Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 932 The devil will become a demon!

The Japanese troops in the encirclement actually raised a white flag!

A Japanese officer tied a white cloth to his rifle, tremblingly climbed up from the wilderness, and walked towards the gradually approaching Chinese army.

Obviously, he came with the order of his superiors. At this time, perhaps it was no longer a negotiation, but a surrender.

The infantry battalion commander leading the team in front was a little overwhelmed. He ordered the Japanese officer who came to negotiate to stay dozens of meters away from a distance, and then ordered the signalman to go and inform several regiment commanders who were discussing how to annihilate the enemy.

Including Tang Dao, almost all Chinese commanders were a little distracted for a moment.

They had fought many battles with the Japanese army, and they had also experienced battlefields where they surrounded the Japanese army and annihilated them. There were also Japanese soldiers who chose to surrender at the last moment, but this kind of Japanese army with more than a hundred people chose to surrender as a whole. That was really the first time they saw it.

"Damn it, the little Japanese want to give in now, it's too late! What's the point of talking? Tell that little Japanese to tell his regiment commander to clean your necks and wait for us to chop them off." Wang Xiaoqiang, who was the first to react, glared and roared.

"Old Wang, don't be so angry. Since the little Japanese wants to surrender, why not let him come over and listen to him talk about how to surrender. If it works, we can not only solve this group of Japanese troops without bloodshed and without firing a single shot, but also send a group of prisoners to the division headquarters. Why not?" The head of the 771st Regiment was older and more mature, waving his hand to persuade.

"Old Chen, tell me, what do you think?" Wang Xiaoqiang, who had a violent personality, saw that someone objected, and it was not easy to argue, so he looked at the young head of the 769th Regiment.

"The chief is not here, I think we have to listen to the opinion of Headquarters Tang, he is the one who deals with the Japanese the most here." The calm young head looked at Tang Dao.

No wonder this person is the one who achieved the most in the future among the three. His IQ and EQ are both super online. Tang Dao understood what he meant when he heard what he said.

Although the three of them are from the same division, the 771st Regiment and the 772nd Regiment belong to the same brigade. The 772nd Regiment and the 771st Regiment have different opinions on whether to accept the surrender of the Japanese army. If he talks to him, the commander of a different brigade, he will offend one of them no matter what he says.

But Tang Dao is different. He is not in the sequence of the 921st Division and can express his opinions from his own standpoint. Moreover, Tang Dao is absolutely confident in speaking.

This battle seems to be the key to the entire battle as the 921st Division has spent a lot of money to dispatch four infantry regiments. But the role of the Four-Line Regiment can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. It is rare to conquer Licheng with the strength of one regiment. After the battle, they marched for dozens of miles to participate in the encirclement and annihilation of the main force of the Japanese army. It is an understatement to say that they have made great contributions.

For this young commander who is only 23 years old, if the Four-Line Regiment had not provided several anti-tank guns and supported a large number of artillery shells, even if the Japanese invaders could be completely wiped out in this battle, the three infantry regiments would have suffered more than 2,000 casualties.

The young commander pushed Tang Dao out at this time, which was actually a personal statement: Commander Tang had made great achievements in the war, and what he said was important! I support it!

Not only did he cleverly not participate in the dispute between the two regimental-level cadres Wang and Xu, but he also expressed his recognition of Tang Dao. How high is his emotional intelligence?

"If you want me to say it! The 108th Infantry Regiment under the 108th Division committed heinous crimes in my Hebei Province. Before my Four-Line Regiment went out, I warned the entire Four-Line Regiment that I would not accept the surrender of a single soldier of the 108th Infantry Regiment. In such a big battle, there is no time to distinguish, just kill them all!" Tang Dao smiled faintly on his face and stood up and said.

"I knew you would say that, brother!" Wang Xiaoqiang grinned at the commander of the 771st Regiment. "The damned little devils killed countless of our soldiers and civilians, and you still want to live now?"

The head of the 771st Regiment frowned slightly. It was the first time he saw Tang Dao, but he didn't expect this young man in his early 20s to be so murderous. However, Tang Dao fired thousands of rifles, machine guns and artillery at once, and his 771st Regiment also gained a lot of benefits. There were two infantry companies with all Japanese weapons participating in the battle this time, all thanks to Tang Dao. He wanted to refute but couldn't say anything.

