Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 983 Excellence is the original sin!

April 15th!

Linfen, the important city in Jin Province!

The temporary residence of China's Second Theater Command.

Luo Wanjian, as a sergeant squad leader of the 210th Brigade of the 68th Division of the 19th Army of the Jinsui Army, is on duty at the city gate today.

To put it bluntly, during this war, the city gate guard was responsible for checking the carriage of people entering and exiting the city gate and looking for suspicious persons.

The Japanese army is massively increasing its troops to the last big city in Shanxi Province. Spies are flying all over the sky. Linfen, where the Second Theater Command is located, is now under martial law. Two of the four city gates are closed, leaving only one facing Shaanxi. The two city gates of the province are still open for people to enter and exit normally.

Luo Wanjian was not a new recruit. He had been in the army for four or five years and was still just a superior soldier. However, after a battle to defend the original city, three squad leaders and two squad deputies of his original infantry squad died. He had been in the army for four years. Half of the soldiers turned out to be the most senior in the infantry squad. Not only was he promoted to squad leader, but his military rank was also promoted to sergeant.

But at that time, Luo Wanjian was not happy at all. Instead, he was more afraid. There were only four people left in the infantry squad. This squad leader was basically equated with death! At that time, he especially hated the bad name that his father gave him. Judging from the ending, it was like a thousand arrows were fired here and there, and it was completely like a thousand arrows piercing the heart!

The Japanese dropped bombs from the sky and bombarded them with artillery underground, leaving no way for people to survive!

A miracle happened like this. On the second day after being promoted to squad leader, the army began to retreat. Then the original city was lost, northern Shanxi was lost, western Shanxi was lost, and eastern Shanxi and southern Shanxi were almost gone. Everyone They were trapped in this small area of ​​​​southeast Shanxi and struggled to survive.

Jin Province is about to disappear. The powerful Jinsui Army, which originally had 300,000 troops, has less than 100,000 troops left. But for Luo Wanjian personally, he has been promoted and his life has been saved. . This Army sergeant who was lucky enough to survive basically despaired of the battlefield. His biggest wish at the moment was no longer whether he could hold on to the last piece of territory in his hometown, but when he could continue to retreat to Shaanxi Province. At least there is a natural cut of the Yellow River there.

Perhaps, this is also the truest thought in the hearts of the vast majority of the tens of thousands of Jinsui troops who have low morale. They have completely lost confidence in their 'King of Jin Province'.

Therefore, Luo Wanjian was not very concerned about the people rushing in and out of the city gate. If the Japanese spies were to come, let them come! Anyway, Linfen City will be lost sooner or later.

The squad leader was all like this, and the infantry squad soldiers under his command naturally followed suit. They stood lazily at the gate of the city with their guns in hand. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and many of them were still yawning and feeling listless.

Luo Wanjian knew that this was because these guys gambled all night in the barracks yesterday. Anyway, the guy who won the money gave him a piece of silver as a tribute in the morning. As a squad leader, he naturally turned a blind eye. Close one eye.

The people passing by the city gate are naturally accustomed to this phenomenon. They don't care about the mental state of the soldiers guarding the city gate, as long as they don't cause trouble for them. Although the Japanese invaders are pressing heavily on the border dozens of kilometers away, It’s worrying, but what can worry do? There is no way to solve the problem, we can only live one day at a time.

This should be the current state of life of the Chinese military and civilians in Linfen City, which is almost numb.

The battlefield was defeated, the city was lost, morale was low, and the people were numb.

At the entrance of the city gate, a big man wearing a long mandarin jacket and a top hat frowned as he watched this scene.

Luo Wanjian, who squinted his eyes as if he was out of his mind, saw the big man's frown from the corner of his eye. There was no way around it. This big man dressed as an ordinary businessman was at least 1.8 meters tall, which made it difficult for him as the captain of the city gate watch team not to notice.

However, judging from his life experience, this big man should have nothing to do with the Japanese. Especially when he frowned when he saw the numbness of the military and civilians, Luo Wanjian's man's intuition told him that this was definitely a man with enough power. Chinese people with a sense of justice.

Because, looking at the state of the soldiers under his command, even he himself despised them, let alone others.

However, he is just a small monitor, what can he change? He was able to win this losing battle by whipping his soldiers who had just laid down their hoes for a few days? Don't be ridiculous, he didn't want to be like his previous monitors, who didn't even have a straw mat after his death, so he just dug a shallow hole and buried him.

