Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 933 This is the glory of the entire army!

Of course, not all Japanese soldiers who wanted to surrender knelt.

For example, the Tang sword gave the highest commander of the Japanese army who surrendered the right to stand.

However, since the supreme commander Goto Koshiminami "committed suicide out of fear of crime", this Japanese army surrendered no more than the left officer, only a few second lieutenants of the army.

Therefore, it was Lieutenant Kuroki Komatsu who surrendered holding the sword of the 108th Infantry Regiment Commander Goto Koshiminami who "committed suicide out of fear of crime".

It is of course a good thing for the Japanese to surrender like this, but this great thing has caused a big problem for the four regimental commanders on the scene.

In the absence of the highest commander of the Chinese army, Brigadier General Cheng, who was present due to some reasons, who will serve as the Chinese military surrender officer is a problem.

The war between the Chinese and Japanese armies has spanned a year, and it has been a long time of 8 months. The Japanese army, which has always had the upper hand, rarely surrendered, and even if there were, they were scattered soldiers on the local battlefield.

This is the first time since the war started that nearly 200 Japanese soldiers surrendered collectively. It is an honor to accept the surrender on behalf of the entire army.

Or, this is no longer an individual honor, but belongs to the commander's unit.

Especially for the three members of the 921st Division, it is even more painful to let them give up the honor of the 921st Division than to kill them.

However, during the negotiation, Tang Tuanzuo came forward, but he had to argue for the surrender. This kind of injustice is not justifiable anywhere.

The three colonels, whose average age is no more than 30, were silent for a while, when the officers and soldiers were infinitely jubilant.

"The commander is still discussing the next battle plan with the commander of the division headquarters. He can't get to the front line for a while. We can't go to the surrender ceremony together. I think we should let Brother Tang do it!" The commander of the 771st Regiment finally broke the silence.

Although he looks steady and honest in daily life, he is actually very wise.

First of all, he knew that this "tycoon" who gave Tang Dao guns and artillery was highly valued by the brigade commander, and he personally led elite troops to block the retreat of the Japanese army in this battle. Even in terms of military merit, he was the first meritorious service, and it was not too much to let him enjoy the honor of the first-class merit.

Moreover, Tang Dao was not alone in the various units participating in this battle.

Wang Xiaoqiang, who had a bad temper, did not obey anyone, but he was very obedient to Tang Dao. Although the young commander of the 769th Regiment was young and vigorous, he also miraculously recognized Tang Dao. Both of his friends were like this. If he did not take the initiative, the Four Lines Regiment would say that their 683rd Brigade was petty.

"Old Xu is rarely generous today!" Wang Xiaoqiang looked at his old comrade, with a knowing smile on his face, but he was unforgiving. "Brother, hurry up, lest this old stingy person regrets it later."

"Okay, I agree with Captain Xu's proposal to let Captain Tang accept the surrender of the Japanese invaders as the chief representative of all the participating units!" The young commander of the 769th Regiment also nodded.

"Brothers, I know what you mean. Thank you for your recognition of me and the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment, but I personally think that the glory of this victory belongs to all the officers and soldiers who participated in this battle. None of them deserves to enjoy this honor!" Tang Dao shook his head and made another suggestion. "Why don't we do this..."

Tang Dao knew that he could certainly not refuse this honor, and he and the Four-Line Regiment were fully worthy of this honor.

But he couldn't enjoy it alone!

The 769th Regiment sacrificed no less than 500 people in this battle, which was almost the strength of an infantry battalion. They paid an unimaginable price.

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The 771st and 772nd Regiments, although they did not suffer so many casualties, were the dominant forces on the entire battlefield. Without their deterrence on both wings, the Japanese army would have already used all its strength to break through the frontal defense line of the 769th Regiment. Why would they wait for the 4th Regiment to rush to complete the final encirclement?

More importantly, this battle was not completed under the command of his Tang Dao. It was under the genius conception and decision of the 683rd Brigade Commander that the final battle was successful.

