Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1007 Yan Shifan has unique insight

"What's so bad?! Meicun, how old are you, how come you don't have any concentration at all?" Su Zi said: 'To be a general, you must first heal your heart. Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged, while elk thrives on the left. If you don't blink, you can control your interests and wait for the enemy. 'Look at yourself again, how panicked are you?" Yan Song glanced sideways at Zhao Wenhua and taught calmly.

"Yes, yes, that's what my adoptive father taught me." Zhao Wenhua nodded repeatedly and admitted his mistake.

"Okay, tell me, what's wrong?" Yan Song nodded slightly and asked.

"Father, you will know this memorial by Yang Ni once you read it." Zhao Wenhua said, holding the copy of the memorial in both hands and presenting it to Yan Song.

Yan Song stretched out his bony hand to take the memorial manuscript, unfolded it casually, and cast his eyes on the manuscript.

At first, Yan Song was very calm, but as he watched, Yan Song's calmness gradually disappeared.

Seeing Yang Jisheng's righteous and life-or-death accusation, as well as the evidence listed on the paper, Yan Song, who is the chief minister of the cabinet, could not help but feel panic taking root in his heart.

Of course, it was Yan Song after all. Even if he felt panic, he seemed much calmer than Zhao Wenhua.

"Dad, let me see."

The fat one-eyed man Yan Shifan stepped forward calmly and begged.

"Oh, Donglou kid, come and take a look." Upon hearing this, Yan Song handed the memorial manuscript to Yan Shifan like he was throwing a hot potato.

Yan Shifan borrowed the manuscript, opened it word by word, and read it carefully.

Zhao Wenhua and Yan Song also watched Yan Shifan intently as he browsed the memorials and manuscripts.

After reading it from beginning to end, Yan Shifan had a smile on his calm face. He looked up at Yan Song and said with a smile, "Haha, Dad, Yang Jisheng has really drafted a good book."

Good to play? !

When Zhao Wenhua heard this, his eyes almost popped out of his head. He stretched out his hand and took out his ears suspiciously. Did I hear it wrong, or did Brother Donglou say it wrong? Brother Donglou actually said that Yang Jisheng's memorial was a good one? !

Yang Jisheng's memorial is a memorial to impeach his adoptive father and to put his adoptive father to death. How can you say it is a good memorial? !

Zhou Fangzheng on the side heard this and opened his mouth in surprise.

"Donglou kid, how come this is so good?" Yan Song was startled after hearing Yan Shifan's words and asked doubtfully.

"Haha, dad, you don't have to worry about Yang Jisheng's memorial. On the contrary, this is a great opportunity." The one-eyed fat man Yan Shifan said with a smile, like a fat version of a fox.


When Yan Song heard this, the wrinkles on his face softened by three points. He couldn't trust his son Yan Shifan's intelligence any more. This is his family's Qilin son. Yan Shifan has never let him down since he asked Yan Shifan to assist him in handling political affairs. Now that his son Yan Shifan said there is no need to worry, he must have a reason, so he can naturally put his mind at ease.

"Brother Donglou, what did you see?" Zhao Wenhua asked curiously.

"Dad, Brother Meicun, let me first tell you why Yang Jisheng's memorial is not a cause for concern. Haha, first point, after reading the entire memorial, I have a feeling. I don't know if you have the same feeling. I think Yang Jisheng's memorial , he not only impeached your old man, he also impeached our Holy One. He impeached the current Holy One in the memorial, haha, do you think he can succeed?" Yan Shifan twitched the corner of his mouth, showed a confident smile, and said to Yan Song and Zhao Wenhua explained.

Yan Song stroked his beard when he heard the words. Just now he was too concerned and ignored some details. Now when he heard what Yan Shifan said, he started to think deeply.

"He also impeached the Holy One?" Zhao Wenhua was stunned when he heard this.

"Of course." Yan Shifan smiled and nodded, unfolded the manuscript of the memorial in his hand on the table in front of Yan Song, stretched out his hand and clicked on the chapter of the memorial and said, "Dad, Brother Mei Cun, please look at this." For example, earthquakes in various places and changes in the eclipse of the sun and the moon, the disasters are all due to the body of the thieves, but they are waiting for them day by day without realizing it. God's loving and warning heart is also afraid of being lazy and lonely. Unexpectedly, the emperor is smart and strong. He was willing to be deceived. He didn't believe what people said, and he didn't realize it even though God warned him, so he ended up like this. Here he said that natural disasters such as earthquakes and eclipses of the sun and moon should all be blamed on his father. It was God's way of warning the Holy One. Haha, but what did he say next? He said that the Holy One was willing to be deceived by his father, that the Holy One would not listen to others, and that God had warned the Holy One, and that the Holy One didn’t even know how to wake up. How could the Holy One be so stubborn? He was like this Say, isn’t it just self-destruction?”

Yan Song stroked his beard and nodded. He knew Emperor Jiajing very well. Emperor Jiajing would definitely be furious after seeing this sentence.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Brother Donglou, when you say this, it really feels like this. He, Yang Jisheng, is blaming the Holy One. He is seeking death."

Zhao Wenhua listened to Yan Shifan's narration, like a kowtowing insect, nodding his head repeatedly, with a look of joy on his face.

"Actually, this part is relatively minor. If it is explained, it can be explained away. But dad, brother Mei Cun, look at this part again. "The emperor is so smart that he is aware of all Ni Luan Yin's evil deeds. , I have always tolerated Song's evil deeds. If I can't know it, and if I can't get rid of it, it can't cover up the dignity of the ministers, so I can't tolerate him and treat him with self-destruction. However, I don't know that there are songs in the country, and there are scoundrels in the seedlings. , There is a tiger in the city, and a day in power is a day of harm. Why can't the emperor bear to cut off his love for a traitor and endure the misfortune of millions of people? Moreover, I doubt that the emperor has a desire to alienate. If the grace of Youronggu is given again, it may bring disaster to the former prime minister, and all the people in the world will know that it is absolutely impossible." Yang Jisheng clearly pointed the finger at the Holy One here, accusing and preaching to the Holy One. I almost told you that Your Majesty was your father's protector."

Yan Shifan smiled slightly, then pointed to a section in the second half of the manuscript, nodded hard, and said sarcastically.

At this time, Yan Song had a smile on his face and looked at Yan Shifan with eyes full of approval and satisfaction.

"Hmm, hahaha, Brother Donglou still has a keen eye. I am ashamed of Wenhua. Yang Jisheng really did not disappoint. He is still as stupid as ever. I really want to crack open Yang Jisheng's head and see What on earth was he thinking? He played it again and again, this time he was seeking death, hahaha."

Zhao Wenhua laughed loudly and bowed his hand to Yan Shifan. He admired Yan Shifan's unique vision and laughed at Yang Jisheng from afar.

There was a burst of laughter and laughter in the study, and most of the tense atmosphere had dissipated.

Zhou Fangzheng in the corner of the study saw this scene and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but after thinking about it and weighing it in his mind, he closed his mouth. Now is not the time.

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