"However, the battlefield has been decided at this time, and more than 200 little devils are not pigs. Even if we have thousands of people to fight, not to mention wasting artillery shells, there will definitely be some casualties. The lives of Japanese are worthless, but the lives of our own brothers are very precious. We can't lose them for these worthless little devils." Tang Dao changed the subject. "It doesn't matter what they say. It won't take up much time. We can use this time to let the brothers drink some water, eat something and rest. If the Japanese want to play some tricks, it's not too late to fight them later!"

"Brother, you have said all the right and wrong things." Wang Xiaoqiang pointed at the Tang sword helplessly. "Okay! Let's do as you say, brother, and let them live a little longer!"

"I agree with what Captain Tang said!" The young captain smiled. "Well, I have a suggestion. How about letting Captain Tang make the decision on the negotiation of surrender with the Japanese? Otherwise, the four of us will talk back and forth. The Japanese are already scared, and they will be even more scared later."

"Old Chen! Among the commanders of our 921st Division, you are the most cunning one. I don't know. You are clearly saying this to me, telling me to talk less!" Wang Xiaoqiang said bluntly with his eyes wide open.

Don’t think that Wang Xiaoqiang is only a deputy regiment commander, but that was because he was given too few positions in the reorganization in July last year, and was forced to be demoted. In fact, many regiment commanders and deputy regiment commanders had the same position before. As long as it was not a regular military meeting, Wang Xiaoqiang would not ignore any of the people present.

In fact, it won’t take too long. With the expansion of the 921st Division, several deputy regiment commanders led by Wang Xiaoqiang will become the head of a regiment.

The people present laughed at this straightforward statement!

“I agree!” The head of the 771st Regiment also nodded in approval.

Before Brigade Commander Cheng arrived, Tang Dao also knew that it would be better for someone to stand up instead of letting several people discuss it one by one.

If the negotiation with the Japanese army to accept the surrender is handled well, it is also a skill. If he wants to gain a foothold in the 80th Army, he must not only be appreciated by the upper echelons, but also the support of these backbone regiment-level cadres is also very important.

And these regiment commanders have fought in blood and fire. If they want to gain their recognition, ability is the first element.

"Okay, since you think highly of me, I will be disrespectful!" Tang Dao nodded and looked at the signalman. "Search the Japanese soldiers responsible for the negotiations first. Remember, don't let go of their leather boots. After the inspection, let him come over."

Small details made the young regiment leader's eyes flash with approval.

This shows that although Tang Dao is young, he is not the kind of person who is easily carried away by success. Even in this situation of complete advantage, he will never relax.

If the Japanese have some thoughts, there are four regimental-level cadres here. Let alone killing them all, even if one or two are injured, then today's battle will be lost even if it is won.

As a second lieutenant squad leader of the 103rd Infantry Regiment, Kuroki Komatsu had many dreams before entering China.

He dreamed that he was successful and became a major general of the army with full medals, and returned home in glory! At that moment, his parents smiled like a flower, and the face of the girl under the cherry tree was even more beautiful than the cherry blossoms.

He also dreamed that he was covered in blood and lay on the battlefield to take his last breath! His body was burned to ashes and put into a small wooden box, which was sent back to his hometown across the ocean!

He also dreamed that the girl who had been waiting for him for several years under the cherry tree in his hometown finally married the fat son of the landlord at the entrance of the village with tears in her eyes!

But whether it was a good dream or a nightmare, Lieutenant Kuroki Komatsu never thought that one day he would raise the white flag and beg for surrender to the Chinese soldiers.

Yes, when Colonel Goto Koshiminami ordered him to go to the Chinese position alone to seek the possibility of negotiation, a strong sense of shame filled his chest.

He once wanted to scold the cowardice of the army colonel, but when he thought of his parents' tears of sadness after his death, and the girl waiting for him could only marry the rich but greasy fat man, all his courage disappeared.

The so-called title of the warrior of the Imperial Japanese Army may have been shattered the moment he inserted the white cloth into the Type 38 bayonet and raised it high!

