Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1016 Enlightenment

"Zihou, you are smart and have many ideas, but you already have a good plan?"

Gao Gong's eyes suddenly lit up, as if a lost tourist saw a glimmer of light in the dark wildness. A hope reappeared on a desperate and anxious face. He looked at Zhu Ping'an with burning eyes and couldn't wait to ask first. road.

Xu Jie saw Gao Gong asking first, so he didn't speak again, but turned his eyes intensely to Zhu Ping'an.

For a moment, four scorching eyes were focused on Zhu Pingan like spotlights, making Zhu Pingan feel a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, Ping An has no good ideas. I just have some vague ideas. I want to discuss them with the teacher and Brother Su Qing."

Zhu Pingan scratched his head and replied with a wry smile.

"It's good if you have an idea. Zihou tell it quickly and we can analyze it together."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's conservative answer, Gao Gong's face was not only not disappointed, but also filled with hope, and he urged Zhu Pingan repeatedly. Really, he wouldn't believe it if Zhu Ping'an took over everything and boasted about it.

"Haha, I see Su Qing is in a hurry, Zi Hou, just hurry up and say it." Xu Jie smiled slightly and said to Zhu Pingan. He knew Zhu Pingan better than Gao Gong. He knew that Zhu Pingan usually said he had ideas. When, that’s when you really have an idea.

"Yes." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands to Xu Jie.

"Actually, it was only after listening to the analysis of the teacher and Brother Su Qing that I was inspired. I was thinking that since we look at this crisis from our perspective and want to break the situation, there is no solution, so why not change the perspective." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

"Change the angle?"

Gao Gong was startled for a moment, and seemed to have some clues, but he flew away again in an instant, unable to grasp it.

After hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Xu Jie seemed to be inspired all of a sudden. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stroke his beard and began to think deeply. After thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up and he looked up at Zhu Pingan, waiting for Zhu Pingan to continue.

"Yes, let's change the angle." Zhu Ping'an nodded slowly, and continued without any further excuses, "Why not look at this crisis from the perspective of Yan Song and his son? If Yan Song and his son want to seize the opportunity, or ask If the two kings attack Prince Yu's Mansion on this point, what will they do and how can they achieve their goal?"

"What are they going to do to achieve their goal? Only by knowing your enemy and yourself can you survive a hundred battles. Zihou has a good idea."

When Gao Gong heard this, his eyes couldn't help but light up. Zhu Pingan was right. Since there is no solution to the problem from our point of view, why not look at it from the point of view of Yan Song and his son. Only by knowing your enemy and yourself can you win every battle.

After hearing Zhu Pingan's thoughts, Xu Jie couldn't help stroking his beard and nodded. He looked at Zhu Pingan's eyes and praised him. As a student, he could always bring him unexpected results.

"Ping'an puts himself in his shoes. If I were Yan Song and his son, even though the Yan Party is huge, it would not be easy to drag His Royal Highness Prince Yu into the water." Zhu Pingan looked up at Xu Jie and Gao Gong and said softly. .

"Zihou, go on."

Gao Gong pulled the seat one foot towards Zhu Pingan, leaned his body towards Zhu Pingan, and said repeatedly.

Xu Jie looked at Zhu Pingan with the same interest, and encouraged Zhu Pingan to continue speaking with his eyes.

"If Yan Song and his son want to drag His Royal Highness Prince Yu into the water, then there is bound to be a problem - they have to prove that Senior Brother Zhongfang's impeachment was instigated by His Highness Prince Yu," Zhu Pingan said softly.

"Zi Hou's words make sense." Gao Gong nodded.

