Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 934 Great Victory!

Yes, we won!

The news that this battle was completely won came from a telegram sent from Lucheng!

As the supreme commander who led a cavalry company and a special squadron to Lucheng for reconnaissance, Lieutenant Heizi of the special forces sent a telegram to the frontline command of the Four-line Regiment: After field reconnaissance and questioning the people, the four gates of Lucheng were open, and all the Japanese invaders inside had fled an hour and a half ago. Because there were traitors in the city taking advantage of the chaos to rob, I want to send all the cavalry into the city, please approve it!

"Approved! Order the cavalry company and the special squadron to use extraordinary means in extraordinary times, and use thundering means to quell the rioters in the city and the traitors who are accomplices of the tiger, but do not disturb ordinary people. At the same time, three elite combat teams composed of cavalry, special forces, and communication soldiers will be sent to the direction of Changzhi. At least 20 miles will be detected to prevent the Japanese army from having other plans. The main force of our army will arrive in 1 hour!" Tang Dao quickly gave orders to Erya.

Then, facing the hundreds of Chinese officers and soldiers who all looked at him, Tang Dao couldn't help but smile brightly on his resolute face!

After successfully recovering Licheng, another county town returned to the hands of Chinese soldiers.

But this is not the most important thing.

The important thing is the deep meaning behind the Japanese army's escape without a fight.

The Japanese highest command stationed in Lucheng chose to escape without a fight, which actually declared in disguise that the Japanese army chose to face the outcome of this battle that lasted only one day, and no longer tried to save the war situation that had been rotten to the root.

When the 683rd Brigade began to plan this siege and ambush half a month ago, it had already conducted reconnaissance on the organization and strength of the Japanese troops stationed in Licheng, Lucheng and Changzhi.

Changzhi was called Shangdang in ancient times because it was located at the junction of the three provinces of Shanxi, Hebei and Henan. The entire territory was surrounded by Taihang Mountains and Taiyue Mountains, forming the most important Shangdang Basin in southeastern Shanxi. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that it was changed to Changzhi, which means long-term peace.

Among the three cities, Changzhi is the largest, followed by Lucheng, which is closer, and Licheng is the smallest. However, Licheng is closer to the big city of Linfen, so it was used by the 108th Division as a bridgehead to attack Linfen, and stored a large amount of military supplies; Changzhi is large, but close to the border of Henan Province, where there are more than 200,000 troops from China's First War Zone, so Xia Xiongyuan placed his division headquarters in Lucheng between Licheng and Changzhi. This is also what the Chinese often say, "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall"!

But Xia Xiongyuan probably never thought that there would be such a day. The danger did not come from Henan Province a hundred kilometers away, but from those "local bastards" who hid in the deep mountains and were looked down upon by him.

Licheng has 1,300 troops stationed, Lucheng has the largest number of troops, reaching nearly 4,000. Changzhi, on the other hand, has only an infantry battalion of more than 1,000 people and a baggage train of 500 people. Needless to say, the 1,300 Japanese troops in Licheng were almost completely wiped out. At least 3,000 Japanese troops were destroyed in the two battles of Shentouling and Beiganling. The maximum number of troops that Xia Xiongyuan could gather was no more than 2,000.

With this amount of troops, it may be enough to defend the city, but if Xia Xiongyuan wants to go out of the city and fight against the Chinese troops of almost an infantry division whose morale has reached its peak, then Xia Xiongyuan is really a dung beetle padding the table leg--just holding on!

Tang Dao doesn't mind at all suggesting that Brigade Commander Cheng gather 10,000 troops to fight this tough dung beetle before the main force of his 108th Division is fully assembled. This guy will definitely occupy the headlines of newspapers in both China and Japan in the past two days, and he is definitely a traffic star.

The title of the first Japanese Army Lieutenant General who died in the Chinese battlefield will come with his own BGM when he appears.

Xia Xiong Yuan was scared!

He led the remaining troops to flee Lucheng and go to Changzhi. His intention was obvious, but he just wanted to defend the city.

If the Chinese army really wanted to attack Changzhi with its remaining power, then he would naturally have to fight for his life, defending the city while calling on the main force of the division a hundred kilometers away to quickly move east to encircle the Chinese army attacking the city.

