Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 982: In full swing! (Monthly vote requested!)

Under the threat of the Japanese army's imminent invasion!

In the next half month, the various departments of the Four-line Regiment quickly reorganized according to the organization issued by the regiment, just like an engine starting to run at full power.

All officers promoted to second lieutenants reported to the teaching team on the third day after arriving at their new positions for a 30-day training.

In the teaching team, they have to learn how to transform from an excellent soldier to a grassroots commander of a unit with at least 50 people. Those are two completely different modes.

In the past, they only needed to lead their own infantry squad of more than a dozen people, or even just do their best.

For example, many new second lieutenant platoon leaders and political propagandists were promoted from precision shooters or machine gunners. In the past battlefields, they only needed to accept the squad leader's instructions or rely on their own strength to shoot and kill threatening enemies, but now being promoted to the commander of an infantry platoon is not just relying on their own strength and bravery.

In the past, the Four-line Regiment did not have this condition. As long as they were brave enough to be appreciated by their superiors, they could be promoted to commanders, but now with the development of the new situation, the size of the troops is getting bigger and bigger, and bravery alone is not enough.

Ye Chenghuan originally suggested to Tang Dao that the three battalion commanders and nine company commanders of the teaching team should be appointed as the ten instructors. However, considering that these battalion commanders and company commanders were already busy organizing the team, it would be useless to ask them to give lectures. Therefore, after careful consideration, Tang Dao decided that each of the three infantry battalions would have one instructor, but the personnel were not fixed, and officers above the captain level could be used.

This means that during the 30-day training period of each of the three infantry battalions, from the battalion commander to the deputy battalion commander and then to the four company commanders below, they can take turns to give lectures in the teaching brigade, which can also reduce their burden.

In addition, the deputy commanders of the four battalions directly under the regiment also took turns, with one person giving a tactical class every day, and the same was true for the five commanders of the regiment. In this way, there were five part-time instructors, and the remaining five instructors, Tang Dao threw this task to the director of Ye Da without any psychological burden.

"There are still many vacancies for company-level political instructors in the companies and battalions of our Four-Line Regiment. Please ask Brigade Commander Cheng if there are any who want to come here to earn military pay." Tang Dao said to his partner with a smile.

Good guy! It turns out that Commander Tang has arranged so many company-level political instructors but has not arranged personnel. He is waiting here!

This method of poaching people is really unique. Ye Chenghuan was really stunned at the time.

Because he knew that his former brigade commander, who was famous for his wise mind in the whole army, could not refuse this temptation.

Ye Chenghuan gave up the position of the head of a main regiment and came to the Four-Line Regiment with a major mission to turn the Four-Line Regiment into the 80th Army. However, in order to show respect for Tang Dao and not to cause disgust among the chief officers of the Four-Line Regiment, when he came, he did not even bring a service soldier except for 800 new recruits.

There is nothing to say about the regiment commander Tang Dao. The leaders of the division and brigade are sure that he is a person who is loyal to the 80th Army. However, the other chief officers of the 4th Regiment are either from the Central Army, the Sichuan Army or the Northeast Army. It takes a certain process for them to change their minds. This is why Tang Dao personally asked Brigade Commander Cheng to appoint him as the director of the political training department of the 4th Regiment.

However, no matter how important and prominent the position Tang Dao arranged for him, he was fighting alone, and it would be a long way to go to complete the tasks assigned to him by the leaders.

Then, Tang Dao handed him a ladder again, at least a company-level instructor with more than 12 companies! It means that the ideal propaganda influence of the 80th Army can be directly carried out on the grassroots officers and soldiers, and it will not damage the combat effectiveness of the 4th Regiment at all.

The two divisional leaders of the 921st Division talked to him alone before he left. The 4th Regiment is the elite of the army and an indispensable force in the anti-Japanese war in eastern Shanxi. It must not cause internal divisions because of the hope that they will accept the ideals of the 80th Army. Everything must be based on the premise that it still maintains sufficient combat effectiveness.

