Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 947: Swing the big hoe!

"What's the request? Tell me about it?" The two division commanders were stunned for a moment before they reacted.

Although Tang Dao started to make requests, the two looked much happier.

As friends, if one party only asks for things from the other party, not to mention that the party being asked for things will change psychologically sooner or later, the party asking for things will also feel uncomfortable.

To put it bluntly, except for the blood-related family affection, you can't choose. Both parties of friendship and love have the right to choose freely, and one of the foundations for both parties to get along happily is equality.

Especially for these two division commanders, one studied in France in his early years, and the other was the founder of the 80th Army Group. They are both talented people. Why would they be willing to take advantage of Tang Dao, a young man? That would be a bit of a loss of face for the big brother, even if they are really in a difficult situation now.

In their opinion, Tang Dao's initiative to make requests just meets their inner needs.

Making requests can make people happy, and Tang Tuanzuo is really good at this.

"The Four-Line Regiment was established not long ago, and the position of the director of the Political Training Department of the regiment is still vacant, and there has been no suitable candidate." Tang Dao said. "I know that all the officers above the school level in your department are from the old military, so I hope to transfer an experienced and young colleague from your department to serve as the director of the Political Training Department of our regiment, with the rank of colonel."

Tang Dao said this.

All the soldiers of the 921st Division present were collectively petrified.

This time, it was not because Tang Dao wanted to blatantly snatch people.

But, the intention behind Tang Dao's words.

What role does the director of the Political Training Department play in a unit?

This can be traced back to the establishment of the Huangpu Army. It was originally the Political Department, and naturally it was responsible for the political organization, propaganda, youth, enemy work, mass work, and security work in each army. In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the group army, infantry army, infantry division, brigade, and regiment below the war zone were changed to the Political Training Department, and one of its biggest responsibilities was intelligence work.

Most of the military political training officers are directly appointed by the military and political department, especially those who are not direct troops, who are more determined to be appointed. To put it bluntly, this is the position of monitoring and restricting the military chief, similar to the ancient military supervisor.

In the 80th Group Army, the position of the director of the political training department is even more critical, because there is no political commissar in the military and political department, and the director of the political training department is simply used as the political commissar, which is definitely one of the two major officers in the army.

Tang Dao's words just now mean: I resisted the pressure and did not let the military and political department insert the director of the political training department, but I need you to send me one.

What's behind the meaning, do you still need to think about it? The olive branch has been extended to the two divisional leaders.

"Your idea is very good, but can the military and political department agree?" The two divisional leaders looked at each other in surprise and joy, and suppressed their joy.

When people reach middle age, they are less passionate and excited than in their youth, but more reserved. Whether this is progress or a price, even humans themselves cannot explain it clearly.

"So, I hope that the comrade who will serve in our regiment will not have his personnel transferred for the time being, and his military salary will be paid by the original department. In addition, after this comrade arrives in our regiment, in addition to the original duties of the position, he will also need to form a teaching brigade to carry out military affairs and ideological education for the new soldiers in our regiment, which is still very heavy work.

Maybe these requirements are a bit too much for your department and this comrade. As compensation, our regiment will pay corresponding allowances according to the military salary of the chief officer of our regiment." Tang Dao has been thinking about this matter for a long time, and naturally he has a plan in mind.

"Good guy, you have been planning this for a long time! You are not thinking about my 921st Division when you led your troops to the north, right?" The short chief who is mainly responsible for political work smiled and pointed at Tang Dao with his hand.

Anyone with a little brain can hear another meaning in this person's words: You, Tang Dao, should have already been loyal to the Red Sun!

If this is confirmed, the intimacy between Tang Dao and the 921st Division will increase significantly again, and even some sensitive information that was not easy to mention before can be put on the table.

"No, no, I was also in a state of confusion after a series of failures, and then I was enlightened by my future father-in-law." Tang Dao replied with a smile.

The man who will make great plans for the future of China is a wise man, and there is a hint of temptation in his words. The psychological change of any person must be a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. It is difficult for him to believe that a person who has never had any contact with them, a group of idealists, suddenly changes his mind. It is just as difficult as a carnivore suddenly announcing that he will only eat vegetarian food in the future.

A guide is an indispensable link.

It is more appropriate for Tang Dao to use his future father-in-law, who has already had contact with them and admired them, as a shield.

Several future generals smiled and nodded, indicating that they agreed with Tang Dao's statement! Tan Tai Yunshu, a progressive democratic person, and the director of the political department of the Huangpu Military Academy are close friends.

Only Tan Tai Mingyue rolled her eyes at her fiancé, saying that father-in-law is father-in-law, why do you have to add the word "old"? I wonder what Lao Tantai cares most about everyday is his demeanor! Fortunately, I didn't poke his heart in front of him.

Since arriving at Dakouzi Cave, the middle-aged handsome guy has not had any contact with the 921st Division to avoid suspicion. Every day, he takes his old servant and two guards to ride a donkey around the Taihang Mountains.

