Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 970 The Gate of Hell Opens!

2:40 pm on April 1st!

After a long probing attack, Gu Teng Changying finally gave the order to attack.

This time, the Japanese army no longer used three infantry squadrons to make probing attacks, but deployed as many as seven infantry squadrons at one time.

Two were deployed on each of the No. 1 and No. 2 heights, and one was deployed on each of the No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 heights. If you look down from a high place, the earthy yellow color all over the mountains is numbing.

Especially on the No. 1 and No. 2 heights, from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, it has been plowed back and forth by more than 16 artillery guns for several times. The original soil and shrubs have been opened up by the raging artillery fire, showing a horrifying charred black color.

Seeing that the Japanese army began to increase its manpower investment, the two infantry company commanders Cai Yongguan and Zhao Daqiang no longer focused on building trenches. When the Japanese vanguard reached the 200-meter area, they ordered their four heavy machine guns to fire to suppress the infantry.

When the two Type 89 tanks and four Type 94 tanks that were 400 meters away began to move forward and tried to provide fire cover for their own infantry, the eight Type 82 mortars that had been hidden behind the two high grounds began to show their power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Mud and smoke splashed.

In the fierce artillery fire, the waves of air raised even the Type 94 tanks with steel bodies were swayed from side to side by the impact.

"Yo! The Chinese are finally willing to show their specialty." Gu Teng Changying, who had been observing the battlefield with a telescope, was not surprised but happy.

If the weapons that the Chinese hated the most about the Japanese army on the battlefield were artillery and grenade launchers, then the Japanese army was also very afraid of a weapon of the Chinese army.

The Type 82 mortar is light in weight and highly mobile. Although its range is not far, its lethality is not small. Many Japanese infantry and light and heavy firepower points were injured by this simple artillery.

Fortunately, most of the Chinese army is poorly equipped. Even with this kind of crude artillery, an ordinary infantry regiment only has a few pieces. The small number and weak firepower cannot play a decisive role on the battlefield.

But Gu Teng Changying will not ignore the elite infantry regiment of the Four-line Regiment. Based on its previous record, Gu Teng Changying judged that it has no less than 10 such mortars. Otherwise, the colleagues of the Fifth Division and the 14th Division are not all pigs. How could they be surrounded and killed so easily?

Strategically despise the opponent, but tactically must pay attention to the opponent. Gu Teng Changying's viciousness and cunning are based on wisdom, not just a belly of bad water.

Stupid and bad goods, not to mention the enemy, even their own people can't survive more than three episodes, how can they have the opportunity to sit on the throne of the Army Major General?

Therefore, from the beginning, the 69th Infantry Regiment did not put heavy machine guns on the wings to provide fire support for the infantry as in the past, but mainly relied on the heavy machine guns of the 94 tanks and the 57mm guns of the 89 tanks.

This is the advantage of having armor. The Chinese light and heavy machine guns cannot penetrate the 10 mm thick armor. In addition, to prevent the Chinese from hiding direct-aiming guns, several tanks stayed 400 meters away.

During the one and a half hour exploratory attack, the Chinese did not cause any damage to the heavy firepower points of the 69th Infantry Regiment except for suppressing the infantry with firepower. Instead, they destroyed many exposed firepower points with mountain artillery, infantry artillery, and tank guns.

Now, when the imperial army began to increase its manpower and use more tanks to attack, the Chinese should have no choice but to use their trump cards.

The continuous explosions on the tanks' route made Gu Teng Changying and Sasaki Xiaoyong feel fortunate. With this firepower, if it fell into the heavy machine gun position, it would be unknown how much the heavy machine gun would lose.

Unfortunately, this round of artillery fire was fierce for the infantry, but it was just a scratch for the thick-skinned Type 89 tanks. Even the thin-skinned Type 94 light tanks would not have much problem as long as they were not hit directly by shells continuously. The air waves and shrapnel could not break the 10 mm thick armor.

"Order, the tank squadron continues to increase its investment!" Gu Teng Changying's eyes showed viciousness. "I want the Chinese to wail under the tracks of my tanks, and let them understand that the so-called courage will be crushed."

