Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1003 Xiao Yang

Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song were greatly eclipsed by the news that Yang Jisheng had spared no room and was impeached with his life, and the atmosphere in the entire study became depressing.


Just when the atmosphere was getting more and more depressing, a burst of uncontrollable laughter suddenly came from the study.

In the depressing atmosphere of the study, this laughter stood out from the crowd, attracting everyone's attention at once.

Then, a fat one-eyed man with a wide grin appeared in everyone's sight - Yan Shifan.

"East Tower?" Yan Song turned to look at Yan Shifan, frowning slightly.

"Haha, dad, I was laughing at that Yang Jisheng..." Yan Shifan replied with a grin on his face.

"Huh?" Yan Song was confused.

"Dad, if anyone else were to impeach you, I would be nervous, but as for Yang Jisheng, I only find it funny." Yan Shifan said with a smile on his face, and was very disdainful when talking about Yang Jisheng.

"What's wrong with Yang Jisheng?" Yan Song frowned again.

Zhao Wenhua and Zhou Fangzheng also looked at Yan Shifan, wondering why Yang Jisheng's death and impeachment were so funny.

"Dad, someone else's death will at least splatter your blood. This Yang Jisheng's death is a joke. I guess you can't even see him. He has already smashed into pieces on the south wall of the fork in the road and scratched everything out. I can't dig it out anymore." Yan Shifan replied with a smile.

"Why do you say this?" Yan Song was puzzled.

"That's right, Brother Donglou, I'm a little confused by what you're saying." Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, this idiot Yang Jisheng is the most self-righteous fool I have ever seen or heard of in history! Yang Jisheng calls himself a loyal and upright minister, but in my opinion, he is actually a patriotic thief!" Yan Shifan Grinning and shaking his head, he commented on Yang Jisheng with a sneer and was extremely disdainful and contemptuous of Yang Jisheng.

"Ah? A patriotic thief?" Zhao Wenhua was stunned when he heard this.

Even Zhou Fangzheng, who was betraying Yang Jisheng, was stunned. Yan Shifan said that Yang Jisheng was stupid and so on. Zhou Fangzheng could understand it, and he thought so too. Yang Jisheng refused to hug Yan Song's outstretched thigh, and instead couldn't think of self-destruction. Future, impeaching Yan Song, knowing clearly that it cannot be done, is this not stupidity? ! But Zhou Fangzheng couldn't understand the idea that Yang Jisheng was a patriotic thief. To be honest, Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Yan Song was out of patriotism and love for the people. This was the expression of his patriotism. How could he become a patriotic thief in Yan Shifan's mouth? Woolen cloth?

"This Yang Jisheng, I have been following him for a while, haha, and I have come to such a conclusion." Yan Shifan said with a smile on his face, "In fact, there are many such patriotic thieves in history. I have summarized a standard for patriotic thieves, which is simple It is said that he was "excellent in both character and study when he was young, he studied hard in his youth, he was upright and upright by nature, and he was said to be patriotic in his words and deeds, but in fact he was harmful to the country and the people, and his death was miserable."

"Zhao Kuo during the Warring States Period is one of them. Do you think Zhao Kuo was patriotic? He loved his country to the core. He was heavily besieged by the Qin army and was in a desperate situation. He still cherished the country of Zhao and would rather die than surrender. In the end, he fought for the country. Zhao Guo died on the battlefield and his body was shrouded in horse leather. But in the end, his patriotism brought Zhao Guo's more than 400,000 Zhao troops to annihilation. They were all killed by Bai Qi. The capital Handan was besieged by the Qin army for a year, and the country was almost destroyed! Such Zhao Kuo, tens of thousands of national thieves can’t do it, what are they if they’re not patriotic thieves?!”

