Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 946 Genius is just a prelude!

quite a while!

"Commander Tang, let's put this army organization aside for now. Can you tell us what you think of the war situation in Shanxi East, or in Shanxi Province?" The division commander tapped the table lightly and looked at Tang Dao with a different look.

This is definitely a big test, even for Tang Dao who is familiar with history.

Now, with the great victories at Licheng and Shentouling, the 108th Division suffered more than 4,000 battle losses, which can be regarded as a heavy casualty in a practical sense. What strategy will the Japanese North China Front Army Command come up with to solve the problems on the battlefield in eastern Shanxi? No one can estimate whether the 108th Division, which has nearly 20,000 remaining troops, will continue to stay in Shandong, or whether other divisions will be newly transferred to increase the deterrent effect.

However, at this time, Tang Dao was no longer a little butterfly who had just traveled through time and had to fight for a chance of survival for himself. Now he had stayed in the position of leader of a group for nearly five months, and his perspective on problems had long since changed. It is limited to the special forces who shocked the whole audience by relying on the combat power of a single soldier.

"Our army currently has three divisions and one regiment in Shandong, with a total strength of more than 55,000 men. The Japanese army has only one newly defeated 108th Division with only 20,000 men. Judging from the comparison of strength, our army has completely taken advantage. The enemy's 108th Division had to be trapped in the occupied county and completely lost control of the suburbs.

It seems that even if our army does not gain the upper hand, it can still maintain a balance of power! "Tang Dao took a deep breath.

All the officers looked solemn!

The three divisions Tang Dao mentioned include the 921st Division, an infantry division of the 22nd Group Army of the Sichuan Army, plus an infantry division of the Jinsui Army, and the other regiment naturally refers to the Sixings Regiment.

Originally, before the Si Xing Regiment arrived, the three infantry divisions were overwhelmed by the 108th Division. The area around Licheng belonged to the 22nd Army's defense line, but the 108th Division used an infantry regiment to overwhelm it and conquer several cities.

As a friendly force, the 921st Division was suppressed by another infantry brigade of the 108th Division. It could not form a decent support except for guerrilla operations. Not to mention the infantry division of the Jinsui Army, the 108th Division only used one infantry regiment to defeat the enemy. He was restrained so that he did not dare to act rashly.

Of course, in addition to the fact that the Japanese army's infantry heavy firepower far exceeds that of the Chinese army, the Japanese army's powerful air power is also one of the reasons why the Chinese army is retreating steadily! It's fine in mountainous areas, but once outside the mountainous areas, the 200-pound and 500-pound aerial bombs are simply a nightmare for infantry.

Now, even if the Japanese army has suffered heavy losses, there is an elite infantry regiment like the Si Xing Regiment in eastern Shanxi. One is declining, the other is ebbing, and China and Japan seem to be returning to a balance of power, but as Tang Dao said, it is only seemingly that the Japanese army Air power has always been a fatal threat that the Chinese military cannot avoid.

"However, this is only on the surface. As long as the threat of the Japanese air force is still there, we cannot rely on our strength superiority to open up a battle with the Japanese army. We will still adopt the current situation and allow the Japanese army to occupy transportation lines and county towns. In fact, the situation has not been improved. So much improvement!" Tang Dao's eyes flashed coldly.

"This situation may not only exist in eastern Shanxi and Shanxi Province, but also in the entire Japanese occupied areas. Our army hopes to drive the Japanese invaders out of China in a short time. There is no chance of winning!"

"Yes! The Japanese army has planes and artillery. Our army wants to use its advantage in numbers to drive them out of our Chinese territory. It is difficult and even unrealistic at present, even if we are willing to pay heavy sacrifices." Division Commander He stood up, paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and sighed with deep pain in his eyes.

This is the tragedy of soldiers!

Facing an enemy that was almost a dimensionality reduction attack, they even spared no expense on the most precious thing in the world - life, but they still could not defend their country and nation. How heartbreaking is this?

But in an instant, the pain was replaced by determination, and he said loudly: "But no matter how difficult it is, we have to fight them.

The odds of victory are not calculated by calculating military strength, but by fighting. "

"The chief is right, battles are fought, not calculated." Tang Dao also stood up.

"In my opinion, let alone the fact that we cannot hope to drive out the Japanese invaders in a short time, even if we lose this long-lasting war and lose North China, South China, Central China, and South China, it doesn't matter. Remarkable.

The little devils have spent decades preparing for the war against China. No matter in terms of the quality of soldiers, weapons and equipment, or financial resources, China, which has just experienced many domestic melees, cannot withstand it. In the entire early stage of the war, we It's normal to not be able to stop it.

But our army also has advantages that the Japanese do not have. "

Several soldiers present stared at Tang Dao with their faces filled with horror!

