Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 971 A battle between wisdom and toughness!

"Hold on, hold on for me! I believe in you, you can do it!" In the fortification, Cheng Tieshou did not get angry because his anti-tank artillery squad missed a shot. Instead, he patted the sergeant squad leader who looked annoyed and encouraged him loudly.

"Come again!" The sergeant squad leader threw his helmet to the ground fiercely, regardless of the danger, and personally went to the observation port, reporting the data quickly.

The two veteran gunners fine-tuned the muzzle according to the data reported by the squad leader.

At this time, the Japanese 89 tanks, which were reversing frantically, also adjusted the muzzle and fired.

Although the fortification where Cheng Tieshou was located was well camouflaged, the large amount of gunpowder smoke formed by the firing of the 37mm gun gushed out from the firing port, but at a distance of more than 200 meters, it was also very clear to the extremely nervous Japanese 89 tanks.

The quality of the Japanese armored soldiers should not be underestimated. The first shot alone hit the side of the fortification, causing the soil to splash. Then, accompanied by the desperate roar of the tank engine, the 57mm gun continued to fire without stopping, the second shot, the third shot.

If the 57mm small-caliber artillery was placed on the Western battlefield, it would be a small slag that was abused unilaterally, but here, it was fierce.

One of the three shots hit the lower edge of the fortification directly, and it was only more than two meters away from the shooting port.

The huge vibration and sound caused by the explosion of the shells made the officers and soldiers in the fortification dizzy, and even Cheng Tieshou, who was as strong as he was, thought he was going to die.

Fortunately, the steel plates made by the engineering company were hard enough, and the sandbags and soil on the outer layer of the fortification were blown away, but the steel plates were not penetrated.

Because the Chinese side had no tanks at all, even if there were fortifications, they were all temporary field fortifications with civil structures. The Japanese Army armored soldiers almost forgot when they last carried armor-piercing shells.

At this time, the Type 89 tank only had shrapnel shells that were mainly used to kill infantry.

They were all made of iron, one side used armor-piercing shells, and the other side used shrapnel shells. The result of the shooting was obvious.

"Fire!" The artillery squad leader, whose eyes were red from the thick gunpowder smoke, finally roared.

The rapid-fire gun's firing rate was actually faster than the 57mm short-barreled gun of the Japanese Type 89 tank, but for a full 30 seconds, the 37mm anti-tank gun did not fire a single shot, allowing the Type 89 tank to fire three shots in a row. That was because it had almost no chance of making mistakes. The Type 89 tank was not stupid. It did not give up its greatest advantage and kept twisting its body up and down crazily.

However, as the two big killers on the high ground attacked, your infantry hidden in the infantry trench also cooperated. At least seven or eight light machine guns began to fire, suppressing the Japanese infantry who followed the tanks and made them lie on the cold mud.

The Japanese tanks were also cautious and did not dare to move sideways too much, because if they made a mistake and crushed one or two colleagues, they could be forgiven, but if one guy crushed a large number of infantry into meat patties, he would be sent to a military court even if he returned alive.

Therefore, the tactical maneuvering space left for the Japanese tanks to play freely was actually not large.

The artillery squad leader was waiting for the moment when the Japanese tanks stopped and fired.

"Boom!" This shot accurately hit the Type 89 tank, and the tank flashed almost bright sparks at that moment.

"Forward, forward!" The Japanese armored lieutenant was stunned for a second or two, and screamed loudly with all his strength.

At the moment when the huge vibration came, he thought he was dead, but he didn't expect to be miraculously alive.

Although the shell hit the tank, it happened to hit the arc corner of the Type 89 tank. Although the high-speed armor-piercing shell hit a terrifying gap in the armor, it was bounced away by the arc corner because of the angle, and did not penetrate the 35mm armor on the front of the Type 89 tank.

The second lieutenant of the armored corps knew that the tank had been targeted by the Chinese anti-tank guns that had been lurking for a long time. It was almost impossible to turn around and run away now. However, if he turned left or right, the more vulnerable tank would be exposed to the muzzle of the Chinese gun.

