Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1006 Zhao Wenhua’s panic

a great sin

Two deadly sins

The further he looked down, the more solemn Zhao Wenhua's face became. When he saw the three major sins, Zhao Wenhua's face showed panic.

"Song believes that the emperor's administration is good, and every matter must be passed down to others. The emperor did not have such intention at the beginning, and this matter was decided by me. I am afraid that the people in the world will not know that the power comes from myself. But now. The holy edicts and Song's inscriptions were printed and published in ten volumes, called Jiajing Shuyi, so that future generations in the world would say that all the good deeds the emperor had done in the past were due to his advice, and the emperor was incapable of doing anything. People and ministers Is this the result of being praised for being loyal to the emperor? This is the three major sins of covering up the emperor's political achievements."

The first two crimes are fine, they are based on rumors and there is no actual evidence, but the third crime has real evidence.

"Jiajing Shuyi"!

The book mentioned by Yang Jisheng in The Third Deadly Sin does indeed exist, and no one knows the true facts of this book better than Zhao Wenhua. The content of this book is indeed as mentioned in Yang Jisheng's memorial, and it mainly includes two parts: the Holy Edict and Song's introduction. This book was launched last year and has been published for ten issues. So far, more than 500 sets have been printed.

The number of "Jiajing Shuyi" published is very large, and Yang Jisheng must have collected a set of them, or even more.

In addition, the reason why Zhao Wenhua is panicked is not only because the book "Jiajing Shuyi" used as evidence does exist, but also because this book has a deep connection with Zhao Wenhua, and it can be said that it was promoted by Zhao Wenhua.

It happened last year.

That year, the Gengxu Rebellion occurred, and the rebels invaded Datong and fought all the way to the outside of Beijing. Ding Rukui, the Minister of War, asked Yan Song, his adoptive father, how to fight and defend. My adoptive father Yan Song said that when fighting at the border, you can cover up your defeat, but when you fight outside the capital, you cannot cover up your defeat. I replied that rebels are just predators, and they will go when they are full. Ding Rukui, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, understood this and strictly ordered the generals not to act rashly or to go out to fight in the city. He sat back and watched Anda's soldiers burning, killing and looting outside the city. They continued to cause trouble for eight days. After receiving the Holy Emperor's promise to pay tribute, they retreated from Gubeikou. Afterwards, dissatisfaction among the people and the court boiled over, and then... Ding Rukui was pushed out by his adoptive father Yan Song and became a scapegoat.

However, even though Ding Rukui took the blame as the scapegoat, there were still many people in the court who cursed his adoptive father Yan Song for being incompetent. People went to court one after another to impeach Yan Song, his adoptive father. The adoptive father Yan Song had no choice but to resign and go home for a while.

Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song had a mutually beneficial relationship. Yan Song had a hard time, and Zhao Wenhua and the others, who were protected by Yan Song, had an even harder time.

At this time, Zhao Wenhua thought of a way to help his adoptive father Yan Song regain his reputation and trust, and not only for himself.

In Zhao Wenhua's "view", the reason why those officials and ignorant officials in the court reviled his adoptive father Yan Song for his incompetence and made irresponsible remarks about his adoptive father was because they did not understand his adoptive father. They were all just hearsay and spreading rumors. I have no idea how much my adoptive father has contributed to the Holy Father and the country. The foster father, Yan Song, assists the current emperor, and he is said to have devoted all his energy, dedication, wisdom, and fruitful results.

Therefore, Zhao Wenhua suggested to Yan Song that Yan Song should select the secret letters that he had submitted to the Holy Spirit since he took charge of the government, and select those that could be made public to the world, those with outstanding achievements, and good governance and good deeds, and publish and engrave them, and make them public. Let all ministers and officials and students know the truth of the matter, understand the achievements and greatness of the adoptive father Yan Song as the chief minister of the cabinet, and understand that the adoptive father Yan Song did many unknown good things behind their backs that they did not know. In this way, they will no longer say that their adoptive father Yan Song is incompetent, they will no longer scold his adoptive father for only flattering the Holy One, and they will no longer make irresponsible remarks about his adoptive father Yan Song.

The so-called secret letter is a kind of letter unique to cabinet ministers. This is an informal official document in addition to memorials. Cabinet ministers often put forward their personal suggestions on major military and state affairs to the Holy Emperor through secret letters for the Holy Emperor's reference.

