which had been dyed red by the artillery fire, appeared in the shadowy black shadows.

The black shadows surged like a tide from the gap in the 70-80-meter-wide wall.

At least more than a hundred.

"Kill the chicken!" Yamashita Nakashu, who woke up from his daze, screamed desperately and rushed out of the headquarters with a Type 38 rifle.

At this time, it was no longer a question of loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor, but a question of life and death.

As long as the Chinese broke through the front-line positions, Yamashita Nakashu knew that everyone here, including him, would die.

Just as they rarely let go of Chinese soldiers on the battlefield, the victorious Chinese soldiers would not let them go either. After the Meihua Town Massacre in Hebei Province, no less than five Chinese infantry divisions openly declared that they would no longer accept the surrender of the 108th Division from the division commander to the second-class soldier.

‘Damn it! Those guys who enjoy slaughtering Chinese civilians are pigs that should be slaughtered. They pushed the imperial infantry warriors to death! ’ I’m afraid no one would have thought that the people Yamashita Nakashu hated the most at this moment were his colleagues, not the Chinese soldiers who had already rushed over.

Perhaps the Japanese Army lieutenant forgot that when the cowardly Chinese civilian was completely set on fire by his colleagues with gasoline and was wailing and struggling in the already barren fields, he had also leisurely lit a cigarette and looked at the cruel scene with a smile, which reminded him of the field mice that were burned and fled in the fields of his hometown!

But now, the "field mice" have become tigers and want to eat people.

The Japanese infantrymen who can respond to this lieutenant who has a desperate heart are really pitiful compared to the more than 100 people before. Even twenty minutes ago, an infantry squad had been ordered to reinforce and had not had time to go to the front line.

There were sparse gunshots on the Japanese army positions. Only one of the three light machine guns originally placed on the front line was firing. The other two were probably either smashed into scrap metal by stones or torn into pieces in the artillery fire.

However, this was enough to make the Japanese Army lieutenant happy. At least, there was one more continuous firepower point that could suppress the opponent's infantry.

What made him feel a little relieved was that a ball of fire rose on half of the city wall, and two Chinese soldiers were blown away!

The infantry gun deployed at the south gate and hidden 400 meters away finally showed its power!

The Japanese troops on the battlefield were not without anything!

As the Japanese army counterattacked, the artillery fire illuminated the afterglow of the sky, and a blue figure fell down. The Japanese army lieutenant also hid in a ruin and held his breath and fired a shot.

Dozens of meters away, he saw with his own eyes that the figure who swiftly crossed the roadblock and continuously avoided the machine gun fire staggered and fell under his gun.

One shot knocked down a powerful enemy, but this did not make the Japanese army lieutenant feel excited, because he did not really kill the enemy.

His comrades reacted quickly and fired at this side with a rifle that could fire continuously. The fierce firepower forced Yamashita Nakashu to roll over and dodge, and he had no time to fire a second shot. A Chinese medical soldier who followed the infantry quickly dragged the wounded soldier with a gunshot in the chest and hid behind the ruins, preventing the fatal bullet from coming again.

"Damn it!" The Japanese Army Lieutenant roared angrily.

If he hadn't needed to pull the bolt again and wasted nearly a second, with his fifth-place shooting score in the NCO school, he would never let the prey have a chance to escape.

But the Chinese rifle that could fire continuously completely killed the best rifles in the empire in terms of performance, and didn't give him this second at all!

However, Yamashita Nakashu didn't have much time to complain about the imperial military industry. If he hadn't used his hands and feet to roll and crawl into a corner of the ruins of a house that was destroyed by artillery fire, he might have become a pile of barbecue after five seconds.

After the Chinese approached the position with a large amount of continuous firepower, they did not use the long-handled German grenades they used daily, but threw out a glass bottle that seemed sparse and ordinary in normal times!

However, that power was even more terrible than the grenade that could tear a person into pieces!