It can be said that this honor does not belong to the one person here, nor to that infantry regiment, but to all the Chinese soldiers present.

They are all qualified to participate in this surrender ceremony.

The queue is composed of a part of the 3rd Regiment of the 921st Division and the 4th Regiment, each of which is drawn from the vicinity. They will watch the ceremony! As representatives of the entire army, they will watch the entire surrender process.

This surrender ceremony will not be like the usual one where the commanders of both sides hand over the command sword of the losing side in front of the two armies, but the Japanese representatives will walk through the queue where the Chinese military representatives stand.

The representatives of these outstanding Chinese soldiers will look down at their battle results with their proud military posture, and will cheer for victory with their commanders at the first time!

‘The Japanese devils are just like dogs in front of me! ’ This is the reward that Tang Dao gives to these outstanding Chinese soldiers!

The spiritual pleasure will far exceed the so-called material rewards!

Hearing Tang Dao’s suggestion, the eyes of the three regiment commanders all lit up. Although this surrender ceremony is a bit cumbersome, it emphasizes the various units participating in the war, rather than just highlighting one person. It is absolutely appropriate, and it also gives great encouragement to the officers and soldiers of each unit.

"Yes!" Brigade Commander Cheng, who was busy at the rear brigade headquarters, received the report from the front line, smiled and waved his hand to agree.

The order was immediately passed down, and 100 quotas were allocated to each regiment, and then they were assigned to the nearby infantry companies. Although they were told that there would be a photo shoot, Tang Dao Tang Tuanzuo said: "This time, it is not a welcome ceremony. It is to represent all the troops to see how the little devils surrendered to us. We will not play any empty tricks. We will be what we should be. The only requirement is to hold your chest high for us and let the little devils see what a Chinese soldier is!"

Although the battle of Beiganling was over, it did not mean the end of the entire battle. The troops on alert in the direction of Lucheng were more than 2,500 meters away. The Sihang Regiment even sent elite cavalry and special forces to Lucheng.

It is unknown when another war will start, and there is not so much time for the Chinese army to hold a surrender ceremony.

Tan Tai Mingyue, who was still responsible for treating the wounded behind the mountain, and her precious camera were taken to the scene by the cavalry on horseback. The various units of the Fourth Regiment also selected personnel to participate in the surrender ceremony.

The standards for participants were almost unprecedentedly consistent, that is, the brave officers and soldiers of each company who fought in this battle.

Because the number of places was limited, the company and platoon leaders of each infantry company took the initiative to give up this opportunity and leave the glory to their brothers.

For example, the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Regiment who participated in this short surrender ceremony were basically from the guard company and the seventh company on the battlefield that blocked the retreat of the Japanese army in the most intense battle of the previous World War I, but there was no officer, all of them were soldiers.

Most of them were wounded soldiers, either with bandages hanging their arms or with bandages wrapped around their heads, and there were even soldiers with injured lower limbs carried by stretcher soldiers. Although their bodies were covered with blood and their faces looked a little pale due to the fatigue of the long march and the heart-wrenching pain, everyone's eyes were full of energy.

Because these ordinary soldiers all know that witnessing the Japanese commander handing over his command knife in front of them, this will be something they can brag about for the rest of their lives.

But obviously, this is not the patent of the Four-Line Regiment. The three infantry regiments of the 921st Division are almost the same, and a considerable number of them are wounded.

Although they are not in the same sequence, looking at what the Four-Line Regiment did, the 921st Division from top to bottom has a great sense of identity with this unit that fights side by side with them. This sense of identity even far exceeds the time when Tang Dao presented a large number of weapons to the 683rd Brigade on behalf of the Four-Line Regiment.

It's a very strange mentality, but it is real.

The reason is that the so-called unity of officers and soldiers is nothing more than that! Such troops are extremely reliable comrades-in-arms.

Maybe even Tang Dao himself doesn't know that he and the Four-Line Regiment were truly accepted by this unit from the bottom of their hearts, starting from this moment.