Undoubtedly, it was difficult for anyone to refuse Tang Dao's proposal.

But that was more than ten captain-level officers! Even if Brigade Commander Cheng thought about it, he would probably twitch his lips in pain!

For such a big matter, it is best to have a face-to-face meeting. Ye Chenghuan decided to return to the 683 Brigade Headquarters in person.

He still underestimated the lethality of Tang Tuanzuo's small hoe.

"Damn Tang Dao, he is really not a good thing. Being a company commander is a cabbage! He has more than a dozen people with one mouth." When Brigade Commander Cheng heard Ye Chenghuan's words, he slammed the table and cursed Tang Dao on the spot.

Indeed, those who were captains in the 683 Brigade were at least battalion commanders before the reorganization, and some were even deputy regiment commanders and regiment commanders. They were definitely backbones. Tang Tuanzuo wanted more than ten of them. It was not just poaching with a small hoe, but driving an excavator!

"Hmph! Xiaoye, you are also a person who will be corrupted if you keep company with others. Don't think that if I don't say anything, I don't know that this is what you want. You didn't learn anything good from the Four Lines Regiment, but you learned how to be shameless from Tang Dao, and you are really experienced in poaching people from the old troops." After scolding Tang Dao, Brigade Commander Cheng snorted coldly, and even his former generals were not spared.

Seeing the former leader lose his temper, Ye Chenghuan was embarrassed, but he could only listen with a stiff upper lip.

Only then did he realize that Tang Dao actually knew his old leader better than he did. He originally thought that he would not be caught in the trap.

In the end, he did not escape!

"Brigade Commander Cheng will definitely scold me. Hehe, I guess you can't even run away in your rage. It doesn't matter. Let him scold me. It won't hurt him. As long as he gives it to the person in the end, it's fine." When Tang Dao sent Ye Chenghuan away, he even described this scene to him in advance.

"I can give the person, but Tang Dao must keep his word. Let me calculate, how much is the total annual salary of 12 captain-level political cadres, plus you, an army colonel?" Brigade Commander Cheng, who scolded Tang Dao and Ye Chenghuan with a dark face, finally returned to reality.

"According to the current salary payment regulations of our regiment, the monthly salary of a captain is 80 oceans, and the monthly salary of a colonel is 240 oceans. If calculated based on 12 captain-level officers and a colonel-level officer like me, the total annual salary is 14,400 oceans!" Ye Chenghuan secretly calculated and reported a number to Brigade Commander Cheng.

"Fuck! Tang Dao is such a rich man!" Brigade Commander Cheng widened his eyes.

According to this standard, in a year, the officers he supported can create a month's military expenditure for the 683rd Brigade. If he supports 100 people, does it mean that the annual expenditure of the whole brigade is covered?

At that moment, the bitterness of being poached by a certain regiment commander driving an excavator disappeared instantly, and he even felt a little happy.

"Okay! Then tell Tang Dao that all the military salaries of the officers supported by my 683rd Brigade will be counted as my 683rd Brigade, except for 10 yuan per month for the individual, and the rest will be paid on time every month!" Brigade Commander Cheng slapped the table and said decisively: "This time you take 8 captains, 10 lieutenants, and 12 second lieutenants."

Ye Chenghuan.

He really wanted to ask his old leader: Is the magic of money so great?

But obviously, if he asked this question, he would be beaten. Because the 683rd Brigade is really short of money now.

The supplies looted from the Japanese 14th Division's supply regiment some time ago were quite a lot. At least in the short term, the 683rd Brigade would not worry about food and ammunition. However, the total strength of the 683rd Brigade, which had newly established an infantry regiment, had exceeded 10,000 troops. Even if the military pay was low, plus other expenses, the military expenditure was nearly 20,000 yuan per month.

By "renting" this person out, the whole brigade could earn more than 2,000 yuan. Brigade Commander Cheng's calculations were not ordinary fast.

Moreover, with this man's wisdom, he knew very well that even if he was not happy, the division headquarters would agree. At most, he would go to dig into the division headquarters with a hoe. As for how those old comrades would scold him, all the pain should not be borne by him alone.