Of course, he believed that the Chinese would not do this. A city with strict defenses, unless the Chinese had more than five times the troops and heavy artillery, it would be almost impossible to take it down within two days.

In fact, both Tang Dao and Brigade Commander Cheng had reached a consensus before the Battle of Beiganling began. Both the battles of Licheng and Shentouling had been successfully completed. Beiganling was the last battle. If they won a big victory, it would bring a perfect end to this battle. If they were deadlocked due to the Japanese land and air support, they would not be disappointed. The entire army would evacuate in batches before the main force of the Japanese 108th Division arrived.

To put it bluntly, it would be best if we won the battle of Beiganling. It doesn't matter if we don't win. Anyway, the lives of nearly 3,000 Japanese invaders in Licheng and Shentouling are enough to make the 80th Army occupy the headlines of major Chinese newspapers tomorrow.

As for Lucheng, the two thought again and again that they had too big ambitions. There are too many Chinese civilians in the city. If the Japanese in the city are forced hard, and the civilians are driven to the top of the city as a shield, even if the attacking army is strong, it will eventually have to pay a heavy price. It's really not worth it!

Breaking down, hitting you with a hammer today, stabbing you with a knife the next day, making the Japanese army heartbroken but unable to do anything about it, isn't it very satisfying?

Just like this time, for a piece of pig back seat, the Japanese army kept handing over big fat meat, isn't it fragrant!

As a result, what Tang Dao did not expect was that Xia Xiongyuan, a dung beetle who looked strong but was weak, was actually scared away and handed over such a huge city of Lucheng. Needless to say, he would accept it with joy, right?

So now, he could announce to the whole army: "We won this battle! The little devils gave in!"

Tang Dao smiled at the three colleagues behind him, who were almost smiling. None of them spoke, but smiled at each other.

At this moment, there was no need for any dialogue. Facing victory, there was only cheering!

Of course, the four regimental officers still had exchanges in their eyes.

Tang Dao meant: Should we let Brigade Commander Cheng announce it? As the highest commander of this battle, he is the most qualified.

Wang Xiaoqiang grinned, with an urgent light in his eyes, which meant that brother, don't wait. The bridal chamber can wait, but the news of victory cannot be kept!

Not to mention Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who has a more impatient personality, even the most calm Captain Xu of the 771st Regiment, is also impatient at this moment, blinking his eyes, which means: The leader has asked you to be the chief representative of the surrender, and everything is up to you, so don't be reserved, hurry up!

Before Tang Dao's eyes turned, the young captain of the 769th Regiment also nodded vigorously, with tears in his bright eyes.

In this battle, his 769th Regiment was the most severely damaged among the four regiments. The spirits of the soldiers were not far away, and only a great victory could comfort them. As the head of a regiment, he did not want to wait.

As a comrade-in-arms, Tang Dao understood their thoughts and nodded heavily.

While recording the historical moment of the Japanese officers' surrender with the camera lens, Tan Tai Mingyue originally kept the camera pointed at the murderous officers and soldiers of her own side, but the woman's keen intuition made her feel a little unusual.

Tan Tai reporter pointed the camera at her fiancé who was facing away from her at this time.

At this time, the spring afternoon sun passed over the top of the mountain, through the treetops, and scattered mottled on Tang Dao's steel helmet and the military uniform that was temporarily covered with dust and bloodstains.

Tan Tai Ming Yue felt a little sad. Although they were an engaged couple, they had just arrived in Jindong and were busy with the affairs of the regiment. Then they had to prepare for this war. As the head of the regiment, Tang Dao and the captain of the medical team, Tan Tai Ming Yue were both very busy. They had not even seen each other for nearly three days.

The moment when the cavalry had just picked him up and used a camera to record the surrender of more than a hundred Japanese soldiers was the first time they had seen each other in the past three days.

However, even so, the engaged couple only exchanged glances and flashed their tenderness. Then, Tang Dao had to accept the surrender of the Japanese army on behalf of the entire army, and Tan Tai Ming Yue was responsible for recording the entire scene with the camera. To be honest, Tan Tai Ming Yue did not even see the full picture of her engaged husband.

Now, the lens with a closer focus showed the clearest back of her engaged husband in front of Tan Tai Ming Yue.