When Kuroki Komatsu walked towards the Chinese position, he did not look back at his colleagues who were still lying on the position. He was afraid of seeing their contemptuous eyes, and even more afraid of seeing through the truth hidden behind the contempt.


Like Kuroki Komatsu, for the honor of the Imperial Army, they have tried their best and fought for hours with enemy forces that are several times larger than themselves, but now it is impossible to break out of the encirclement. In desperation, they just want to live and return home alive.

So, when the Chinese soldiers "arrogantly" asked the Japanese lieutenant to take off his shirt, pants and even boots for inspection, Kuroki Komatsu was also disheartened and did it one by one.

This is the right of the winner!

But, this is more than that.

"How do you want to surrender!" The young Chinese officer was much more direct than Kuroki Komatsu imagined.

"Colonel Goto has told me that the battle has been decided. In order to stop unnecessary casualties between the two armies, if your department can guarantee the personal safety of our officers and soldiers, and promise to give all our officers and soldiers the treatment of prisoners of war stipulated in the 'Geneva Convention', and to release our officers and soldiers when conditions permit in the future, our department will lay down our arms and give up resistance!" Kuroki Komatsu replied after a moment of silence.

This is the result of his efforts to beautify Goto Koshiminami's original words. The original words of the Japanese Army Colonel did not admit surrender, and he was more inclined to think that this was a negotiation.

Until now, Goto Koshiminami still maintains the so-called pride of the Imperial Army. He wants to live but does not want to admit surrender. He is extremely typical of being both a man and a woman.

Since taking off his clothes and accepting inspection in the eyes of hatred, the Japanese Army Second Lieutenant knew that Colonel Goto was too wishful. The Chinese soldiers here may not want to accept their surrender. What they want most is to slaughter them like cattle and horses.

How the imperial infantry treated their people was how they would treat themselves. This was actually fair. Thinking of the eyes of the Chinese who died in agony after being nailed to the walls of rural houses and disemboweled, Kuroki Komatsu became more and more terrified.

"Give up resistance?" Tang Dao looked at the cautious Japanese lieutenant in front of him, and a hint of sarcasm flashed across his lips. "Your Excellency the Colonel, you want to be treated as a formal prisoner of war, but you don't even want to admit surrender? How can such a good thing be possible? Then go back and tell them that since the invaders invaded our land, our Chinese soldiers and civilians have vowed to fight the invaders to the end. Life and death are no longer a concern for our Chinese soldiers.

Moreover, I am sure that in 10 minutes, only 10 minutes, our army can kill you all in this wilderness. I, Tang Dao, can give you a chance to watch the time. "

"No, no, Tang Jun, please don't misunderstand!" Fear flashed in Kuroki Kosong's eyes, and he denied it repeatedly. "You can tell me your conditions, and I will tell you the truth to the Colonel!"

"Okay! Wouldn't it be much happier to say it this way!" Tang Dao nodded. "First, you need to pile all the weapons together, and then everyone kneels 100 meters away from the weapons, raises your hands, and waits for our army to accept the surrender!

Secondly, all surrendering bandits must sign and fingerprint the surrender document prepared by our department, otherwise our department will not provide formal prisoner of war treatment!

Third, and most importantly, our department has sworn before sending troops that in view of the atrocities committed by the 108th Infantry Regiment on our soil, we will not accept the surrender of one soldier by the 108th Infantry Regiment. Therefore, among the infantry units that should surrender, Our department does not want to see anyone from the 108th Infantry Regiment! "

"This" Kuroki Komatsu was shocked.

On the way here, he had thought about how harsh the Chinese people's conditions would be, but he never thought they would be so harsh.

No matter it is the first or second item, it is hard to accept! Is there any reason why people should raise their hands to surrender while kneeling? Signing and fingerprinting the surrender document nailed everyone's voluntary surrender to the coffin board. It was almost like carving the word surrender on their foreheads. As soon as the signature document was published, all of them would be in trouble for the rest of their lives. Don't even think about getting over the humiliation.

Of course, compared with the third one, these two are actually nothing! The Chinese actually refused to surrender to the 108th Infantry Regiment.

That means you can live if you want, but you have to hand over your name to me and kill the people of the 108th Infantry Regiment.

