Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1002 Jing Yan

After hearing that the impeacher was Yang Jisheng, Yan Song, who had always been calm and accustomed to it, also changed his expression. He was only surprised, not frightened.

Yan Song didn't expect that Yang Jisheng would impeach him, or Yan Song didn't expect that he had just revolted against Yang Jisheng and transferred him to the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War in the capital, and Yang Jisheng would impeach him without even getting excited.

Yang Jisheng, I treat you well, don't you? !

You actually want to impeach me.

At this moment, Yan Song had a feeling in his heart: "I originally set my heart towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

At this moment, surprise and disappointment lingered in Yan Song's heart.

As for worrying about anything, Yan Song has nothing to worry about. In the more than ten years since he has controlled the government, Yan Song has faced too many impeachments by too many officials, including Shen Lian some time ago, but which impeachment can really threaten him.

He has been deeply rooted in the government for decades, and has many connections. He has the trust of the Holy Father and is as solid as a rock. These impeachments are just eggs. Others can use eggs to hit rocks. What is there to worry about as a rock?

"Yang Jisheng, this ignorant wolf, don't worry about your adoptive father. Leave this matter to me and wait until he comes up with the memorial. Haha, don't leave the General Affairs Department within ten days and a half. This time is enough."

Zhao Wenhua sneered. He secretly helped Yan Song handle the impeachment memorial this way not once or twice. For example, the last time Wang Zongmao impeached Yan Song, Zhao Wenhua used the power of the general envoy to withhold the memorial for half a month. Using this time, they were able to plan countermeasures with sufficient skill to deal with the aftermath of the impeachment and let Wang Not only did Zongmao's impeachment prove to be fruitless, he was also dismissed from his official position and charged with a bunch of charges, including framed ministers.

Isn’t Wang Zongmao much more powerful than Yang Jisheng in terms of official position and influence? !

If Wang Zongmao is like this, how can Yang Jisheng make waves?

Zhao Wenhua was indignant about Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Yan Song, but he didn't take it seriously. He felt that Yang Jisheng didn't know whether to live or die.

Yan Shifan was even more disapproving than Zhao Wenhua. The reason why he told his father Yan Song the news was simply because Yang Jisheng was the person Yan Song focused on, promoted, and attracted, and it was necessary for his father Yan Song to know it as soon as possible.

So the atmosphere in the room was filled with surprise and indignation, but there was no worry.

Your earthworm shakes my tree, and your egg touches my stone. Why do I need to worry about my tree and stone?

However, Zhou Fangzheng was the exception.

Zhou Fangzheng knew that this time Yang Jisheng's impeachment was unusual, otherwise he would not have believed that this time was an opportunity for rapid success.

"Master Ge, Master Yan, Master Zhao, I have some news to report regarding the impeachment of Yang Ni." Zhou Fangzheng spoke quietly in the corner of the study, his voice was not loud, but it was very eye-catching.

Yang Ni!

Haha, you changed your tune really quickly.

If Yang Jisheng heard here that his close comrade who had confided in him last night and this morning started calling himself "Yang Ni" after just one meal, I don't know what Yang would think.

"What's the news?" Yan Shifan asked.

"This time Yang Ni said he wanted to die and signed it in blood." Zhou Fangzheng raised his head and said slowly.


When Zhao Wenhua heard this, he felt as if he had been hit in the head, his ears buzzed, and he couldn't help but take a breath!

Yang Jisheng must be crazy. This lunatic wants to die! ! !

"What did you say? Yang Jisheng wants to impeach his adoptive father to death?!" Zhao Wenhua was shocked. After taking a breath, he looked straight at Zhou Fangzheng and asked repeatedly.


After Yan Song heard that Yang Jisheng was going to impeach him through death, he suddenly changed his expression. This time, his change of expression was frightening. At this moment, he was staring at Zhou Fangzheng intently.

At this moment, the pressure in the room seemed to have solidified.

Zhou Fangzheng was so stared at by Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He involuntarily took a few steps back. He didn't stop until his body was pressed against his back by the table behind him. He took a short and convulsive breath, and paused for a few seconds. , he regained control of his body, bowed his body like a shrimp, lowered his head and replied, "Yes. Yang Ni told me personally that he will write a letter in blood to kill Mr. Ge Ge this time."

"Crazy! Crazy! This madman Yang Jisheng! He doesn't want his life!" Zhao Wenhua suddenly left his seat and cursed hysterically.

Yan Song also frowned, and his old face became even older.

Damn it!

If Yang Jisheng wants to die, he should die with a blood letter!

In the Ming Dynasty, impeachment was a very common political method. For Ming officials, impeachment was as common as eating and drinking soup. If you are an official in the Ming Dynasty and have not impeached anyone, then you are too abnormal. Everyone will look down on you and think you are too different and not gregarious at all. If you have not been impeached, then you will not go out. I'm embarrassed to say hello to people.

The reasons for impeachment are also all kinds of strange and varied. They are normal, abnormal, serious and irregular. You can impeach someone for taking bribes, you can impeach someone for not working seriously, you can impeach someone for farting in the morning, you can even impeach someone for not washing your hands in the toilet.

You impeach me, and I will impeach you, and I will make corrections and encourage others. It is not easy for everyone to gain fame after ten years of hard work. Impeachment is a political method, and everyone has a bottom line for each other. It is just like fighting in an arena, competing until the point is reached.

But death is different!

Impeachment by death is a special case of impeachment. It is not a martial arts competition that ends at the point. It is a life-and-death duel that ends with life and death.

Damn it!

This is a special method of impeachment, and generally no one uses this method of impeachment. Those who are impeached are determined to die, take their lives as a bet, risk their lives to impeach, and impeach to death. If they are impeached, either the enemy will die or we will die!

Throughout the history of the Ming Dynasty, there were only a handful of executions, but once they occurred, they would go down in history forever.

Moreover, the method of impeachment by death is too shocking and formal. It is impeachment at the risk of one's life. This is not a joke. Invisibly, it will get double the attention of everyone, including those in power, and the resulting There are many accidents and changes, and there are not a few examples of petty officials defeating the powerful, and the weak defeating the strong.

Yang Jisheng's bloody impeachment is the ultimate impeachment among the dead!


There is an unwritten iron law in the Ming Dynasty, which was left by Emperor Taizu. Once a death impeachment occurs in the court, the general affairs department and other agencies must not stop for a moment. The death impeachment memorial will be submitted to the imperial review as soon as possible. Violators will be punished with Punished for treason.

That's why Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song were so eclipsed after learning that Yang Jisheng would resort to death penalty.

I was out of town last week and used my mobile phone to code chapters at night. One of the chapter names was typed incorrectly and I didn't notice it in time. I'm very sorry. Thank you for your reminder. I will ask the editor to correct it tomorrow.

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