Tang Dao had already surprised them before. They could definitely call him a tactical genius, but even the two division leaders who had already attached great importance to him did not expect that Tang Dao would be so powerful in the strategic situation.

Because this is not the first Chinese person in the early days of the war to summarize the continuous failures of the Chinese army and to be willing to endure defeat.

They heard almost the same argument from another man with a stalwart figure. At present, China, even if it gathers all the strength of the country, cannot compete with the Japanese invaders. In the early stage of the war, it will be defeated!

In half a year, two important areas in North China and Southeast China were lost, but the Japanese army was still pressing forward step by step. This has completely proved that person's argument a few months ago.

But this is not the pessimistic "theory of defeat". On the contrary, his exciting turning point later, he said that as long as China resists for a long time, China will surely win this Patriotic War, allowing the generals of the Eightyth Group Army to firmly lead the entire army. The basis of confidence to cross the Yellow River eastward and resist the Japanese front line.

Tang Dao continued to say generously: "That is, our country has a vast territory and great strategic depth. Take North China for example. If Pingjin is lost, we still have Hebei Province. If Hebei Province is lost, we still have Shanxi Province. If we lose Shanxi Province, we still have Guanzhong. Even if we lose Guanzhong, we still have Sichuan.

The little devils have calculated everything and saved money for decades to fight us in China, but they still don't understand one thing, their population is too small.

With only tens of millions of people, they want to swallow up my 500 million Chinese compatriots and tens of millions of square kilometers of land. It would be strange if they don't die of starvation. They want to occupy the entire territory of China, but they don't even have 10 million standing troops.

As long as we don't give up resistance, every time we fight with the little devils, even if we can't kill them, we will scratch their faces and make them bleed. If they bleed too much, they will eventually die."

Tang Dao's description is very interesting, and a group of serious-looking generals couldn't help laughing.

The great man's theory of victory is actually a similar reason, but it is not as down-to-earth as what a certain regiment commander said, that it is okay to scratch the devils to death by scratching their faces.

"This is what Mr. Baili said, 'Fight and lose again, fight again and again'!" The short leader sighed.

"Which one do you think is more important, to save people and lose land, or to save land and lose people?" Tang Dao, who was talking freely, asked a question in return.

This Tang Dao was not afraid that the generals present would say that he was pirating. The author of this theory did not summarize this classic quote until nearly ten years later. It was almost the essence of his military experience in his life.

The current war is the process of this strategy gradually forming. It is not an exaggeration for Tang Dao to bring it out now.

"Interesting!" The division commander walked slowly with his glasses, and the solemnity on his face gradually melted.

Obviously, he was the first person to figure out the meaning of this sentence.

"Of course, it is more important to save people and lose land. With people, we can take back the land sooner or later." Brigade Commander Cheng was thoughtful.

"That's it. If you save the land and lose the people, both the people and the land will be lost; if you save the people and lose the land, both the people and the land will be saved." Tang Dao clapped his hands and laughed. "We don't need Pingjin. If the Japanese in Shanxi want us, we can give them to them. But we are not going to run away. If you occupy the city, I will be in the countryside; if you occupy the countryside, I will be in the mountains.

Let alone reorganization in the future, I believe that even with the current personnel and equipment of our 921st Division, if we occasionally pop out of the mountains to scratch the Japanese, it will not be as simple as scratching their faces with blood! At least we can kick them in the balls."

"Great!" The division commander clapped his hands and praised, looking at Tang Dao with admiration.

Before, he just wanted to discuss with Tang Dao about the strategy that only bigwigs are qualified to comment on because of Tang Dao's exquisite tactics and seemingly decent strategic vision.

That was actually not a test, but simply a kind of excitement as a soldier. Tang Dao was happy that he could say something similar, and even if he said it in a mess, it would not make the senior commander feel dissatisfied.

After all, Tang Dao was only a young man in his early 20s, commanding only an infantry regiment. Wang Xiaoqiang, who was one year older than Tang Dao, also focused on equipment and supplies every day, trying to get more and more! But as a division commander, he didn't think there was anything wrong. That day, Wang Xiaoqiang suddenly became generous and began to consider the overall situation of the battlefield. He would have thought that Wang Xiaoqiang had taken the wrong medicine!

Who would have thought that Tang Dao would drop a big bomb on him as soon as he said it was not a big deal.

It's okay to say that China will definitely win a protracted war because of its large strategic depth and large population. After all, there are similar views of Mr. Baili in the past, but this view of "saving land and losing people, both people and land are lost; saving people and losing land, both people and land are saved" is extraordinary. The more you think about it, the more it makes sense, and even makes people feel like they have been enlightened.

The future instructor's summary of the eight-year guerrilla warfare experience shocked a group of veterans, and only Tan Tai Mingyue gave her fiancé a look of reproach.

In fact, she was thinking about how to write such a sentence that reached the peak in seconds in her diary, but this guy insisted on using such a vulgar metaphor, which simply made her, a writer, crazy.

