Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1010 Another turn of events

Such is the ups and downs of life.

I thought I had caught the fatal loopholes in Yang Jisheng's memorial and was already certain of winning, but suddenly things took a turn for the worse. I never expected that in the morning, Zhu Ping'an had already pointed out these two loopholes to Yang Jisheng face to face and suggested that Yang Jisheng delete them. .

Without these two fatal loopholes, Yang Jisheng's impeachment memorial would be extraordinary. His impeachment rhetoric was sharp, both overall and concrete, somewhat well-rounded, and supplemented by relevant evidence. It was definitely not the same as before. Those empty impeachments. If the investigation is carried out strictly based on the memorial, it will soon become an ironclad case.

What should we do?

What should I do?

Yan Song knocked on the table and frowned, which made the wrinkles on his forehead even heavier. They were layered and wrinkled, just like the bark of a thousand-year-old tree.

Yan Shifan rubbed his forehead, picked up the memorial manuscript again, and studied it word by word. He hadn't been so serious in a long time.

Zhao Wenhua was stunned on the spot.

The study was very quiet, and the atmosphere in the study was also very tense.


At this moment, a coughing sound sounded in the study, breaking the silence of the room, which was very noticeable.

Yan Song and others followed the sound and saw Zhou Fangzheng looking like he was about to say something but hesitant.

"Oh, I wonder what Mr. Zhou has to say?" Yan Song turned to look at Zhou Fangzheng, looking like a kind elder.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangzheng hurriedly bowed ninety degrees and replied repeatedly, "The elder Ge has betrayed the lower official. How can the lower official be qualified to receive advice? It's just that the elder Ge, Mr. Yan, and Mr. Zhao don't have to worry."

"Huh? No need to worry?! I'd like to hear Mr. Zhou's opinion." Yan Song was surprised when he heard this and asked repeatedly.

Yan Shifan also looked at Zhou Fangzheng in surprise. Seeing Zhou Fangzheng's confident look, Yan Shifan couldn't help but narrowed his one eye. Hey, he was so confident, did he underestimate Zhou Fangzheng? !

"No need to worry?! Mr. Zhou, what have you discovered? Tell me quickly." Zhao Wenhua urged.

"Lao Hui Ge, Mr. Yan, Mr. Zhao. I said don't worry because, although Zhu Ping'an pointed out these two fatal loopholes to Yang Ni in person and suggested deleting them, Yang Ni did not adopt them."

Zhao Wenhua bowed and lowered his head and replied.

Not adopted!

When Yan Song heard this, his frowns relaxed, and the wrinkles on his forehead were reduced by half, as if he had suddenly become ten years younger.

Hearing this, Yan Shifan glanced at Zhou Fangzheng with squinted eyes, twitched the corner of his mouth, and laughed. Zhou Fangzheng did not dare to look at Yan Shifan and hurriedly lowered his head. He felt that Yan Shifan's eyes were too sharp, as if he suddenly It was as if he had read through his inner thoughts.

"Ah?! Didn't adopt it!" Zhao Wenhua was filled with surprise when he heard this, and asked urgently, "What's going on? Please tell me in detail."

"Is such that."

Zhou Fangzheng recounted the scene at that time. Of course, he highlighted his role in his mouth, "Yang Ni hesitated and did not adopt Zhu Pingan's suggestion. He just promised that he would consider it. After Zhu Pingan left, I Coming out of the back room, Yang Ni asked me for my opinion. For the sake of Mr. Ge, I naturally would not let Yang Ni adopt Zhu Pingan's suggestion. Regarding the first loophole pointed out by Zhu Pingan, I knew Yang Ni's psychology, so I said to Yang Ni, Zhu Pingan's suggestion made him feel like he would stop eating because of choking. Yang Ni listened to my suggestion and strengthened his decision not to adopt Zhu Pingan's first suggestion. Regarding the second flaw pointed out by Zhu Pingan, I said to Yang Ni, Zhu Pingan Ping An’s second piece of advice is to be selfish.”

"Selfish?" Zhao Wenhua narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, I deliberately told Yang Ni that Zhu Ping'an, as a lecturer in Prince Yu's palace, made the second suggestion for Prince Yu's consideration and to prevent Prince Yu from being implicated by your memorial, because 'maybe ask the two kings' To some extent, it can be thought that Yang Ni's memorial was ordered by the two kings. Zhu Pingan proposed to delete this sentence because he was afraid that King Yu would be angered by your words... Yang Ni listened to me analysis, he firmed up his idea and did not adopt Zhu Ping'an's second suggestion. I know Yang Ni well. He is like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard. As long as he firm up his mind, he will definitely be very successful. If he says he won't change it, then he will definitely not change it. I dare to guarantee it with my head. So, there is no need to worry about Yang Ni's memorial. Those two fatal loopholes will always exist." Zhou Fangzheng He raised his head and replied with a determined expression.

"Hahaha, okay, Mr. Zhou, you have really made a great contribution." After hearing Zhou Fangzheng's guarantee, Zhao Wenhua felt relieved, burst out laughing, patted Zhou Fangzheng on the shoulder, and praised Zhou Fangzheng very much.

"Well, Mr. Zhou, you are very good."

Yan Shifan twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a disdainful smile. His eyes were gleaming. Zhou Fangzheng couldn't hide his little thoughts from him at all, but the result was good and he didn't bother to expose him.

"Master Zhou, you have done a good job. If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved in the future, please tell me your name and I will make the decision for you."

Yan Song nodded with satisfaction and made a promise to Zhou Fangzheng with a kind face, encouraging him for his choice.

Zhou Fangzheng was overjoyed after hearing Yan Song's promise. It was as if he had been hit on the head by a huge pie. Tears were about to flow down his face. He bent his legs in a hurry and knelt on the ground with a thud, his hands on the ground. , grabbing the ground with his head, and kowtowed a few times, his voice trembled with excitement, "Thank you, Mr. Ge, for your support. I am so virtuous and capable, but I have received such care from Mr. Ge. I don't need Mr. Ge to take care of me." I make the decision for the lower official, I just hope that I can become the lackey of Mr. Ge, and do my best for Mr. Ge."

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhou, hurry up and get up. If I can get Mr. Zhou to help me, I will have another helping hand."

Yan Song said with a smile. As he spoke, he stood up from his seat and stretched out his hands to give him a virtual support.

"Thank you, Mr. Ge. Thank you, Mr. Ge." Zhou Fangzheng was so excited that his whole body was trembling. "From now on, I will only follow the orders of Mr. Ge. If Mr. Ge has an errand, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Hahaha, congratulations to Mr. Zhou, congratulations to Mr. Zhou. My adoptive father likes to support young people like Mr. Zhou who know current affairs and know how to advance and retreat." Zhao Wenhua stepped forward and helped Zhou Fangzheng up.

"I hope Master Zhao will take care of you in the future." Zhou Fangzheng bowed and replied with a flattering look on his face.

"Haha, easy to say, easy to say." Zhao Wenhua nodded to Zhou Fangzheng, smiling like a flower.

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