Now there was only one way to survive. The tank rushed forward at high speed, using the thick frontal armor of the tank to rush to the earthen ridge 20 meters away, and using the mountain terrain and angle to minimize the shooting angle and range of the Chinese anti-tank guns. Then, he had to hope that the brigade commanders and regiment commanders in the rear would react in time and use the artillery group to cover the Chinese artillery fortifications hidden on the high ground. They might still have a chance to evacuate the battlefield.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese armored corps was quick enough to react and strong enough to think. In such a life-or-death battlefield, not everyone had the courage to face the shells.

If there was only one anti-tank gun on the No. 2 high ground, he might have succeeded.

But unfortunately, there were two guns on the No. 2 high ground. The squad leader of the other 37mm anti-tank gun was also an old gunner. He did not blindly fire based on the firing speed of the 37mm anti-tank gun. He was waiting for the opportunity. He even waited until the No. 1 gun position finished firing before firing.

"Boom!" A dazzling spark burst out from the lower part of the 89 tank, and the track that was rolling wildly and bringing up mud suddenly fell off.

The shot from the No. 2 gun position directly broke the track. From this moment on, the 89 tank not only lost power, but also became a dead target.

Not only could it not move, but it was doomed to die.

"Old Jiang did a good job!" Cheng Tieshou laughed as he looked at the 89 tank whose track had fallen off through the telescope.

"Fire! Fire!" The Japanese armored second lieutenant's face turned pale and he gave orders frantically.

This was the only thing he could do at the moment.

Abandoning the vehicle and fleeing may seem like a way to survive, but it is actually a dead end. The Chinese are equipped with so many light and heavy machine guns that they can maintain such a strong firepower density after being bombarded for such a long time.

The sound of machine gun bullets hitting the tank armor never stopped.

"Fire! Fire!" The artillery squad leaders on the two gun positions also repeated the same words.

The Chinese and Japanese soldiers lying on the cold mud in early spring witnessed such a scene in the hail of bullets.

The crippled 89 tank stayed in place, and under the cover of the machine guns of several 94 tanks, they fired madly at the fortifications above.

The anti-tank guns in the Chinese artillery fortifications were not afraid at all, and they fired back one after another in the diffuse smoke and air waves.

Madness and bravery may not necessarily be equal, but at least at this moment, the armored soldiers of the 31st Infantry Brigade under Gu Teng Changying have enough toughness.

However, the opponent they met today was also the most elite infantry regiment in the whole of China, perhaps the only one.

Not only in terms of equipment, there are definitely more than five Chinese infantry regiments with better equipment than the Four-Line Regiment, such as the most elite of the elite - the Tax Police Corps. The strongest thing about the Four-Line Regiment is the iron will and belief in victory cultivated in bloody battles one after another.

This will and belief is not only among the front-line infantry, but has long been spread to the entire regiment, even the most inconspicuous baggage soldiers.

When the Four-Line Regiment was evaluating its military merits some time ago, because a baggage soldier and an artillery soldier were to be awarded "second-class military merit", many front-line infantry company commanders expressed opposition, believing that their infantry had to fight for their lives on the front line, so it was reasonable that infantry who even lost their lives could not be awarded "second-class military merit", while those auxiliary soldiers who only worked hard could still be awarded.

"Who said that only those who stand in the light are heroes?" Tang Dao said only one sentence, and the company commanders who raised objections shut up.

Frontline infantrymen risk their lives, but auxiliary troops are not only able to shine with equipment. At critical moments, they also have the courage to risk their lives.

Gun positions with solid fortifications are by no means a peaceful place without any danger.

Gun position No. 1 is the focus of the Japanese tank bombardment. The outer sandbags have almost been blown flat, revealing the steel plates that were bombed into pits. Even the inner sandbags used to reduce the impact force have collapsed.

