Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 935: It’s still superficial after all!

The cheers on the battlefield lasted for nearly 10 minutes!

However, this is still a battlefield after all, and the joy of victory has to return to the garrison. The soldiers finally calmed down from the excitement and began to return to their respective teams.

The commanders of the regiments and battalions, who had long calmed down, had already begun to issue orders one by one through the signal soldiers in an orderly manner.

According to the order sent by Brigade Commander Cheng of the 683 Brigade Command, all battlefields in Beiganling were handed over to the 771 Regiment and the 3rd Battalion of the 772 Regiment to clean up. Because the 769th Regiment was severely damaged and the entire regiment lost all its baggage during the march, it was escorted by the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 772 Regiment to return to the 683 Brigade garrison for repairs.

Because there were still unfinished tasks in Lucheng, the main force of the Four-Line Regiment continued to march towards Lucheng. After the 3rd Battalion of the 772 Regiment cleaned up the battlefield, it stayed in the Beiganling area waiting for the main force of the Four-Line Regiment to return from Lucheng.

Brigade Commander Cheng's meaning is very clear. The war has ended. The Japanese army in Lucheng has withdrawn and should not leave much supplies for the Chinese. Lucheng is basically an empty city except for its own people, but the Chinese army must enter the city. It has more political significance than military significance. The war report sent to the war zone will include the victory of recovering two county towns!

The reason why the Four-Line Regiment has to work is naturally that although the Four-Line Regiment has only two infantry battalions, it has auxiliary arms such as artillery and cavalry. Its combat effectiveness is stronger than any infantry regiment here. If they encounter a counterattack by the Japanese army, they are also the most powerful to compete with it. Leaving an infantry battalion in the Beiganling area is also a need for preparation.

Needless to say, those Japanese prisoners were naturally escorted by the 772th Regiment to the 683rd Brigade's station. Although these guys were forced to sign and stamp their fingerprints on the surrender letter, in order to prevent them from having any unrealistic thoughts, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, the chief officer in charge of escorting them, used the old trick of escorting refugees in ancient times.

Because it was inconvenient to tie the feet when walking on the mountain road, the arms were tied tightly, but this was not enough. There were seven melons on a vine, and seven Japanese soldiers were strung on a hemp rope as thick as a thumb. Unless the seven people had the same mind, it would be impossible to run away. Even if the seven people had the same mind and wanted to escape, if seven people ran together, the target

The infantry company commander in charge of escorting gave orders to his soldiers in front of the Japanese prisoners, and anyone who attempted to escape could be shot and killed immediately without warning!

"Captain Wang, hasn't your army's propaganda slogan always been to treat prisoners well?" Li Jiujin couldn't help but feel a little curious when he looked at the Japanese prisoners who were tied like a string of zongzi.

Of course, he was not curious about what happened to the Japanese, but that he had fought with this army before

"First of all, I am Deputy Commander Wang, Comrade Lao Li, don't shout nonsense!" Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang was a smug type at the moment, but he didn't get cocky. He squinted his eyes to correct Li Jiujin's address, and then explained very seriously.

"Besides, I didn't beat them or scold them, and I did it to prevent them from having some illusions and avoid some irreversible mistakes. If this is not called preferential treatment, then what about justice!"

Some words are empty words. Deputy Commander Wang asked Lieutenant Kuroki Komatsu, who was the leader of the Japanese surrender but was still tied up like a big dumpling not far away: "Little squirrel, tell me yourself, is this reasonable?"

"Hi, Wang Jun, we all understand what you mean, thank you for your care!" Kuroki Komatsu put his hands behind his back and nodded with a bitter face.

Li Jiujin.

Some people want to refute! But what this person said seems to make sense, especially when this person explained with a righteous face.

Besides, the Japanese soldiers seemed to be willing.

However, Li Jiujin was always very loud in front of Tang Dao, so how could he be frightened by a deputy commander of a friendly army? He blinked and said, "Deputy Commander Wang, do you know how our commander would transport these little devils if it were him?"