Moreover, seeing that the big man was accompanied by two followers and a big dog, Luo Wanjian could basically tell his net worth. Not to mention rich and powerful, he was middle-class at least, at least not a sergeant squad leader like him. Can be provoked.

If you dislike it, let him dislike it! Anyway, being disgusted won't cost him a piece of meat. Luo Wanjian quickly glanced elsewhere from the corner of his eyes. As long as he successfully completed the day without any trouble, he and his infantry squad would have one night plus one day. During the rest time, the silver dollar he collected in the morning was enough for him to sleep all night in Xiaofang's small house with red lanterns.

Thinking of Xiaofang's waist that was not slender but full enough and could twist like crazy, Luo Wanjian felt that that was the greatest pleasure in the world.

However, when Luo Wanjian's peripheral vision glanced towards the city gate, a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks who looked like a tuberculosis man but was wearing a military uniform and with a shell gun hanging on his waist appeared in his peripheral vision. Luo Wanjian, the sergeant squad leader, suddenly The ground stirred.

It's not because this guy is the lieutenant of his infantry company, the highest-ranking officer on duty at the city gate today, and the superior of his immediate superior, but it seems that something is going to happen.

How could a city that is the location of the theater headquarters have only one infantry squad on duty at the city gate, which is a vital road that nearly 10,000 people pass through every day?

There is a light machine gun on each side of the entire city gate, and there are machine gun fortifications above the city gate. In addition to the infantry squad under Luo Wanjian standing on both sides of the city gate with live ammunition, there is also a fully armed infantry squad in the fortifications inside and outside the city gate. There is even an infantry company on standby at any time in the military camp not far from the city gate. Even if a fully armed infantry platoon is bad, it can still fire a warning shot!

And once there is a gunshot, they can all rush to the city gate within 3 minutes, not to mention that there are more than 10,000 infantry divisions in Linfen City, including the 68th Division.

Of course, this is nothing. There are three lines of defense deployed in the mountains outside Linfen City, with a total of 150,000 troops, which are the main force to defend Linfen City.

If you want to cause trouble in Linfen City, even if you are as powerful as the Japanese, you can't dream of this without an infantry regiment, otherwise Luo Wanjian and his gang guarding the city gate would not be so lax.

However, this lieutenant company deputy, whose surname is Lao and whose nickname is "fishing to death" given by Dao Shiren, is a troublesome person. Relying on his sister being the mistress of the brigade commander, he took the initiative to apply for the job of the captain of the city gate guard.

This job of guarding the gate looks very ordinary, but only those who are well versed in it know that it is lucrative. Because it is wartime, many scarce materials are under wartime control and cannot be sold privately by the public, such as cigarettes, salt, sugar, medicines, etc., but these are also urgently needed by many people. The underground black market price is said to have increased tenfold. With huge profits, some people take risks.

It has become their standard to bribe the gate guards. Didn't they spend the night in hotels and brothels these days?

Even so, this guy is not satisfied. He has to walk around the gate from time to time, not for anything else, just to touch the faces of young girls and wives and take advantage of them, so that everyone can shake off the prestige of the captain of the gate guard squadron.

The evil is not big, but it is disgusting. Even the soldiers of the Shanxi Suiyuan Army who are lazy and deal with their duties at the gate look down on their own leader.

But he has the protection of the brigadier general. Not to mention that they can't do anything to him, even the battalion commander and regiment commander above are all turning a blind eye.

"Don't cause trouble for me!" Luo Wanjian muttered silently in his heart, while bending over to salute this guy.

That guy came here just to enjoy this feeling!

But what you fear will come.

"You, come here!" The pointed-faced monkey-cheeked man looked at the tall but frowning man standing at the gate, and waved his hand with an unhappy look.

Lao Daoshi was of course unhappy. He had seen many handsome men, but the handsome man with ordinary clothes had to express his dissatisfaction with people he couldn't provoke. This was the problem.

Lao Deshi certainly knew what kind of guys he led, but 70% of the veterans in the brigade who defended Yuancheng were gone, and then there were waves of defeats. These recruits who had only been in the army for only two months were already good enough to stand at the gate with guns. What, they still expected them to go to the front line!

If that happened, Lao Deshi, who jumped two levels from a service squad leader to a lieutenant, would be the first to turn around and run away.

