Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 910 Recapture Dongyang Pass!

"My fellow soldiers, please come quickly to prevent the Chinese from following us!" Lieutenant Asada saw the imperial infantrymen on the opposite side slowing down their pace, and he couldn't help but feel anxious and waved to the opposite side.

But the more than 30 people on the opposite side seemed not to hear his call, but slowed down even more.

Because the distance of 30 meters was close enough, Lieutenant Asada could clearly see the thick eyebrows under the steel helmet of the leading sergeant, who was very handsome!

However, facing this handsome military face, Mada Zhenzhi had a warning sign for no reason, and subconsciously stretched out his hand: "Wait!"

As soon as the two words came out, he regretted it. The practical experience of the past six months told him that if he had doubts on the battlefield, the most important thing he should do was to put himself in a safe place first, rather than express it in words, which was something the teachers at the NCO school could not teach him.

Then, Lieutenant Asada was horrified to see that the leading sergeant took out a pistol that was not a standard of the Imperial Army from under his uniform and fired.

With the crazy shooting of "Da Da Da!", the blood of Lieutenant Mata seemed to solidify at that moment.

The enemy, it was the enemy! This was the second to last thought in Lieutenant Mata Machi's mind when the solidified blood gushed out like a flood. Lieutenant Mata Machi was pushed back by the kinetic energy of the bullets.

'If possible, I will never listen to those teachers' nonsense again. It's better to be selfish than to be an upright soldier! If I had been in the fortifications, I would still be alive now! ' This was the last thought that Mata Machi had before he sank into eternal darkness.

Unfortunately, what ifs are there in this world? According to the current situation, even if he hid in the fortifications, he would only die a little later.

Yes, the Japanese second lieutenant with the highest military rank in Dongyang Pass, but the first to die, made a very accurate judgment at the moment when the bullets were about to hit him. These more than 30 people were all officers and soldiers of the 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion.

Wei Donglai, who came from the Sichuan Army, took a different approach from Cai Yongguan, who fought side by side with him to the end.

If it were Cai Yongguan, the probability of a hard attack would be as high as 90%, but after Wei Donglai received Lei Xiong's military order, he glanced at the dozens of Japanese remnants who had driven away from the road and chose to escape into the mountains, and he immediately had an idea in his mind.

The remnants of the Japanese were knocked unconscious by a stick in front, and were kicked to death by their own 2nd Company. They would never dare to return to the road easily, but the Japanese army at Dongyang Pass did not know that their army had disappeared.

The intelligence said clearly that although there were only 40 to 50 Japanese soldiers at Dongyang Pass, he also had several mortars and more than 100 people. If he attacked hard, the casualties might be greater than he imagined.

Moreover, his 2nd Company had just been replenished, and the proportion of its new recruits exceeded 50%. If the casualties in the first battle were large, the morale would inevitably be low.

Hard attack is the worst choice!

Then use wits! Wei Donglai made his choice after only one minute of consideration!

He ordered the veterans in the company to wear the bodies of the Japanese invaders who were killed, and led the team himself. It would be best if they could trick the Japanese army in Dongyang Pass into opening the switch and letting them in. If not, they could shorten the charge distance by getting close enough and covering them with crazy firepower!

Of course, this move also has huge risks. If the Japanese army is cautious enough and orders them to stay more than 100 meters away and wait for inspection, then their elite 2nd company will all stay in the open field without cover and within the range of Japanese machine guns and rifles!

But, in Wei Donglai's words: "On the battlefield, don't put your head on your belt! If you want no risk, then go back home and hug your baby."

Wei Donglai made the right bet. The Japanese army in Dongyang Pass never dreamed that their 500 troops would be defeated so quickly, and they were unprepared for their friendly troops who were running with corpses.

In order to be more realistic, the first car compartment was really full of the corpses of the Japanese soldiers who were killed!

With Wei Donglai firing the first shot as a signal, more than 30 officers and soldiers in Japanese military uniforms dispersed to both sides. Some held the same MP28 submachine gun as Wei Donglai, some held Mauser pistols, and some held semi-automatic rifles!

This was all the continuous firepower that Wei Donglai's 2nd Company could gather. Before Lei Xiong asked the 2nd Company to encircle the Japanese army's rear, in order to ensure the firepower intensity of the 2nd Company, he specially transferred 5 submachine guns and 5 semi-automatic rifles to the 2nd Company, and now all of them were used.