Not to mention that the Japanese Army second lieutenant was devastated when he left. Even many Chinese officers themselves felt that the Japanese army would not agree.

Just like Wang Xiaoqiang said with great joy: "The little devils will definitely not agree to such harsh conditions. They will definitely fight hard. I will personally pick off the head of their bullshit commander this time!"

The calm commander of the 771st Regiment did not quarrel with Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang this time. He reached out and called one of his battalion commanders and whispered to him: "Let all the commanders and soldiers of the regiment seize the time to rest and prepare for battle!"

But the young commander shook his head slightly and gave Tang Dao a thumbs up: "Captain Tang's move really drove the Japanese to death! If they surrender, they will really surrender!"

One can see through Tang Dao's arrangement at a glance. This man is definitely one of the most outstanding soldiers Tang Dao has encountered since he came to this time and space.

Tang Dao's first two conditions have exceeded the psychological bottom line of the Japanese army, but in order to survive, Tang Dao believes that they will agree.

The last condition was to step on the bottom line of the Japanese army to hell. It was impossible to agree to it originally, but what is extremely true is that when a person's bottom line has been crossed, there is no bottom line left.

How could His Excellency Lord Goto agree to this? The key is that he is still the captain of the 108th Infantry Regiment.

The Japanese army second lieutenant's head almost exploded and he walked back in a daze.

But what horrified him was that his mind was no longer on those two stringent conditions, but on calculating the proportion of the 108th Infantry Regiment among the more than 200 remaining troops.

The 108th Infantry Regiment sent only one escort squadron in total this time. It lost two infantry squads on the frontal battlefield. Only a dozen people escaped. One infantry squadron on the rear flank battlefield was completely wiped out. In the previous onboard charge, in order to boost morale, , Goto Koshiminami even organized his last escort team into the forward, and no one survived.

That means that there will never be more than 15 people belonging to the 108th Infantry Regiment around Goto Koshiminami.

This is the human heart! Kindness and preciousness are like springs in the desert, they can be annihilated at any time, but once dark thoughts sprout, they will quickly grow into towering trees!

He was originally a devil, so why would he care about becoming a devil?

The Chinese are really devils! The Japanese Army second lieutenant, who kept counting how many people were around the Japanese Army Colonel, cursed Tang Dao for making harsh demands while walking.

But his steps became more and more determined as he walked!

Obviously, the countless light and heavy machine guns he saw along the way, as well as the dirty but murderous Chinese soldiers, had already made him make a decision.

Kuroki Komatsu, who returned to his own position, did not immediately report to a certain colonel who was sitting in a single soldier bunker. Instead, he went directly to his infantry team first. Then, two second lieutenants wearing bandages rushed to his Infantry squad.

Those are the three largest infantry squads among the remaining Japanese troops. They all belong to the 103rd Infantry Regiment!

It didn't take long before intensive gunshots rang out from the Japanese army's position!

The hundreds of Japanese soldiers on the periphery were confused, but by the time they responded, the gunfire from inside had ended in just one minute.

Dozens of people besieged a dozen people who were unprepared, and when their combat power levels were comparable, it really wasn't that troublesome.

"Colonel Koshiminami Goto has trampled on the glory of the Imperial Army. If he surrenders, it will be an even greater shame for the division. Therefore, we will kill him!" Second Lieutenant Kuroki Komatsu waved the honor of the Imperial Army. No one can Argument.

Even if the entire army is later announced to surrender to the Chinese army!

Once the Japanese army makes a decision, it will be thorough and will not be sloppy.

According to the Tang Dao regulations, the weapons were piled in one place, and all the soldiers knelt more than 100 meters away, with their heads down and their hands raised!

It turns out that the Japanese are also so idiotic!

That scene even made many Chinese soldiers feel that this was more refreshing than killing them!

. . . . . . . . . .

PS: Today, a book friend criticized Feng Yue, and Feng Yue accepted it. Feng Yue did not make any excuses, but could only promise to the book friends that she would definitely correct the problems pointed out by the book friends, work hard to get back to the best state, and present a better story to everyone! Thank this book friend, thank you for your loyalty to Feng Yue! Thank you so much.

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