Seven or eight glass bottles were thrown out and smashed on the position that had become a ruin, and then a blue flame was born, burning the ruins into a sea of ​​fire. Two Japanese soldiers hiding not far from Lieutenant Yamashita Zhongshu screamed and jumped out of the bunker, rolling on the ground desperately trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

But they were disappointed. No matter how they rolled, the flames on their bodies not only did not go out, but burned more and more vigorously.

The two firemen rolled back and forth in the ruins, but the Chinese did not kill them. They let the two screaming and rolling human candles that eventually returned to silence become brighter and brighter in the ruins.

The strange "sizzling" sound made Yamashita Zhongshu, who was only fifteen meters away, sweat dripped down his forehead!

That was the sound of human fats that were refined at high temperatures starting to burn fully.

He certainly knew why the Chinese did not shoot and kill the two enemies who were so obvious targets, because there was no need.

Or, in such a dark night, they also needed lighting!

Human fats are actually good animal oils!

The two colleagues who had not yet completely died were old acquaintances of Yamashita Nakashu, one was his signalman and the other was a sergeant. Both of them followed him in the squadron headquarters and survived the terrible artillery fire of the Chinese.

But unexpectedly, after dodging the rain of bricks and stones and the rain of artillery shells, they were greeted with more miserable incendiary bombs.

Facing the mouth shape of the signalman who had been burned into a black five meters away and looked at him with difficulty, the Japanese Army lieutenant knew that he was asking him to shoot him so that he could end this pain earlier.

However, the Japanese Army lieutenant did not dare to watch the signalman being burned to death in pain, and he could only hide aside and watch silently.

It's not that he didn't dare to kill people. Even if the signalman was his fellow countryman, sending him back to the arms of Amaterasu without pain would also make him happy.

However, the Japanese lieutenant knew that if it weren't for these two scapegoats, the Chinese over there would not let this place go, and might throw another row of Molotov cocktails in this area.

When the gun went off, that was when he turned into a torch.

The Japanese lieutenant, who was so brave just now and even scored with just one shot, stuffed all his courage back into his eyes in front of the terrifying Molotov cocktail.

If possible, he even wanted to hide here for the rest of his life and never show up again, even if he could smell the fragrant "barbecue" smell.

But this wish was obviously a luxury.

The 7th Company of Li Jiujin, who was responsible for the main attack on the South Gate, prepared a full 50 Molotov cocktails!

That was the only request Li Jiujin made to Leng Feng after he won the opportunity to attack at the battle meeting five days ago.

In this battle, after entering the city wall area, there is an 80% chance of street fighting with the Japanese army. The quick-witted Li Jiujin recalled the tricks played by Tang Dao on the battlefield of Sihang Warehouse. The incendiary bottle trap made of gasoline, sulfuric acid and white phosphorus burned the Japanese and made them scream. It was also used in the Songjiang street battle, and the effect was extremely good. Even the Type 94 armored vehicle was burned into a roasted chicken!

The conditions of the Sihang Regiment are much better than those at that time. When leaving Zhengzhou, the Sihang Regiment also specially purchased some chemical raw materials such as sulfuric acid, rubber, and white phosphorus for use. Isn’t this just right for use!

The production of incendiary bottles is not complicated. Tang Dao certainly will not refuse Li Jiujin’s proposal. He originally bought these chemical raw materials for Teacher Xiao He to use for experiments, hoping to develop incendiary bombs that can be fired in mortars as soon as possible, but that is much more complicated than the design process of the ‘steel ball bullet’, and it cannot be completed overnight.

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Then we can only use the most primitive method, which is to throw it within a distance of 30 meters by manpower. However, this thing is a double-edged sword. If you are hit, you will become a torch. Even if you are rescued on the spot, you will suffer large-scale burns. In this era, you basically cannot survive.

Therefore, the Tang Dao strictly stipulates that it can only be used when entering street fighting to besiege the enemy or when the firepower can completely suppress the opponent.

At this moment, this condition is basically met!

