Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1004 Ridiculing Yang

"Yang Jisheng's "Ten Impossibles, Five Fallacies" gave him a glorious image of being unafraid of power and serving the country courageously. But if you look at this memorial carefully, hehe, this is a typical memorial to a patriotic thief, a typical negative teaching material , a typical memorial that claims to be patriotic, but actually harms the country and the people!"

When Yan Shifan mentioned Yang Jisheng's "Ten Impossibles, Five Mistakes" memorial, he couldn't help but laugh.


Zhao Wenhua leaned forward, straightened his ears, and waited attentively for Yan Shifanji to continue.

"Yang Jisheng's "Ten Don'ts, Five Fallacies" sounds reasonable at first glance, but if you look carefully, each one is more absurd than the last, and each one is more ridiculous than the last, which shows that Yang Jisheng is a stupid patriotic thief. I will just cite a few, such as Saying that he was incompetent, Yang Jisheng said that mutual trading is another name for marriage. The traitors trampled on the tomb of our emperor and killed our people. This is a huge hatred. How can we trade with him? This idiot, he even The concepts of "mutual trade" and "harmony" are not clearly understood, and are nonsense. Harmony uses marriage and blood ties to consolidate relationships, while mutual trade is nothing more than trade based on political mutual trust."

"The other thing he can't do is to trade with the great China. What does this mean? Can't our great country trade with small tribes? Can we do business only if we are well-matched? Nonsense, do you think I have more money? , can’t we do business with people who have less money?! The tribute trade between our country and the surrounding small countries has been continuous since the time of Taizu, so there is no one left behind by the Tatars. Only self-righteous fools like Yang Jisheng can There will be such thoughts!”

"There are also nine things he cannot do. Maybe Yang Jisheng is stupid because of his studies. He knows nothing about trade, but he still thinks he is right. Mutual trading does not mean forced buying and selling. The price of horses is linked to the quality of the horses. , if the horse is not good, you don’t have to buy it, you can pay less, as long as you let experienced businessmen assist you, there will never be a price for low-grade horses to be sold for high-grade horses.”

"Hahaha, as for his ten points, it made eight people laugh to death. Ten points: hundreds of thousands of silks per year, tens of thousands of horses. Ten years later, we ourselves will have no silk to wear, what should we do? Yang Jisheng has been there There is nothing in the south of the Yangtze River. The cloth produced in Songjiang alone can be worth tens of thousands per day. Songjiang alone can be enough to exchange for all the horses of the rebels. In ten years, I will have no silk to wear. I have no common sense and I am simply slipping into the world. Daji!"

"Courage is admirable, but it has no redeeming qualities. It has no vision for governing the country and does not understand the value of mutual trade. If border troubles can be eliminated through mutual trade between districts, why not do it. This memorial is full of loopholes. He can only do it to himself if he can't help others."

Yan Shifan sneered at Yang Jisheng's famous memorial. While commenting on it, he shook his head and laughed.

"Well, what Brother Donglou said makes sense. It seems that this person named Yang is indeed a fiction."

After hearing Yan Shifan's comments, Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but nodded. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, but now after listening to Yan Shifan's words and reading it again, it seems that it is indeed the case. Yang Jisheng's memorial is indeed exaggerated. His suggestion The ideas are too extreme and unrealistic.

"Master Yan is really knowledgeable and insightful, and Fang Zheng deeply believes in it. Yang Jisheng is not worthy of his reputation. He is too self-righteous. He always thinks that he is right in the world and has no self-knowledge. In fact, he is the most wrong one." Zhou Fangzheng followed up and took the photo. Yan Shifan slapped Yang Jisheng into the dust with all his strength.

After Yan Song listened to Yan Shifan's comments, his frown relaxed slightly, he picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and moistened his throat.

"Yang Jisheng also wrote a memorial, which was used to impeach the local magistrate Zhang Danian when he was the magistrate of Zhucheng County in Shandong Province. One of the claims was that 'it was a severe drought and there was no harvest, and it was the fault of the magistrate as a punishment from heaven.' This was blamed Yes, it’s on par with the treatment given by the Holy One, it’s almost dumbfounding.”

Yan Shifan then mentioned another memorial written by Yang Jisheng, and also scorned it, ridiculing Yang Jisheng for using the theory of induction between heaven and man indiscriminately.

The theory of induction between heaven and man originated from "Shang Shu Hong Fan" and is an ancient idea in ancient China. After the Han Dynasty, it gradually became a Confucian theological term. The theory of interaction between heaven and man holds that heaven and humans are connected and respond to each other. Heaven can intervene in human affairs, and humans can also respond to heaven. The ancients believed that if the emperor was unkind and unjust and violated the will of God, then God would send down disasters to condemn and warn the emperor; if the government was harmonious and harmonious, God would send down auspicious signs to encourage, such as unicorns, phoenixes, multi-headed ears of rice, etc. .

For example, historical records indicate that in the twelfth year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, Banggela's tribute envoys came to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty and presented a rare animal. According to records, the animal's front legs were nine feet high, its back six feet high, and its neck was six feet long. Short horns, ox tail, deer body." As soon as the animal landed, someone shouted: "Isn't this a unicorn?" The officials were so excited that Shen Du, who compiled the Hanlin Academy, was full of thoughts and wonderful pens, and he held a speech on the spot. He wrote an "Ode to the Ruiying Qilin", which said, "I heard that the saint is benevolent and luminous, and the Qilin will appear." Emperor Yongle read the Ode, and the dragon was very happy. He ordered the painter to draw this Qilin and named it " The Ming Dynasty Painted the Qilin Shendu Ode. Well, if you see this painting in the museum, you will find that unicorn = giraffe.

In short, the theory of telepathy between heaven and man generally talks about the emperor.

Therefore, Yan Shifan ridiculed Yang Jisheng's second memorial, ridiculing Yang Jisheng for impeaching a prefect using the theory of heaven and man's induction.

"Donglou! Don't talk nonsense! How can the Nine-Five Saint, the Dragon Among Men, be used as an example!" Yan Song glared at Yan Shifan, hating that he was using Emperor Jiajing as an example when he was mocking Yang Jisheng.

"What dad said is absolutely true. My son knows he was wrong."

Yan Shifan admitted his mistake with a smile, and then bowed in the direction of Xiyuan in a serious manner.

Yan Song nodded with satisfaction, then turned his head and glanced at the faces of Zhao Wenhua and Zhou Fangzheng, teaching: "You all also remember, we owe our existence today to the kindness of the Holy One. Eat the king's salary, do the work A matter of loyalty to the king.”

"Thank you for your foster father's teachings. We will always remember them in our hearts." Zhao Wenhua and Zhou Fangzheng stood up and responded.

"Haha, so, there is no need to worry at all about Yang Jisheng's impeachment. Every time he impeaches others, it is the others who have nothing to do, and he himself commits suicide because of the memorial. He impeached his enemies. Luan, he imprisoned himself and was demoted to Di Dao; he played to the magistrate of Shangfeng, and if I hadn't been secretly looking after him, he would have been imprisoned again; this time he impeached his father to death. Although I have not seen his memorial, But I believe that he will definitely commit suicide in his memorial."

After Yan Shifan stood up, he smiled and continued to summarize.

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