Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 909: Put yourself in their shoes!

Unfortunately, the first motorized battalion was transformed in less than an hour.

All the captured trucks were requisitioned by Tang Dao, who was overjoyed, and were used to transport the huge baggage and supplies in Licheng.

And just when leaving the city, Tang Dao changed his original tactical arrangement.

His original wish to take his three main infantry battalions to participate in the subsequent battle was dashed because of a telegram from the 683rd Brigade. The 21st Division Headquarters received intelligence from afar that the 108th Division had begun to gather along the Handan-Changzhi line, which meant that Xia Xiongyuan had already felt that this battle could not be completed by relying solely on his troops in Lucheng and Changzhi. The Japanese army tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers away could reinforce the war zone at any time with a larger scale.

Licheng was only garrisoned by two infantry companies, and the force was too weak. After Tang Dao and Gong Shaoxun discussed, they decided to appoint Lei Xiong as the first commander in the direction of Licheng, commanding a battalion and part of the 1st and 2nd artillery companies under his command to garrison Licheng and command all transportation. Cheng Tieshou, the commander of the 2nd artillery company, was his deputy, with a machine gun platoon and three anti-aircraft machine gun platoons under his command, responsible for the air defense of the Licheng transportation line.

If the Japanese reinforcements came from the direction of Shecheng again, the battalion would rush to Dongyangguan and use it as a position to block the Japanese army, stopping the enemy at all costs until all the baggage in the direction of Licheng was evacuated.

The main force of the Four-line Regiment, which had joined forces with victory, did not march quickly immediately, but rested and ate breakfast in the mountains.

There were only Tang Dao and Lei Xiong on the hill.

At the foot of the mountain, there were rows of soldiers from the Four-Line Regiment sitting in the grass. They were ordered to take a temporary rest, but they all had smiles on their faces. The hot white flour buns and vegetable soup sent by the kitchen teams of each battalion were just one of the reasons. The victory in the attack on Licheng was the most important thing.

The key was that the battle was won, and the casualties were not many. Most of the brothers who ate at the same table were still around them.

The casualties of the entire Licheng battle were counted an hour ago.

The total casualties of the second and third battalions responsible for attacking the Licheng city wall did not exceed 100, of which 16 officers and soldiers of the second battalion were killed, 24 officers and soldiers of the third battalion were killed, and 52 people were seriously injured.

As the attacking side, the casualty ratio with the defending side was astonishingly 1 to 10. This result was unexpected by no one, including themselves.

Of course, there was a tactical victory. The special forces in the city attacked the Japanese battalion headquarters, causing the Japanese troops in the city to lose unified command and could only fight on their own, which was equivalent to the fragmentation of the Japanese combat system that was completely divided, and could only be tragically defeated one by one; but more of it was the embodiment of firepower advantage.

For this battle, the Four-Line Regiment deployed 4 large-caliber artillery pieces, 14 Type 82 mortars, 6 infantry guns, and 6 37mm rapid-fire guns, totaling an astonishing 30 artillery pieces. In contrast, the Japanese army only had 2 pitiful Type 92 infantry guns.

Moreover, until the Japanese baggage soldiers surrendered, the few spare artillery pieces in their baggage warehouse were still lying in wooden boxes, shining brightly under the protection of butter.

With a heavy firepower advantage of dozens of times that of the Japanese army, who else would die?

However, the jubilant officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment had no way of knowing that their two highest commanders were solemn on the top.

"Brother Lei, we don't know how determined the Japanese are, how many troops they will gather, and when they can arrive at the battlefield, but I know that if we want to eat up the 2,000 Japanese troops from Lucheng, it may not be enough to rely on the 683rd Brigade alone. Moreover, there are at least 2,000 Japanese troops in Changzhi. If we wait until they join the battle, the battle may be deadlocked.

With the current strength of the Japanese army, if we can't resolve the battle in the shortest time, what awaits us may be a bloody battle involving the entire southeastern Shanxi. The entire 921st Division, the 21st Group Army of the Sichuan Army, and our Four-Line Regiment are all forced to take out their old capital, but the Japanese have more than one 108th Division in Shanxi Province!" Tang Dao stood on a hill with a solemn face.