At this distance, the firepower of up to 12 submachine guns, 15 Mauser pistols, and 10 semi-automatic rifles instantly spewed out, even heavy machine guns had to temporarily avoid it, not to mention the Type 38 rifle that had to pull the bolt after firing a shot.

Almost without aiming, the simplest firepower coverage suppressed a Japanese squad responsible for defense near the Dongyangguan city wall hole.

The first carriage was even pulled sideways to be used as a fortification, with at least five semi-automatic rifles hiding behind it, suppressing the Japanese troops on the wall.

The piled-up bodies of the Japanese soldiers in the carriage became sandbags for field battles, allowing the Japanese bullets to hit them, causing blood to splash!

This is war, no matter what!

As long as they can save themselves and their comrades, Chinese soldiers can even use their own bodies as fortifications, not to mention the enemy's.

A round of crazy rain of bullets directly stunned the Japanese army. The Japanese soldiers who were lucky enough to escape the rain of bullets all retreated into the fortifications. For more than ten seconds, no decent counterattack was organized, and only the roar of anger could be heard!

After confirming that they had lost their commander, a Japanese Army sergeant began to take over the command and ordered his men to start a counterattack. This was also the daily operation of the Japanese Army. From the division to the infantry squad, there would always be several backup candidates.

As for whether the backup candidates were looking forward to taking the position one day, that was determined by human nature.

The fact is that the Japanese troops in Dongyang Pass soon had their own new commander. If nothing unexpected happened, they would be able to organize an effective counterattack soon with the protection of the bunker. The rain of bullets from submachine guns, rifles, and Mauser pistols alone could not destroy the relatively solid city walls and those field fortifications built of sandbags and wood.

But as the canvas covering the second carriage that was a little further away was pulled open, the Japanese soldiers in the bunker on the city wall shouted wildly.

Because what was loaded inside was not a person, but a big guy!

It was an Oerlikon machine gun, which was damaged in the battle. The 67th Army did not take it back because it was useless, but the officers and soldiers of the Four-line Regiment were reluctant to throw it away, so they kept it on the transport vehicle of the baggage company. When they arrived in Zhengzhou, they had enough time and a machinery factory. Teacher He organized people to use lathes to make parts and replace them. This old Oerlikon single-barrel machine gun was finally fully put into use.

Undoubtedly, the right to use this machine gun should belong to Cheng Tieshou's Artillery Company 2, but Tang Dao considered that the regiment must have a few heavy weapons, especially after entering Taihang Mountain in the future. The future station of the three infantry battalions will not be too close to the regiment. In case of heavy firearms support, there is no need to transfer it back and forth. It is better to leave it to the special agent company and provide more protection for the regiment!

This time, because the first battalion was going to fight a blocking battle, Lei Xiong personally asked Tang Dao to call it to ensure the intensity of firepower, and then gave it to the 2nd Company. Unexpectedly, it really came in handy.

The small carriage was loaded with a lot of stuff, including the Oerlikon machine gun and several shooters, as well as a pile of sandbags that had been filled.

The packhorses pulling the carriage had long been untied and driven away. Taking advantage of the gap before the Japanese army started to counterattack, four shooters quickly used the sandbags in the carriage to build sandbag fortifications facing the Dongyang Pass. The Oerlikon machine gun with a gun mount and a steel shield was put into use in just one minute.

During this minute, the Japanese army did not try to shoot at this terrible big guy, but the Chinese soldiers distributed in the wild not only suppressed it with more violent bullets, but also began to throw grenades!

The distance of less than 30 meters was enough for them to throw grenades around the sandbag fortifications under the pass. Perhaps the flying shrapnel was not so threatening to the Japanese army behind the fortifications, but the thick smoke blocked the sight of the Japanese army above and below the pass, making it impossible for them to see the target dozens of meters away. The counterattack was mostly X** shooting!

"Bang, bang, bang!" The dull sound of the Oerlikon machine gun rang out.

The Japanese troops hiding behind the sandbag fortifications soon discovered that the fortifications that could withstand heavy machine gun fire were not only no longer safe, but even more dangerous than no fortifications.

A bullet as big as a cigar could penetrate a 20mm steel plate within a distance of 500 meters, not to mention the fortifications mainly built by the Japanese army with earth and wood?

You have to know that this thing, in the future, the "Tuba"s used it to attack bunkers. Almost whoever encountered it was finished, and the thick brick walls could not stop it.