It’s not that the middle-aged handsome guy is just attached to the mountains. In his words, this ancient and quiet mountain that is about to be filled with war has inspired him. He wants to use this mountain as a base to create a painting depicting China. A picture of the Taihang Mountains where the mountain people fought bravely!

In any war, it seems that the decisive victory takes place on the battlefield. In fact, there are many factors outside the battlefield, and propaganda is one of them.

No matter how good Tantai Yunshu's paintings are, his fame can not only let the uninformed Chinese people know about the unyielding battle in this corner of the ancient mountain, but also reduce the difficulties faced by the Four Elements Group at this time. Tang Dao naturally received strong support from the pressure from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

As for adding "老" before his father-in-law, Tang Dao dared to use his character to guarantee that it was definitely an honorific title. It was not because the handsome middle-aged man was very popular among female students and he wanted to use the word "老" to remind him not to make mistakes.

Excellent people cannot hide their own light even in such difficult times.

And the reason why he asked the two division chiefs for the person tonight without waiting for further contact to get the other party's approval was to be honest, Tang Dao really wasn't that eager to force himself into the Eightyth Army.

If possible, Tang Dao is more willing to join in the way of "Lu Yaoyao knows horse power, and time will tell people's hearts". He will also be more flexible and maneuverable in battle without being too restrained. Not many daughters-in-law are willing to have multiple mothers-in-law taking care of them. no?

He was also forced by practical problems.

In the early days of the establishment of the Si Xing Tuan, it was originally a group of big men, and when they were fighting the Japanese, they thought about how to fight the Japanese while eating and sleeping.

But as the scale becomes larger and larger, and each department becomes more and more complete, female soldiers are no longer a rare animal. For example, the medical brigade now has twenty or thirty female nurses, and the student company has as many as one hundred. The remaining female students have now begun to gradually replenish their positions in various departments of the Youth League based on their majors.

Compared with men, women are a little less rough and a little more delicate. Their arrival has undoubtedly made up for many of the original shortcomings of the Four Elements Group, but they also have some more potential risks.

For example, things between men and women!

Tang Dao, who was originally busy with military affairs and had no time to care about such trivial matters, realized that this kind of human instinct is not a trivial matter after receiving news that many company commanders and platoon commanders like to visit student companies and medical brigades in their spare time. I can't wait to cause a big problem for him at any time.

Human nature is the most complicated thing in the world. People are also complex and changeable. On the battlefield, he is a hero who is not afraid of death, but in reality, he may not be perfect enough.

But if you rely solely on military orders to control it, it may be counterproductive. If the two people are in love, Tang Dao who issued the military order is likely to be called a tyrant, especially if he already has a fiancée.

Therefore, ideological and political education is urgent for the Four Elements Group, which has gradually entered the formal stage.

Cadres of the 921 Division who are good at ideological education are the most suitable candidates. And Tang Dao knew that their management in this area was very successful!

"You just said that you have the rank of colonel and you must be young. With these two requirements, you eliminated many people! I guess you already have a goal." A faint smile appeared on the face of the division leader. "Tell me! Who do you have your eye on? I think it's the young talent from my teacher who your Tang Da Tuan Zuo is thinking about."

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang on the side glanced at Tang Dao with a resentful look. Although he had no intention of becoming a political commissar in the Four Elements Regiment, he himself knew that he would be able to fight a war. Engaging in ideological and political education was not his specialty, but he had Tang Dao, who was classified as a good brother, just pushed this army lieutenant colonel aside without even considering him, which made the straightforward Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang feel inexplicably sad.

What’s up! Brother Tang doesn’t like himself!

"Captain Ye!" Tang Dao didn't hide it and just called him by name.

"Although the division of labor among the chief officers of our four-line regiment headquarters is clear, as the battlefield expands in the future, it is imperative for our regiment to expand its troops in order to cope with the Japanese offensive. Several chief officers of the regiment headquarters need to lead the first army, Lei Xiong, The two deputy commanders, Gong Shaoxun, each lead a battalion and a cavalry company, and the director of our regiment's political training department will definitely have such a day. It is also very important to have the experience of being a military officer. "

There was silence at the table!

In fact, the Commander Ye mentioned by Tang Dao had a very important position in the 921st Division.

If the infantry brigade in the 921 Division is the most capable, it is undoubtedly the 683 Brigade. Brigadier Cheng Da is also known as the number one general of the 921 Division. Even the chief officers of the division do not completely treat him as a subordinate.

But if the most combat-effective regiment under the 921st Division is said to be, at least 90% of people will leave this name to the 772nd Regiment.

How strong the combat effectiveness of the 772nd Regiment is, just look at how awesome Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang performed in the past battles, but still submitted to the deputy commander of the 772nd Regiment.

In fact, perhaps not only the soldiers of this era think so, but also the soldiers of the future.

Because this infantry regiment was the only infantry regiment in the Eightyth Army whose first regiment commander and first three battalion commanders were all killed in battle, and only a certain Xiaoqiang-level deputy commander survived until the war.

The Commander Ye mentioned by Tang Dao was the first commander of the 772 Regiment, who was only 24 years old.