30 Molotov cocktails were thrown into the ruins of the Japanese position without hesitation, turning more than ten Japanese invaders into candles, and also making the entire Japanese position clearly visible, at least there is no need to waste flares.

A wave of stone rain, a wave of artillery shells, and a wave of incendiary bombs, before the infantry launched the final charge, the battle loss was more than 60%. If it were an ordinary army, it would have collapsed long ago!

But the Japanese army was tougher than expected, and perhaps they knew that what they did in Hebei Province was unforgivable, and the remaining Japanese army was still resisting.

The constant sound of gunfire from the ruins caused seven men of the 7th Company, which rushed from the gap in a three-three formation and prepared to enter the position to launch a final fierce attack on the Japanese army, to fall down after crossing the distance of more than 30 meters.

Perhaps the only thing that prevented Li Jiujin, the front-line commander, from cursing was that the Japanese Army's Type 38 rifle had a straight and long trajectory. If the distance exceeded 50 meters, the bullet would easily roll inside the body and cause greater trauma. At this distance, except for one person who died on the spot because he was directly hit in the neck and had no time to be rescued, the other four were penetrating wounds, including the sergeant veteran who was accurately hit in the chest by a shot. They were only injured but did not lose their lives on the spot.

There were also two people who were hit by a surprise attack by the Japanese infantry artillery and were blown away by the air wave and fainted on the spot. That was an internal injury that doctors could not predict.

But overall, the initial casualties were still within an acceptable range.

"These little devils are really tough, but we, the Seventh Company, are the least afraid of toughness! Order the heavy machine guns of the support company to go up to the city wall area!" Lao Li, who was hiding behind the ruins of the city wall with a telescope, was also overwhelmed. He ordered that all the heavy machine guns supported by the rear machine gun company be transferred to the front line.

This is the rhythm of using heavy machine guns to fight the Japanese with bayonets!

"Captain Li, the little devils still have infantry artillery!" The platoon leader of the machine gun company responsible for supporting the Seventh Company tried to dissuade him.

He could ignore the grenade launchers that the Japanese might still have, but if the infantry artillery came over, his heavy machine gun squad would not be a cabbage, and he could not just sacrifice it casually.

"Don't worry! Since I dare to let your heavy machine gun on the wall, I have a countermeasure to deal with him!" Li Jiujin's two big eyes glared.

As soon as the voice fell, at least five flares were seen from the front line to the distant city. Part of the originally dark southern city was illuminated white, and bursts of gunpowder were rising from somewhere visible!

Because it was hidden in the residential area, it was almost impossible to retaliate against it with large-scale artillery bombardment.

But in the alley on the flank, there was a team of soldiers holding submachine guns running!

That was because Lao Li had ordered an infantry squad equipped with MP28 submachine guns to stand by before the charge. Originally, he planned to use this infantry squad to stab the remnants of the Japanese army in the ruins from the flank, but since the Japanese infantry gun opened fire, he changed his mind.

The 7th Company must first kill this infantry gun. If lucky, it can also seize this artillery!

He had heard that after the Licheng battle, the Sihang Regiment would expand its defense area like the 772nd Regiment, which meant that the three infantry battalions would each be independent, and a 70mm infantry gun with a total weight of no more than 200 kilograms would become the first choice for infantry battalion-level fire support.

The Sihang Regiment's rules required that the battalion only pay 50% of the captured materials to the regiment, and this infantry gun could be kept for its own use. The captured materials could be counted as its own, and it could also ask for the allocated materials from the regiment. With this kind of firepower, the Third Battalion could resist a Japanese infantry battalion or even more without relying on the artillery company.

Lao Li was definitely developing into "Li Yunlong". He had already had a plan for how to develop himself before the war.

Is this taking someone else's path and leaving them with nowhere to go?

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang: Don't steal my show!