With the order of the Japanese Army Major General Brigade Commander, several Type 94 light tanks roared out of the woods.

There were 5 Type 94 tanks and 1 Type 89 tank just before Hill No. 2.

It was not until the 5 tanks arrived at the front line about 260 meters that the Japanese troops suppressed by the heavy machine guns began to stir.

At least more than a hundred Japanese soldiers followed the five tanks, using the tanks as shields and slowly moving upwards.

The leading Type 89 tank was the most arrogant. No one dared to shoot. No matter it was a light machine gun or a heavy machine gun, it would fire at the target. As a result, the light and heavy machine guns in the trenches were quickly moved down after firing a burst of rounds and fired at another place, which seriously affected the continuous firepower.

Fortunately, they had just used the Japanese army's tentative attack for an hour or so, and the trenches were dug for a long time. With the sandbags filled with the excavated soil, the depth of the trenches could basically reach 1.5 meters. They didn't have to crawl like before, but could move by bending over.

10 meters above the second-line trench, in a fortification covered with thick sandbags.

"Company commander, do you want to kill him?" A sergeant squad leader asked Cheng Tieshou who was looking at the battlefield below with a telescope.

Next to the two of them was a 37mm anti-tank gun!

Knowing that the Japanese army would bring tanks, how could Tang Dao not make arrangements in advance?

The three highlands No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 face the road directly, with a slope of more than 40 degrees. If the Japanese tanks stay on the road, they will be live targets for infantry artillery. The Japanese army must not and dare not deploy tanks on those two sides.

Therefore, only the two highlands facing the mountains will encounter the impact of tanks.

Bai Sheng's engineering company did not participate in the digging of trenches, and basically focused on building four anti-tank artillery fortifications.

The current engineering company is no longer the simple version of the engineering company of the New Eighth Division with only iron pickaxes and hoes. They are not only equipped with pack horses to help transport tools, but also use the transportation capacity to carry mines, explosives, and a batch of special steel plates and steel columns for building reinforced fortifications.

The thickness of the steel plate reaches 30 mm, which is enough to withstand the frontal bombardment of 70 mm infantry guns and 75 mountain guns.

Those were all masterpieces of the smelting furnace seized from Lucheng. It took Teacher Xiao He only 5 days to provide 20 steel plates of different sizes according to the specifications required by Baisheng. Steel pillars as thick as arms were used for support.

Because, according to the requirements of Tang Dao, this kind of fortification can not only defend against 70 infantry guns and 57mm tank guns on the front, but also must be able to defend against 75mm or even 105mm howitzers on the top.

To build such fortifications, it must first be semi-sunken, reducing the area of ​​​​receiving bullets to less than 1 meter.

The big pit at the bottom is naturally obtained by blasting, and then it is regularized by manual excavation. If there is enough time, the fortress exposed above the ground will naturally be poured with reinforced concrete, but on this kind of field battlefield, who will give you so much time?

The outside is piled with sandbags, supplemented with soil, and the steel plate deeply inserted into the soil is sandwiched in the middle, and then two layers of sandbags are piled up. The roof is also topped with steel plates, and then wooden boards are laid, and then half a meter of soil is laid on it.

In order to prevent the Japanese from easily discovering the exposure, a large number of shrubs were moved to the entire fortification. From a distance, it seemed that the shrubs here were dense enough.

Behind the reinforced anti-tank artillery fortifications, two 50-meter-long communication trenches were dug for infantry shooting and evacuation.

In an hour and a half, Bai Sheng's engineering company completed such a large project. As the commander of the 2nd artillery company, Cheng Tieshou praised Bai Sheng's engineering company in front of Tang Dao.

Originally, as the commander of the 2nd artillery company, he didn't need to come to the front line, and even Tang Dao advised him not to.

After all, the more important job of the 2nd artillery company was air defense. If the Japanese planes bombed too fiercely, the machine guns might have to rely on him, a veteran shooter.

But Cheng Tieshou's words made everyone stop persuading.