Tang Dao didn't open his mouth, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his back teeth almost dropped in shock, and he actually aimed at the commander of the first regiment of the 921st Division.

It would be weird if he didn’t get beaten!

"Good fellow, you have a big appetite. It's ok to be a colonel in the army, or a young talent, but I didn't expect you to want to take away the head of my main regiment, and you even made up so many excuses for it!" After the division commander was shocked, a smile appeared on his face.

This actually seemed to be agreeing.

"No." Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth wide, and his parotid glands were exposed.

Instinctively, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang wanted to express his opposition. It is true that he is now the third in command, and there are not many people he admires in this life, but he really admires his own regiment commander.

He often eats more and takes more and asks for supplies and equipment from the regiment. If the regiment commander didn't help him, he would have been driven to the baggage company by the brigade commander to be the head. If it didn't work out, it would be a good ending. The 683rd Brigade's cooking squad never lacks a colonel-level squad leader.

Although he commanded the Shentouling battle well because his own regiment commander was away, the whole regiment knew that the regiment commander was in the division headquarters, and he also observed the battle situation with the division commanders, and felt at ease.

If the regiment commander really left, not to mention the ordinary officers and soldiers, even Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang would not know for sure.

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Tang Dao waved his hand at Wang Xiaoqiang, making a gesture that he would keep his promise.

Damn, the promise I made last time is used in this place? Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang's head was buzzing.

This is indeed a bit suffocating!

Is this guy crazy! The eyes of Cheng Da, who was about to be poached by Tang Dao with a big hoe, were wide open.

That was the commander of the first regiment under his command!

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Tang Dao also blocked his mouth with a smile.

It was so cool to see these two people blushing because of their promises!

So fucking cheap! The two future generals tried not to look at the long wooden bench beside them, so as not to be unable to help but hit the guy who abused the promise later.

Even though they had heard of Tang Dao's feat of fighting five Japanese infantrymen with a bayonet on the battlefield, they were extremely depressed and still wanted to give it a try.

"Hey! Your ability, Commander Tang, is really amazing! You made the two famous troublemakers of the 921st Division shut up, and the people they wanted to poach were their close friends!" The short commander noticed that the two subordinates were blushing but couldn't speak, and he was very curious.

"Hehe! Commander, I wonder if you have heard of a saying: Money can make the devil push the mill, but guns can make the mill push the devil!" Tang Dao chuckled.

"Haha!" Except for the frustrated Brigade Commander Cheng and Deputy Commander Wang, the rest of the soldiers were amused by Tang Dao's newly made proverb.

After thinking about it carefully, it really makes sense!

"Don't talk to me so much. Xiaoye, it's not impossible if you want it, but you have to give me a real reason to want someone!" The division commander stared at Tang Dao with his eyes, very serious.

Tang Dao felt a little bitter.

The real reason was simple. He didn't want to see the young talent die prematurely in the anti-Japanese battlefield.

If there was no incredible stray bullet in the battle one month later, the young talent who was on the front line to command the battle would have had the opportunity to grow into a famous general second only to Brigade Commander Cheng among the people present.

His talent could harvest more lives of Japanese invaders in this cruel war of national defense!

But the real reason, if it is said at this time, will anyone believe it? How can a materialist believe that someone can see through the future?

"If I say that the well-versed Ye Tuanzhang is my first choice, do you believe it, sir?" Tang Dao had to bite the bullet.

"I believe it!" The division commander's face, which was originally a little solemn, showed a smile.

It seemed that everything was within his expectations, and he didn't notice that the eyes around him were rolling around.

Well-versed in both civil and military affairs, anyone who has read a few books can use this word! Just because of this, the commander of the first combat power under his command was sent out?

Really, the division commander drank too much today! For the other brigade and regiment officers.

"Well! The division commander was also fooled by the "gun can make the devil push the mill" of the regiment commander Tang!" The short chief laughed loudly with a thick Sichuan accent. "But I think this business is not a loss! I agree!"

The high and mighty chief is so naughty!

"Ahem!" Several regiment commanders were defeated by their two chiefs one after another.

Tang Dao came to his senses now that he had been fooled.

He was in the game and couldn't see the situation clearly. He always thought about how to give them a reason that could convince everyone. After all, it involved the transfer of a main regiment commander, especially the transfer of another faction's army.

But in fact, for the two chief-level soldiers in front of them, the number one general was gone, and there were still the number two and number three generals. The 80th Army had fought for ten years, and the backbone force had indeed been cultivated. Otherwise, the force would not have expanded tenfold in a few years.

It is more important to unite an elite infantry regiment like the Four Lines Regiment into the 80th Army!

Under such a guiding ideology, let alone his boasting of being "both civil and military", even if he said that a girl in the Four Lines Group had taken a fancy to this young talent and he wanted to be a matchmaker to make this happen, the two leaders would still bite their teeth and say the word "believe".

The reason why they asked him to talk nonsense with a serious face was perhaps because mature middle-aged people did not want to agree to the "evil" taste of passionate young people too easily!

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