The battle situation at this time has exceeded his expectations, just like Lao Li in the Bright Sword, who never thought that his crazy battle would turn the entire northwest of Shanxi into a mess.

Tang Dao was confident enough. Even if the main force of the 108th Division was assembled, there was an infantry division of 921st Army in southeastern Shanxi, an infantry division of 21st Army, and the Four-line Regiment. The total strength of the two divisions and one regiment was nearly 30,000 people, which could tie with the Japanese. However, in that case, the main force of the Chinese army in southeastern Shanxi would suffer a heavy blow, while the Japanese North China Front Army still had enough troops to reinforce.

Perhaps, this inadvertently fit the strategy of the Japanese North China Front Army at this time, seeking a decisive battle with the main force of the Chinese army.

No matter how many Japanese invaders were annihilated by Licheng and Lucheng, the final outcome was that they won tactically but lost completely strategically.

Therefore, in order to solve this dilemma, Tang Dao must bring enough troops, cut through the rotten hemp with a quick knife, quickly solve the enemy in Lucheng, and wait for the main force of the 108th Division to arrive, so that they can experience the feeling of the daylily being cold.

However, in this case, Lei Xiong, who was responsible for guarding Licheng, only had one infantry battalion and a few limited artillery pieces. Once the Japanese troops that had begun to gather in the distance were determined enough, he would be in trouble.

The worst possibility was that the first battalion might face a deadly battle!

But for Tang Dao, there was only one person he could trust in such a battlefield that was completely beyond his control, and that was Lei Xiong, a brother who had fought side by side with him since he came to this time and space.

Although the military order had been issued, Tang Dao had to make it clear to him.

"The first battalion promises to complete the mission!" After hearing what Tang Dao said, Lei Xiong, who also had a solemn expression, did not hesitate at all. "but......"

"Say!" Tang Dao was slightly surprised.

Lei Xiong had a rugged personality, and he was also a tough guy when he was young. Back then, he and Tang Dao would disobey orders even if they said so, but there were very few times when he would make demands after already agreeing to fulfill military orders.

"Tuanzuo, if I die in the battle, you must accept my son as your godson as you promised me last time!" Lei Xiong scratched his head and said.

It was said that Lei Xiong was still in his hometown as his godson. It was when Tang Dao was celebrating his engagement. Several officers toasted Tang Dao and wished him a son soon. Tang Dao, who knew the long war, shook his head and sighed, saying that in this war Giving birth to a child is actually not necessarily a good thing for the child.

This is purely because Tang Dao comes from the future after all. He knows what war means to children. It’s nothing to live in a fixed place and be displaced. The most terrifying thing is to be shrouded in the shadow of death all the time, especially when there is a lack of medical treatment. Some of the children of senior generals died during this most difficult period.

For parents, the blow is really too big! Just like the military god, his lovely little daughter who was only a few years old died in a conspiracy and assassination. However, until his death, the real murderer was not found. It can be said that it has been heartbreaking for decades!

Tang Dao is not a god. He cannot protect everyone around him, just like those comrades who continue to sleep underground. No matter how heartbroken and helpless he is, he can only watch them leave. The only thing he can do is to be firm. He led the remaining people to continue fighting.

"It's better to have the baby later!" Lei Xiong, who was already a father, could understand Tang Dao's mood, so he took the initiative to say: "It's better to meet my boy that day and you become the godfather! There's no need to rush to give birth, you can also I can be a father!”

"It's a deal!" Tang Dao readily agreed.

However, that was about meeting Lei Xiong's family in the future, and neither party mentioned it again. Unexpectedly, at this time, Lei Xiong actually mentioned it again.

Obviously, he also realized that the battle situation was serious, and was ready for the decisive battle, so as to ensure that the boy at home had strong legs and completely eliminate worries.