Of course, this was not done deliberately by Tang Dao, nor was it necessary to do it deliberately. The army he was in in his previous life was just a continuation of the army in front of him. Since he became the highest commander of the Four-Line Regiment, he had already subtly implanted some genes of that future army into the Four-Line Regiment.

Comrades are the ones who are most worthy of your back on the battlefield! With such a concept as support, those officers who are already company commanders and platoon leaders, would they chill the hearts of their brothers for a mere glory?

This sunny spring afternoon was definitely an extremely tormenting afternoon for Lieutenant Kuroki Komatsu, who had been anxious for a long time and finally waited until he could go to the Chinese commander to hand in his command knife.

And this road of hundreds of meters that usually only takes a few minutes to walk is definitely the longest hundreds of meters he has walked in his life. As he said in his memoirs after the war, it was even longer than the length of the devil's thoughts that kept churning in his heart when he returned to the battlefield.

Because he saw a Chinese army that was completely different from his cognition.

Before that, even though he had admitted his defeat, he attributed it to the poor command of the idiot Goto Koshinan, the fact that the Chinese army had far more troops than his own, and the fact that they were unfamiliar with the geographical environment.

Deep down, he still firmly believed that the imperial infantry could not be defeated under the same force.

But when he walked through the surrender road lined with Chinese soldiers, a certain firmness in his heart was shattered bit by bit.

The Chinese soldiers began to line up from the kneeling Japanese army.

Four hundred Chinese soldiers stood upright, like two rows of green pines, with a three-meter-wide aisle in the middle!

As soldiers, they undoubtedly did not have the qualifications to form an elite force just from their appearance, age composition and equipment.

Some of them wore blue uniforms, some wore gray uniforms, and some uniforms were not dyed in time. They were only 16 years old, some were young people in their 20s, and some were middle-aged over 40 years old.

The guns in their hands include Type 38 rifles, Czech-made rifles, Hanyang-made rifles, long guns and short guns. They are almost all kinds of guns. Such a mess of equipment is impossible to exist in the Japanese Army sequence. Any soldier with enough military experience knows that this will lead to the collapse of the logistics supply system, and it is a joke to want to fight for a long time.

But it is such an army that defeated the Imperial Army. How did they do it? Kuroki Komatsu was a little confused at that moment.

But as he kept moving forward, he seemed to gradually find the answer!

Yes, they are old and young. Not to mention that their weapons and equipment cannot be unified, even the colors of their uniforms cannot be consistent. They have no spirit that a strong army should have.

But, they really have it.

Courage is not in the uniforms, not in their exposed-toe straw sandals, not in the various guns.

It is on their faces, in their bright eyes, and in their proud heads.

These soldiers who had just finished the battle still had smoke and dust on their faces, blood on their bodies, and the steel guns in their hands seemed to be still steaming. Many of them even sat on stretchers...

They should have been lying on the hospital beds, struggling with their injuries, but they were still here, proudly looking at their defeated generals, watching them beg for life in front of them.

This is the privilege that the Chinese commander gave to his subordinates, because they are strong enough, because they deserve it!

Such Chinese soldiers are certainly worthy of awe!

Especially seeing their disdainful eyes looking at him, the defeated general, Kuroki Komatsu shuddered!

If all Chinese soldiers are like this, can the empire really win this war even if it invests more troops? He kept asking himself this in his heart.

But the answer really made the Japanese army lieutenant despair. The empire could devote all its national strength to two million or five million troops, but the Chinese, whose total population was more than six times that of the empire, could perhaps devote ten million or twenty million...

Can the imperial army kill all such a group of people, even if they were all holding firewood sticks?

Tang Dao stood at the end of the queue, waiting for Kuroki Komatsu, whose mind was constantly being destroyed and whose steps were heavy.

"Please accept our surrender!" Kuroki Komatsu humbly bent down and raised the bloody command knife of a certain leftist hanging on his waist horizontally above his head.