This is not the most fatal. The real fatality is that in order to expand the firing angle and firing range of the 37mm anti-tank gun, the shooting hole is left very large, at least 1.3 square meters. With such a large hole, not to mention the flying shell fragments, even the machine gun bullets of the 94-type tanks that were madly fired, also flew in.

Fortunately, the 37mm anti-tank guns are equipped with steel plate shields, which can also protect the artillery behind them, but the stray bullets flying everywhere can also kill people.

Three artillerymen were injured by shrapnel and were lying in a pool of blood. They were then carried away and sent to the hospital. Even Cheng Tieshou, the commander of the 2nd Artillery Company who came to supervise the battle, had a bloody wound on his face. He was lucky because the shrapnel flew diagonally from above his eyebrows, hung on his face for a while, and then shot to the ground. If it flew horizontally, it would have cut off his nose.

In this era, any limb is broken, but no one can reconnect it. All medical methods have only one purpose-stay alive!

Despite the danger, the artillerymen did not retreat!

Finally, after firing three shots in a row, one of the shots hit the front armor of the 89 tank directly and broke in!

A large hole nearly the size of a bowl was left on the front armor of the 89 tank, and the 57mm short-barreled gun of the 89 tank finally stopped.

No one knew what happened inside the tank.

All we could see was that the desperate 89 tank was so silent that it was frightening.

The No. 2 gun position did not relax at all, and continued to hit the fallen dog. Two consecutive shots were fired, one of which hit the rear of the flank of the 89 tank. Dazzling flames jumped from the rear of the tank. It should be the intense high temperature caused by the friction of the bullet that ignited the diesel that was still being supplied. It took less than 10 seconds for the entire tank to burn violently, like a lit torch.

Thick black smoke rose to the sky.

"Baga!" Gu Teng Changying, who was watching the battle through a telescope in the distance, froze in his eyes.

In his experience, except for the destruction of the tank, no material would burn so violently that he could see the smoke column more than 600 meters away.

However, the Japanese Army Major General who was in a sluggish state obviously did not see that the Japanese infantry around the tank were beginning to flee frantically.

Even if countless bullets were still flying overhead, they had to stand up and walk away from this area with their two strong short legs.

At least five Japanese infantrymen were shot on the spot.

But the veteran's judgment was correct.

Because, a Type 89 tank has 50 rounds of ammunition. Since it went to the battlefield, this finished Type 89 tank has only fired about 20 rounds, which means there are nearly 30 rounds of shells in the tank.

In a tank that is burning fiercely!

30 rounds of shells, being smoked by the high temperature of thousands of degrees, will become more terrifying than heavy bombs in a short time.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The Type 89 tank exploded with a dazzling fire.

The sound was so loud that even the artillery squad leader with cotton stuffed in his ears couldn't help but cover his ears with his hands, not to mention the Japanese infantry who were only a dozen meters and dozens of meters away from the tank.

After this battle, more than half of the Japanese soldiers who were lucky enough to retreat from the position lost their hearing permanently.

But being able to be a person with a disability certificate at least means that he is still alive.

At the moment when the shell exploded, the ripples that were almost visible to the naked eye swept wildly around the tank wreckage, and all people and objects were knocked away.

No one could survive within a radius of 30 meters with the 89 tank as the center!

According to statistics after the war, the number of Japanese infantrymen killed by the explosion of the 89 tank alone was as high as an infantry squad.

In order to avoid Chinese machine guns, there were too many Japanese infantrymen following behind this big guy.

Perhaps it was not just the infantry, but the 94 tank weighing two or three tons could not escape this degree of explosion.

A 94 tank that desperately provided cover for its second lieutenant squad leader was overturned by the air wave because it was too close, and turned over more than a dozen wheels on the hillside, and was knocked crooked and flattened like a car that was about to be scrapped.

No one knows how many Japanese armored soldiers died in the end. The key is that this guy became a natural rolling log, crushing the cold soil, flowers and plants, and some smart Japanese infantrymen.

Because those smart ones were at least 70 or 80 meters away from the 89 tank, lying on the ground was the best way to avoid the air wave and countless steel fragments. So, they successfully avoided the air wave after becoming deaf.