But what made Tan Tai Ming Yue sad was not that they had not seen each other for a long time, but that through the lens, she knew that Tang Dao had gone to the front line again.

He is still the young lieutenant she knew at the beginning. He will never forget his identity as a soldier because of his promotion in rank and status.

This may be the biggest reason why she fell in love with him.

But she is still worried about his safety.

In the camera, Tang Dao has turned around and looked solemnly at the 400 elite soldiers facing him with solemn faces.

His face is firm and his eyes are bright. The sun shines on his young and resolute face. Tan Tai Mingyue suddenly holds her breath!

Of course, it was not because her fiancé was handsome and tough at the moment, but afterwards, Tang Dao's metallic roar resounded through the mountains and fields: "On behalf of the Four-Line Regiment and all the leaders of the 921st Division, I declare to the entire army that since 4 a.m. today, the entire Four-Line Regiment, the 769th Regiment of the 921st Division, the 711th Regiment, the 772nd Regiment, and the Supplementary Regiment of the 683rd Brigade of the 921st Division, nearly 10,000 officers and soldiers have participated in the three battles of Licheng, Shentouling, and Beiganling, and completely wiped out the Licheng defenders under the enemy's 108th Division, and the enemy's 108th Division's troops supporting Licheng, a total of 4,300 people. All combat missions in this battle were successfully completed, and a great victory was achieved."

"Great victory!" Tang Dao suddenly raised the samurai sword in his hand.

The voice echoed in the mountains and fields.

A great victory?

This is not a great victory in a battle, but a great victory on the entire battlefield!

Although he had experienced the victory of the Licheng battle, knew the great victory of the Shentouling ambush battle, and witnessed the battlefield where the Japanese invaders were completely annihilated in Beiganling, he was still a little dizzy with happiness when he suddenly heard Tang Dao say: This battle, a great victory! At that moment, Tan Tai Mingyue was still a little dizzy with happiness.

This means that the main forces of the 108th Division in Licheng and Lucheng were annihilated, and the Japanese army was no longer able to launch a counterattack.

What made Tan Tai Mingyue, who was on the front line of rescue, the happiest thing was that finally, there were no more sacrifices for Chinese soldiers.

At least, it was so for a short time.

At the moment when I couldn't help but press the shutter, there seemed to be light on Tang Dao in the lens.

In other words, it was not only Tang Dao in Tan Tai Mingyue's eyes that had light on him, but also those Chinese soldiers who suddenly fell silent.

With the roar of Tang Dao, the whole scene was silent, so quiet that it seemed that only the sound of leaves shaking in the mountain wind and the sound of the heart beating in the chest could be heard.

In this silence, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang suddenly pulled off his military cap and threw it into the sky, "Comrades, brothers, in this battle, we have defeated the damn devils."

The roar of "We have defeated the damn devils." pierced through the clouds, and the echo seemed to linger on the mountain ridge.

An officer at the level of deputy commander of an infantry regiment threw his military cap into the sky in an almost wild manner, shouting like a child who got a favorite toy, which was undoubtedly a flame thrown into the haystack, completely igniting the atmosphere on the scene.

"We have defeated the damn devils!" The soldiers imitated their superiors, roaring with all their strength, and threw their military caps into the air.

Even if they shouted until their throats were broken and they couldn't make any sound, they still tried to express their excitement about the victory with cheers.

They shook hands with each other, hugged each other, and patted the shoulders of everyone around them, whether they were dark gray or dark blue.

Some comrades were gone, but these comrades were still there.

No matter which division, brigade or regiment they were from, they fought side by side in this battle that finally won a great victory, faced the muzzle of the gun together, faced death together, and celebrated the victory together.

The cheers like huge waves resounded throughout the mountains and fields, resounded through the sky, and spread throughout the battlefield.

On the battlefield, whether it was the soldiers who were still carrying supplies, or the soldiers who were on guard in their respective positions and ready to fight the next battle at any time, or the wounded soldiers lying on stretchers groaning because of pain, when they heard the rumbling "Great victory!", they were first stunned, then tears filled their eyes, and then smiles occupied their entire faces.

They were crying, laughing, crying in laughter, and laughing in crying.

Then, they also responded to the cheers of victory and cheered heartily.

The roar of nearly 10,000 people was no less than the explosion of dozens of howitzers firing at once.