He would make up for the 30 officers who were sent out for support no matter how he paid them, but the military pay! Those who understand understand that in this regard, Wang Xiaoqiang is far behind him.

The arrival of 30 lieutenants made Tang Dao very happy. The four-line regiment, which is now expanding, lacks such grassroots officers with sufficient combat and command experience. Although the lieutenants of the 683rd Brigade are second lieutenants, they have served as company commanders or company instructors in the past. They are definitely a powerful supplement for each company and platoon.

Soon, 6 of the 8 captains went to the three major infantry battalions as infantry company instructors, 2 went to the special service battalion as company instructors, half of the 10 lieutenants went to the baggage battalion, and the other half went to the teaching brigade as instructors. The 12 second lieutenants were basically divided up by the three major infantry battalions.

Although none of them served as company and platoon chief officers, the platoon political propagandist, as the second chief officer, would take over the command when the platoon leader died, which was considered to be a very high position and authority.

Of course, the biggest role of these platoon-level political propagandists and company-level instructors coming at this time is not only to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the company and platoon-level troops, but more importantly, to recruit soldiers.

When it comes to doing mass work, the 80th Army says it is second, who dares to say it is first?

If the Four-Line Regiment's generous military pay is added, it will be even more powerful.

On the fifth day after these officers joined the post, except for the five who served as instructors in the teaching brigade, the remaining 25 led the work team to go deep into the villages of Dakouzidong Town, and even to the villages and towns under the control of the 22nd Army dozens of kilometers away to recruit soldiers.

Of course, before that, Tang Dao had communicated with the military headquarters of the 22nd Army. Not to mention that the Four-Line Regiment is currently nominally under the direct jurisdiction of the 22nd Army, even in view of the face of the Four-Line Regiment sending arms and ammunition supplies thousands of miles away, the 22nd Army will not have any obstacles.

In just ten days, the 25 work teams have achieved rich results and brought back nearly 3,000 new recruits.

Of course, these recruits are just a number now. In order to form combat effectiveness, they must have sufficient training.

Because time was tight, Tang Dao simply set up 25 recruit companies, with these company-level instructors and platoon-level political propagandists as the chief officers, and then selected their sergeant deputy squad leaders or sergeant and corporal veterans as the squad leaders of the recruit companies to start a one-month recruit training.

Only those recruits who received excellent and good evaluations in training would be allowed to be directly added to the battalions and companies. If they were only qualified, they would enter the baggage battalion for a new round of training until they were qualified to become a real infantry.

Although the Four-Line Regiment needed troops, it was more about quality than quantity. It would rather leave many positions vacant than fill them with shoddy work. This was the basic principle.

The Military Training Department was not idle during this period. The Military Training Department, headed by Uncle Han, organized three basic technical and tactical trainings for the officers and soldiers in the army: bayonet fighting, archery, and 400-meter obstacle race.

The entire army, whether combat or auxiliary, including artillery, spends half a day every day organizing these three basic technical and tactical training.

The bayonet technique is trained according to the "Six Guns to Break Bandits" compiled by Uncle Han on the basis of Bajiquan and Liuhe Gun, absorbing the essence of Japanese bayonet techniques. The six moves of blocking, grabbing, stabbing, collapsing, picking, and flicking include the two main principles of assassination and blocking.

As a bayonet master, Lei Xiong once personally fought against Uncle Han with a wooden spear. After ten moves, he was stabbed with three white spots on his body, which means that on the real battlefield, he had already been stabbed with a transparent hole and had no chance to last ten moves.

Of course, perhaps according to Lei Xiong's bravery, when he was stabbed, he would choose a lose-lose style of fighting, and the old Uncle Han might not be able to retreat unscathed, but this still proves the power of the bayonet technique developed by Uncle Han in combination with boxing.

Tang Dao's evaluation of it: This spear technique has both real and fake, strange and correct; it is sharp when advancing and fast when retreating; it is dangerous and powerful; it is as still as a mountain and as moving as thunder!