Yes, the 80th Army was poorly equipped. The entire army had no more than 20 mortars, and the 75 mountain guns that were common in the Japanese army were so few that they had to be counted on fingers, otherwise they would not be called "Tuba" by the Japanese army, but they had this imported dual-purpose anti-aircraft gun, which was seized from the troops of the rich old man Yan during the Eastern Expedition two years ago.

If the 80th Army had only four guns in total and was not able to provide several guns to each infantry regiment, the future strategy of digging deep trenches and building many bunkers to implement a super blockade led by "China expert" Okamura Koji would have been turned into a big sieve.

The Oerlikon machine gun, which was responsible for destroying important fortifications on the Japanese positions, mainly fired at the Japanese field fortifications under the command of the observer.

At a distance of up to 50 meters, the terrible kinetic energy carried by the 20mm shells could not be resisted by sandbags and blue bricks, even the steel plates on the side of the Type 89 tanks might not be able to withstand it. The sandbags were hit and dust was scattered, and the Japanese hiding in them were torn to pieces while the sandbags were penetrated.

If you are hit by such a shell, your arm will be gone if you hit your leg, and your leg will be gone if you hit your body. Congratulations, you don't have to worry about what parts are missing, because the whole person is gone, shattered by the shell.

The bloody storm, even the rising white smoke seemed to turn pink at that moment, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, the Japanese infantry, who were famous for their tenacity, could not bear it.

No one would dare to stay in the fortifications where they witnessed their companions being smashed alive, and they might become the next pile of minced meat that no one knew, right?

In the fortifications under Dongyang Pass, the remaining Japanese infantry fled the fortifications that were about to become a grave of death, and tried their best to run towards the pass. Only by hiding in the pass could they have a glimmer of hope.

However, the Japanese soldiers who escaped from the fortifications at the fastest speed in their lives obviously forgot that no matter how skilled the tactical movements were, even if they jumped out of the fortifications and rolled on the ground continuously, it was futile and even ridiculous in front of the submachine gun bullets that were shot like a heavy rain.

No one can be faster than a bullet with a speed of hundreds of meters per second. The only ones who can dodge bullets like that are the protagonists with a full halo of pig feet in future TV series.

Obviously, these Japanese soldiers who were mowed down by the rain of bullets and could only wail in despair were only supporting roles, and they were the kind of super-small roles that didn't even have a name and could only scream in dialogue. Many of them were shot and killed in the first step of their escape without a sound.

But compared with the powerful machine guns and the pouring rain of bullets, what frightened the Japanese army more was the deep blue that began to bend over and run fast in the mountains more than 300 meters away, and the clouds of gunpowder that began to rise in Dongyang Pass. Even the three infantry platoons lurking hundreds of meters away began to attack, and several mortars that had adjusted the firing range and firing angle also began to indiscriminately bombard Dongyang Pass. The reason why they did not aim at the gate area of ​​Dongyang Pass was that the more than 30 veterans led by Wei Donglai were too close to there. The closest one was less than 20 meters away.

The firepower was completely suppressed, and the colleagues in the fortifications under the pass were basically exhausted. This means that Dongyang Pass is almost like a girl who was pressed to the ground by several pairs of big hands and had her clothes torn off. She can only wait desperately for the Chinese soldiers who rushed in madly.

If it were an ordinary army, facing this situation, they might have had a psychological breakdown, and running away would be the most correct choice.

But when it comes to iron heads, the Japanese Army is definitely a leader. The heroic Imperial Japanese Army dared to confront the tanks of the red polar bear with sabers in the future Battle of Nomonhan, and could chop the tanks with sparks flying with crazy machine guns, although they were soon crushed into a pool of meat!

On Saipan Island in the Pacific Ocean in the future, when the Japanese royal family even announced their surrender, there were still thousands of Japanese soldiers hiding in the tropical rainforest, fighting guerrilla warfare with the United States by eating the corpses of their colleagues!

This is really a group of guys who have been brainwashed by the Japanese royal family and gone crazy!

Even in this way, no one retreated!

Even though they didn't have any heavy weapons, the only grenade launcher that could threaten the machine guns became silent after firing several rounds in a row. It was unknown whether it was killed by the mortars or died in the machine guns.

The machine guns also shot the broken wall of the pass, causing bricks and stones to fly everywhere. The dozen veterans near the pass threw grenades crazily, and almost no one was still alive.

Yes, those who were still there were basically dead!