But these cowardly soldiers were his people. Looking down on them was looking down on him, especially being looked down upon by an ordinary guy. What was most unpleasant was that this ordinary guy was born well, much better than his 1.65-meter-tall and monkey-like face.

To put it bluntly, excellence itself is the original sin in front of mediocre people.

"Sir, what should we do?" Peng Chong, the captain of the guard company who followed Tang Dao, asked in a low voice with a tense face.

Tang Dao certainly did not come to Linfen quietly this time. He had reported to the headquarters of the 22nd Army Group and the Second War Zone Command, and used the excuse that Tang Dao wanted to report the two battles in Jindong to the commander of the war zone in person.

Although the battles of Licheng and Xiangtangpu were both led by the 921st Division, the 80th Army Group is currently under the jurisdiction of the Second War Zone. If the battles were won, the commander-in-chief would also have face. Although Tang Dao was only an army colonel and belonged to the Sichuan Army Group, he was still a long way from the commander of the war zone, but the Four-Line Regiment was well-known, and it was obvious that he came with the intention of currying favor with the commander. With the shrewdness of the old man from Shanxi, how could he not think of it?

Within two days, the war zone command replied and agreed.

Tang Dao is now considered an important general, and he also has the task of purchasing supplies and exchanging silver and money. Naturally, he will not run to Linfen with two or three soldiers like before. However, Tang Dao does not want to make a big fuss and let the Japanese spies in the city know, so he left the accompanying troops in a small town ten miles away. He only brought Xia Dayu and Peng Chong with him, plus a hammer, and took military uniforms and some identity documents with him. He planned to find a place to stay in the city and then change into them and go to the war zone headquarters to arrange a time to visit the mansion.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the city gate, he frowned at the slack spirit of the city gate guards, and something went wrong. The wretched-looking army lieutenant was looking for trouble.

"Wait and see!" Tang Dao patted his hand and couldn't help but want to reach out to touch Xia Dayu's shoulder at his waist, his expression unchanged. "It's just a jumping clown, why are you so nervous!"

"Just you guys! Come here quickly!" Lao Deshi put his hands behind his back and shouted coldly.

The crowd around them quickly dispersed to the side, leaving Tang Dao, three people and one dog at the city gate.

Tang Dao took the lead, followed closely by Peng Chong and Xia Dayu. Hammer was still curious about the group of people around him who were looking at him with pity.

Hammer is now a real military dog.

Its life is not to bask in the sun. During the whole regiment's military training, it also ran on the obstacle course with more than 20 kilograms of rocks on its back. When it went to the battlefield, it would also put a Tang knife around its neck. Teacher Xiao He was specially asked to customize a collar with strong steel spikes for it, and a vest with thin steel plates on its chest and abdomen. It is an absolute warrior.

As long as it senses murderous intent, it will immediately issue a low whine warning. Once Tang Dao issues a combat command, it will immediately enter combat status.

Of course, it is obviously not the battlefield it is already familiar with.

There was no murderous intent, but there was a look in his eyes that made Hammer feel strange.

It has become accustomed to being in the company of those powerful humans, and it doesn't understand why the weak humans around it look at it with such pity.

In the world of Hammer, including the group of humans with weapons that can kill dogs, if a war breaks out, it can kill at least several of them.

Rabbits can also show mercy to wolves, which is difficult to understand given Hammer's current IQ.

"What are you doing in this city?" Lao Deshi raised his head and looked at Tang Dao, whose head was half as big as his own, and asked with a cold face.

"Boss, do some small business!" Tang Dao lowered his head and answered sincerely.

"You're doing business, and you have the time to bring a dog? It's definitely not a serious business." Lao Deshi looked at Hammer, who was shaking his head and following him, and gave Tang Dao a cold snort.

Hammer: Why am I not serious?

"Open the suitcase and let me take a look?" Lao Deshi ordered coldly.

The people on the side lowered their heads and sighed. This young man, who seemed to have a good family background, was going to be unlucky.

It's been a month since 'Fishing to Death' came to this city gate. Who doesn't know that he has evil intentions? People with no background fell into his hands, and at least half of his belongings were lost. He wanted to file a lawsuit, but the brigade commander My brother-in-law is the highest defense officer in Dongcheng. A sensible person who thinks he is unlucky can still keep himself safe, but an ignorant person is put into a sack in the middle of the night, beaten half to death, and thrown out of the city. In this era of war and chaos, not to mention a broken leg, how many people are dead? Personally, I don't think anyone has the heart to care about it.