But they still died, crushed to death by their own rolling light tank.

"Ka Ka!" If there was a recorder here, it might be able to record this creepy sound of human bones being crushed by heavy objects.

It's a pity that no one at the scene could appreciate it, because the loud noise made both Chinese and Japanese people have a buzzing head at this time.

Even Cai Yongguan, who was more than 200 meters away, did not recover his hearing until the second day after the war, not to mention the Japanese around the center of the explosion.

They were definitely given disability certificates.

However, compared to the Type 94 tank that became a "rolling log", there was another unlucky child who was even more miserable.

The distance was more than 40 meters. The more than 2-ton body and 10-mm-thick steel plate blocked the fierce air waves and the flying steel fragments. The Japanese armored soldiers inside were so pale that they didn't have time to catch their breath.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, God hit them with a club.

That was a turret weighing more than 1 ton. Even if Li Yuanba was alive, he couldn't lift it. It fell from a height of more than 20 meters and hit the Type 94 armored vehicle directly.

The 10-mm steel plate was really fragile in the face of such a huge force, just like a tough guy saw his wife cheating with his own eyes, and was said to be inferior to others, so he collapsed directly.

The little bean, who was so hard in front of the machine gun bullets, was almost half the size!

It is unknown whether the Japanese armored soldiers inside can shrink their bones, but it is almost certain that their bodies will become smaller.

"Beep!" The Japanese frontline commander sounded the retreat alarm.

The Japanese infantry evacuated like a tide.

"Order the artillery battalion to concentrate fire and destroy the Chinese artillery positions!" Gu Teng Changying's face was frozen like a statue. "Order each infantry artillery squad to open fire and flatten that hill!"

Don't say, from the side, Gu Teng Changying, who is already in his early 40s and still considered a young and vigorous faction, has a high nose bridge and obvious facial muscle lines. When his face is stiff, he still looks a bit like a cold-blooded soldier.

However, no one knows the frustration in the heart of this Japanese Army Major General.

I thought I had calculated everything, even the opponent's number and strength, and I was sure to win, but I never thought that wisdom was so useless, and it was not as practical as the opponent's hidden two cannons. This is an extremely serious slap in the face for any commander who claims to be a "wise general".

Therefore, Gu Teng Changying, who was so angry that he even exposed the infantry guns deployed on the artillery positions 800 meters away, wanted to destroy the artillery hidden by the Chinese.

It must be destroyed!

He firmly believed that the Chinese could not build such a strong fortification in a short time.

That was the first time that the Japanese artillery unit fired at full power.

Groups of smoke rose in the mountains and forests.

Groups of flames rose on the top of the No. 2 highland.

The two fortifications were like small boats traveling in the sea of ​​huge waves, trembling in the fierce artillery fire, but they just did not fall. The steel plates and logs laid on the top of the fortifications and the thick soil layer greatly weakened the kinetic energy of the shells.

"The Japanese are so anxious! They have exposed all the hidden birds." Tang Dao, who was standing in the command post 500 meters away, put down the telescope and smiled. "Order, all 82 mortars of the 1st Artillery Company, fire at the exposed infantry guns of the Japanese army!"

"Why hasn't Gu Xishui sent any news yet? The 12 mountain guns of the little devils are too harmful to our army." Gong Shaoxun also put down the telescope, frowning.

Infantry guns are direct-aiming guns. Except for being more powerful than mortars in fortifications, they are far less threatening than mortars of curved guns in such mountain battles. What Gong Shaoxun fears most is the 75 mountain guns that stay in the distance.

"Someone said that you have to eat one bite at a time, walk one step at a time, and fight this battle one shot at a time.

The little devils are very cunning. They scattered the gun positions in the mountains. The area is too wide, and Pang Dahai's six 150 guns are too few to form a covering attack. They can only wait for the right opportunity. Let them be proud for a while!" Tang Dao was not in a hurry.

"Go ask Captain Chen where they are!"

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