Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1009 Tell the truth

"Your Highness, the so-called blood bag shooting to the sky refers to the allusion of Emperor Wu Yi of the Shang Dynasty, which comes from Sima Gong's "Historical Records of Yin Benji". At the end of the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Wu Yi was tyrannical, arrogant and arrogant, which aroused the anger of heaven and earth. In order to show off his authority, the arrogant Wu Yi made gods out of wood and clay and fought with them. In addition, he also came up with a game called "Shoot in the Sky", in which people fill a skin with a bag of blood and hang it on the sky. From a high place, he shot arrows into the skin bag from below, causing blood to splash everywhere and a very fishy smell. However, Shang Emperor Wu Yi laughed wildly and showed off to the left and right, saying: Today, I shot a hole in the sky. Therefore, he was Later generations called it Nang Xue She... A Zhi... Tian."

When Zhou Fangzheng revealed to Yan Song and his son Zhu Pingan's morning visit to Yang Jisheng, Zhu Pingan was studying with Prince Yu in Prince Yu's study. The bachelor's degree scholar at Prince Yu's Mansion was originally an advisor to Prince Yu, and this was one of his responsibilities. Work. While reading, King Yu felt unfamiliar with the term "blood in the bladder shoots to the sky" in the book, so he asked Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan had a good memory and made a simple allusion to the origin of the phrase "blood in the bladder shoots to the sky". When the interpretation was about to be completed, for some reason, he sneezed loudly for no apparent reason. Fortunately, Zhu Pingan felt something in his heart and lowered his head in time to cover it with his hands, so that it did not affect King Yu.

"I have lost my temper, please punish me." Zhu Ping'an rubbed his nose and apologized to King Yu in embarrassment.

"Haha, it's just a sneeze. Zihou said something serious. Gu is not as cruel and cruel as Wu Yi. Did Zihou not have a good rest last night, or did he sleep cold and caught a cold? Zihou, you need to pay more attention. I can't live without you." King Yu smiled and shook his head. He didn't care about it and was also concerned about Zhu Pingan's body.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands in thanks, smiled slightly and said, "Wei Chen is in good health. Your Highness, let's continue reading."


King Yu nodded, and the two continued to read.

Inside the Yan Mansion.

Although it had been a while since Zhou Fangzheng spoke and Yan Song had changed his clothes, the shock caused by Zhou Fangzheng's words was still fermenting in the study, and it had fermented from a violent storm to a monstrous tsunami.

"Zhu Pingan?"

Zhao Wenhua was stunned in place, with a complicated expression.

"You said that Zhu Ping'an had already reminded Yang Jisheng of these two fatal omissions and suggested that Yang Jisheng delete them?!"

The one-eyed fat man approached Zhou Fangzheng like a black bear that had stolen honey. He stretched out his claws like bear paws and grabbed Zhou Fangzheng's collar. He narrowed his one-eyed eye and asked menacingly. The saliva splattered in his mouth. It sprayed into Zhou Fangzheng's mouth.

Yan Shifan's aura was too strong, many times stronger than Zhao Wenhua. Zhou Fangzheng was grabbed by Yan Shifan's collar. He was frightened. His mind went blank. His mouth opened and opened, but he couldn't utter a single word.


Yan Shifan used another force on his hand to pull Zhou Fangzheng closer, and opened his mouth to curse impatiently.

"Yes Yes."

Zhou Fangzheng nodded repeatedly in fear.

"Ahem... Donglou! What are you talking about? Be polite to Mr. Zhou." Yan Song glared at Yan Shifan, and then said to Zhou Fangzheng in a friendly manner, "Haha, Mr. Zhou, don't worry about him. Just say whatever you want. Today , you have shown kindness to me by warning me, and I will not treat you badly."

"Haha, isn't it that I care about chaos? Hehe, I'm sorry for offending Mr. Zhou." Hearing this, Yan Shifan squeezed out a smile on his fat face, loosened his hand holding Zhou Fangzheng's collar, and helped him thoughtfully. Zhou Fangzheng tidied his clothes.

"Thank you, Mr. Yan. Mr. Yan, you are serious in your words. Filial piety comes first in everything. Mr. Yan cares deeply about Mr. Yan's feelings. How can a subordinate not know about it? Whoever says a word of grass will be rewarded with three spring brilliance. Mr. Yan's filial piety can move the world. I should serve as a role model for my subordinates to follow." Zhou Fangzheng hurriedly bowed gratefully, and replied in a very sensible manner, as if flattering Yan Shifan was free of charge, and he kept pouring it out.

"Haha, I hope Master Zhou understands." Yan Shifan twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Master Zhou, please tell me in detail what you just said." Zhao Wenhua said slowly.

"Yes, it happened this morning. The curfew had just ended. I was having breakfast with him at Yang Ni's house, while we were discussing the impeachment memorial with him. At this time, Zhu Ping'an knocked on the door to visit. Well, I was cautious at that time, informed Yang Ni in advance and hurriedly hid in the back room. Zhu Ping'an was wearing all the clothes at the time..."

After calming down, Zhou Fangzheng told what happened in the morning exactly as it was, including the clothes Zhu Pingan wore, what he said, and so on.

"At that time, when Zhu Ping'an discovered the loopholes in the memorial and proposed to Yang Ni to delete it, I heard it in the back room. I was worried about Mr. Ge and accidentally knocked over the cup. Fortunately, Yang Ni's youngest son was clever and said that he had spoken He was thirsty and poured a cup of tea. Unexpectedly, the tea was too hot, causing him to accidentally knock over the cup and cover up the matter..."

Zhou Fangzheng has a good memory, and he almost copied and described the conversation at that time, telling the whole story.

"How did Zhu Ping'an remind Yang Jisheng?" Yan Shifan asked, squinting his one eye.

"The reasons why Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Ni to delete two loopholes are almost the same as what Mr. Yan just said. First, Zhu Pingan said that Yang Ni's memorial hinted at the emperor's intention to protect the elder. He also said that the emperor saw the memorial. After that, I might not be happy... The second point, 'Maybe ask the two kings', is the key point that Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Ni. Zhu Pingan gave two reasons, which were almost exactly the same as what Master Yan just said. He explain……"

Zhou Fangzheng clearly stated all the reasons why Zhu Ping'an reminded Yang Jisheng to delete the loopholes in the memorial.

"Hey... interesting, Zhu Pingan is a smart man, haha, he is also a big fool..."

After Yan Shifan listened to Zhou Fangzheng's report, he closed his one eye, stretched out his bear-like paws and rubbed the back of his head vigorously, looking tired, and then smiled and mocked.

"That's it, that's it. He, Zhu Ping'an, doesn't understand current affairs. He actually colluded with Yang Ni and didn't care about life and death. He's a fool."

Zhou Fangzheng bowed his waist and agreed.

Yan Shifan turned to look at him, twitching the corners of his mouth and showing a strange smile.

Zhou Fangzheng lowered his head and did not dare to speak any more.

Boom... boom...

Yan Song sat there with a gloomy expression on his face. He put his bony palms on the table and tapped his weather-beaten fingers on the table. This was Yan Song's habitual action when he was thinking seriously about a problem.

The study was eerily quiet, with only the sound of Yan Song tapping on the table.

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