"Your commander Tang? He's a ruthless man!" When talking about Tang Dao, the somewhat arrogant comrade Wang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but grin. "If he doesn't handle it well, he will have people break one leg of these guys!"

"Oh! No wonder our commander said that in your 683rd Brigade, in addition to the big leader Cheng, Deputy Commander Wang, you can be his best friend." Li Jiujin was "shocked" and gave a thumbs up.

This is indeed the style of Tang Commander, solving everything from the root. If you worry about them running away, just break the legs of those who can run. Anyway, the Four-line Regiment has no shortage of carriages, so it's no problem to drag one or two hundred people.

As for what to do if you can't drag so many people, think about it yourself!

Kuroki Komatsu, who was eavesdropping on the conversation between the two Chinese officers, shuddered all over. This guy must be a devil! He suddenly felt that the rope behind him became cute.

After being praised by Li Jiujin and hearing that he was recognized by Tang Dao, the arrogant comrade Wang Xiaoqiang smiled gently and shook the old soldier's hand fiercely: "Tell your Tang Tuanzuo for me, please rest assured that I will personally lead the third battalion of my regiment to stay behind you. If there is really a large army of Japanese devils coming, just retreat to my position!"

"Then I really trouble you, Deputy Commander Wang!" Li Jiujin was also quite moved when he heard this.

He is a deputy commander, and he is also a senior officer who Commander Tang once said that he would definitely become a commander, brigade commander or even a higher rank. For the safety of the Four-Line Regiment, he actually waited for you in the mountains and fields. This is something that the old soldier dared not even think about in his original army.

It has always been like this over there, brothers, hold on first, I will come to support you when I call for reinforcements.

The endorphins generated by being moved were still rippling in the nerve endings. I saw an indescribable smile on Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang's face. He could be called shy or vulgar and said: "Of course, if we can inform you in advance, It’s best for me to be prepared. However, you members of the group should know that our group only has a field radio and will go with the main group.”

Li Jiujin.

I am still superficial after all!

"You, Li Jiujin, are really too superficial. He, Lao Wang, is the one who has been arguing with you for a long time just because of a radio station!" Tang Dao, who had already mounted his horse and was about to lead his troops forward, smiled slightly after listening to Li Jiujin's report. , firmly attaching the superficial label to veteran Youzi.

"What else does he want?" Li Jijin heard something in Tang Dao's words.

"Hey, don't tell me that the Japanese were scared away. Lucheng is an empty city, but my army of nearly 10,000 people is six kilometers away. Time is running out. Do you think it is more important for the Japanese to escape for their lives or for supplies?" Tang Dao chuckled. .

"Of course your life is important. What do you mean, sir?" Li Jijin came to his senses.

"That is the headquarters of the 108th Division. In addition to combat troops, there are also various auxiliary arms. With the military order to retreat, those technical soldiers who usually do not participate in combat can still calmly burn the materials that cannot be transported. It is inevitable What's more, Lucheng is richer than Licheng, and there are many traitors who have taken refuge with the Japanese. Can the Japanese take some of them with them when they run away? But you can't take it away," Tang Dao said with a smile. "That one! He is a thieves compared to many people here. He knows that if our unit captures a lot, we will never treat our friendly troops poorly, especially considering that a regiment leader like him is eager to protect the face of the wilderness."

"F*ck!" Li Jijin's heart felt like ten thousand bison stampeding through him.

He underestimated that arrogant deputy captain!

Good guy, I dare you to have a deputy leader of the lover’s family guard here, and he plans to meet and share half of it! Compared with these, a field radio is nothing!

However, Tang Dao and Wang Xiaoqiang, who was guarding the field battlefield with the dignity of a regiment leader, really thought about it.

Lucheng is really a golden nest!

Just the few hundred people under Xiong Yuan and the more than 200 people in the Imperial Association Army brigade that took half a month to build up, really can't get away with much.