However, Tan Tai Mingyue still blamed Tang Dao for this. It was not that Tang Dao was vulgar specifically for the so-called down-to-earth.

The army is a man's world. The seemingly vulgar slang hides the wisdom of getting along with others, which is the common point of getting along with the majority of officers and soldiers.

A general who is too far away from the officers and soldiers may be able to guide the officers and soldiers to fight according to their own combat intentions by virtue of his position, but if he wants the three armies to fight for you at the cost of their lives, he can't even think about it.

In the army, there are many generals who point at the noses of their subordinates and curse their fathers and mothers.

There may be some gentlemen who can eventually become a generation of famous generals, but there are really not many. At least Tang Dao doesn't think he will become that kind. He still chooses to be closer to ordinary soldiers.

Men! It's normal to be a little rough occasionally!

"Captain Tang, your remarks today really made me feel like 'listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books'!" The division commander smiled.

"I dare not take credit for my elders! I actually heard this from an old superior." Tang Dao waved his hand quickly.

However, no one believed him.

Tang Dao had only two old superiors, one was the commander of the 88th Division, and the other was the commander of the 43rd Army. Everyone knew the former's strength, but the latter had fought with these generals on the battlefield several years ago and had some skills, but he could not come up with such a strategic summary even if he was given decades.

"Okay, I won't say much about the compliments. I will ask the division staff to come up with a specific reorganization plan for the three-four system you proposed, and then report it to the army headquarters for approval!

If the army headquarters agrees, then my 921st Division will be used as a pilot and will eventually be promoted to the entire army!" The division commander made the final decision with a calm face.

He was the only person present who was qualified to express this attitude, and he also expressed his recognition of Tang Dao with his firm attitude.

After all, Tang Dao's plan on paper sounds easy, but it is not easy to apply it in practice.

The reorganization of an infantry division is complicated in terms of personnel arrangement, and all aspects must be considered. In addition, the financial, material and human resources spent are huge, and these are still secondary. What's more important is that the personnel are in place, but the equipment is not in place. Then the cavalry regiment, artillery regiment, and independent combat infantry battalion are just a joke.

Almost betting on the honor of his many years of military service, he told Tang Dao with the attitude that the 921st Division will definitely be reorganized: I believe in the equipment of the two German-equipped infantry divisions you mentioned.

Faced with this person's unreserved trust at the first meeting, Tang Dao had nothing to repay, and he could only

propose the request he had been planning for a long time.

"Since the two division commanders got a pretty good suggestion from me for free!" Tang Dao looked smiling. "Then I wonder if you can agree to Tang Dao's small request?"

When this was said, not only the two division commanders were stunned, but also the brigade commander Cheng was stunned.

It seems that Tang Dao also told him that when he first arrived in Taihang Mountain last time, after delivering a bunch of guns and cannons, he didn't say anything about the specific content, but asked him to make a promise.

But this promise! Tang Dao never said it, and he never had the opportunity to fulfill it. He always felt heavy in his heart that he owed Tang Dao something.

For a few days, he wanted to ask Tang Dao in person, what exactly do you want me to do, just tell me! Under strong curiosity, he asked him to do a handstand and a somersault for Tang Dao, and he probably agreed.

This feeling is really torturous.

If he could share this feeling with Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who also owed Tang Dao a favor, Wang Xiaoqiang would be completely puzzled. Are you tired of thinking so much, Brigade Commander?

It is true that he got the gun in his hand. Anyway, with Tang Dao's temperament, how could he let you help him rob a woman? It would be strange if his beautiful fiancée didn't pick up a pen to spit at him to death.

Don't say it, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who has a slightly more linear thinking, accidentally guessed half of the thoughts of a certain regiment commander.

The certain regiment commander really wanted to rob people.

However, it was not a woman, but a man!

Let Deputy Regiment Commander Wang and Brigade Commander Cheng owe a favor, not to ask them to help, but as long as they don't hold back.

After all, they are their subordinates.

It can only be said that we are not afraid of thieves stealing, but we are afraid of thieves thinking about it. For someone like Tang Dao who has been thinking about the assets of these two people before they even met, even gods can't prevent it.

I don't know if the batch of guns that these two people once happily held will still be fragrant after knowing the truth later?

That must be to use a certain regiment commander as a target, the evil heart is too big.

And Tang Dao made the request at this time because the only ones who can really decide whether Tang Tuanzuo succeeds in snatching people are these two division commanders.

For this, Tang Dao has been preparing for a long time!

He drank a lot of wine and pirated the classic strategic quotations of the instructor comrade. He has developed the plug-in to the extreme.

If this is not enough, Tang Dao also wants to do a handstand and a somersault for these two.

This temperament is inadvertently matched with the brigade commander Cheng.

It's so congenial!

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