Rise From the Humble

Chapter 997 Zi Hou’s words make sense

"Zi Hou, you are serious. Oh, by the way, Zi Hou, the second point you just said, "The emperor may ask the two kings to make them face Chen Song evil," is there any problem with this?" Yang Jisheng shook his head with a smile. He shook his head, then got back to business, and brought the topic back to the memorial.

It's not just a problem, it's a big problem.

"Brother, do you know the motto of two dragons not meeting each other?" Zhu Ping'an looked up at Yang Jisheng and asked softly.

"The evil way is trying to make things mysterious! The evil words are misleading the public!" Yang Jisheng sneered at this motto.

Demonic way?

Haha, the title Demon Dao is quite appropriate for Tao Zhongwen, and Zhu Pingan agrees with it in his heart. Zhu Pingan also scorned the motto that two dragons should never meet. It was a typical feudal superstition.

But senior brother.

It's useless no matter how awake we are. Emperor Jiajing believed in Tao Zhongwen, and Emperor Jiajing believed in the motto of two dragons not meeting each other.

Emperor Jiajing ascended the throne at the age of fourteen and worked hard for more than ten years without any harvest. It was not until he was twenty-six years old that he finally welcomed his eldest son. Emperor Jiajing was so happy that he even delayed refining elixirs. When he had time, he ran to the harem to hug his eldest son. He often hugged his eldest son without letting go. It was so painful that he felt like he was picking up the stars and the moon. When the moon was full, Emperor Jiajing would make him the prince. Even the ceremony and other things were prepared, but just the day before he was to be crowned the prince, his eldest son died.

At this time, Emperor Jiajing's imperial master Tao Zhongwen put forward the motto "Two dragons should never meet". Tao Zhongwen said that the death of the emperor's eldest son was caused by "two dragons not meeting each other." The emperor is a real dragon, and the prince is a hidden dragon. , we cannot meet, otherwise, your true dragon, Longwei, will hurt Qianlong!

In fact, at first, Emperor Jiajing didn't quite believe the motto that the two dragons should not meet each other. The two dragons don't meet? Then why did the emperors of the previous dynasties have no problem meeting their princes and princes? How come it is now that the two dragons cannot meet each other?

However, Emperor Jiajing was a Taoist monk after all, and he was inherently superstitious, and it was because of the trust of Tao Zhongwen, the heavenly master. Therefore, Emperor Jiajing held the idea of ​​"better to believe in his presence than in his absence" and practiced "the two dragons do not meet", but the implementation was not very strict, and they would still meet occasionally.

With the early death of the prince and princess born later, Emperor Jiajing completely believed in this motto. Especially the year before last, Emperor Jiajing attended the second prince's lecture ceremony and met him. The second prince fell ill and left for Hexi the next day. Emperor Jiajing believed in this motto like a man possessed. . Last year, Master Xu Jie proposed to establish a crown prince early, but the emperor ignored him and punished him.

"But senior brother, the Holy Master firmly believes in this motto." Zhu Pingan sighed and reminded Yang Jisheng.

"The saints are all bewitched by demons." Yang Jisheng replied.

"Senior Brother, whether it's a trick or something else, the Holy One now firmly believes in the motto of "Two dragons never meet". Last year, Master Xu violated the Holy One's taboo by proposing to establish a prince early. Now, the Senior Brother advises the Holy One again, "Or Asked the two kings, "If you ask the two kings to "face Chen Song evil", isn't this a violation of the holy taboo of "two dragons not meeting each other"?" Zhu Pingan slowly shook his head and said to Yang Jisheng with a worried look on his face.

When Yang Jisheng heard this, he just smiled.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an continued, "In addition, our Ming Dynasty ancestral system stipulates that the vassal king is not allowed to interfere in politics without the emperor's permission. Today, the Holy One strictly prevents ministers from contacting the vassal king. Senior brother advises the Holy One, "Maybe ask the two kings." Doesn’t this mean that Senior Brother has had private contact with the two princes, which is another violation of the Holy Emperor’s taboo.”

"Zihou, I know everything you said." Yang Jisheng smiled slightly.


Senior brother, you know everything? !

You know, why do you still do it? ! This was done knowingly. Senior brother, didn’t you take the wrong medicine? !

Zhu Pingan was stunned.

"Senior brother, since you know, why do you still knowingly commit the crime?" Zhu Pingan looked at Yang Jisheng emotionally, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Zihou, the harsh thief has misled the country and brought harm to the country and millions of people. The holy authorities have been deceived and deceived by the five traitors of the harsh thief. The same is true for the two dragons who do not meet, as the scholar Zihou said just now. The holy master was deceived by evil ways. The Holy One is deceived, what can I do? The two kings are young and smart. They have not been deceived by the harsh thieves and demons. They can see through the truth. Moreover, as princes, one person is inferior to ten thousand people, so they will not be afraid of the severe thieves. Power can tell the truth, make the Holy Emperor wake up, severely punish the thieves, and give our Ming Dynasty a bright future." Yang Jisheng stood up and explained impassionedly.


At this moment, Zhu Pingan's expression was like this, dumbfounded, his eyes and mouth were in the shape of round holes, standing there like a piece of wood, first struck by lightning, as if he was stunned.


Zhu Pingan was really shocked.

I never expected that the reason why Brother Yang Jisheng "perhaps asked the two kings" in the memorial was this: the Holy Emperor was deceived, the two kings were young and smart, and were not deceived yet. They were not afraid of Yan Song, and they could tell the truth.

Isn't the subtext of this statement: Your Majesty, you are old, old, confused, and deceived by Yan Song. However, your two sons are young and smart and have not been deceived by Yan Song. They can tell the truth.

Senior brother.

You, are you kidding me? Aren't you insinuating that the current Holy Emperor is a coward?

At this moment, Zhu Pingan simply couldn't describe his mood in words, and looked up at Yang Jisheng in disbelief.

"Zihou, what's wrong with you?" Yang Jisheng frowned slightly.

"Senior brother." Zhu Pingan took a deep breath, looked at Yang Jisheng very, very, very seriously, and said in an extremely serious and formal manner, "Senior brother, you must not say anything to others again."

If Yang Jisheng's words reached the ears of Emperor Jiajing, the always conceited Emperor would definitely be furious.

"Why?" Yang Jisheng asked.

"What senior brother said, if someone is interested in taking advantage of it, will it imply that the current Holy Lord is a coward?" Zhu Ping'an sighed.

"Zi Hou's words make sense." Yang Jisheng nodded slowly after hearing this.

Zhu Pingan was overjoyed when he heard this.

Originally thinking that he would have to spend more words to persuade Senior Brother Yang to change his mind, Zhu Ping'an was mentally prepared for a protracted war.

Unexpectedly, happiness comes so quickly.

It would be great to have Yang Jisheng in the world again.

However, Zhu Pingan's joy only lasted for a short second before it was shattered.

"Zi Hou's words make sense." Yang Jisheng paused for a second and then continued, "In the future, if the Holy Emperor asks Sheng why he mentioned the two kings, Sheng will only reply that the two kings are not afraid of serious thieves and can tell the truth. "

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