"Back then in Laoshu Mountain, one of my heavy firepower platoon brothers was killed, and I didn't even see many of them for the last time.

This time, I don't want this to happen again. Even if I die, my brothers know that their company commander is here!" When he said this, Cheng Tieshou's big black face didn't show much expression.

But Tang Dao knew that his general, who was promoted from the machine gun platoon leader, was actually hurt.

The two infantry companies of Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan were almost wiped out, but at least the two company commanders had been fighting side by side with everyone. We and the superiors were brothers in life and death, and even if the soldiers died, there was some comfort.

But Cheng Tieshou's firepower support platoon did not see their company commander until all the members died in battle. When they died, did they blame Cheng Tieshou, the company commander? This was a hurdle that Cheng Tieshou couldn't get over.

Cheng Tieshou, who used to talk a lot, became a little silent after that battle.

Some people say that it is maturity, but if the price of maturity is to exchange the lives of brothers, then Tang Dao would rather everyone be more childish.

Besides, these four fortifications reserved for anti-tank guns are quite solid. Even if they are hit by the 57mm tank gun, they can withstand several shots. Tang Dao can do what he wants.

"No hurry, let the damned one move forward a few dozen meters. I will make him have nowhere to hide!" Cheng Tieshou did not turn his head back, his eyes fixed on the front. "Order the No. 2 gun position, don't shoot those little beans. Once the No. 1 position opens fire, cooperate to catch the Type 89 and shoot it. If the two guns can't deal with the damned one, you two squad leaders will go to the kitchen to steam buns for me."

Although the Type 89 tank is a medium tank, it looks like a behemoth from a close distance, but if it is pulled away, especially more than 300 meters away, it is actually not much bigger than a target.

It doesn't mean that one shot can hit it.

There are many sharpshooters, but there are really few sharpshooters!

Moreover, the frontal armor of the Type 89 tank is 35 mm, and there are arc angles. If there is no straight hit, even the armor-piercing shells of the 37 mm anti-tank gun have a high probability of being bounced off by the arc angle.

Therefore, Cheng Tie first concentrated the firepower of the two guns, and he would not hesitate to use a butcher knife to kill a chicken.

As for the two guns on the No. 1 high ground, their firing angles could not reach this side at all, so they could only start with the Type 94 tanks.

At this moment, the telephone in the fortifications rang.

After the battle of Licheng, the Four-Line Regiment seized a lot of telephones and wires from the Japanese army's baggage warehouse. Now the Four-Line Regiment has also transformed into a few modern ones.

Not only can the company headquarters on this high ground communicate with the regiment headquarters, but they can also directly communicate with the two artillery companies and the gun positions in several reinforced fortifications.

"Captain Cai called and asked if our Artillery Company 2 can still operate. Several of his machine guns were destroyed by the Japanese tank guns, and many people were killed or injured. If we don't fire back, he will curse." The sergeant squad leader put down the phone and reported to Cheng Tieshou.

"Don't worry about him. He's just a hot-tempered guy. Does he know how to lure the enemy in? If he doesn't kill this 89 tank right away, let him run away, and hide a few hundred meters away to fire, more people will die." Cheng Tieshou waved his hand and insisted on his own idea.

"He's also very good at threatening and cursing. I remember that he hugged my shoulder and called me brother many times. If you have the ability, kill our father too."

The sergeant squad leader grinned, but did not interrupt the discussion.

He knew the relationship between his company commander and that company commander Cai. Since the battle of Laoshu Mountain, perhaps because they both felt the same pain in their hearts because of the battle, or perhaps because their temperaments were the same, they have become close friends since then. Although the army cannot have sworn brotherhood, the two of them call each other brothers.

If the elder brother Cai wants to curse his mother, Cheng Tieshou, as the younger brother, will let him curse. Anyway, he is not the only one who is being criticized.

"Damn Cheng Tieshou, you're really not afraid of me cursing at you!" Cai Yongguan in the trench was so anxious that his eyes turned red.

The Type 89 tank continued to show off its might on the battlefield and fired continuously despite the continuous bullets.

