Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 895 Foolish and Unhappy!

The fighting was in full swing at the east gate and south gate. Heizi and other 8 special forces who had already captured Wang's mansion and deployed defensive firepower were still waiting in full formation!

What about the Japanese?

Naturally, he is also faithfully carrying out Qi Liangchutama's orders!

Reinforce the city wall defenders when they should, and drive away the Chinese civilians when they should. Naturally, there are also Japanese troops who are reinforcing the brigade headquarters.

On a street less than 300 meters away from Wang's mansion, a group of Japanese soldiers, led by Nagano Yuuo Souchang, were running at maximum marching speed with short legs.

If the street facing the south gate has the most cloth shops, grain shops, and restaurants in Licheng, it is equivalent to Wangfujing in Licheng, then this largest main road in Licheng near Wang's mansion has pawnshops. The existence of , bank accounts and banks is almost the Wall Street of Licheng.

The street, which is 4 meters wide and 260 meters long, was not too shabby nearly a century ago. Not to mention 20 little devils running in a queue, even a Type 94 armored vehicle was no problem.

On this most important main road in Li City, two-story buildings are not uncommon, and they are all made of thick blue bricks. Even mortars may not be able to destroy them easily. Showing the great power of capital in any era, it was a building that originally belonged to banks and banks.

Of course, this main road has now become the most depressed place in Licheng County. Before the Japanese army arrived here, the government's public banks had been ordered to evacuate, and those banks and pawnshops had already taken their money to Linfen, where the provincial government was relocated.

Nagano Yuuo was lucky. The infantry team he belonged to happened to be on duty and became one of the patrol teams in the city, so he did not stay at the main position of the south gate. Looking at the fireballs rising in the distance, Nagano Yuuo's expression changed. Maybe it hasn't been that free since the moment I was born.

The Chinese attacking the city not only had artillery, but also a large number of artillery. This was a phenomenon that had never happened since the 108th Division arrived in China.

The main opponent of the Imperial North China Front Army in Jin Province, the Jinsui Army, is indeed different from the Chinese army in other regions. They are equipped with a large number of artillery, but wasn't that kind of tragedy all suffered by the unlucky kids of the Fifth Division?

In the famous Battle of Xingkou, the Jinsui Army actually fired 9 artillery regiments, more than 200 artillery pieces, and more than 80,000 rounds of artillery shells. They fought fiercely with the Fifth Division for 23 days, and the Fifth Division suffered more than 30,000 casualties. , almost died in the battle, and the North China Front was greatly shocked.

The Fifth Division, known as the "Steel Army", was beaten into a birdlike shape in front of a large number of artillery. Why, is the 108th Division stronger than them?

Is it possible that the Chinese recklessly moved out their treasured artillery pieces? Nagano Yuio was not too optimistic about the fate of his colleagues who were still at the South Gate position. Even if they held on, they would suffer heavy casualties.

Relatively speaking, he is definitely one of the lucky ones because he happens to be responsible only for security in the city!

But he was also unfortunate. The military order issued by the captain himself was that reinforcements must arrive at the brigade headquarters within ten minutes, otherwise military law would be imposed.

But when he received the military order from the squad leader, two minutes had already passed. What's more terrible is that the squad under his command was divided into several squads to patrol the area. By the time they were all assembled, time had already passed. It's been 7 minutes, and in the remaining three minutes, I'm fully equipped and running for nearly two miles, and I'm almost dead from exhaustion.

But compared to being bombarded by Chinese artillery shells on the battlefield, Nagano Yuio would rather run wildly in the deserted streets late at night.

One is dead and the other is half-dead. As long as there is no defect in IQ, you will choose the latter!

In the flash of light from the shell explosion, he was sure that he had entered the central avenue of Licheng. The pale face of Yuio Nagano, who was leading the team, finally regained a trace of color. He would arrive at the brigade headquarters in 300 meters at most. Finally, he did not disobey the brigade captain. military orders.

The Japanese army sergeant, who was much more relaxed, didn't know that on the roof of the two-story building that used to belong to the bank in the center of the street, 180 meters away from him, a round face smiled like a cake!