"Haha, how can you go back on what you and I have agreed upon! Don't be so serious, as if the little devil could really swallow up your whole battalion, Vice-President Lei!" Tang Dao heard this. He said, the solemn look on his face faded, and he smiled.

"It is said that the first battalion defended Dongyang Pass, but our troops were prepared for a rainy day. I think Xiong Yuan has been making mistakes since he was attacked. He is just a mediocre general. He may not be able to smell the opportunity for a decisive battle. Moreover, Commander Liu of the 921st Division But the famous general I admire most, with his strategic vision, must know that the Japanese invaders cannot easily enter the Licheng-Lucheng battle zone, and he will definitely find a way to slow down the Japanese invaders' advance!"

"Speaking of which, you, the regiment leader, have a more important responsibility. Whether my battalion can escape intact depends on when the Lucheng battlefield will be over!" Lei Xiong's face also relaxed, and he said with a smile.

"Brother Lei, you are being unreasonable! I was trying to relieve your pressure, but you did the opposite and put a burden on my shoulders!" Tang Dao pointed at Lei Xiong and said.

"No way, who made you the godfather of E's baby? We can't let him have a godfather and lose his biological father!" Lei Xiong shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

"Haha! I can't refute this reason!" Tang Dao laughed. "I can't let my godson, whom I have never met, disappoint. I will take people to kill those idiots right away. Tomorrow at the latest!"

"Haha! Okay!" Lei Xiong also laughed.

"Brother Lei! See you at the station!" Tang Dao saluted Lei Xiong.

"Seats, see you at the station!" Lei Xiong returned the greeting.

The two commanders and deputy commanders of the Four Lines Regiment exchanged military salutes on this hill, and then went down the mountain on their own sides. The Four Lines Regiment that had just reunited would separate again here and rush to the battlefield.

Lei Xiong had already ordered Wei Donglai's second company to attack the remnants of the Japanese army that had completely retreated from Shecheng, and immediately pursue the victory and occupy Dongyang Pass, a key point 10 kilometers away from Licheng.

The first engineer company will ride a motorcycle to Dongyang Pass guarding the gate of Licheng, and help build defensive positions in advance. In the afternoon, after repairs, the remaining 1st company, 3rd company, fire support company and artillery unit of the first battalion will be waited until the baggage company arrives. Will also rush to Dongyangguan.

Wei Donglai, who had basically ended the attack and killed more than 100 remaining Japanese troops, received the military order and immediately gave up cleaning the battlefield. The whole company followed the road and fought towards Dongyang Pass.

As the name suggests, Dongyang Pass is an ancient pass guarding the only road from Shecheng to Licheng. In ancient times, there were bunker fortresses and city walls along the mountains. With the strong walls, in the era of cold weapons, it could block at least ten times the enemy.

But in this war era dominated by thermal weapons, hiding in a pass of no more than a few thousand square meters is almost a target. The 47th Army of the 21st Group Army was ordered to guard Dongyang Pass a month ago, and it was only by relying on the surrounding mountains to form a blocking position that it was able to fight with 3,000 people. The remaining Japanese troops fought bloody battles for three days and nights.

The Japanese also have troops stationed here. However, with the complete fall of Licheng, Lucheng, Changzhi and other major cities, and not far from Licheng and Shecheng, safety can basically be guaranteed as long as they do not enter the mountains. The Japanese troops stationed here are just An infantry squad, only 45 people.

Located on the mountains on both sides of Dongyang Pass, although there were simple positions built by the Sichuan Army, the Japanese army only established outposts on them and did not station a large number of troops.

The reason is of course that the Chinese army lacks artillery. Even if they attack in large numbers, as long as they can hold the pass first, they can hold it until reinforcements arrive.

But this is also the main reason why the Japanese infantrymen in the pass were so nervous because of the rumbling of gunfire less than a kilometer away, and they firmly guarded the pass.

The 500 reinforcements that passed through the pass earlier were strong enough to make the Japanese infantrymen feel safe.

But Lieutenant Ma Tian was still very nervous. The phone calls to Licheng and Shecheng were completely destroyed half an hour ago. The small Dongyang Pass became an isolated island, and he could not get any information from the outside world.