But in a fortification more than 40 meters away, a Type 96 light machine gun, despite the roar of the machine gun, fired at the machine gun, causing dust to fly on the sandbags and sparks to fly on the steel shields. Several ricochets hit the ammunition soldiers who were handing over the bullets, and they fell into the carriage fortifications without a sound.

"Bombs, load the shells for me!" The machine gunner's eyes turned red and he roared angrily.

The smoke obscured the sight of the Japanese army, but also obscured the sight of the machine gunner. He didn't notice that there was a machine gun fortification farther away. It was such a negligence that led to the sacrifice of his comrades.

The blood flowing from his head and his body that was no longer moving proved that the ammunition man could not survive.

His heart was bleeding, but he had no time to feel sad!

The most important thing now was to destroy the fortification and the machine gun, even if he would be hit by machine gun bullets the next moment.

Otherwise, more comrades would fall!

However, under this kind of rain of bullets, everyone would be afraid and would instinctively hide behind the fortification instead of standing up to load the machine gun. That would really kill them.

Another ammunition man hesitated slightly, and a row of machine gun bullets swept over again, sparks flying on the steel shield.

"Fuck you, I order you to load me immediately!" The roar of the machine gunner even overwhelmed the blazing bullets.

Bravery and cowardice intertwined on the battlefield, and bravery prevailed in the end! The ammunition carrier endured the fear of being shot and stuffed the bullet into the magazine.

At the same time, a mountain breeze blew, dispersing the thick smoke that blocked the vision of both sides!

The machine gunner and the Japanese machine gunner saw each other's position almost at the same time. The machine gunner sergeant shooter, whose adrenaline had surged, could even see the cold eyes of the Japanese machine gunner who was equally fearless in the fortifications 40 meters away.

The muzzle of the heavy machine gun swung slightly. While the scope locked the Japanese fortifications, the lighter Japanese 96 light machine gun roared first, with a long burst of fire. At least seven or eight bullets hit the carriage within three seconds. If it weren't for the sandbags prepared in advance and the 10mm thick steel plate shield equipped by the Oerlikon machine gun, not only would the machine gun sergeant shooter be shot directly into a sieve, but the observer in the carriage and the timid ammunition carrier would also not want to survive.

Even so, a machine gun bullet still passed through the gap of the steel shield and hit the left arm of the machine gunner. Although the .5mm caliber bullet is not as terrible as the 20mm machine gun bullet, it is also a terrible weapon for killing people. The machine gunner's arm was directly broken. The blood gushed out and the red and white bone stumps that pierced through the military uniform showed the severity of his injury. With the current medical level of the Four-Line Regiment, even if he was rescued in time and survived, this arm would probably be useless.

But the machine gunner seemed to be unaware, as if he was not shot.

The muscles on his face twitched twice with difficulty and pain, "Damn it, it's my turn to kill you now! Let's see who dies first." The finger suddenly pulled the trigger.

In a series, at least five shells hit the Japanese machine gun fortifications in a continuous manner. The trigger was pulled again, and it was another ten rounds in a row. It was visible to the naked eye that the Japanese sandbag fortifications were hit in a mess, steel parts were flying, and it was completely silent.

Even the steel of machine guns was broken into pieces, not to mention the human body behind the machine guns. The Japanese machine gunner was pierced by at least three 20mm caliber shells, and his entire upper body was almost shattered. Only a steel helmet was left, still spinning in the sandbag fortifications.

With the destruction of the Japanese machine gun fortifications, the sporadic shooting of the Japanese infantry was unable to stop the advance of more than 100 Chinese soldiers.

When the firepower group with submachine guns and Mauser pistols as the vanguard rushed into the pass, the remaining Japanese troops finally began to flee, but it was obviously too late.

The continuous rain of bullets from alternating shooting would not give them any possibility of escape.

From Lieutenant Mata Machi and below, the 47-man infantry squad stationed at Dongyang Pass was completely wiped out!

And the 2nd Company of Wei Donglai, at the cost of 2 deaths and 8 injuries, occupied the gateway of Licheng!

It took only 10 minutes, not only blocking the escape route of the remnants of the Japanese army that had fled into the mountains to Shecheng, but also buying enough time for the 1st Battalion to deploy positions.

Lei Xiong gave Wei Donglai and the 2nd Company 2 hours in the military order!

After the war, because of this battle, although the number of enemies annihilated was not large, it was of great significance. The newly formed 2nd Company won the first-class collective combat merit, and Wei Donglai was promoted again, and his rank was promoted to captain!

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