"I accept your surrender on behalf of my army. If you fully cooperate, we will give you normal prisoner treatment!" Tang Dao reached out to take the command knife from Kuroki Komatsu's hand and gave a formal answer.

For him, he actually welcomes these Japanese soldiers to refuse to cooperate at any time, so that he has a reason to kill them all. It is really a waste of food for nearly 200 people, even though he has already thought about it, just two porridges every morning and evening, the kind that can clearly see the shadow of people.

However, Tang Dao also knows that he does not want this batch of prisoners of war, but the 921st Division wants them. The "Anti-War Alliance" that has already had a framework is waiting for these guys to fill it!

Although the 80th Army uses a conciliatory policy and does not use a killing stick on these surrendered soldiers, but all kinds of great principles are poured down every day, which is absolutely gentle. The simple and crude brainwashing indoctrination of the Japanese high-level officials is really nothing in front of those big bosses.

Tang Dao knows that in the future, the "Japanese Anti-War Alliance" formed by the 80th Army will continue to grow and develop. Before the victory of the Patriotic War, it will become an organization with 5 branches and 20 branches with more than 1,000 members.

That doesn't mean they just waved flags and shouted. Most of them not only participated in the production and construction of the base, but also directly joined the battle and became famous "Japanese Tuba"!

That was because there were not many Japanese prisoners. If they were captured at the current speed, one hundred or eighty prisoners in one battle, Tang Dao even dared to believe that it would be no problem to get tens of thousands of "Japanese Tuba" in this time and space.

After Tang Dao took over the command knife, Kuroki Komatsu still maintained a bowing posture, but stepped back three meters, showing the posture of a surrender soldier!

This is the Japanese, who will show the details to the fullest in everything they do, even surrender!

Seeing that Tang Dao had taken over the command knife of the Japanese surrendered soldiers, the chests of the Chinese soldiers standing in two rows could not help but rise and fall, and their breathing could not help but become heavy.

That's because they are waiting, waiting for Tang Dao to represent all Chinese soldiers and raise this trophy that symbolizes victory.

They are eager to taste the fruits of victory that belong to them!

At this moment, Erya, who was staying far away, hurried over and reported to the three regiment commanders behind Tang Dao. Then, she whispered to Tang Dao who was listening attentively.

The Chinese soldiers present couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Could it be that something unexpected happened?

Kuroki Komatsu, who was still bending over and not daring to look up, had retreated three meters away from Tang Dao. He didn't hear the whispers of Tang Dao's signalman clearly. He only heard the key words "Lucheng" and "Japanese invaders".

As a former Japanese soldier, he couldn't help but feel happy. Could it be that the division commander had regrouped his army and was coming here? But what followed was that the joy was gone, and what came over was a great fear.

If the Imperial Army gathered a large army to kill, I'm afraid the most tragic thing would not be the Chinese here, but these surrendered soldiers.

If the Imperial Army wins, the defeated Chinese will definitely take action against these surrendered soldiers. Even if they keep their promise, Kuroki Komatsu will not be naive to think that the division commander will forgive these guys who are forced to surrender in desperation.

In particular, the inside story of a certain Da Zuo "swearing to die rather than surrender" is not known by him alone. At least dozens of people participated in it, and hundreds of people "watched".

To put it bluntly, if the Chinese win, he can live, even if it is humble, but if his own people win, he will die.

So let the Chinese win! The already "corrupted" Lieutenant Kuroki Komatsu went further and further to the dark place, and deep in his heart he was full of such hope!

This time, Amaterasu should have heard the thoughts of this no longer pious citizen, and satisfied him.

From an angle that Kuroki Komatsu, who was bending over, could not see, the faces of the three commanders of the 921st Division were filled with irrepressible smiles.

That smile was about to flow out of their faces, even the old Xu of the 771st Regiment, who was known as the "rock" of the 683rd Brigade.

Because this battle can be declared over completely!

The news of victory can also be announced to the whole army at the moment when the Japanese army's large left-handed saber is raised!

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