Yan Shifan flicked a finger and said, after mentioning the example of Zhao Kuo, Yan Shifan flicked another finger and continued, "Taking a closer look, Ma Zhi in the Northern Song Dynasty, also known as Zhao Liangsi, is one. Haha, this guy is also a typical patriotic thief. Ma Zhi was a native of Yan in the late Northern Song Dynasty. He was a member of the Liao clan and was a resident of the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, our great Han Dynasty. At that time, the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun was occupied by the Liao , Ma Zhi was in the enemy country and his heart was in the Song Dynasty, and he cherished his homeland of the Northern Song Dynasty day and night. In the first year of Zhenghe, Ma Zhi took advantage of the Song Dynasty envoy Tong Guan's visit to the Liao Kingdom, secretly met with Tong Guan, and proposed a plan to regain the sixteen states of Yanyun. It was to cultivate the Jurchen tribe, which was oppressed by the Khitan nobles, and to start the absurd policy of allying with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty. Haha, if you don't face up to your own strength, you need to have strong strength as a backing for long-distance and close attacks, otherwise you will be seeking the skin of a tiger, and your lips will die and your teeth will be cold. But However, such a ridiculous plan was regarded by the political situation of the Northern Song Dynasty as the Longzhong rival of three-thirds of the contemporary world, and Ma Zhi was given an official title. During the Xuanhe period, Ma Zhi went to the Jin Dynasty seven times and agreed with Aguda to attack the Liao Dynasty, which promoted the alliance with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty. The absurd national policy of Liao. Haha, what is the result of his patriotism. As soon as the Liao Kingdom was destroyed, the Jin State began to pursue the idea of ​​the Northern Song Dynasty. Just a few months after the demise of the Liao State, the Jin State tore up the alliance and went south to invade the Song Dynasty. Two years later, the Jin State The Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed. Ma Zhi, a fool who was the instigator of the alliance with the Jin Dynasty to destroy the Liao Dynasty, was naturally executed by the Northern Song Dynasty after the Jin Dynasty invaded the Song Dynasty."

After Yan Shifan cited these two examples, Zhao Wenhua nodded slightly, but then asked doubtfully, "Brother Donglou, we all know the two patriotic thieves you mentioned, but Yang Jisheng..."

"Haha, but when it comes to patriotic thieves, our Yang Jisheng will not give in at all. To give two examples, the first one is Yang Jisheng's famous work, the "Ten Impossibles and Five Mistakes" memorial to impeach Qiu Luan. Haha. , Father, you and Meicun must have been deeply impressed by Yang Jisheng's memorial."

Yan Shifan said with a smile.

Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua nodded slightly. Of course they had an impression of this memorial. It had only been a few years.

This happened the year before last.

When talking about this memorial, we cannot do without the Gengxu Revolution.

In June of the 29th year of Jiajing, the Anda rebels led tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry to invade the border of Ming Dynasty. They started from Datong. In August, they defeated the Ming army in Gubeikou and entered the fortress. On the same day, the barbarian cavalry reached Miyun in the suburbs of Beijing. The next day Tian Bian went to Tongzhou and divided his troops to plunder Changping. The barbarian cavalry advanced directly to the capital and surrounded the city. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, this is the second time that the capital has been besieged.

In order to break the siege, the Holy Emperor adopted Xu Jie's suggestion, agreed to Anda's request for tribute, and promised to conduct tribute negotiations after Anda withdraws from outside the Great Wall. In fact, Yan Song himself supported this at the time. Yan Song saw that the traitor had no intention of attacking the capital, his purpose was to pay tribute. If you are defeated by the border, you can hide, but if you are defeated by the suburbs, you can't hide. If the enemy is full and will flee, the best strategy is to build a strong wall. Xu Jie's suggestion was exactly what Yan Song wanted, so Yan Song supported it.

After the rebels received a reply from the court, they quickly withdrew their troops and returned to the outside of the fortress. In December, they sent envoys to demand tribute. Under Qiu Luan's advice, the Holy Spirit decided to open the border horse market and pay tribute to the rebels.

At this time, Yang Jisheng, who was a member of the Ministry of War, opposed it. The memorial he wrote was the "Ten Impossibles and Five Mistakes" mentioned.

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