"What? Are you feeling guilty?" Lao Deshi obviously enjoyed the feeling of being silenced by the command. He patted the shell gun box on his waist and protested.

His eyes glanced at Luo Wanjian, signaling him to bring his soldiers, put on the gun, pull the bolt, etc., to help him boost his momentum.

This is an old routine. In the past, Luo Wanjian, the sergeant and squad leader, would probably have cooperated. Afterwards, he would basically give a few silver dollars to the brothers so that they could drink.

But this time, looking at the young man's upright back, and thinking about the tough face he saw earlier, the Army sergeant felt a sense of fear for some reason.

Somehow, the Army sergeant waved his hand behind his back slightly, signaling to the soldiers behind him not to act rashly.

Luo Wanjian is a veteran himself, and he usually takes good care of the soldiers in his class. Even if he does things that violate military discipline, such as gambling and drinking, he turns a blind eye. The soldiers in his class are quite convinced by him and see him quietly giving orders. , just do what he wants.

As for "fishing until death", if he didn't have a sister who was a brigade commander, who would pay attention to him!

This is probably the most correct thing Luo Wanjian has done since he grew up.

Seeing that the soldiers in front of the city gate didn't do what he wanted, he was filled with anger. However, before he could get angry, his eyes suddenly straightened.

Peng Chong, the commander of the guard company, would not listen to a lieutenant. In the suitcase he carried, there was a gift from Commander Tang that he wanted to give to the commander of the theater. How could he show it to others like this?

But Tang Dao smiled faintly and motioned for him to open it for the master to take a look at.

The half-opened suitcase was brought to Lao Deshi by Peng Chong. Inside there were ten golden yellow croakers.

A large yellow croaker is not a small yellow croaker. One croaker costs ten taels, ten croakers equals one hundred taels, and if exchanged for the ocean, it would be nearly 20,000 taels.

Not to mention a small person like "fishing to death", even his "brother-in-law" who is a brigade commander probably doesn't have many opportunities to walk around with 20,000 oceans in cash! The one who catches the eyeballs until death is not straight is a ghost.

After staring at the suitcase for a long time, he swallowed and tried to look away after "fishing it to death". His eyes flickered and he gritted his teeth and looked at the big backpack Xia Dayu was carrying behind him, "Take that too." Open it and let me take a look."

"Boss, I can't show you that." Tang Dao shook his head. "To put it bluntly, your level is not high enough!"

"Bold, I am the captain of the city gate guard squadron. I am responsible for guarding the safety of the city gate. Even if the commander of the war zone passes by me, he has to show his ID. Who are you to dare to say that I am not high enough?" Lao De Shi was a little excited by Tang Dao's words, and he suddenly became angry. He stretched out his hand and pulled out the shell gun from the gun case and pointed it at Tang Dao.

"I have decided today, do you believe it or not?"

Seeing that this man actually drew his gun and pointed it at Tang Dao, Hammer, who was harmless to humans and animals and looked like a country dog, suddenly became unhappy. He turned his lips, revealing a mouth full of white teeth. As long as Tang Dao gave a command, he would bite. Bite that guy's wrist off.

The atmosphere at the city gate suddenly became quiet and almost solidified.

Luo Wanjian was also somewhat at a loss. He probably didn't expect that the young man would be so domineering that he actually said that he was not of high enough rank.

The squadron leader had even pulled out his gun. Should his subordinate go up or not? The army sergeant's head was buzzing.

Then, he seemed to see the young man turn around and smile at him, and then said lightly: "Since your kid is so curious, let your kid take a look. I hope you don't regret it."

The army sergeant was not relieved by this, but his hair stood on end. He noticed that the young man's wording was no longer a boss, but your kid, which was the name that the superiors in the north called the inferiors.

. . . . . . . . .

PS: Chapter 980 was deleted by censorship. I haven't found the reason yet. I will ask the editor to unblock it after I change it in the next two days.

By the way, I'd like to ask for a day off tomorrow. Tomorrow I will organize an online exam for students, and Fengyue will also have to mark and correct the papers. It will probably take the whole day to be busy. After tomorrow, Fengyue will have a holiday. I will have plenty of time to write, and basically I will not ask for a day off again. Even if it is New Year's Eve or the first day of the New Year, I will guarantee to update.

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