Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1017 Determined Plan

"What you say makes sense."

Hearing this, Gao Gong was enlightened and suddenly enlightened. He left the table excitedly and walked back and forth in the study. "According to the current situation, Zhongfang is bound to be imprisoned. Then Yan Song and his son want to do something." If we lead the trouble to His Royal Highness Prince Yu, we will definitely not be able to avoid Mr. Lu Binglu."

Speaking of this, Gao Gong's head couldn't help but click, he raised his head suddenly and turned his eyes to Xu Jie, and said earnestly and anxiously: "Brother Xu, we have to win over Mr. Lu before Yan Song and his son."

Before Xu Jie had time to speak, Gao Gong shook his head in denial again, "It's inappropriate, it's inappropriate."

"Brother Suqing, what's wrong?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Zi Hou, Brother Xu, Lu Bing and Yan Song have an irreconcilable relationship. They are tied together. How can we compete with Yan Song and his son? Yan Song and Lu Bing are in-laws. Last year, Yan Song replaced Yan Shifan's second son, his Grandson Yan Shaoting begged Lu Bing's daughter to marry him. In addition, to be blunt, the two were firmly tied together because of the case of Mr. Xia Yan and Xia Ge," Gao Gong sighed.

Hearing this, Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Oh? What did Zihou say?" Gao Gong's eyes lit up again when he saw this.

"I dare to ask Brother Suqing, does Lu Bing have a good relationship with Yan Song and his son, or with the Holy One?" Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly and asked softly.

"Of course it is the Holy One. When it comes to loyalty to the Holy One, no one can compare to Mr. Lu." Gao Gong blurted out, and then an inspiration flashed through his mind, causing a wave of waves in his mind.

Indeed, Lu Bing had been playmates with Emperor Jiajing since childhood. Lu Bing's mother was Emperor Jiajing's wet nurse. The two grew up feeding on the same milk. This relationship was much closer than that of Yan Song. In addition, in the 18th year of Jiajing's reign, a fire broke out in the palace during Emperor Jiajing's southern tour. All the ministers, guards and eunuchs ran away. Only Lu Bing risked his life and rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire to carry Emperor Jiajing away. Therefore, in terms of relationship, how can Yan Song be compared with Emperor Jiajing?

"Exactly. That's why I think we have great hope to win over Mr. Lu. At that time, we only need to inform Mr. Lu of our interests and let him know clearly that if this impeachment involves King Yu and King Jing, what will happen to Mr. Lu? It would be serious, and it would endanger the country, the country, and the country. Moreover, if Mr. Lu intervenes, it will be involved in the dispute between the Holy Emperor and the prince. I think with Mr. Lu's loyalty to the Holy One and his intelligence, he will definitely think twice before doing so. Okay." Zhu Pingan said slowly.

"It makes sense." Hearing this, Gao Gong couldn't help but excitedly punched the palm of his hand and nodded repeatedly. Zhu Ping'an is right. When it comes to our relationship with Lu Bing, we can't compare to Yan Song, but Yan Song can't compare to the Holy One. As long as we approach Lu Bingxiao from the perspective of the Holy One, there is still hope this time.

Then, Gao Gong raised his head and looked at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie nodded, understanding Gao Gong's eyes, and stood up and said, "Without further delay, I will visit Lu Bing right now and inform him of my interests. It is estimated that Yan Shifan will leave soon."

"Thank you, Brother Xu."

Gao Gong looked grateful and bowed to the end.

"Thank you for your hard work, teacher." Zhu Ping'an maintained his formation, and along with Gao Gong, he also bowed to his master Xu Jie Zhang to the end.

"Suqing, Zihou, please get up quickly. I'm going to visit Lu Bing. I hope Lu Bing will take care of me and give Zhongfang a favor. Zhongfang, I'm so ashamed to be a teacher. ah."

Xu Jie helped Gao Gong and Zhu Pingan up, thinking of Yang Jisheng, and couldn't help but sigh. Although he knew in his heart that even if he said hello this time, Lu Bing probably wouldn't be able to protect Yang Jisheng, he still wanted to give it a try.