He only knew that Licheng was attacked by the Chinese at 5 a.m., and Shecheng had sent reinforcements to pass through Dongyang Pass. More than an hour ago, a huge force of more than 500 people, carried by trucks, motorcycles, and some pack horses and carts, passed through the pass.

Such a large force is not afraid of facing a Chinese infantry regiment, but why did he hear the sound of popping beans and explosions half an hour ago?

Lieutenant Mata graduated from the NCO Academy two years ago, and it has been a year since he became a full-fledged Army Lieutenant from a trainee Lieutenant. From the direction of the gunshot, it can be seen that the battlefield is not far from Dongyang Pass. Could it be that the Chinese army is not far away?

When he thought of this result, Mata Machi felt a chill on his back. He knew that with the help of the strong wall, he might be able to block the attack of several times the number of Chinese, but what if the Chinese army is far more than he imagined?

The firepower of the Chinese army is indeed not strong, but they have a lot of people! More importantly, he is just an infantry squad with two light machine guns, two grenade launchers, and 36 rifles, and the firepower is not very strong.

The Chinese dared to attack Licheng, which has thousands of troops. It is unknown when they will attack Dongyang Pass. As for the 500 people who just passed by, Lieutenant Mata, who was scolded by the Army Captain who led him because he opened the road a little late, instinctively did not have much hope.

‘A commander who cannot keep a cool head on the battlefield is most likely to send his subordinates to hell! 'This is a classic quote from the then principal of the NCO school, Kazuo Shinozuka, when Lieutenant Asada was still studying at the NCO school.

Machi Asada has always believed it!

If the Chinese set up a blocking position in the mountains on the way to Licheng, I am afraid that this batch of reinforcements will return in defeat.

What you think is what you want!

In Machi Asada's telescope, a group of khaki figures drove a carriage along the road.

As they got closer and closer, Lieutenant Asada's face became uglier.

The cart in front was not filled with supplies, but khaki, and there were also dark marks on the khaki running.

As a soldier, Lieutenant Asada knew that it was blood!

"Immediately remove the fortifications and let them enter the pass quickly!" Machi Asada quickly ordered.

Needless to say, it must be that the 500 imperial reinforcements to reinforce Licheng were blocked in the mountains. These were either wounded or the remains of imperial infantry who died in battle. Machi Asada quickly filled in the blanks.

Although he had been severely scolded more than an hour ago, this did not prevent him from helping his colleagues. Personal grudges would never be brought to the battlefield. This was the most basic quality of the Imperial Army.

From this point of view, Machi Asada was definitely a model of Japanese infantry.

Even, he had ordered his subordinates to prepare clean water after taking the initiative to walk out of the fortifications. There was a lack of sufficient medicine inside the pass, but he could give some help to these colleagues who had fought bravely.

The Japanese second lieutenant, who had a strong sense of self-discipline, was too self-involved. He never thought of a possibility at all. The 500-man army disappeared. The khaki color might still be khaki, but the people under the khaki color were different.

Unfortunately, the very self-disciplined Japanese second lieutenant had put down the telescope hanging around his neck. Otherwise, with his mind, he might have found some clues.

The more than 30 figures who were running wildly saw that the Japanese soldiers at the pass began to pull down the barricades at the pass. As if sensing the care from their colleagues, they also slowed down their pace thirty or forty meters away, and were no longer as anxious as before.

Sure enough, people should be empathetic!

Lieutenant Ma Tian's eyes flashed with relief!

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I didn't update yesterday, and I didn't ask for leave. I really don't know what to say. The National Day holiday, because of the mask incident, so that teachers and students don't run around, Fengyue's school didn't have a holiday at all. As luck would have it, Fengyue went to the college for class yesterday. A parent who came to deliver something to the student was a close contact, so everyone stayed in silence in the school until 9 o'clock in the evening when the risk was lifted. Then I had another day of class today, and I didn't start writing until I got home after 5 o'clock. I'll tell you while updating, sorry!

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