As soon as the 60 cavalrymen from the cavalry company that entered the city first entered the city, they followed Tang Dao's military orders and used thunderous means to kill more than a dozen local ruffians who were looting and trying to resist in the city, and quickly stabilized the situation in the city.

Moreover, they immediately used the special contact means provided by the 683 Brigade to contact the underground intelligence personnel in the city, and located the garrison points of various Japanese military units in the city and the residences of several traitors who had firmly surrendered to the Japanese army and participated in the persecution of the people in the city.

Without exception, the traitors who took the initiative to surrender to the Japanese invaders and were accepted by the Japanese invaders were either the captain of the security team or the numerous rich men in the city. In order to save their lives and wealth, they not only chose to offer their knees to the Japanese invaders, but also immediately transformed into As his minions, he carried out ruthless persecution against the people in the city who had disobeyed him.

As the headquarters of the 108th Division, Xia Xiong Yuan also hoped that the risk factor of the city where he was located would be minimized. Therefore, he allowed these newly recruited minions to persecute the so-called dangerous elements with a completely laissez-faire attitude.

In less than 20 days after the Japanese army occupied Lucheng, nearly a hundred residents and businessmen were massacred on trumped-up charges. Even three underground intelligence agents developed by the 683 Brigade died in the line of duty.

The three famous tyrants of Lucheng in the city were the first to bear the brunt of all this.

One is the captain of the newly established Lucheng Imperial Army Brigade, one is the largest grain merchant in Lucheng, and the other is the owner of the brothel in Lucheng's largest casino.

The officers and soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment who entered the city, whether they were cavalry or special forces, were basically from poor backgrounds. They hated these profiteers who had been preying on the poor all year round and drank their blood. Once they heard that they had done such evil deeds, where could they? Still able to bear it?

Heizi immediately made a decision. In addition to obeying Tang Dao's military order and sending three reconnaissance groups of 9 people to Changzhi, carrying a field radio, the remaining 55 cavalry and 12 special forces entered the city, leaving 15 cavalry and 4 special forces at the east gate. Directional alert, the remaining 58 people were divided into 8 groups to search and protect valuable Japanese aggressors' residences in the city, and ransacked the homes of three traitors to pursue the murderers.

This is a big surprise.

Needless to say, the three big traitors knew that their crimes were extremely heinous. If they stayed in the city, the Chinese soldiers would definitely attack them once they entered the city. Naturally, they would have to drag their families with them to escape with the Japanese.

Xia Xiong Yuan knew that his departure from Lucheng was only temporary. If he came back in the future, he would have to rely on these shameless people who had forgotten their ancestors to monitor the Chinese people. Moreover, if he wanted to kick them away at this time, he would also let the lackeys from Changzhi They were heartbroken, so naturally he took them with him.

But as Tang Dao said, if a monk can run away, he can't run away from the temple, and if a person runs away, his family wealth can't grow legs.

And everyone has a sense of luck. What if the Chinese are not so bold to march towards Lucheng? Therefore, almost no one is determined to burn their wealth.

The three big traitors only left some lowly servants and a locked door. How could they stop the angry and armed soldiers?

Needless to say, the grain merchant built a large granary in his backyard for safety. The entire granary covers an area of ​​one mu, and it was built from five meters underground and nearly four meters high. According to the captured grain store manager, this granary can store one million catties of grain. If it is opened to release grain, it can satisfy the entire Lucheng population for three months.

So, when the grain store manager trembled and opened the granary, a group of soldiers led by Shen Laoliu were completely stunned.

It was really a small mountain of grain!

People in Shanxi Province like to eat pasta. This super granary has 20,000 bags of flour that have been ground. Calculated at 20 catties per bag, it is 400,000 catties; plus 100,000 catties of wheat, 200,000 catties of corn, and 50,000 catties of rice that have not been ground yet, the entire granary has 750,000 catties of various grains.

Moreover, this is the case when the big traitor donated 100,000 catties of rice and 50,000 catties of corn to the Japanese army, otherwise there would be 900,000 catties of grain in it.