That is, the trench was dug deep enough, and the kinetic energy of the shells hitting the edge of the trench was basically diluted by the sandbags and soil above the trench. As long as there were no people within a few meters, the lethality was not that great.

But even so, several people were hit by the flying gravel, either breaking their bones or bleeding profusely.

This was still with a steel helmet. Without this head protection, the casualty rate would have at least doubled.

As a company commander, it would be strange if Cai Yongguan was not anxious.

But the two anti-tank guns were more patient than he thought, and they waited until the Japanese tanks approached the trench about 200 meters before firing.

"Boom!" The first shot hit the side of the Type 89 tank half a meter away.

The armor-piercing shell didn't hit the tank but hit a rock. The flying stone fragments directly swept down a dozen infantrymen who were following the tank.

The power of the flying stone fragments shattered by the armor-piercing shells was actually no less than that of shrapnel. Wherever it hit, there would be a blood hole, but it would not kill them immediately. The pain made the Japanese infantrymen roll on the ground and howl.

Then, an armor-piercing shell was fired from another direction.

Because of the angle, this shot was even more crooked, but it hit the ground three meters behind the tank.

Good guy, the unlucky kids who were still rolling on the ground were directly blown away, and the battlefield became much quieter in an instant.

One shot hurt! One shot killed! These two shots are pretty amazing.

That is, the Japanese soldiers who were originally blown down by the previous shot cried.

You guys are so good at hitting tanks, so why did you catch us infantrymen? You are bullying us because we have no armor!

The artilleryman of the 2nd artillery company: I also want to hit a small tank with one shot! The strength doesn't allow it, right?

Seeing that his two guns failed to fire two consecutive rounds, Cheng Tieshou's face turned very dark, even though he killed at least four Japanese infantrymen with two guns.

But the most panicked at this moment was not the Japanese infantry, but the Japanese armored soldiers.

"Baga! The Chinese have anti-tank guns, retreat! Retreat!" The Japanese armored second lieutenant who was looking ahead quietly with his head out of the roof turned pale with fear.

He had personally witnessed the power of the German artillery equipped by the Chinese army in North China. Although the caliber of the 37mm rapid-fire gun was not large, its power was not small. Not to mention the Type 94 light tank, his previous captain was sent away by this kind of artillery equipped with armor-piercing shells.

After the war, when the captain was found in the tank that had been burned to a hollow frame due to the explosion, he was a 1.7-meter-tall man, curled up in a ball, black, and weighed no more than 30 kilograms, like a roasted sheep on a grill, emitting a strange fragrance.

The second lieutenant of the armored force who personally carried his former superior out swore that even if he died, he would not die like this.

The driver, who was patted on the shoulder by his own tank commander, was anxious and stepped on the accelerator to reverse, completely forgetting that there were more than a dozen infantrymen following behind the car.

"Baga! Bastard!" The Japanese infantry who was still cursing the Chinese artillery just now was made to do nothing by the coquettish operation of their own armored soldiers.

If they were not agile enough and rolled away quickly, they would have become meat patties.

But if there are fast reacters, there must be slow reacters. After all, there are still two wounded soldiers who were only concerned with wailing and did not notice the magical operation of their own tanks.

"Bang Bang!" Two creepy muffled sounds came from the crazy tracks of the tank, as if two mines were crushed.

The power of the human chest bursting after being suddenly subjected to strong pressure is absolutely beyond the imagination of human beings.

The blood spurted out even sprayed more than ten meters, washing the faces of several Japanese infantrymen following behind another Type 94 tank.

The bloody scene was so bloody that even the Japanese veterans who had seen the cruelty of the battlefield were stunned.

The key point is that the tracks of the tanks that were reversing crazily continued to roll, and blood and flesh mixed with mud splashed everywhere.

The smell of organs, the stench of human feces and urine squeezed out, and the strong smell of gunpowder made this battlefield look like hell on earth.

But in fact, this is just the opening of the gate of hell, and the grin of the devil of hell has not really arrived yet.

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