Nearly 200 Japanese surrendered soldiers lowered their heads with gray faces in such cheers that almost broke their eardrums. They chose to give up the empire for their lives, and the empire, like them, gave up its pride.

In this battle, the empire lost completely, and these people were like the underwear torn off by the Chinese.

The huge cheers even reached the position of the 1st artillery company at least 2,000 meters away.

After listening carefully for a while and judging that he heard it correctly, an artilleryman carefully put down the shells on his back and told his comrades what he had just heard. Then, more than 100 artillerymen and the company commanders and platoon leaders of the artillery company ran madly towards the mountain where they were.

They had to stand at the highest position and use the loudest voice to tell those brothers who fell in front of them in the battle of Licheng and would never stand up and smile at them again, "Brothers, we have defeated the damn devils!"

Brigade Commander Cheng, who was drafting the next battle plan in the newly built field command post, also heard the shouts of "win" coming from the basin across the mountain. He looked up and saw the signalman of the brigade running towards him.

"Commander, commander, a telegram came from Lucheng, the Japanese division headquarters ran away, Commander Tang and the three commanders Chen, Xu, and Wang jointly report to you that this battle is over!" The signalman ran out of breath, but tried his best to read the news completely.

"Haha, it turned out that Xia Xiongyuan was scared away!" Brigade Commander Cheng also showed a deep joy on his face, clapped his hands, and crumpled up the battle plan he had just drafted. "The banquet is ready, but the host and the guest have run away, so let's enjoy the feast by ourselves."

"Such good news cannot be forgotten by the two division commanders who are eagerly waiting. Pass my order and report the victory to the division headquarters.

The telegram is as follows: Great victory! Our army, in this battle, annihilated most of the 108th Infantry Regiment under the 108th Division of the enemy, annihilated most of the 103rd Infantry Regiment under the 108th Division of the enemy, annihilated several arms of the cavalry regiment, armored squadron, baggage regiment, and engineer regiment under the 108th Division of the enemy. The final statistics of the results of the battle have not yet been completed, but it will definitely not be less than 4,000 people. Our army has now recovered Licheng and immediately sent troops to occupy Lucheng where the Japanese invaders evacuated! In addition, the battle losses of our four regiments are within the acceptable range." Brigade Commander Cheng did not rush to join the cheering crowd at the brigade headquarters, but excitedly reported the victory to the 921st Division headquarters.

The two big men who had been guarding the radio station took the freshly baked telegram from the translator, and their hearts that had been hanging were finally put down.

"Finally I won! Old partner, congratulations on choosing the right person!" A big man congratulated his partner with a thick Sichuan accent.

"Hey! That idiot surnamed Cheng was chosen by you and me together, how come it's just my credit? You can't take credit for it." Another big man with a kind face smiled and shook his head.

"You know, I'm not talking about him, but another much younger guy! But you convinced me and trusted him wholeheartedly. Now, he has lived up to your trust." The smaller big man was very serious.

"Even if I said something good about him, didn't you still choose to trust him? The military order that agreed to all the decisions of your unit was signed by both of us. You can't push away this credit even if you want to."

"Haha! Then let's go to the 683 Brigade Headquarters together? In this battle, Cheng Houzi was full. He has to share some of his food with the division. The other regiments are almost out of rice. By the way, let's meet that little guy. I have to see what kind of three heads and six arms he has. Why did the usually majestic Xia Xiong Yuan get beaten to a pulp when his four-line regiment came!"

"I've been wanting to ask Cheng Houzi for a drink for a long time! This guy never even treated me to a piece of cake on weekdays, and now he can't escape no matter what." The honest boss rarely joked with his subordinates.

Or the kind from a distance!

It can be seen that he is in a happy mood at the moment!

"Let's go together, let's go together! Eat big chunks of meat and drink big gulps of wine!"

As they chatted and laughed, the two old comrades who saw each other for more than ten hours almost every day held hands tightly together.

Perhaps only they themselves knew how important this battle was to the 921st Division and even the entire 80th Army.

Before this, how much pressure the two commanders had to bear in their hearts.

But at this moment, no matter the risk or the anxious wait, it is worth it.

The news of victory in one of the most barren mountains in China is still spreading to farther places through radio waves.

It won’t be long before it spreads across the country!

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