At least, in terms of moves, it surpasses the Japanese army's bayonet fighting technique that relies on momentum and force and has complicated moves.

Tang Dao ordered that all officers and soldiers of the regiment, from recruits to veterans, from lieutenants to him, the commander of the regiment, must practice this bayonet fighting technique.

Unlike the Japanese army's display of bravery, in Tang Dao's view, this is the last means of the Four Lines Regiment to fight for their lives, and it is also the last means to defeat the enemy's confidence.

Don't think that bayonets are useless in the era of hot weapons. In the Southwest War decades later, Chinese soldiers also used three-edged bayonets to severely teach the Southwest Monkey Soldiers a lesson in the tropical jungle, so that they dared not step across the border for decades.

Let's not talk about the distant past, let's talk about the recent past. In the future Shipai Defense War, thousands of Chinese soldiers and thousands of Japanese invaders completed the largest hand-to-hand combat in World War II on that rolling hill. Since then, the Japanese invaders have no intention of winning the battle against the mountain city.

The blood gushing out of the heart with a bayonet and the heart-wrenching screams staying in the ears are far more contagious than being knocked down by bullets a hundred meters away.

Artillery and heavy machine guns may not be able to destroy the enemy's will, so use bayonets to let their warm blood spray in the air.

In addition to the one-hour new bayonet training every day, there is also an hour of shooting training. The Quartermaster Department of the Four-Line Regiment provides more than 60,000 rounds of ammunition every day. The distressed Director Zhuang rarely summoned the chief officers in charge of training in each battalion. After being furious, he even begged the chief officers to give the Quartermaster Department a way out.

According to this amount of training, in less than 20 days, the ammunition storage of the Four-Line Regiment will drop to a number that makes him unable to sleep.

But the deputy battalion commanders in charge of training in each battalion were also helpless. Archery training was not like bayonet fighting, which only required wooden guns and rattan armor, and almost no major consumption. It required real guns and live ammunition.

An infantryman fired 20 bullets a day, a light machine gunner 50 bullets a day, and a grenade launcher 5 live ammunition a day, which was already their bottom line.

"My artillery squad fired five live ammunition a day, which was also the limit!" Pang Dahai replied with a stiff face, which almost made Director Zhuang suffer from angina pectoris.

Do you think I can produce bullets and shells by myself? If I could, Director Zhuang felt that he would definitely be willing to lie on the production line every day.

The current focus of the military factory is not on making bullets. They are also busy making nearly 8,000 bayonets and developing the new pistol designed by Tang Tuanzuo.

That doesn't mean that the design drawings are ready and can be made according to the drawings. It also requires the shaping of each part and then assembling it and then conducting thousands of live ammunition tests. It can't be completed overnight.

Fortunately, Tang Tuanzuo gave Director Zhuang, who was almost bald, a reassurance.

Tang Dao will take advantage of this free time to go to Linfen. It is important to exchange the batch of gold for dollars, and more importantly, it is necessary to turn this batch of dollars into supplies.

Bullets, shells and other military supplies are extremely scarce in other places, but for the old man from Shanxi who once owned a military factory ranked among the top in Asia, these are not really a big problem.

Otherwise, do you think that they pulled out ten artillery regiments and four artillery regiments of Itagaki Shiro to work hard for half a month?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Yesterday, because I attended the funeral banquet of my colleague's father, there were few people at the time, and there was only one large table in total. Fengyue could not escape the persuasion of drinking from the human relationship. Fengyue had a shallow alcohol tolerance. After three glasses of red wine, she was drunk and unconscious, and slept until the evening. The worst thing is that when I checked the backend today, the update on December 31st was blocked. I don’t know why.

I also read the three chapters that everyone complained about. Fengyue’s original intention was not to make everyone clear about the organization of the future Four Lines Group and the positions of each officer. This is the first time that it is written so clearly! I won’t do that again in the future. I’ll focus on the storyline!

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