Yes, that is really a typical round face, or it can be said that the owner of this round face is almost always round. Because he is slightly fat, his head is almost round, and his eyes are also round. Coupled with that round garlic nose and very plump lips, it’s amazing!

With this look, the cute Principle can definitely compete with the national treasure when he was a cub! Even the most imaginative person would not associate this somewhat honest face with a strong sense of joy with a soldier.

What's more, he is the most elite soldier among the 3,000 members of the Four Lines Regiment.

At this time, the only Chinese soldiers who could be in the city were members of the special squadron.

He is a special forces soldier, and the semi-automatic rifle with a cold light in his hand is the best proof!

The Japanese have reinforcements, and the special forces also have reinforcements. This is the special forces responsible for helping Heizi and others block the Japanese reinforcements. His face is a bit weird, and he belongs to the cute character.

Tang Dao has said that those who can join the special squadron are all weirdos! But the subtext is actually that everyone must have unique characteristics.

For example, Niu Er is not good at fighting, his weight-bearing ability is average, and his long-distance marching endurance is only in the middle range, but he has the only marksmanship among the 3,000 soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment!

Based on this alone, no one would refuse to take the position of the first sniper of the special forces squadron!

Another example is Heizi, who is physically powerful and has a mobile arsenal. One MG34 can unleash more firepower than two Maxim heavy machine guns. Who can compare?

But this special soldier with a round head and face and a sense of comedy is definitely a weirdo among weirdos!

He was able to join the special squadron, not because of his ability, but because of his buy-one-get-one-free offer.

Just listen to his nickname - Brainless, and it's basically clear.

Yes, this young man with the surname Mei Bu Nao really lived up to his father's thought in naming him. The original intention should be that he would not be like mud, but his performance in the army in the early stage was really worse than mud. .

During the charge training of new recruits, this guy actually had a record of sticking a bayonet into the butt of his comrade in front. Can you believe it? If the recruit hadn't been lucky enough to use his thick gluteus maximus to receive this blow from his comrade, he would have been listed as injured in training.

It is said that in the 683 Infantry Regiment where Guo Shouzhi belongs, the brainless Mei Bunao and the coward Yang Shoucheng have the reputation of being the worst of the 683 Regiment.

You said, a soldier like this should not be despised to death by his superiors when he joins the army?

But it's not without reason that the 'double bad guys' can still stay in the army well despite being like this.

Yang Shoucheng had a group of fierce and fierce cousins. They risked their lives to protect his youngest cousin. In the end, he was the only one left among the brothers. How dare that commander deny him face?

And what about being brainless? He is also protected by someone. He has a good uncle, Mei Yaoxing, who is known as "Unhappy" uncle.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Mei Yaoxing is a veteran. He has been in the army for more than 9 years, from private to sergeant. His comrades changed one after another, some died, some were promoted, some were transferred, but he was He never moved away, always staying in his infantry squad. Even if the superiors wanted to promote him to become a second lieutenant and platoon leader, he would not leave. No one knew what he wanted, but he always stayed in his infantry squad and served as his junior squad leader. .

Until he followed Guo Shouzhi to the Sixing Camp, and because of his strong battlefield survivability and accurate enough marksmanship, he was selected into the special team and became the first batch of members.

He still refused to join. Even Tang Dao was alarmed and went to talk to this cold and stubborn veteran in person. Probably because of Colonel Tang's face, Mei Yaoxing, a veteran with facial paralysis, finally relented, but the conditions He wanted to bring his nephew with him who was unreliable and called "brainless". The reason was naturally that his nephew was the only bloodline of his Mei family and he didn't feel safe letting anyone else be with him.

Even Tang Dao couldn't refuse this reason.

In the Chinese army during this period, there were many brothers, cousins, uncles and nephews, and fathers and sons in the same army, but not everyone could enjoy the treatment of supporting relatives. Since 'Unhappy' dared to mention this condition, he Of course I have this level and qualifications.

'Unhappy' is exactly the opposite of his 'brainless' nephew. He has a strong battlefield insight and extraordinary adaptability. He also has accurate marksmanship and grenade shooting skills. In Tang Dao's opinion, , is an all-rounder, such a soldier is perfect for special forces.

