Rise From the Humble

Chapter 996 Who?

After marking the first point in his mind, Zhu Ping'an continued to read down, and then came to the core question in Senior Brother Yang's memorial:

"The emperor listens to the words of his ministers and detects Song's treachery. The ministers are afraid of Song's majesty and are grateful, so there is no need to ask. The emperor may ask the two kings and ask them to tell them about Song's evil; or he may ask the cabinet ministers and tell them not to Afraid of Song's power. If it is true, the most important thing is to use dictatorial powers to rectify the country's laws, and the most important thing is to order officials to return home to restore the national system. Then the internal thieves are gone, and the government can be clean."

This paragraph is the direct cause of Brother Yang's tragedy. Brother Yang's sentence "maybe ask the two kings" violated Emperor Jiajing's taboo, which led to Brother Yang's failure to impeach Yan Song, and he himself was imprisoned for questioning, and was eventually abandoned.

Zhu Ping'an read it very carefully. After studying Brother Yang's memorial, the morning light filled the eastern sky.

"Brother, be safe"

After Zhu Ping'an finished reading the memorial, he called him "Senior Brother" and then paused, thinking about how to propose.

"Zihou, between you and me, is there anything we can't talk about? Zihou has any advice, but please speak up, Sheng, and I'm all ears." Seeing this, Yang Jisheng couldn't help but smile, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

"Senior brother has something to say, so Ping An will say it directly. After reading Ping An, I have two superficial opinions to discuss with senior brother." Zhu Ping'an nodded when he heard the words, opened the memorial and spread it out on the dining table, stretched out his hand to point out the first The paragraph where the suggestion was contained, he slowly said, "First point: Senior brother said in this paragraph that the Holy Lord "has always tolerated Yu Song's display of evil", and later said, "It cannot cover up the honor of the minister who wants to protect me, so I can't tolerate it." "Waiting for him to destroy his ears" "It may imply that the Holy One is protecting Yan Song. The Holy One may not be happy after reading the memorial. For the sake of peace, it is better to delete the relevant sentences about the Holy One's graceful aunt."

Yang Jisheng listened to Zhu Ping'an's first opinion and shook his head with a smile, "Zihou is overly concerned about this point. Sheng, this paragraph is not to blame the Holy One, but to remind the Holy One not to give good treatment to severe thieves again." Because of your kindness, severe thieves are like weeds to seedlings and tigers to cities. As long as they are in power, they will do harm to them. If they are not eliminated, millions of people will suffer from their poison."

"Senior brother, even though this is the case, reading it still makes people feel that they are being shielded by the Holy One. If the Holy One feels the same way when reading the memorial, it will be detrimental to the matter of the memorial." Zhu Pingan shook his head and reminded again road.

"Zihou, I understand what you mean, but if you give up eating because of choking, wouldn't it be unwise? Today's prosperity is all due to the grace of the Holy One. I remind the Holy One bluntly that it is to repay the emperor's favor and to be loyal to the ministers' duty. ." Yang Jisheng shook his head when he heard this, and did not adopt Zhu Pingan's suggestion. His attitude was very firm.


A bad start.

Zhu Ping'an sighed in his heart. In fact, he understood in his heart that there was nothing wrong with what Yang Jisheng said, because it was indeed the duty of a minister to speak out and give advice. Historically, Wei Zheng, the prime minister in the early Tang Dynasty, was famous for his courage to speak out and give advice to the emperor, and became a model for ministers in all dynasties to follow. No one is perfect, the emperor is also a human being, and there are times when he makes mistakes. As a minister, after discovering that the emperor has made a mistake, shouldn't he remind the emperor because he is worried that the emperor will blame him? ! If this is the case, is it still the behavior of a qualified minister? !

Besides, he is the famous Yang Jisheng.

In addition, this problem is related to ringworm and scabies compared to "Maybe Two Kings", which is the real terminal disease.

"Let's not talk about this point for now. Please consider this second point, senior brother."

Zhu Ping'an weighed it again and again in his mind, gave up his plan to continue persuading on this point, and focused on "maybe asking the two kings".

"Zi Hou, please speak." Seeing that Zhu Pingan was so serious and formal, Yang Jisheng also sat upright and asked Zhu Pingan to talk about the second point.

"The second point is here - "The emperor may ask the two kings to ask him to face Chen Song." Zhu Pingan pointed out this sentence on the memorial, raised his head and looked at Yang Jisheng, and said seriously and solemnly.

As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, he heard the sound of a cup knocking over from the bedroom in the back room. In addition, he heard a vague exclamation.


Anyone else?

Zhu Ping'an was startled when he heard the sound coming from the back room, and turned his head to look in the direction of the back room.

"Oh, Zihou, don't worry, there is a dog in the house." Yang Jisheng smiled slightly and explained softly.

It turned out to be Senior Brother Yang's second son. Zhu Pingan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Senior Brother Yang has two sons, the eldest son Yang Yingwei and the second son Yang Yingji. According to historical records, Brother Yang failed to impeach Yan Song and was thrown into prison. Knowing that he would die, he wrote two wills in prison, one "The Foolish Man Edicts the Wife Zhang Zhen" to his wife, and the other "Father Jiaoshan Edicts" "Yingwei and Yingji Er" was written to his two sons.

"Ying Ji, what's wrong?" After Yang Jisheng explained to Zhu Ping'an, he asked loudly toward the room.

"Please ask father to punish me. The child was thirsty and poured a cup of tea. Unexpectedly, the tea was too hot and he accidentally knocked over the teacup." As soon as Yang Jisheng finished speaking, an explanation from a boy about ten years old came from the back room.

"Great things in the world must be done in detail. How many times have I told you as a father that this time I will punish you to copy the Analects of Confucius ten times. Do you have any objections?" Yang Jisheng shook his head slightly after hearing this, and faced the back room and raised his voice to educate.

"I have no objection, kid." Yang Yingji's voice acknowledging his punishment came from the back room.

"Senior brother, Ji Ji just accidentally knocked over the cup, and he was punished by copying the Analects ten times. Isn't it too much?" Zhu Pingan persuaded softly after hearing this.

"The Analects" has twenty chapters and a total of 15,900 words. If copied ten times, it will be nearly 160,000 words. Brush calligraphy is not like modern fountain pens and gel pens. How long will it take to copy 160,000 words with brush calligraphy?

"Ten times is actually not too much. Firstly, copying the Analects can cultivate one's moral character, and secondly, it can deepen Ying Ji's understanding. However, since Zihou has already spoken, it should be copied five times." Yang Jisheng explained the punishment with a slight smile. Although he had good intentions in copying "The Analects of Confucius", he listened to Zhu Pingan's persuasion and changed the penalty of copying the Analects from ten times to five.

"Thank you father, thank you Brother Zhu for your kindness. However, a man has made a promise. Ying Ji has promised to copy it ten times before. How can he break his promise and ask his father to take back his order? I am willing to copy the Analects of Confucius ten times." Although Yang Yingji in the back room is young, But he was very principled in doing things and insisted on copying "The Analects of Confucius" ten times.

"Well, he is indeed my son, Yang Jisheng." Hearing this, Yang Jisheng admired Yang Yingji's decision with a look of pride on his face.

"Ping'an is ashamed." Zhu Ping'an bowed his hands in shame upon hearing this, admiring Yang Jisheng's family tradition. Honesty comes first when dealing with people. From this small thing, you can see a corner of the Yang family's family tradition.

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