"This is so good. If I have so much food and want to keep it, I'm afraid I have to be a traitor!" Shen Laoliu, who was stunned, couldn't help licking his lips and said something from his heart.

This is actually the true human nature!

In this world, not everyone has lofty ideals and beliefs. More people belong to the general public. They are born and raised in the secular world. How can they transcend the secular world?

Especially for farmers like Shen Laoliu who have been hungry since they were sensible, the food that can fill the stomachs of the whole family is the ideal and belief in the past.

'Women don't care about loyalty, but they are not tempted enough. Men don't care about loyalty, but the chips of betrayal are too low' This sentence from the future can fully interpret the heart of Shen Laoliu, an ordinary soldier at this moment.

Of course, being able to say this calmly shows that Shen Laoliu, who has experienced the battlefield countless times at this time, will not become such a person.

Now, he is no longer a farmer who only wears military uniforms for military pay. The Tang Dao that leads them forward is making these ordinary soldiers understand what a soldier is, a real soldier.

It was like a pie falling from the sky, which made Shen Laoliu and his fellow officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment dizzy, but they soon sobered up. While arranging people to report to Heizi, they used the fortress-like home of this traitor as a defensive position.

As Shen Laoliu said later: "It's very good. Since I saw this grain mountain, I decided that as long as it's not our Four-Line Regiment, let alone the Japanese, even if the king of heaven comes, no one can take away a grain before I die."

Shen Laoliu was really decisive. In order to fulfill his promise, he not only built a small defensive position, but also put enough oil and firewood on the bottom of the granary. If the Japanese really came back, a fire would burn this big granary clean.

That was a full 200 kilograms of soybean oil spilled! Later, when Chief of Staff Zhuang knew about this, he pointed at Gu Xishui's nose and scolded him for a long time. The central idea was just that he brought a group of "prodigal" soldiers, who didn't save ammunition on the battlefield, and didn't take the captured food seriously.

You know, when it comes to saving food, there is not a single drop of oil in the bowl of the chief of staff of the regiment.

However, Tang Dao thinks that Shen Laoliu did a good job. Although it was a bit wasteful, it was very thoughtful.

At this time, it is still a battlefield. No one knows whether the Japanese army will be strong. There are more than a thousand people in Changzhi City. It is not a new thing to come back again at the command.

No matter how much and how good the supplies are, they can only be considered as yours if they are seized.

But for Shen Laoliu's big battle, the old soldier who once fully felt that he was very "superficial" gave him the original words: You kid has never seen the world! Calm down, calm down, do you understand?

Shen Laoliu's head was like pounding garlic, and he answered willingly: I am superficial!

In fact, considering the seizure of the three traitors and the Japanese army's garrisons by the Four Lines Regiment when entering Lucheng, this 750,000 kilograms of grain in this big grain mountain can only be ranked in the top three at best.

Shanxi Province looks very poor with many mountains and little water, but under the painstaking management of the old man from Shanxi, a good economic expert, it took 20 years to become one of the top five provinces in China's economy at that time.

Let's talk about the deposits. According to statistics in the 24th year of the Republic of China, the total silver reserves in Shanxi Province exceeded 80 million taels. This is not silver dollars, but pure silver.

If averaged to the 104 counties under the jurisdiction of Shanxi Province, each county can have an average of 800,000 taels of pure silver.

Of course, these silvers are in the hands of some rich families and have nothing to do with the vast majority of poor people, but this also shows the prosperity of Shanxi Province's business at that time.

The old man from Shanxi, in terms of fighting, is at the level of a regiment commander, but in terms of farming and business, he is definitely a master.

And Lucheng is the second largest city in Shangdang area!

The traitor, known as one of the three tyrants, has controlled the most profitable side business in this big city for ten years!

Everyone has heard of banks and silver houses, but have you ever heard of a term called "silver cellar"?

If you haven't heard of it, then it's fine. Today, Lu Zhongda and six soldiers saw it with their own eyes.

The hammer has done a great job!

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