In this way, 'No Brain' miraculously became a member of the most elite military branch of the Four Lines Regiment - the Special Forces Squadron. Although some people criticized it, who could let people have such an awesome uncle! This is also capital.

Moreover, the tactics of 'brainless' are barely good, but the popularity is good enough. Anyone who sees this young fat man who is only 20 years old and looks at his honest, warm and harmless smile can bear to feel depressed no matter how low he is. It would be better not to live there.

However, perhaps only the Special Forces Squadron knows a secret. The relationship member 'No Brain' looks silly and looks like a mascot, but in fact most people are deceived by his appearance.

His performance on the battlefield is absolutely shocking! In the battle of Mouse Mountain, the uncle-nephew duo of "Brainless" and "Unhappy" killed an entire Japanese infantry squad in the mountains and forests, all with long-range sniping.

The corpses of 15 Japanese soldiers with a light machine gun were scattered in the mountain forest covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters. The farthest person was 400 meters away from the sniper point of their uncle and nephew, and they did not have Niu Er's 2.5 times the scope.

According to Mei Yaoxing, who was born with facial paralysis and never seemed to be happy, his nephew was a born soldier. He usually seemed to have lost his soul when he was distracted, but once he entered the battlefield of life and death, his concentration even exceeded his own. He was not very good at first. Such shooting skills are also incredibly accurate.

In future terms: This is a competitive player!

Perhaps, only life and death can force out his potential!

The special squadron artificially concealed its "brainless" record. Except for the leader, Tang Dao, no one knew that this relative had such a trait.

It is somewhat unbelievable that he is usually lazy and harmless, but when he goes to the battlefield, he can transform into a cold-blooded sharpshooter. However, through Mei Bunao's experience, we may be able to understand why this young man with a usually cheerful face has such a big contrast.

‘Brainless’ comes from a relatively well-off family and has never suffered much from birth to the age of fifteen. He is optimistic by nature and does not like to worry about anything. Even though his father died young and he was raised by his mother, he still leaves most of his personal affairs to her mother.

But such days were interrupted when he was about to enter his sixteenth birthday. In the spring of 1933, the Battle of the Great Wall broke out and the Japanese came.

On the way to escape south, the passing Japanese troops brutally fired machine guns at Chinese refugees who dragged their families with them and did not want to be slaves to the subjugation. The reason was just that they wanted to see the embarrassing appearance of the Chinese fleeing from the bullets.

‘No-head’s’ mother exercised her motherly responsibility for the last time, blocking machine gun bullets with her body, and pushed No-head into the ravine and escaped by chance.

No-head begged all the way to Shaanxi Province, and found his uncle Mei Yaoxing. The moment he saw his uncle, No-head did not cry, but smiled brighter than the northwest sun, but only ‘Unhappy’ knew that his ‘fat nephew’, who was as thin as a bamboo pole, shed tears all night.

The reason why he smiled was that his mother told him before she died not to cry, but to smile more, and only by laughing can life be happier.

This is the mother, even if she died, she hoped that her son could live happily, just like before.

Therefore, ‘No-head’ was happy when he had nothing to do, even if he was considered to be silly! He was telling his mother in heaven: Mom, I listen to you, I’m fine!

However, only at the moment of killing the Japanese army, his heart was really happy, and he believed that his mother in heaven would also be happy for him, because her only son smiled again.

This time, the uncle and nephew's mission was to stop the Japanese reinforcements to the Japanese brigade headquarters.

Lying on the roof of the two-story building, No-head stared at the sight. It was the special forces soldier specially approved by Tang Tuanzuo after the victory of the Laoshushan battle. There were no more than 10 special forces soldiers with such qualifications, even in the current special forces squadron.

Yuanyuan's face showed a smile. The building he chose was a place he had deliberately familiarized himself with no less than ten times in the past few days since he sneaked into Licheng.

It was normal for a simple young man to hope to find a job as an apprentice and wander around.

The Japanese broke into this street, which was simply his home court.