At that time, after Yan Song listened to Zhao Wenhua's suggestion, he praised Zhao Wenhua very much and praised him a lot. He agreed to Zhao Wenhua's suggestion on the spot and personally named the publication "Jiajing Shuyi" and screened and published "Jiajing Shuyi" The signal was handed over to Zhao Wenhua.

Zhao Wenhua quickly printed "Jiajing Shuyi". Officials above the rank of Langguan in the capital received one set, and dozens of sets were circulated in Imperial College. For a time, "Jiajing Shuyi" became a hot book in the capital and became a grand event in the capital. Officials who had not received the book made strong demands, and officials from the science and education and local officials also came to ask for the book. It was difficult to refuse the hospitality, and Yan Song Zhao Wenhua then asked Zhao Wenhua to carve more than a hundred more sets and give them to the officials.

This book had a great effect. For a time, Yan Song's reputation improved a lot, and the court became stable.

Yan Song praised Zhao Wenhua many times for this, and Zhao Wenhua was extremely proud of it and regarded it as his proudest work in his life.

However, he never expected that this "Jiajing Shuyi" would be included in the third major crime by Yang Jisheng and become key evidence.

Now, Zhao Wenhua calmed down and thought about it carefully. A dense layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on the back of his forehead. He had to admit that this set of "Jiajing Shuyi" did seem to be cheating and competing with the Holy Emperor for fame.

Now, Zhao Wenhua's intestines are turning green with regret.

Look further down.

The Four Deadly Sins.

There was more cold sweat on Zhao Wenhua's forehead and back. In this fourth major crime, Yang Jisheng directly named him Zhao Wenhua - "The emperor ordered Song's ticket book, which means that the king will be at ease and the minister will work hard. Song is the descendant of the emperor." The vote was done at the discretion of the father and the son. However, Shifan also asked his godson Zhao Wenhua and other groups to vote together, intending to form a traitorous party and bring chaos to the government. If a vote is changed several times, the secret will not be leaked? Therefore, the decree has not been issued. , all the dynasties have already predicted it."

In this fourth major crime, Yang Jisheng cited the incident of Yu Shi Cai Pu Shen's guarding Xu Shi and others, and Shen Lian's impeachment of his adoptive father Yan Song. He said that these two incidents were handled in the East Tower Draft. Cabinet Minister Li I and others have not changed a single word, which proves that the adoptive father Yan Song allowed his son to overstep his bounds, and the adoptive father controlled the court with exclusive power.

These two things are also true.

Moving on to the fifth crime, "Yan Song ordered his eldest son, Yan Xiaozhong, to pretend that he had made a victory in Guangdong and Guangxi and was promoted to the governor of the governor. He also pretended that a man in Qiongzhou had seven heads cut off and made a record of meritorious service and paid allegiance to the ministry. He ordered his second grandson Yan Hu to replace him. Hu He also reported that he had been promoted to the rank of seven heads of loyalty to thousands of households, and he is now serving as a steward. There is a draft of the No. 19 Hall of Wu Xuan Si Zang that can be checked. Husband Zhongzhong and Hu are both sons of Fan, and they have been raised as they please. After leaving home and arriving at the military gate, how can a bratty child kill seven heads on his own and falsely report military merits, and pretend to be a royal guard?"

Damn it!

Why did Yang Jisheng uncover this? Moreover, he understood it in such detail, and the details were explained so clearly, and there was also "Wuxuan Si Zangzi No. 19 Hall Draft" as evidence.

ah! ! ! Yes! ! ! !

Yang Jisheng is now a member of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War. It is extremely easy for him to check and copy the information of the Military Selection Department!

Damn, Zhou Mian, a doctor in the Military Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, had been impeached once before for pretending to use military merit, but he was excused with kindness at that time. But now Yang Jisheng has cited all the evidence from the "No. 19 Draft of the Military Selection Department" It's out, how can we prevaricate! ! !

further down

I also saw that Yang Jisheng cited the Gengxu Incident, told the truth about Ding Rukui's refusal to fight, revealed that it was his adoptive father Yan Song's idea, and cited Ding Rukui's execution, and found out that he had been mistaken by his adoptive father, and shouted, "Yan Song has mistaken me." "Example."

Seeing this, Zhao Wenhua's hand holding the memorial manuscript trembled. He swallowed, turned to look at Yan Song, and shouted in a panic, "You have ruined your foster father, something happened."

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