But no matter what kind of little tricks, this move of "Black Tiger Heart-Digger" is absolutely cruel and ruthless. The Japanese troops on the South Gate position of the Japanese army were busy with their own affairs, and even the front position was in danger. How could they care about whether the Chinese would intersperse or not?

It took less than five minutes. Under the guidance of the flares that were free of charge, the gunshots and explosions on the side and rear of the position became fierce.

The Japanese artillery squad usually had 50 people, which was about the same number as an infantry squad. Usually, they would concentrate on serving two infantry guns and packhorses that transported artillery barrels and shells, and stayed behind the battlefield. The guns they were equipped with were the Type 14 Nambu pistols and several Type 38 rifles.

The long-range attack power was okay, but at close range, in Chinese vernacular: it was useless in peacetime and useless in wartime!

What's more, they were attacked by an infantry squad equipped with submachine guns. Without emptying a magazine, this artillery squad of more than 20 people would be completely finished.

Hearing the gunfire over there, the second lieutenant platoon leader of the machine gun company responsible for supporting the 7th Company gave an order, and 4 heavy machine guns went up to the broken city wall. Together with the 9 light machine guns of the 7th Company, which had found their own fortifications, there were more than 13 light and heavy machine guns that began to fire at the Japanese positions.

It was not particularly wasteful to have more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns placed on both sides of the Japanese positions only tens of meters away to form crossfire and frantically fire at every suspicious target, but the 6 82 mortars that were subsequently transferred fired two rounds of volleys at a Japanese soldier, almost using a cannon to hit a mosquito, which was somewhat too cruel.

The unlucky Japanese soldier was naturally Lieutenant Yamashita Nakaki.

The powerful enemy he "killed" with one shot was a sergeant veteran, and he was also a veteran who had experienced the battle of Songjiang Cangcheng.

In Cangcheng, he did not die in the face of the fierce attack of the Japanese 150 heavy artillery and two infantry battalions, but he almost died here.

Li Jiujin looked at his old comrade who was pale as paper and breathing rapidly. He didn't know if he could survive in the end. Wouldn't he go crazy? He scolded the infantry squad that almost lost its squad leader on the battlefield.

A dozen sturdy men, how could they be shameless and brave?

As soon as the infantry squad rushed into the Japanese front-line position, they searched for Yamashita Nakashu again. They would never give up until they found the enemy who shot their squad leader.

Of course, the Japanese Army Lieutenant would not sit and wait for death. He must escape!

But the more than ten people in the infantry squad who finally found the punching bag would not let him go and chased him.

Yamashita Nakashu, who could become the number one figure in the NCO school, had good individual qualities. With the complete explosion of his small universe, he avoided the pursuit and even escaped to the second-line position. At least a dozen guns helped him block the pursuers.

However, the frantic Chinese soldiers used a Molotov cocktail to mark his approximate hiding place. The six mortars that were dispatched, under the tyranny of Old Li, whose forehead veins were throbbing, pinched their noses and fired 12 shells at the target area in one breath!

Even the fortifications were blown up by the dense shells, let alone the human body? Lieutenant Yamashita Nakashu died without any pain, and saved the money for a box. He turned directly into ashes. If this place becomes a flower bed in the future, it will definitely bloom more brightly than other places.

Of course, Yamashita Nakashu's three-minute escape was just a small microcosm of the battlefield.

When the Seventh Company rushed into the position to encircle and suppress the remaining Japanese troops, the battle was actually over.

The Japanese army's Type 38 rifles and at least one-third of the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Company were semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, and Mauser pistols in close combat, their effect was not as good as holding a rolling pin.

At least, there is no need to worry about the bayonet being stuck in the wall for the rolling pin.

Often, the Japanese army's 1.7-meter-long Type 38 rifles were riddled with bullets before they could even be raised.

The Japanese troops at the South Gate only lasted no more than 15 minutes before being wiped out.


Regardless of the 108th or the 6th and 5th Divisions, the Four-Line Regiment would not accept any form of surrender from any Japanese invaders who committed blood debts on the Chinese battlefield!

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