"Brother Suqing and I know very well that His Royal Highness Prince Yu has never had any contact with Senior Brother Zhongfang, nor has he sent anyone or written letters to instruct Senior Brother Zhongfang to impeach Yan Song. This matter was originally a fabrication, and Yan Song and his son have never done so. How can it be proved? Is it possible to forge King Yu's letters as physical evidence?! Even if it is necessary to frame His Royal Highness King Yu, it is not something that the strict party forces can do alone. At least it requires the 'cooperation' of Senior Brother Zhongfang. Okay." Zhu Pingan continued, "The best way for Yan Song and his son to prove it is for Senior Brother Zhongfang to admit that his impeachment of Yan Song was ordered by His Highness King Yu. However, although Senior Brother Zhongfang was somewhat impulsive in this impeachment, But Senior Brother Zhongfang, an upright minister, originally regarded Yan Song and his son as traitors, and tried to get rid of them but could not, so how could he cooperate with Yan Song and his son to frame His Royal Highness Prince Yu? Yan Shifan is extremely smart, but Senior Brother Zhongfang is not a fool, even if Yan Shifan used his own methods to There are many ways to lure Senior Brother Zhongfang into confession, but Senior Brother Zhongfang will never be fooled."

Hearing this, Xu Jie nodded vigorously. He knew Zhu Pingan, and he knew even more about Yang Jisheng, a disciple who came earlier. Yang Jisheng was diligent, upright, and loyal to the Ming Dynasty. How could he cooperate with Yan Song and his son to frame King Yu? In addition, although Yang Jisheng has an upright personality and is a bit paranoid, he is definitely not stupid. Otherwise, how could he fall into his eyes? No matter how cunning and wise Yan Shifan is, it is absolutely impossible to induce Yang Jisheng to confess.

Gao Gong nodded in agreement, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head, "Although the formal way is not possible, the informal way is."

Gao Gong's meaning was very clear. Through formal channels, Yan Song and his son could not obtain a confession from Yang Jisheng admitting that he was instigated by King Yu. However, it was not impossible to obtain a false confession through informal channels, such as using some tricks to obtain a false confession.

It is difficult to turn a deer into a horse, but it is definitely not difficult for Yan Song and his son to obtain a false confession.

"Brother Su Qing said, this is exactly what I want to say. Yan Song and his son tried regular means and couldn't get it, so they will definitely try abnormal means. After Brother Zhongfang's impeachment memorial was submitted to Xiyuan, it is estimated, not estimated , I am almost certain that the first thing waiting for Senior Brother Zhongfang must be jail. The previous adults who impeached Yan Song and his son, without exception, were all thrown into prison immediately, not to mention Senior Brother Zhongfang’s memorial to impeach Yan Song. In addition to "ask the two kings", there are also some things that will make the Holy Emperor unhappy. The strict party will definitely not let it go, so I am afraid that Senior Brother Zhongfang will inevitably be imprisoned." Zhu Pingan nodded, and then said bitterly He spoke.

Sigh. Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart, regretting that he failed to persuade Senior Brother Zhongfang in the morning.

Gao Gong and Xu Jie nodded, agreeing with Zhu Pingan's prediction.

"If Senior Brother Zhongfang is imprisoned, he will fall into the hands of Lord Lu Binglu, the Commander of the Jinyi Guards. First, the Jinyi Guards have the responsibility of supervising all officials, and Lord Lu, the Commander of the Jinyi Guards, has been directing Xiyuan since this year. If there is an arrest in Xiyuan, it will first fall on Mr. Lu; secondly, the imperial prison of Fusi in the capital city will be under the control of Jinyiwei; thirdly, the power of Jinyiwei is booming in the hands of Mr. Lu, and the power of Wei has surpassed the power of the factory. Dongchang also bowed his head. Even if Dongchang arrests them, Master Lu will make the decision. Therefore, to a certain extent, the fate of His Royal Highness Prince Yu and Senior Brother Zhongfang is in Master Lu’s hands."

Zhu Ping'an said while looking up at Xu Jie and Gao Gong, "So, if Yan Song and his son want to drag His Royal Highness into the water, they must rely on the power of Lord Lu Binglu, the commander of Jinyi Guards."


A sudden enlightenment!

Gao Gong's eyes suddenly opened wide, as if a bolt of lightning flashed through his mind, splitting the dark night.

Although Xu Jie had vaguely guessed it after Zhu Pingan's reminder from another angle, when he heard Zhu Pingan say it himself, he couldn't help but nodded repeatedly and looked at Zhu Pingan with approval. What an surprise his disciple had brought to him. There are so many surprises.

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