"Bang!" A flare rose into the air from the other side of the street.

Yuanyuan's eyes narrowed, and facing the target in the sight, 'No-head' pulled the trigger fiercely.

"Bang" a gunshot, the gunshot was not very loud compared to the battlefield at the city gate that was already in full swing 600 meters away.

But for Nagano Yuwei, it was too terrifying.

There are enemies here, does that mean that the Chinese have entered the city in large numbers?

The most fatal thing is that the enemy's shooting is terribly accurate.

When the Japanese army sergeant heard the gunshot, he immediately made a tactical evasion, threw his body forward and rolled sideways to the street to find shelter. From the corner of his eye, he clearly saw one of his men fall down like a rotten wood.

The 7.92mm caliber bullet of the Czech semi-automatic rifle passed through the throat of the person, piercing the soft throat tissue and shattering the fragile cervical spine. The head may still be conscious, but his body can no longer be controlled by the brain, even a little finger, and it is really strange that it will not fall down like a rotten wood.

For the Japanese army, it is not only the enemy's accurate shooting that is fatal.

When the Japanese army was so scared that their hearts were about to explode and they were dodging, the gunshots did not stop. Eight shots were fired in a row until the Japanese army counterattacked and the light machine guns opened fire, and the gunshots of the sneak attack stopped.

But the damage caused by those eight shots was huge.

Whether you lie down or roll to find cover, in addition to the first unlucky guy, there are three more people who were hit. Two of them went to see Amaterasu without even a cry. One fell down in time, but because he fell too in time, he was hit in the back. It is estimated that the bullet broke his spine. His legs can't move, but his upper body can still move. He struggled to use his arms to support his whole body and crawled to the hidden spot on the corner of the street.

That look was so miserable that it made people feel creepy.

For Nagano Yuo, who was shivering all over, what was more terrifying was the enemy's choice, which was really cruel!

The bullets flew from two directions, left and right, but they didn't aim at him, the sergeant leading the team, even though his target was obvious.

The first to be killed was the grenade launcher team that was specially strengthened in the squad.

There were two soldiers in a grenade launcher group, one holding a grenade launcher, and the other carrying grenades and acting as an observer. One of them lost his life in the attack just now, while the other was still struggling to drag his lower body, which could no longer move, to crawl towards the street.

Even in order to survive, the Japanese soldier who was enduring great pain had his eyes bulged and strained, but he no longer cried.

This really requires very strong perseverance!

This Japanese soldier knew that all his companions had hidden on both sides of the street, leaving him alone in the middle of the street. If he made a sound and exposed the target, the next shot from the attacking gunman would naturally be him.

Obviously, the Japanese army still underestimated their opponents.

For this kind of Japanese army that has completely lost its combat effectiveness, whether it is "brainless" or "unhappy" who hides deeper, it will not be regarded as a threat. Moreover, if it is not killed immediately, it is not because of the crazy counterattack of the Japanese infantry.

That is bait!

Whether it is China or Japan, there is one thing that they think is the same, that is, they will never give up their comrades easily.

If you can abandon even your comrades who can help you back, then you will not have any sense of security on the battlefield, because no one dares to guard your back.

Guns and comrades are the most precious things for every soldier besides life.

So, when the Japanese machine guns were desperately shooting to cover, at least two Japanese soldiers crawled towards this miserable companion, trying to pull him to a safer place.

The next two gunshots made Nagano Yuwei close his eyes in pain.

The enemy is really too cruel.

Somehow, the Japanese Army Sergeant remembered the clear eyes of the wandering Taoist priest he saw at the city gate.

At that time, he thought it was the so-called practice!

Now thinking about it, it seems like a kind of contempt of the superior creatures looking at the inferior creatures!

In fact, from the moment the battalion headquarters was attacked, Nagano Yuo knew that the Chinese had already begun to infiltrate, right under his nose.

That wandering Taoist priest must be!

But Nagano Yuo, who had realized something, would never dream that the one who was slaughtering his subordinates now was the fat man who swaggered past him a week ago!






PS: It's almost the end of the month, brothers, don't be stingy with your votes!

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