After saying that, Xu Jie got up and went out to visit Lu Bing. Zhu Ping'an and Gao Gong went out with Xu Jie. Xu Jie went out, and naturally it was difficult for the two of them to stay in the Xu Mansion. Moreover, they had to return to Prince Yu's Mansion to report to Prince Yu about their visit to Xu Jie.

On the way out, Zhu Ping'an thought for a moment and asked Xu Jie for advice, "Teacher, after visiting Master Lu, would it be better to visit Mr. Yange again?"

"Visiting Yan Song?" Gao Gong looked puzzled.

Gao Gong thought that they had just analyzed it in the study, and it was useless to persuade Yan Song. Emperor Jiajing didn't believe in his son, but Yan Song believed in his son Yan Shifan. Yan Shifan wanted to drag King Yu into trouble, and we outsiders tried to persuade Yan Song not to drag King Yu into trouble. Who do you think Yan Song listened to? ! He must have heard it from his son Yan Shifan. Since it's useless to persuade Yan Song, why bother to visit Yan Song again? It's not a useless effort.

"Oh, Zihou, what do you think?" Xu Jie asked as he walked.

"Teacher, Brother Suqing, this is what I think. Mr. Yan Ge is over seventy and very old. The older a person is, the more conservative his thinking will be, and the more willing he is to seek stability psychologically and be unwilling to take risks, especially when he is older. Risk; unlike Yan Shifan, Mr. Yan Ge is young, energetic, ambitious, daring to take risks, and seeks wealth through danger." Zhu Pingan explained softly.

Xu Jie's heart moved, "Zihou, what do you mean?"

"I'm wondering if we can use Yan Song's conservative mentality of seeking stability and unwillingness to take risks as an opportunity to dispel the idea of ​​His Royal Highness Prince Yan Ge Lao La Yu entering the water." Zhu Pingan replied softly, "Only Prince Yu and Prince Jing Two princes, if Father Yan Ge and his son really drag His Highness Prince Yu into the water, is it possible that the Holy One, thinking of the family ties and the country, will only blame the left and right court officials in the end, instead of His Highness Prince Yu?"

Focusing on Yan Song's conservative mentality of seeking stability and not taking risks, Zhu Ping'an put forward this idea. In fact, he also proposed an idea to persuade Yan Song, that is: the emperor only has two sons, will he really accuse the prince for the impeachment of Yang Jisheng? ? In the end, it is very likely that in the end, it will be only the left and right court officials who will be questioned by the Holy Emperor, not King Yu. So, Yan Song, is it necessary for you to openly enmity with King Yu over this matter? He also offended a large number of courtiers in vain. Do you need to take this risk?

Then, Zhu Ping'an cited two more examples to support his idea, "During the Spring and Autumn Period, during Shang Yang's reform, the Crown Prince Ying Si once violated the prohibition. According to Shang Jun's law, the Crown Prince Ying Si should be punished by Mo Xing for his crimes. What was the final result? Although Qin Xiaogong said that the implementation of the rule of law must start with the prince, in the end he still used the reason that the prince could not be punished by Mo Xing. In the end, Mo Xing punished his master and the matter was over. Also, Cao Cao cut off his hair as the first official. They are all typical examples.”

"So, even if Mr. Yange and his son catch the 'Or Questioning Two Kings' and continue to pursue them blindly, they will not get much benefit, because in the end it will probably just be the result of questioning the left and right court officials. On the contrary, they will still get it because of this. He made enemies of the two kings head-on for no reason and offended a future emperor. In this way, the gains outweigh the losses," Zhu Ping'an concluded.

After hearing this, Gao Gong couldn't help but nodded repeatedly, "Well, it would be interesting to persuade the old man from this angle."

Xu Jie also nodded, glanced at Zhu Ping'an, and said with approval, "Young people's heads turn quickly, and Zi Hou did a good job on this point. However, it won't work today. Mr. Yan Ge is very angry now. If I mention it now, The effect is not ideal, and it may add fuel to the fire. It would be best to wait until tonight, when Mr. Yan Ge has had a good sleep and is over his anger, before trying to persuade him."

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he couldn't help but nodded. This was indeed the truth, so he raised his hands to Xu Jie and said, "What the teacher said is true. Pingan didn't expect this."

Xu Jie smiled slightly and said, "Zihou, you are already very good."

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